The Importance Of Effective Sales And E-Marketing Strategies For The Hotel Industry
The significance of remote control room services and mobile apps for promoting hotels
Tourism is travel for relaxation, amusing and business purpose in human life tourism is a known affair. It also supports social and economic growth as it is one of the growing industries in the world. This introduction is about spending everyday life in the digital world and this focuses on the hotel industry; The Montreal is one of the luxuries hotels in Christchurch. Montreal is vibrant in nature. And the most vibrant and attraction point is the large remote control rooms with kitchenette and balcony at hotel Montreal. Here, in this report, Montreal provides their two important products that are the remote control room service and mobile apps for customers ease. It uses various tactics to drive its effective remote control and mobile apps practices; it also uses many electronic marketing techniques to influence lots of potential customers or tourists (Wang, 2012). For influencing tourists and increasing awareness about sustainable tourism product Montreal provides online services, promotes public campaigns, it helps in developing a healthy environment and culture by playing an important role towards its strategic planning and setting an idea for its growth and success.
Responsibilities of a public relation team are to perform specific duties to promote brand and awareness about the hotel and its unique and beneficial luxury services of their remote control rooms and to promote their mobile apps (Linton, 2016). Increasing market shares and coordinating and assisting media with the required information and the planning for the proper media coverage are also comes under the responsibilities of a public relation team. To support the business goals, execute marketing activities and annual public relations at the hotel are the primary responsibilities (Insights, 2015). Public perception is an important part to run especially a hotel business successfully. There are also some points that cover the responsibilities of public relation:
- To the sustainable clients offering the travel tips along with great lifestyle and the room services.
- Identifying the problem areas for the customers for using the remote control rooms and their mobile apps.
- Changing mind of the public about the hotel for any negative perception or thought and opinion that they could have held.
- Coordination between the people such as vendor, media, employees and the important customers who all are involved in running the hotel business successfully.
Sales are an important function of any organization, where the skills of effective sales management help in improving social and economic factors. It helps in operational activities to get the customer in successfully. It also influences customers by doing their creative and effective activities. Responsibilities of a sales team include many activities for the effective results in the end.
Technology improves efficiency as well as the end results by boosting revenues at the hotel industry. Connecting to the internet and technology 24*7 is became a trend in this 21st century. It also helps in providing the success by impacting on the major parts at the hotel to get the things done in a minimum time and it also provides different hats on the specific moments at the hotel to handle the problems as well as celebrate the moment.
Various techniques and methods of e-marketing
To run a business successfully using effective sales strategies are the most important part of the business. For meeting the targets and the population of their local destination it is important to implement a marketing campaign and sales strategies to get the best results. There should be a brand message to communicate to the customers and the local people to get influenced for enjoying the technology based self-service where they don’t need to move from one place to another to turn on the light or turning it off, everything will be in their hands. Easy to manage and effective to make people lazy and using their all-time for relaxation. It also helps in maintaining the competitive advantages in the market. There are some strategies that Montreal implements at the hotel to drive the sales management successfully.
This includes the investments in online hotel and rooms booking sales system that syncs with the property and the existing website system. This helps in promoting the web based mobile apps that people use for promoting their hotels and by providing services in one step or one click.
There are many people who travel very often, in this case, they become the most awaited customers for the hotel or regular one. By using the guest reward sales strategy hotel can show values towards their clients or guests who stay frequently. This will help in generating the repeat bookings, which every hotel operators look for (SiteMinder, 2017).
With the unique remote control room services, the hotel can use this sales strategy to increase the number of rooms for booking in a particular year at any point in time. Revenue management strategy includes the deduction in the cost of room rates during the low season, for an increase in the bookings. And the peak time hotel operators use the opposite strategy, they increase the value of rooms which is a good profit for them, people are willing to even a high rate for getting a room. Especially when they get remote control room services, this influences customers to visit the hotel again (SiteMinder, 2017).
Effective sales management has many other responsibilities that they need to cover under few points that are:
- This can include the SWOT analysis that stands for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of the organization that covers most of the core points and also considered as the soft metrics of the organization. This helps in understanding the proper structure of the team and to allocate tasks accordingly (Social Tables, 2018).
- Be updated on social media channels to keep get a competitive advantage in the market. Also to get the feedback from the customers for providing better results Tsai, Tsang, & Cheng, 2012).
- Taking advantages of seasonal festivals and local events by providing beneficial deals.
- Trained and make employees or people in work updated with the proper information about the hotel those are in direct access to the customers.
- Providing best and beneficial hotel services to the regular customer for long-term visibility and exciting offers for new customers.
- Retain the current customers by organizing the loyalty programs, by adding special perks. And this can communicate via mail campaigns or social media advertising as it is easier than attainting new customers (SiteMinder, 2018).
Technology makes a man life easier. E-marketing is a modern technology to search the information via internet and mobile. The importance of e-marketing has increased with the increased number of internet users (Sotiriadis & Van Zyl, 2013). For the hotel industry, it plays an important role to be updated and competitive in the tourism market. Using ICT (information and communication technology) now becomes a need of hotel industry (Theobald, 2012). To target their goals and promoting products as their rooms the hotel Montreal applies some techniques and methods of e-marketing that are:
The importance of SEO in hotel website optimization
The most crucial strategies or the techniques for the hotel industry or the hospitality marketing involve ensuring the visibility of the search engines of the hotel’s website. This is a process called SEO (search engine optimize). Which helps in improving the hotel’s website as a more likely and shown up on someone’s searching for the ‘book a hotel’ in the related city (Web FX. 2018).
For promoting their unique product services creating social media channels is the most recommended for any hotel. Montreal also creates the pages on social media channels to attract their customers, fans, and followers. But improper details and not to be updated on those channels can lead to fewer followers that the number of people they expected (Theobald, 2012).
Nowadays, mobile advertising is increasing quickly since the mobile device has improved screen resolution wise due to connectivity speed. Also, mobile devices are easily available with every individual, and people use to take most of the information via this handy device, for efficient and effective advertising plan for the mobile devices people use it as a product of mobile apps and as a technique for hotel promotions (Moutinho, 2011).
Mobile apps help in providing the proper information about the hotel and its services. Having a Google maps listing to get the positive reviews for the hotel is very important. And it should be under controlled by the trained engineers (Moutinho, 2011).
High-quality commercial photographs
By using an effective mobile app product the hotel uses for their first impression for the customers by uploading or showing photographs of hotel rooms and ambiance, which attracts them to visit the hotel especially when they see a unique remote controlled room (Theobald, 2012).
In the conclusion of the above the text, travel and tourism play an important role at the hotel industries. The advertising and the marketing switching from the tradition or manually to the online is the biggest advantage for the hotel industry. Most of the people are now in a habit of using technology based services where it is at hotel or their individual’s life. Remote control rooms are the considerable services for customers, and they want to enjoy it especially when they are on a vacation. And mobile apps help in promoting this service by providing the detailed inform ation to customers. Organizing the events at the peak time or at the festive season helps in getting the competitive advantages also it attracts the customer’s attention. Use of internet marketing and online booking has considerably increased, it is beneficial for the hotel industry and as well as for the customers.
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Linton, N. (2016). The Importance of Public Relations for Hotels. Retrieved from:
Moutinho, L. (2011). Strategic management in tourism 2nd ed. London: Cabi.
SiteMinder. (2017). Essential strategies to increase your hotel room sales. Retrieved from:
SiteMinder. (2018). How to successfully manage a hotel. Retrieved from:
Social Tables. (2018). 7 Hospitality Sales Tips to Conquer Your Revenue Goals. Retrieved from:
Sotiriadis, M. D., & Van Zyl, C. (2013). Electronic word-of-mouth and online reviews in tourism services: the use of twitter by tourists. Electronic Commerce Research, 13(1), 103-124.
Theobald, W. F. (2012). Global tourism 3rd ed. London: Routledge.
Tsai, H., Tsang, N. K., & Cheng, S. K. (2012). Hotel employees’ perceptions on corporate social responsibility: The case of Hong Kong. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 31(4), 1143-1154.
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