The Importance Of Brand Identity For Businesses

Challenges Faced by Migrants in UAE

Discuss About The Advertising Is An Antecedent Of Engagement.

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The volume of competition has gone up in running business globally. For this reason, every company or business wants to be identified by the brand. On the other, consumers have various reasons for settling on different brands. In this case, a brand is very much important to the business as a sign of identity and connection with the consumers. Since consumers want nothing other than comfort, joy, and satisfaction in their lives from the business or producers, it therefore means that the producer or manufacturer must produce that which meets the needs of the customers. A brand must constantly deliver affirmative experience to give consumers peace of mind. Coca-Cola and Addidas have been in the productions industry for decades and has remained firm for all these years. Personally, Coca-Cola and Addidas have always remained unique in the market, delivering quality beverages and apparels as well.

Similarly, these two brands help saves time for decision making. These are long-term players and are known for their quality production that has made them survive the market with the stiff completion from other players. On the other hand, both Addidas and Coca-Cola have the consumers’ knowledge and produce exactly what is needed. They have a thorough understanding of the demographics of the market, the interest of the consumers, and how the targets communicate. These products are easily available and one does not need to travel long distance to get one, Coca-Cola and Addidas strategy is just awesome and these two products will remain to be the favorites among many consumers. 

Are you a migrant in this country? If yes, share your experience about the change you faced when you arrived here and if not share your experience about travelling a different country.

Yes, I am a migrant in this country. First and foremost, the most challenging issue was the language. United Arab Emirates is not a multilingual nation. Majority speaks Arabic and getting the right words from the people I interacted was a problem. The dialect and the accent was completely different since I am only perfect in English. In this case, making friends became difficult; getting a job also became difficult due to language barrier. The employers were unable to get my English or what I speak. It took me time to learn some few basic words and adopt the way of life that the locals live. In most cases, I used gestures to communicate but later things changed. Another challenge was adapting to new life especially in school, unfamiliar culture. Just like any other migrant in any nation, getting used to new culture takes time. Since I had intentions of continuing with education, school life was a bit difficult to adapt since most of the subject were being taught in Arabic except some few international schools that were more expensive. In this case I had to drop my desire for continuing with my education.

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Sales Promotion Techniques

As always, any parent will always feel disappointed to see his or her child struggle to keep up learning in classrooms. Therefore, any learner should be placed by the ability to learn or communicate (Tracey & Unger, 2012,). Unfortunately, this did not happen in my case this making it impossible to keep up. Apart from that, getting a job is also a major challenge that I faced. Employment is one of the most things when one is a foreign land; however, if one doesn’t have a job, life becomes miserable.

Since UAE is flocked with unskilled and semi-skilled workers due to its economic boom, these crops of unskilled and semi-skilled are offered low wages that makes it difficult for persons with high qualifications to get employed (Bauer, 2015, p. 13).

“Buy one get one free” is an example of one of the techniques of Sales Promotion. You might have observed such techniques used by different companies while visiting Mall or Supermarket, elaborate any such five techniques observed by you.

There are different type of promotion such as marketing, individual selling, sales advertising, and exposure. Promotion is a marketing method that is used by retailers or manufacturers to lure or entice consumers to buy a product. Promotion is only seasonal and last for a specific duration to accomplish specific purpose, for instance, increasing market share or introducing new product to the market (Gavilanes et al., 2018, p. 24). In this case, the company will apply several numbers of promotions. Based on the malls and shops I have visited, I have observed the following

  1. Sampling: this a method applied when there is a new product being introduced to the consumers. The method enables the consumer have an opportunity to view how good they love or like the product or not. This method is always applied by media companies introducing new newspaper in the market and it is done through radio and other means deemed fit to get to the consumers.
  2. Free Trial: As the name suggest, this is away for customer to try newly introduced product while doing away with risk. It is normally used on unique products to eliminate doubt from consumers. In most cases, the consumer is given a minimum time to try the product, for example, a TV manufacturing company may give the consumer a 30 day trial period and when there is any error experienced, the customer can return the product.
  • Free Gifts: This is a form of enticement that makes the consumer purchase the item by including the bonus together with the item. In most cases, the gifts are always placed in areas where they are easily identified by the consumers for attraction. The method may also take the form of a prize inside the package. For instance, a regional food business could place gift cards inside unsystematic packages of its products.
  1. Contests: this method provides the customer with an opportunity to win prizes such as merchandizes or cash. For instance, an electronic merchant could hold a karaoke competition at its store, whereas contracting local celebrities as adjudicators. The winner in the challenge takes a prize such as a piece of equipment or system. This method requires creativity to boost the product sale in the market (Research and Markets, n.d).
  2. Special Pricing: this is used in lowering the price for a short period to boost sale volume. For instance, during cold and rainy season, Coca-Cola will always reduce the price to encourage consumers to buy.

Your brother marriage ceremony is going to be held in the month of June, 2018 in Dubai and you have to invite your teacher in the marriage ceremony who resides in Australia by making a call to him. Write a telephonic conversation for the purpose between you and the teacher.

Me: Hello, Teacher. How are you?

Teacher: Hey, Kings! I’m well thank you. How about you?

Me: I couldn’t be better. My brother is having a marriage ceremony party this weekend and would love for you to come if you can make it.

Teacher: That would be great! Where will it be held?

Me: It will be help in Jade’s Restaurant Abu Dhabi, by 10 am you need to be here.

 Teacher: That sounds good! Then I need to process my travelling documents ASAP. Do you want me to bring anything?

Inviting a Teacher to a Wedding

Me: No, a must, we have made everything plenty sir, but you can carry any present you fel is good for them.

Teacher: Is there a particular dress code?

Me: No, it’s just put on any clothe of your choice.

Teacher: I can’t wait! How many people are you expecting?

Me: Probably around 50 including yourself.

Teacher: Okay great! I will see you on Saturday! I hope you’ll pick from the Airport

Me: Lovely. Thanks, See you then.


“A good leader is always a great influencer for his followers”, in reference to the statement identify, what can be the different qualities in a leader. Give one example of such a leader and mention his contribution to the society or the country.

Leadership is defined in different ways depending on how an individual understands and takes it. In simple terms, a leader is an individual who knows and understands the way to go and shows the others the same way he is following (Antonakis et al., 2017). Regardless of how a leader is being defined, there are qualities that one has to possess to be called a leader. An excellent leader has a revolutionary dream and knows how to change his ideas into real-world achievement. A good leader must possess the following

  1. Honesty and reliability
  2. Self-assurance
  3. Encourage others
  4. Obligation and passion
  5. Must have a decision-making capability
  6. Empowerment
  7. Resourcefulness and innovation
  8. Understanding

To become a good leader, one has to have all these qualities but if any of these lacks, an individual might struggle to be relevant in leadership (Nevicka et al., 2018). One of the few people with these qualities was the Late Nelson Mandela from South Africa. He inspired many and lead by example that leadership is not all about clinging on to power, but doing that which helps the society, he spearheaded the respect to democracy.

In the present globalized era, the whole world has become as a local market and every country, for promoting the free flow trade, cooperating in socio-cultural exchange and maintaining the strategic relationship by forming regional cooperation & development groups internationally. What are these groups called? Identify and summarize any one of these groups in reference to their objectives, functioning and contribution to the development of the member countries.

These groups have no general term; however, they can be called international trade community. One such organization is the Organization for Economic Co-operative Development (OECD). The organization has 34 members that are brought together for the purpose of development economic and social strategy. These members are democratic nations that encourage free market economies. The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development is in very many ways called think tank or supervisory group.  Its goals include improving economic development and cooperation; eradicate poverty on its member states, and making sure that environmental effect of growth and social development is often considered (Braymen et al., 2016). Throughout the years, the group has handled several issues such as improving the conditions of living and contributing to the extension of world trade thus improving economic solidity.

Qualities of a Great Leader

UAE is a cosmopolitan country. Everyone should respect each other’s culture and no feeling of difference and racism should be developed being a good human. Write your view about this diversity in culture in UAE and how much is it important for the purpose of business?

Over passing the gap between cultures is established upon indulgent of the standpoint of each other. It is not a matter of who is right or wrong, but respecting each other in terms of beliefs and ways of life (Alunni, 2015). UAE is considered as a modern country that is accommodative as compared to other countries with the Middle East region. This is an issue that has contributed to the growth of UAE in very many ways. Diversity and respect has contributed to the favorable environment for doing business in UAE. For the purpose of business, higher productivity and sales takes place when people of different cultures come together towards solitary inspirational goal and objective.

“A good working environment, satisfactory employment conditions and desired job profile is better than high salaries”. What is your opinion about this statement? Give reasons to support your view.

We spend most our time at workplace and therefore, we need to be comfortable. This is an indication that satisfactory environment is more important since it gives an individual peace of mind. Happiness is the most important thing in human life and therefore, even if an individual gets more pay but there is no happiness, he or she will not live a healthy life. In reality, workers enjoy working in a conducive environment. An employee can have high paying job and not be satisfied since the place is boring and lacks enough stimulation. In other words, job satisfaction is what many people are looking at and later bargain for the salary. Good environment include a positive working environment for workers is the most common objective that employers should look at. A favorable condition is what an employee requires to accomplishment the target of the organization. In most cases, several employees have made concessions to get better working environment and in an employment that is enjoyable.

Express your views about the term “Ethics”. In profession, business and employment, there are numerous unethical activities in today’s world. Identify such ten activities and write your views about the possible impact of these activities in business.

In my point of view, ethics is honest ideology that directs and controls an individual’s character. It is also part of acquaintance that handles moral principles.

  1. Dumping wastes into the water supply source
  2. Releasing toxins into the atmosphere
  3. Compelling an injured employee not to report the incident to the compensation department
  4. Denying an employee a final paycheck for hours spent working
  5. Refusing to pay an employee all the dues
  6. Classifying an employee as an independent contractor
  7. Taking part in price fixing
  8. Using false advertising tactics to entice customers
  9. Rolling back the odometer on a car for the purpose of sale.

Unethical behavior can have severe negative impact on business if not checked properly. If it becomes public knowledge, the business will automatically lose its credibility. This is an indication that customer base will tremendously go down and takes time to recover; the image shall have already been damaged.


Alunni, A. (2015). Multiculturalism and Minority Rights in the Arab World. Nations & Nationalism, 21(4), 825-826. doi:10.1111/nana.12140

Antonakis, J, House, RJ, & Simonton, DK 2017, ‘Can super smart leaders suffer from too much of a good thing? The curvilinear effect of intelligence on perceived leadership behavior’, Journal of Applied Psychology, vol. 102, no. 7, pp. 1003-1021. Available from: 10.1037/apl0000221. [4 May 2018].

Bauer, K 2015, ‘Comparison of U.S. and international labor turnover statistics’, Monthly Labor Review, pp. 1-16.

Brand Is a Four Letter Word: Positioning and the Real Art of Marketing’. (2012). Publishers Weekly, vol. 259, no. 52, p. 31.

Braymen, C, Chang, Y, & Luo, Z 2016, ‘Tax Policies, Regional Trade Agreements and Foreign Direct Investment: A Welfare Analysis’, Pacific Economic Review, vol. 21, no. 2, pp. 123-150. Available from: 10.1111/1468-0106.12077. [4 May 2018].

Gavilanes, JM, Flatten, TC, & Brettel, M. (2018). ‘Content Strategies for Digital Consumer Engagement in Social Networks: Why Advertising Is an Antecedent of Engagement’, Journal of Advertising, vol. 47, no. 1, pp. 4-23. Available from: 10.1080/00913367.2017.1405751. [4 May 2018].

Nevicka, B, Van Vianen, AM, De Hoogh, AB, & Voorn, BM 2018, ‘Narcissistic leaders: An asset or a liability? Leader visibility, follower responses, and group-level absenteeism’, Journal of Applied Psychology. Available from: 10.1037/apl0000298. [4 May 2018].

Research and, M 0009, ‘Research and Markets: ‘The Financial Services Marketing Handbook. Tactics and Techniques That Produce Results’ Has Become an Industry-Standard Reference Book’, Business Wire (English).

Tracey, M, & Unger, K 2012, ‘A design-based research case study documenting a constructivist ID process and instructional solution for a cross-cultural workforce’, Instructional Science, vol. 40, no. 3, pp. 461-476. Available from: 10.1007/s11251-011-9184-3. [4 May 2018].

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