The Impact Of Social Networking Platforms In Enabling Effective Communication And Human Resource Management
Social media platform allow people to interact and communicate within the network system. They enable the users share information, develop relationships and create some contacts among individuals of different ages, social classes and professionals. The social media is a complement of the already existing offline relationships. They provide a social and technical infrastructure for interaction and communication through the use of messages, wall posts and comments. Very little has been done on social media since previously many of the studies dominantly focused on particular media. Social networking platforms have a vast mechanism in which they help to develop value in an institution. The impact of social networking platforms is great therefore the benefits can be quantified to the nature of a job (Goyal, 2012).
Market competition is increasing daily with the drastically changing business environment. There is a need for the managers to adjust and adapt proficient methods to gain advantage over competitors as well as enhance the performance of the organization. In many organizations there is lack of interest in using social networking platforms and many consider it as the last option in their human resource strategies. In most cases employers in many organizations focus on service delivery. Therefore, if organization’s social media platforms such as Facebook, websites, Instagram and twitter accounts are not properly structured and no frequent update is made to attract and motivate the employees (Lehtimäki, 2016). . This kind of attitude and perception has contributed loss of opportunities for many organizations.
Some recent studies have revealed it is quite essential to use social media in a better structured and professional manner to develop their strategies to attract more competent work force and also meet their different needs. The impact of social media in human resource has demonstrated some potential if utilized in the right manner. Marketing via social media is a procedure that allows an individual to endorse and promote services and products through online channels to reach a large number of people in the community (Golbeck, 2013). . Social media is a good platform that facilitates the employers to share information with their employees about the services and products of that particular organization. Using platforms social media to reach the emplyees provides a platform for honest communication where they can give their ideas and demands to help one continue improving hence outdoing the competitor. In the modern world people are more informed and knowledgeable hence making it much important for the organizations to be available and approachable to get the views of the employees. Managers must realize the importance of using social media platforms to influence more customers and competent employees into their businesses. Social media is one of the most influential tools of communication between the employers and the employees. It helps the organizations top management to keep in touch with all the employees. the influence of social media within an organization is so high and if utilized effectively the company can maintain and attract competent employees to work for them (Guo, Pathak, & Cheng, 2015) .
Micro blogging
Social media sites offer a good platform for the organization’s different professionals to debate on various policies, promote professional ethics and share any other necessary information. Workers and employers in an organization can use social media to improve the quality of services, increase personal awareness and create a health professional network (Brake, 2014).
Often, employees in an organization may use social media platforms to consult colleagues on issues regarding different matters within an organization, get updates on the recent industry development as well as get some information that may help them professionally. The platforms such as Facebook and twitter can be utilized by the employers to discuss new ideas and other challenges in an organization with the employees. People in social media tend to be more honest and free to speak out their concerns and give their genuine opinion on different matters which makes it a better place to engage them.
Micro blogs provide a more concise and dynamic form of exchanging information through social media. They allow individuals to write and post a number of brief and precise messages within a short period of time. One of the most popular micro blogging platforms is twitter. The users may publish their messages using “hashtags” which allow people to easily access messages related to a certain topic or group. For some time now, twitter has been used during seminars and conference to get comments from the audience. In most cases, twitter has proven to be a suitable method of communicating urgent matters to a large number of people within a very short period as long as they have a mobile phone. Proper utilization of twitter different organizations leads to enhanced employee and employer communication, saving of resources and improved relations among the employees. Twitter is also known for saving time and opportunities by preventing unnecessary meetings and office visits. Organizational news, promotions and other information in an organization can be shared through twitter therefore enhancing communication among different departments. Twitter has also been proven to be quite useful during crises and emergencies hence essential in every organization (Carim, & Warwick, 2013).
Professional networking
Many employees in an organization may participate online either for personal or professional benefits. The social media platforms used by professionals in a company in most cases targets the colleagues. Such professional networking platforms are often accessible to individuals in a specific profession or department. Apart from the business discussions, social media can be utilized by various organization to address the challenges faced by the workers, suggest different strategies of approaching matters as well welfare of all the workers within an institution. The platforms if well explored can be of great help in engineering a good and better way of communication between the employees and employers (Perrin, 2015) .
Social media gives the employees and employers an opportunity to discuss related issues freely. In many organizations such discussions have proven to increase productivity either at the department level or organizational level depending on where it is utilized. Effective communication through social media leads to workers increasing their productivity. Social networking sites like twitter Plaxo , and facebook enable employers to get new knowledge and ideas from employees. Social site are powerful tools to connect people with common goals and interests. This media helps the employers to bring together the employees in order to increase and ease productivity through transfer of the necessary knowledge to all members of staff in an organization (Gulyas, 2013).
Professional networking
Social media is a terrific avenue in which the accomplishments of the employees can be recognized both externally and internally. An organization can give recognition to the outstanding employees through the social media. Such recognition gives room for the staff members to interact and build cohesiveness in an organization. Workers are able to congratulate each other as they keep updated on the organizations current events. The kind of interaction facilitated by the social media within an organization plays a big role in improving the morale of all the staff members. When the employers are in touch with their employees through the social media, communication becomes easy and therefore many are motivated to do more to increase the productivity of a company (Munar, & Jacobsen 2014).
Platforms such as Facebook and Linkedlin enable employers develop a two-way dialogue through chat rooms which allow instant messages. They help in creating a good perception for the workers to coordinate and work together with the employers. Further, using social networks for communication makes the employees to appreciate the connection hence focus much on improving their performance. Employers use Twitter and linkedln networks to achieve organizations and business connections with their employees. Social networks allow employers to understand the weaknesses and strengths of the employees. Communication through networking sites gives room for business continuity and quick effective reaction in case of an emergency. This is because of their ability to simultaneously connect a number of people. Employers in many organizations are embracing the use of networking site to communicate with their staffs when need be especially during emergencies. This makes it easier for the employees to adequately and effectively deal with any tragedy in an organization (Malthouse, et al 2013).
Frequent and good communication between the employees and employers allow all parties to participate in initiating and facilitating a better performance in an organization. The simple reason for such a move is that communication through social networking site allows all members including the subordinate staff in an organization to develop together as a team. It is important to always note that majority of the staff members in many organizations are the young people who are much attracted by the social networks and are determined to use them in their work places. Employers should therefore consider using social networks when communicating with young people in order to get a good percentage of them engaged in what the organization intends to do and achieve in the near future( Sigala, & Chalkiti, 2015).. Having majority of the staff members in many organizations as youth has made the use of social media a prerequisite of getting most of the things done in the right manner. Many organizations are slowly adopting social media sites as the convenient means of communication. A number of these sites have advanced from just being socializing platforms to working platforms. A significant number of organizations around the globe have come up with policies to assist them effectively and efficiently use social media sites such as Linkendln, Facebook, Twitter, MySpace and Plaxo to communicate with their employees. These networks allow the employees to have some sense of belonging to the organization hence inspiring them to work hard to better their service delivery (Criado, & Villodre,2018)
Employee recognition
While it is important to embrace the use of social media, organizations must provide their employees with well stipulated guidelines on what kind of information to share in social networks platforms. Both the employers and employees should be careful not to violate the ethical provisions of the organization (Wickramasinghe & Nisaf 2013).. Employers should ensure that whatever is posted in their social media accounts is professional and affects the operations of the organization in one way or the other. This should aim at avoiding personal expressions of social, political or viewpoint which may lead to argumentative behaviors. Often, social media platforms are used to express complaints and reviews about an organization therefore subject to both negative and positive comments. Like in any other business, employers in various organizations must be ready to manage the complaints and suggestions from the employees. Continuous employee complaints about the organization about matters which are not addressed may jeopardize the relationship between the employers and employees (Ivana, G. I. 2018). This may be detrimental to the organization due to the in appropriate attributes created to the employees and eventually these attributes become the reflection of institution
Employers and employees communication within an organization is something that should not be ignored. The impact of social media to the society and how the networking platforms have transformed management and communication in the business world should also be given close attention. Proper use of social media in an organization can have very important implications in improving productivity. On the hand, using social media inappropriately can complicate the efforts made by the organization to develop a good relationship and communication between the employers and the employees. Organizational policies on usage of social media must continue evolving to keep in line with the fast growing internet and technological advancement. For any success and improvement, managers must navigate the ups and downs that come with social network platforms. Employees have to feel happy and comfortable communicating with their seniors has they enjoy professional and personal benefits of social media.
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