The Impact Of Social Media On Social Interactions: Sociological Perspectives
The Importance of Society and Social Interaction
The connection among the individual and society is very close. The term society depicts the customs, the regulatory and the rules of the ground regarding the antihuman behavior. This systematic study of society and social interaction is an essential condition for the human life to continue and arise (Finsterbusch, 2012). There has been an increasing rate of the use of the platform of social media in the recent years. The access of the internet and the platform of the social media have grown enormously resulting in easy access for the users.
According to the sociological perspectives and the research studies by sociologists, society is the community of the nature and its very existence lies to serve the individuals in the society. The essay argues on whether the social media or the platform of social networking is influencing towards the reduction of the amount of the social interactions among the users.
According to some of the recent studies, the websites of the social networking is generally used as the substitute for face to face interactions that furthermore result in the decoration of the quality of the relationship and the decreasing rate of intimacy among the users. The author in the study hypothesized the category of the communication which was rather an extension with the face to face partners (Murray, Linden & Kendall, 2011). In the context of the effects of the use of social media on the rate of the social interaction one of the notable theory for discussion is the interaction theory. The theorists have initiated a delineation of a close and intimate association in the friendship relation among the closeness, affection, values and interactions.
The implications of the social media context for the theories are different and vary from that of the past researches. The empirical findings and the theories that are developed in the non digital context are modified and significantly reflect the uniqueness of the omnibus context in the domain of social media (Finsterbusch, 2012). In the perspective of the topic of the effects of social media on the interactions it can be highlighted that the unique context of the social media has three of the road implication which are changes in the meaning of the phenomenon, context and the processes in the social media, the direct effects on the magnitude of the relationships and the interactive effects on the direction of the relationship.
The three particular theories that are highly relevant to the context of social media are the social network theory, the social contagion theory and the social exchange theory. Introduced by Jacob Moreno, the social network theory depicts the illustration of the interpersonal relationships and the study of the people and the organization towards their effective interactions and communications with each other (Murray, Linden & Kendall, 2011). On the other hand, the sociological perspectives and the social psychological illustrates the social change and the context of stability as the procedure of negotiated exchange among the parties. Formulated by the sociologist George Homans, the theory summarizes the three propositions that includes success, stimulus and proposition of deprivation-satiation.
The Effect of Social Media on Social Interactions
In the research study by the theorists and the authors in the domain of social media and its impact on social interactions, the study examined the impacts of the use of the internet and the social media on the psychological health and well being , the maintenance of personal relations, the information and the social identity together with the involvement in the community (Webber & Bezanson, 2012). Studies furthermore revealed how the use of social media results in negative outcomes for the individual users and the increase in the loneliness, anger and the negligence towards personal relations.
The technology has tended to increase the variety in the number of relations individuals engage in the variety of the relations and the intensity towards engagement. According to the social psychologist Kenneth Gergen, the new technologies help to make it possible for the sustainment of the relationship with the range of the other expansion. The theories furthermore depicts the alteration of the magnitude in the self containment of the seldom. The communication theorist and the media critic Neil Postman reveled how the adults apart from the teenager group are taking part in the technological Diaspora for returning to the imagined community of the youth generation that are generally created by the media privileging of the youth culture (Murray, Linden & Kendall, 2011).
With the appreciation of the wonders made by the technology, though there lies some of the good reasons to move towards the changes, the recognition of the unintended consequences of the social trends that tends to deprive the human being towards isolation with each other and the loss of the humanity is also important.
Finsterbusch (2012) in “A user’s guide to the century” illustrated the context of the enormous and the challenges in the current generation. In the chapter of the book, he furthermore illustrated the three dominant patterns that the world is characterized with. These include the rapid technological diffusion, the extensive environmental threats and the vast inequalities in the income rage among the individuals in the current decade. Webber & Bezanson (2012).
in the book “Rethinking society in the 21st century” in the chapter purchasing the Canadian teenage identity explains the formation of the teenage identity and the influence in an unconscious and conscious ways by the media and the advertising in America. The authors of the book depicted how the context of the globalization has forced towards the re examination of the relationships among the nations, national identity and the national hood has affected the adolescent nation. The technology has tended to increase the variety in the number of relations individuals engage in the variety of the relations and the intensity towards engagement.
The context of the technology has increased the number of the relationships the individual engage in and the variety of the relationships and the intensity towards the engagement. The privileging of the youth culture and its connection towards the rock and roll can be through oout summarized by the use of the social media.
Finsterbusch (2012) in the chapter “ The Atrophy of Social life” illustrated the context of the technology and isolation. The chapter of the book reveled how the modern notion of te technology encourages towards the social isolation among the teenagers and the adolescents of America.
The chaper furthermore noted the isolation due to the sir conditioning system since prior to that people tend to spend their leisure time outside while communicating with their fellows. Due to the computers and the telecommunications, there has been an increasing and growing trend for the people to work at home. The chapter of the book summarizes how the communication technology is taking away the lives and the liveliness from the teenagers and resulting the loss of the face to face interaction and social isolation. Furthermore the technology and the social media is resulting in the isolation with the families and the friends due to the lack of the outside home activities and the interactions with the fellow members.
The use of excessive social media results in social isolation and the health care process of the individuals and the adolescents of the America. There has been an increasing rate of the use of the platform of social media in the recent years. The access of the internet and the platform of the social media have grown enormously resulting in easy access for the users. In the perspective of the topic of the effects of social media on the interactions it can be highlighted that the unique context of the social media has three of the road implication which are changes.
in the meaning of the phenomenon, context and the processes in the social media, the direct effects on the magnitude of the relationships and the interactive effects on the direction of the relationship. It can thus be concluded that the use of the social media plays an essential and a very important role towards the notion of the social isolation among the adults , teenagers and the adolescents of the country.
Finsterbusch, K.(Eds.). (2012). Annual Editions: Sociology 11/12. McGraw-Hill/Dushkin.
Murray, J. L., Linden, R., & Kendall, D. E. (2011). Sociology in Our Times: The Essentials. Nelson Education.
Webber, M., & Bezanson, K. (Eds.). (2012). Rethinking society in the 21st century: Critical readings in sociology. Canadian Scholars’ Press.