The Impact Of Social Media On Consumers’ Purchasing Behaviour: A Study On Nike

Problem Statement

After evaluating statistical data of last five years, it is observed that the emergence of social media has left immense positive impact on the overall business success. Especially in the retail industry, the business experts have firmly concentrated on using social media channels while creating their brand awareness. Nike is considered as one of the most popular international brands occupying recognizable place in manufacturing and designing sports apparel. In last five years, the business experts of Nike have decided to use popularity of social media while promoting their brand identity. They have received immense positive response from the global customers.

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After occupying media channels Nike has currently captured US$ 72.07 stock price in current business scenario.  Breaking 2, one of the most ambitious campaigns initiated by Nike was introduced on the social media pages (, 2018). This particular page got 11K shares along with innumerable positive comments. After initiating their e-commerce method Nike has received 15,059,105 followers in their social media pages. Therefore, large number of researchers and practitioners has raised their serious concern on evaluating the importance of social media for influencing the consumers’ behaviour (, 2018).  

1.1 Problem statement:

As per statistical data, it is observed that around 700 million of people are the monthly viewers of Instagram pages of Nike. This particular data signifies the fact the emergence of social media is successfully able to introduce the brand in the international market. In this kind of situation, the number of target customers of Nike has immensely increased. Therefore, this particular research issue has been identified in quest of collecting effective data and information on how social media channels have left immense positive impact in order to expanding the entire business process in the global market (Abed, Dwivedi and Williams, 2015).

1.2 Research questions:

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  • What is the impact of social media networks in influencing purchasing behaviour of customers
  • What are the factors that prevents the organizations in using social media channels as a way of platform
  • What should be the major recommendation for overcoming the barriers of implementing social media channels for promoting the brands  

1.3 Research objectives:

  • To evaluate the impact of social media networks in influencing purchasing behaviour of customers
  • To critically understand the factors that prevents the organizations in using social media channels as a way of platform
  • To provide major recommendation on how to overcome the barriers of implementing social media channels for promoting the brands  

1.4 Hypothesis:

H0: Social media channels have no significant impact on consumers’ purchasing behaviour

H1: Social media channels have significant impact on consumers’ purchasing behaviour

1.5 Overview of the methodology:

The methodology part will focus to give detailed overview on how different tools of research method are effective in acquiring in-depth knowledge on the identified research issue. This very specific study will choose appropriate research philosophy, research approach and research design. While collecting data the researcher would like to use primary data collection technique for getting immediate response of the participants. As a statistical tool of data analysis, the researcher would like to choose central tendency method. With the help of central tendency method the percentage of the respondents will be presented in graphical presentation to get instant overview about the result of the research paper.    

1.6 Outline of the research plan:

This particular research plan is constituted with three important chapters. In the very introduction part, the topic of the research is identified along with evaluating the rationale of research topic. After identifying the issue the introduction part has set three major research objectives based on which the entire process of work will be conducted. The second chapter is about analyzing the research problem.

Research Questions

In this specific part, detailed literature review is conducted by incorporating the opinion of numerous eminent scholars. The third chapter is all about discussing the appropriate methodological tools that would be used for gathering data and information. The types of data collection techniques and data analysis procedure would also b evaluated in this very specific study. At the end of three chapters the study will discuss different aspects of ethical considerations along with finding out the limitation of this study.  

2. Research problem and its significance (literature review) 

The research problem that is identified in this very specific study includes the impact of social media channels in enhancing consumers’ purchasing behaviour. In quest of evaluating the study the researcher has identified three major objectives based on which research problem is evaluated from various perspectives. While evaluating the research issue several literatures of mot of the eminent scholars will be critically analyzed in this part.

Use of social media among most of the popular brands (comparative analysis)  

Brettel et al. (2015) opined that after the emergence of new media in the global business scenario, most of the organizational experts prefer to choose social media network channels. The primary target of using social media network is to introduce the brands in global sphere so that people belonging to other cultural backgrounds and attitudes can access the brand. In evaluating the history of retail market industry of last five years, it can be observed that most of the recognizable brands have achieved international image and reputation by using social media platforms.

Brinkmann (2014) commented that with the help of using innovative campaign strategies in social media pages, they have grabbed the attention of international customers. For an example, Nike has already placed prestigious and recognizable place in the realm of Facebook, Instagram, Youtube and other social media channels. In last five years, the business experts of Nike have decided to use popularity of social media while promoting their brand identity. Large number of researchers and practitioners has raised their serious concern on evaluating the importance of social media for influencing the consumers’ behaviour.  This particular brand is recognized as the second most visible brands in social media pages.


Apart from Nike, Adidas is also very popular among retail brands in front of social media customers. This particular organization has received 14,577,076 facebook followers in last year. Adidas in current market scenario is known for the most pictured brands as per global scenario after sharing 81,837 images.  


After Nike and Adidas, Puma has become recognized as third popular brands in the page of social media. Fernie and Sparks (2014) stated that the business experts associated with this organization prefers to introduce their brands in social media pages. In addition, most of the promotional campaigns organized by Puma is related to social media pages. The target customers become source of promotional tools as the share the posts and new updates on their personal pages. Therefore, the brand has already gained immense reputation and image amongst the mind of global customers.

Research Objectives

Impact of social media on consumers purchasing behaviour:

Horská (2014) stated that social media has immense positive impact in influencing consumers purchasing behaviour. As per the current business scenario, millions of people are using social media after being accustomed with the advancement of technology. People belonging to various geographical backgrounds can access social media channels and get necessary updates regarding the new agendas, their plans and services. The primary target of using social media network is to introduce the brands in global sphere so that people belonging to other cultural backgrounds and attitudes can access the brand.

It is however observed that 84% of the social media users belong to the group of 18 to 29 due to which the business experts have to be very much focused in fulfilling the needs and demands of this age group of people. It is however undeniable that the traditional media platform is effective enough in transmitting the messages amidst specific regional boundary. As a result, traditional media platform is not very effective expanding the entire process of business beyond going regional boundaries. However, social media can gain the attention of global people who belong to different geographical boundaries and attitudes.

It can easily grab the attention of people belonging to various cultural backgrounds and attitudes. Kim et al., (2015) numerous multinational companies are there which can initiate their traditional business stores as well as ecommerce stores. It has been observed that most of the service users prefer to access the services by using online service methods. However, the social media use is highly criticized by numerous eminent scholars. As per the point of views of some of the most eminent scholars, using social media is highly flexible for young generation only. Konya, Cihan and Bayrak (2017) opined that people belonging to medium age group may not be well accustomed with the advancement of technology. As a result, they are not well aware about the news brands, which are posted on social media pages.

Factors affecting in using effective social media networks:

The primary factors that highly affects in using social media networks on behalf of the business experts include technological incompetency. Horská (2014) commented that large numbers of employees are there associated with operations who are not well accustomed in operating advanced technology. In this kind of situation, the business experts have to face challenges in collecting customers’ reviews in a regular process. In addition, the customers get deprived of receiving effective feedback from the service providers. Consequently, they tend to show their reluctant attitude in using the services from organization. Social media is influencing purchasing behaviour of the customers in a true sense.

 At the same time, it is also undeniable that most of the social media viewers are from young generation. Therefore, the business experts have to face immense challenges in gaining organizational image and reputation. Jamshed (2014) stated that their numbers of target customers were becoming restricted within specific age group of people. In addition, the people are very much aware of the fact that only specific group of people cannot expand the brand in the international sphere.


Therefore, it can be concluded that social media channels have several negative roles in influencing customers’ behaviour due to which large number of business organization intends to depend on social media pages only. At the same time, Fernie and Sparks (2014) has provided different opinion by emphasizing the fact that people in general are becoming updated and advanced with the gradual flow of time. In this kind of situation, the business organizations should provide effective training on technological skills and competency so that the employees do not have to face challenges in operating advanced technology. Automatically, those organizations would not hesitate in implementing their promotional methods on social media channels and grab the attention of international customers by going beyond regional background.

After evaluating the overall research problem from eminent scholars it is however summarized that, the primary target of using social media network is to introduce the brands in global sphere so that people belonging to other cultural backgrounds and attitudes can access the brand. Large number of researchers and practitioners has raised their serious concern on evaluating the importance of social media for influencing the consumers’ behaviour. Brinkmann (2014) opined that people belonging to various geographical backgrounds can access social media channels and get necessary updates regarding the new agendas, their plans and services. As per the point of views of some of the most eminent scholars, using social media is highly flexible for young generation only.

It is also undeniable that most of the social media viewers are from young generation. Fernie and Sparks (2014) commented that the business experts have to face immense challenges in gaining organizational image and reputation. In order to overcome barrier of social media the business organizations should provide effective training on technological skills and competency so that the employees do not have to face challenges in operating advanced technology. Automatically, the customers are going to receive effective feedback within proper stipulated time.

3. Research methodology

The methodology chapter describes the systematic process of the research project. Using the appropriate research structure and relevant ideas related to the topic the researcher will introduce methods for conducting the research (Levy & Lemeshow, 2013). In this study, appropriate methodological tools will be used for evaluating collected data and information.

Research philosophy

Research philosophy is being considered as belief, depending on which the needs of the research is being developed. Nature of the research is being analysed depending on research philosophy (Novikov & Novikov, 2013).  Research philosophy can be classified into three types such as interpretivism, positivism and realism. In the other words, the research philosophy can be classified into two aspects such as epistemology and ontology. In case on ontology, the researcher develops the research depending on real situation, where in epistemology, research is being developed depending on previous knowledge (Zikmund et al. 2013). Dealing with the management and business activities, the interpretivism philosophy is needed. In order to examine the research problem, positivism is being followed. Realism is being considered as mixed approach, where positivism and interpretivism both are being followed.

Overview of the Methodology

Justification for chosen research philosophy

In order to conduct thee research, the researcher will chose positivism research philosophy. By cross-checking the research information, positivism helps to reach at the ultimate problem. Using the positive research philosophy, it will be easier for the researcher to develop the research in more critical manner. This positivism approach can help to critically analyse the topic.

Research approach

Research approach can be classified into two types such as inductive and deductive. Depending on the existing theories and models, the deductive research approach is being developed (Mary Converse, 2012). On the other hand, in case of inductive research approach, new theories and model are being developed.

Justification for chosen research approach

In this research, deductive research approach will be followed by the researcher. Depending on the existing theories and models it will be easier for the researcher to analyse the impact of social media in terms of enhancing the purchasing behaviour of the customers.

Research design

Research design is very important for defining research purpose in proper manner. There are three types of research design, such as descriptive, explanatory and exploratory research design (Coleman, 2013). Using an appropriate research design, accurate structure for the research project can be developed. Exploratory design is a long term process and in case of explanatory research design, different ideas related to the research topic are being discussed (Wahyuni, 2012). In case of descriptive research design, the entire research is being conducted with better explanation. Hence, it can be said that in the descriptive research design, can help thee researcher to achieve the research objective in detail manner.

Justification for chosen research design

In order to conduct the research, the descriptive research design will be followed by the researcher. By choosing this research design, it will be easier for the researcher to reach to the ultimate goal with details information.

4. Data gathering and data analysis methods:

Data collection

Primary and secondary are the two types of data sources. In case of primary data, the information is being collected by the researcher directly from the participants through survey and interview method. In case of primary data, the unpublished sources are being used for collecting the data (Håkansson, 2013). On the other hand, in case of secondary data, the information are being collected from the published sources. Different types of secondary data is being collected from published journals, articles and official websites. On the other hand, in case of collecting the statistical information authorized sources are being used.  

Sample size

In order to conduct the research, both the primary data sources will be used. Colleting the information from primary sources, both the interview and survey method will be followed by the researcher. Using the probability sampling technique a survey will be conducted on 100 customers of Nike and the researcher will use a questionnaire with 15 numbers of questions. On the other hand, the interview will be conducted with 3 managers of Nike.

Data analysis

There are two types of data analysis techniques such as qualitative and quantitative. In the quantitative data analysis, numerical information are being collected. On the other hand, in case of qualitative data analysis, the information are being collected in descripted manner. In order to conduct the research, both the qualitative and quantitative data analysis techniques will be followed. Using quantitative method survey will be conducted and using the qualitative method, interview will be conducted.

Outline of the Research Plan


The research methodology chapter has discussed about data collection method, data analysis techniques and research philosophies that will be used for the research (van Wyk, 2012). Using the appropriate research structure and relevant ideas related to the topic the researcher will introduce methods for conducting the research. Research philosophy can be classified into three types such as interpretivism, positivism and realism. In the other words, the research philosophy can be classified into two aspects such as epistemology and ontology. Research approach can be classified into two types such as inductive and deductive. Depending on the existing theories and models, the deductive research approach is being developed. Depending on the existing theories and models it will be easier for the researcher to analyse the impact of social media in terms of enhancing the purchasing behaviour of the customers.

Using an appropriate research design, accurate structure for the research project can be developed. Exploratory design is a long term process and in case of explanatory research design, different ideas related to the research topic are being discussed. Primary and secondary are the two types of data sources. In case of primary data, the information is being collected by the researcher directly from the participants through survey and interview method. On the other hand, in case of qualitative data analysis, the information are being collected in descriptive manner. It is very important to maintain the authenticity and confidentiality of the research. Hence, the researcher will maintain the confidentiality of the participants and none of the participants will be forced to involve in the research project.

5. Ethical consideration:

Data protection Act 1998, is very important to be followed by the researcher in order to maintain the authenticity of a research project. It is very important to maintain the authenticity and confidentiality of the research (Tracy, 2012). Hence, the researcher will maintain the confidentiality of the participants and none of the participants will be forced to involve in the research project. The researcher will not copy the information from any journals or articles. Proper in-texting will be done by the researcher in terms of using information from others sources (Collis & Hussey, 2013). None of the information will be leaked by thee researcher and the research project will be used only for the academic purpose. Any kind of company logo will not be used in the survey paper.

6. Limitation of the study:

It can be assumed that budget and time can be the major limitations for the research project (Collis & Hussey, 2013). The researcher will get only 12 months for conducting the entire research, which is very less for this project. On the other hand, for making the research project more effective the researcher will need strong financial support, which can be the major barrier for the researcher.

7. Time-line: 

Main activities/ stages

1st-2nd Week

3rd– 4th Week

5th– 6th Week

7th-8th Week

9th– 10th Week

11th– 12th Week

Topic Selection

Data collection from secondary sources

Framing layout of the research

Literature review

Formation of the research Plan

Selection of the Appropriate Research Techniques

Primary data collection

Analysis & Interpretation of Data Collection

Conclusion of the Study

Formation of Rough Draft

Submission of Final Work

Table: Time frame the Research Plan

(Source: As Created by the author)

8. Conclusion 

This specific research plan has evaluated appropriate data and information regarding the impact of social media channels in consumers’ purchasing behaviour. Detailed case study is conducted on Nike, the top most social media popular retail brand. In last five years, the business experts of Nike have decided to use popularity of social media while promoting their brand identity. Large number of researchers and practitioners has raised their serious concern on evaluating the importance of social media for influencing the consumers’ behaviour. The number of target customers of Nike has immensely increased.

Research Problem and Its Significance (Literature Review)

Therefore, this particular research issue has been identified in quest of collecting effective data and information on how social media channels have left immense positive impact in order to expanding the entire business process in the global market. The study aims to evaluate the impact of social media networks in influencing purchasing behaviour of customers. With the help of using innovative campaign strategies in social media pages, they have grabbed the attention of international customers.

It is however undeniable that the traditional media platform is effective enough in transmitting the messages amidst specific regional boundary. As a result, traditional media platform is not very effective expanding the entire process of business beyond going regional boundaries. The primary factors that highly affects in using social media networks on behalf of the business experts include technological incompetency. In this study, appropriate methodological tools will be used for evaluating collected data and information. As per ethical consideration, the researcher will maintain the confidentiality of the participants and none of the participants will be forced to involve in the research project. The researcher will not copy the information from any journals or articles.


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