The Impact Of Social Media On Consumer Behavior And The Consumer Movement
The Role of Technology in Consumer Behavior
You are required to write a comprehensive academic essay that will demonstrate your research and analytical skills along with academic writing in a chosen online consumer movement. Students may choose one or more internet/online/social media for their essay.
The customers are digitally advanced nowadays. They are more of digital native and are grown up in the digital age. The digital natives are comfortable in using technology. The technology is a defining feature in the purchasing behaviour of consumers. It predicts a change in the way consumers communicate, socialize and purchase. The use of internet has reshaped the way of taking a decision regarding pre-purchase, purchase and post-purchase behaviours. The consumer activism influences the way goods and services are produced. It is made up of ideologies and behaviours. It has changed the structure of consumption. In this paper, the online consumer movement has been defined. The informed decisions of customers have been described regarding pre-purchase, purchase and post-purchase behaviour. The important aspects of using the internet have been explained to take an informed decision.
The consumer movement is an effort to encourage consumer protection. It is made possible through an organized social movement. It promotes the right of consumers. The consumer movement is a part of consumerism. It encourages consumers to stand up for their rights. The consumers nowadays use search engines, review blogs, ratings and websites such as consumerist, get satisfaction and more (Parsons, Maclaran & Chatzidakis, 2017). The customers review all the relevant information before making product or brand decisions. The consumer movement boosts awareness of brands and helps in the marketing of products and services. The social media platforms listen to customers. It has been observed that 67% of consumers are engaged in social media for the customer service needs. The social media has become an important part of social media strategy for the customer service.
The consumers have power to influence decision of other customers. At times, the consumers have advanced power by convincing public opinion and initiating consumer legislation. The consumerism is directly related with the protecting consumer’s freedom of choice. The consumers have right to purchase products which are safe and meet the promising quality standards. The consumerism also linked with the freedom of enterprises as it regulates and prohibits unethical and unreliable business practices. It also enquires social justice and the issues concerning sustainable consumption, environmental protection and quality concerns (Gbadamosi, 2017). The information available on social media has expressed increasing concerns over the protection of consumers. It highlights the issues of consumer rights and brings together the consumer movement. The digital technology empowers consumers in building trust. The movement has also taken initiative to raise awareness and the way to deal with the issues. The use of technology has changed the life of consumers drastically. The consumers have various rights regarding purchase of products. The consumer is responsible to make use of rights such as consumers should be aware of his rights at the time of making purchase (Ho, 2014). The consumer has right to safety, informed, representation, seek redresses and consumer education. The increased trend of global development and use of technology in segments like marketing, advertisement and promotion have changed the way of companies to focus on the consumers. The technology has become a major constituent in expanding markets. The technology and promotions focus on the factors which influences behaviour of consumers. Due to the emerging technologies, the consumers need to focus on four Ps of marketing, product, price, place and promotion (Tuškej, Golob & Podnar, 2013).
Understanding the Online Consumer Movement
There are various technologies which affect the buying behaviour of consumers and enhance the interest of consumers and improve overall marketing. The expanded use of social media is the trend in the present. It is also helpful in expanding the use of information technologies and enhances the relationship with consumers (Crockett & Wallendorf, 2004). The consumers make use of social media platforms before and after purchasing of products such as Facebook, YouTube and Twitter. It engages the consumers and increases the appeal of products. The social media has helped consumers to know about the new product lines and brand awareness. It also shapes the consumer behaviour. It also supports consumer to consumer communications and advances brand awareness through the social network (Foxall, 2014).
The social media is a consumer generated media and covers a wide range of new sources of online information. It is used by the consumers to share information with others regarding features and issues. The consumer’s co-create, discuss and modify user-generated content. The companies also rely on the consumers to direct marketing process. The social media such as Facebook can be challenging for the companies as positive comments can have a positive impact on other customers as well (East, Singh, Wright & Vanhuele, 2016). The negative comments can spoil the image of products. It can be part of the brand dialogue and cannot be controlled by the companies using Facebook to promote it’s business. The active participation of consumers in the discussion and exchanges can influence the decision of others.
Three social media platforms such as Twitter, YouTube and Facebook are identified to support marketing and branding. Facebook focuses on the incorporation of advertisement into the social content. In the format of Facebook, the companies present their information about the specific brands and products. The information available on Facebook such as provided comment and likes of users helps consumers to set their criteria for their decision of purchasing products (Tiago & Veríssimo, 2014). There are various communities on Facebook which write their opinion regarding the purchase of products and services. More consumers comment on the Facebook, more content is available to the consumers. The content is provided which has similar products and brands. Facebook has significant impact on the consumers to design their approach for the products. The information delivered on the Facebook page enhances the engagement of consumers. Facebook facilitates interaction of users and sharing ideas and experiences (Ruiz-Mafe, Martí-Parreño & Sanz-Blas, 2014). It brings different people together on a virtual platform and ensures deeper interaction. Facebook is becoming an important source of business information. The advertisements published by companies on the Facebook helps in promoting rights of consumers. It creates awareness among customers and promotes consciousness. Facebook influences customer behaviour so the stay closes with customers in the competitive business environment through this platform (Tyagi & Kumar, 2004). It highlights the business magnetism towards Facebook. The companies also spend a significant amount in advertising products. Facebook also promotes campaigns to understand taste of consumers and changing trends. The educational programmes are also promoted on Facebook which focuses on the right of consumers such as right to fair and accountable marketing. Right to honest dealing and fair value, good quality and safety are also considered in the right of consumers. Every consumer has right to get information and right to refuse and communicate with the persons who are engaged in the marketing. The Facebook page clearly shows the qualification and authority of persons who post on the page. The private messages are not promoted for the awareness as they are not prompted by the members. The terms and conditions are mentioned on the Facebook page which provides sufficient information to the customers. These conditions are required to be in the simple language so that consumers do not face any problem regarding guidelines (Stephen, 2016). It is also made sure that the advertisement put on the Facebook page follows the code of advertisement standards.
The Importance of Consumer Protection
Facebook has provided various ways to introduce brand-related content. The consumers can exchange information and generate consumer interactions. The companies also make available useful and important online content on the Facebook page so that it can have a positive impact on the consumers. The information is made available regarding before and after the purchase of products. Because of the shift in technology consumers engage with the products and brands. The internet and technology have become essential in the branding. The consumers are encouraged to interact with the companies and share information with other consumers. The consumer creates the content which reflects the brand preferences. The more engagement of customers in the process, more they like to encourage others. The social media recognizes the views of consumers about their product and brand. It engages customers and influences consumer’s purchasing decision (Szmigin & Piacentini, 2014).
From the above report, it can be concluded that consumers are more interested in the information available on the social media. The accessibility of information on the internet has made consumers conscious for their decisions regarding pre-purchase, purchase and post-purchase. The consumers more active on the social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. The consumers are more active on the Facebook where the rights and interests of consumers are promoted. The consumer movement encourages consumer protection and promotes the right of consumers. Facebook has a significant impact on the consumers to design their approach for the products. It has engaged customers and influenced purchasing decision of customers.
Crockett, D., & Wallendorf, M. (2004). The role of normative political ideology in consumer behavior. Journal of Consumer Research, 31(3), 511-528.
East, R., Singh, J., Wright, M., & Vanhuele, M. (2016). Consumer behaviour: Applications in marketing. California: Sage.
Foxall, G. (2014). Consumer Behaviour (RLE Consumer Behaviour): A Practical Guide. United Kingdom: Routledge.
Gbadamosi, A. (Ed.). (2017). Young Consumer Behaviour: A Research Companion. New York: Routledge.
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Parsons, E., Maclaran, P., & Chatzidakis, A. (2017). Contemporary issues in marketing and consumer behaviour. United Kingdom: Routledge.
Ruiz-Mafe, C., Martí-Parreño, J., & Sanz-Blas, S. (2014). Key drivers of consumer loyalty to Facebook fan pages. Online Information Review, 38(3), 362-380.
Stephen, A. T. (2016). The role of digital and social media marketing in consumer behavior. Current Opinion in Psychology, 10, 17-21.
Szmigin, I., & Piacentini, M. (2014). Consumer behaviour. UK: Oxford University Press.
Tiago, M. T. P. M. B., & Veríssimo, J. M. C. (2014). Digital marketing and social media: Why bother?. Business Horizons, 57(6), 703-708.
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