The Impact Of Social Media Integration On Learning Outcomes In Conestoga College
The research that was undertaken depended on 72 responses from the respondents. It has helped in understanding the impact of the utilization of social media platforms on the learning outcomes of the accounting students. The responses that were collected during the survey will be helping the authorities in understanding the preferences of the respondents relating to the utilization of social media platforms for implementing the same in Conestoga College. The questionnaire that was created by the researcher aimed at understanding the different opportunities and issues of devising an information system through the utilization of diverse social media platforms.
During the survey, 65.28 % of the respondents agreed that they utilize Instagram multiple times a day. It has helped the researchers in understanding the exact platform through which the information might be transmitted to the accountancy students. The integration of information through the utilization of a social media platform that is widely used will be helping the developers in maximizing the visibility of the content to the target audience. On the other hand, 79.17 % of the respondents agreed to the fact that they utilize Instagram for connecting to their friends and connections in the Conestoga College. The collected responses will be helping the developers in identifying the social media platforms through which the students are mostly connected with one another. The identification of different connections of the students will be helping the developers in utilizing the social media platform in order to connect to the students and thereby effectively spread information through the same. The assessment of the number of times the respondents visit Conestoga College social media platform will be helping the developers in creating a social media integration program in order to enhance the learning outcomes of the accounting students. It has been found during the survey that 18.6% of the respondents prefer to utilize Instagram over the other social media platforms for connecting to the friends. It will be helping the developers in designing a development program through Instagram in order to enhance the learning practices. During the survey it has been found that most of the students in Conestoga College 52.78 % agreed to the fact that the learning modules, which was shared through the utilization of the social media platforms was helpful in relation to the studies. It will be helping the developers in bringing forth modifications in the social media platform for enhancing the experience of the users. 58.33 % of the respondents stated that the information that was shared by the Conestoga College was valid to the subject area, which helped them in maintaining the efficacy of the social media interactions.
Survey Findings
The survey will be helping the developers in bringing forth modifications in the most visited social media platform (Instagram) to maximize the visibility and access over the contents that are forwarded. The developers might take steps to introduce different educational videos and contents in Instagram in order to maximize the visibility of the contents to the students. On the other hand, the developers might take steps to promote other social media platforms to the students in order to enhance the educational programs that are planned by the Conestoga College. The social media integration will be helping the developers in maximizing the visibility of the educational contents that are shared by the Conestoga College. On the other hand, the social media integration will be helping the College authorities in undertaking suitable communication with the students in order to identify their area of interests and the issues that are faced by the same. The identification of the issues that are faced by the students will be helping the Board in bringing forth modifications in the module in order to suit the capabilities and interests of the students.
The issues that might be faced by the researchers while undertaking the survey is based on the biased responses of the students. The biased responses of the students might affect the study through different interpretation of contexts and the recommended actions. On the other hand, the limitations of the financial resources might affect the development activities that might be undertaken in order to maximize the visibility. The developers might also encounter issues relating to security of the information that is being transmitted through the social media platforms.
Neiger et al., (2012) stated that social media integration helps in enhancing the communicability of the organization with the stakeholders. Gray et al., (2013) also noted that most of the universities have undertaken steps to integrate with the social media platforms in order to reach out to most of the students for assisting the same through supportive lectures. On the other hand, Picazo-Vela, Gutiérrez-Martínez and Luna-Reyes, L. F. (2012) stated that the social media integration that is undertaken by the educational institutions helps the same in building suitable relations with the students. The aspect of suitable relations with the students helps the educational organizations in designing the module as per the preferences and interests of the students. Cohen, James and Mihailidis (2013) stated that the social media platforms act as a powerful tool of communication in order to make the students and their parents aware of the course details and the fees. Transmission of complete information on the different courses helps the students in undertaking decisions for their future growth (Stromquist & Monkman, 2014).
Chen and Bryer, (2012) stated that the social media platforms enables the educational organizations in transmitting information on the different job drives that are undertaken by the business enterprises. The establishment of sound communication through social media platforms will be helping the educational organizations in maintaining their efficacy of operations. Dabbagh and Kitsantas (2012) stated that the enhanced communicability in the educational institutions will be helping the lecturers in understanding the issues that are faced by the students and thereby design steps in order to mitigate the issues for a better learning outcome. Baruah (2012) stated that the enhanced communicability of organizations helps in enhancing the processes that are undertaken by the same through the better understanding of the needs of the stakeholders. Therefore, the research aimed at portraying the importance of the social media integrations in order to enhance the communication between the educational institutions and the students.
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Cohen, M. A., James, N., & Mihailidis, P. (2013). Exploring curation as a core competency in digital and media literacy education.
Dabbagh, N., & Kitsantas, A. (2012). Personal Learning Environments, social media, and self-regulated learning: A natural formula for connecting formal and informal learning. The Internet and higher education, 15(1), 3-8.
Gray, R., Vitak, J., Easton, E. W., & Ellison, N. B. (2013). Examining social adjustment to college in the age of social media: Factors influencing successful transitions and persistence. Computers & Education, 67, 193-207.
Neiger, B. L., Thackeray, R., Van Wagenen, S. A., Hanson, C. L., West, J. H., Barnes, M. D., & Fagen, M. C. (2012). Use of social media in health promotion: purposes, key performance indicators, and evaluation metrics. Health promotion practice, 13(2), 159-164.
Picazo-Vela, S., Gutiérrez-Martínez, I., & Luna-Reyes, L. F. (2012). Understanding risks, benefits, and strategic alternatives of social media applications in the public sector. Government information quarterly, 29(4), 504-511.
Stromquist, N. P., & Monkman, K. (Eds.). (2014). Globalization and education: Integration and contestation across cultures. R&L Education.