The Impact Of Social Isolation On Refugees’ Mental Health And Well-being In Dhaka

Factors Causing Homelessness and Social Isolation Among Refugees

Discuss about the Impact of social isolation on refugees.

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Homelessness is the big problem of the refugee.  However, many people in Dhaka have been suffering from the homelessness. The refugees are not the citizens of the country and they have no permanent address (Boyd, 2018). Such refugees have to face the hardship to carry out their livelihood. However, political conflicts and the war lead people to be homeless and they are considered as the refugees. Therefore, the refugees live in the refugee camp with no income and they do not have any resources to meet their daily needs. The refugees have to face constant fear of life. This poor social condition of refugee leaves a long-term impact on their life. On the other hand, refugee camps are full of risk as their life is full of uncertainty. The lifestyle of refugee leaves a psychological and social impact on the individuals. Refugee children always deal with the risk. Several factors influence the people to leave their home country and take shelter in a refugee camp.

Poverty, family violence, food insecurity and disruption of the family structure are the vital factors that make people refugee (Morrow, 2017). However, children are the worst sufferer of this situation as they are not able to cope with this situation like adults. Thus, the refugee children are treated badly in the society. In Dhaka City, there are many refugee camps. However, the refugees who are living in the camp are not able to make a long-term interaction with the society. Therefore, they are isolated from the society and feel helpless. Cultural difference and language barriers are the main factors that resist refugees to form a connection with the society. On the other hand, social isolation creates unemployment and poverty. Hence, the individuals get lack of support from the society, which leads them to face many struggles in the society. Social isolation is the major reason that leads people to live in the slum areas in Dhaka. In 1947 after the participation of British-India refugees are living in this city and they are called slumps. Therefore the government does not consider them as the Bangladeshi residents. However, the social isolation is caused based on the age, gender, education and income level of the people. From the studies it has been received that feeling of isolation creates a psychological effect on the refugee’s mind. 

Effects of Social Isolation on Refugees’ Mental and Physical Health


Figure 1: Impact of social isolation on mental status of refugees

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(Source: Morrow, 2017)

In the recent years, the number of refugees is increasing, which is a big social issue of Dhaka. It has been received that the social isolation affects the state of mind of the refugee. On the other hand, poor housing condition of the refugee also affects their psychological and physical condition (Farbey, 2018). Based on the study of Palestine refugee it has been received that Palestine refugee camp is evolved with the time and the refugees moved from tent to one room shelter. Therefore, such refugees are able to income and make assets from their own income. As per the statistics the number of refugee is increasing day by day in Bangladesh. However, in 2017, 415,000 Rohingya refugees came into Bangladesh and started to live there.


Figure 2: Statistical data of refugees in Bangladesh

(Source: Farbey, 2018)

A survey was conducted by the UNRWA in 2005 to understand the lifestyle of the Palestine refugees. From the gathered data it has been received that the refugees those are living outside of the camps are happier and they are satisfied with their housing. Such refugees are involved in recreational activities (Milton et al., 2017). On the other hand, refugees those are living in the high-density camps are facing more challenges in comparison to other refugees that are living outside the camp.  Based on the studies of different refugee camps it has been found that homelessness and social isolation lead the refugees to develop psychological symptoms. They do not get equal opportunity in the society, which affects their mental and physical condition. Hence, it is crucial for the government to take necessary steps to improve the slum areas and give them a better life otherwise it also affects the society of the country.

This research study aims to analyze the impact of social isolation on the refugees

  • To understand the present condition of refugees
  • To identify the factors that lead people to live in refugee camp
  • To critically evaluate the impact of social isolation on the refugees in Dhaka
  • What are major factors that influence the people to live in slum areas?
  • What is the effect of social isolation on refugee’s mental state?
  • What are the possible ways to improve the condition of slum areas in Dhaka?

Research philosophy, approach and design

Research design is the vital area of research methodology. In this current study positivism, philosophy will be selected. However, positivism philosophy focuses on the factual knowledge, which is obtained through the observation (Taylor, Bogdan & DeVault, 2015). This philosophy will help the researcher to carry out a quantifiable observation over the lifestyle of refugee. In this study deductive approach will be selected by the researcher. The deductive approach highlights the development of the hypothesis. For this current study deductive approach will be helpful to carry out a hypothetical analysis. Therefore, descriptive research design will be taken for this study. The research paper, which has a specific set of objectives and questions, follows descriptive design. Hence, for this study use of descriptive design will be helpful. This will allow the researcher to prepare objectives and questions to analyze the selected topic.

Research Design and Methodology

Sampling method

Sampling method is crucial for every research. There are two types of sampling methods that are probability and non-probability sampling. In this current study probability sampling method will be taken as the sampling technique. However, probability sampling method allows the researchers to choose unit from the population. Probability sampling method is helpful to analyze the data properly and to make a conclusion based on this analysis (Flick, 2015). Probability sampling is a cost-effective way and it involves lesser degree of judgment. By applying probability sampling the researcher will be able to avoid the complex and long process in the research. Thus, it is considered as the easiest sampling technique. On the other hand, this sampling technique is less time consuming while non-probability sampling method is more time consuming and costly. Therefore, to carry out this sampling method the individuals do not need to gain technical knowledge. Hence, this probability sampling technique will be beneficial for this research.

Data collection process

Data collection process is the core area of research methodology. In this current study, secondary data collection method will be taken to obtain data. Secondary data collection method saves expenses and efforts (Silverman, 2016). Therefore, it also takes less time than primary data collection method. On the other hand, secondary data collection process is effective to get more reliable and valid data. By using secondary data collection process the researcher will be able to improve their understanding regarding the problem. Therefore, secondary data collection process provides a basis to compare the gathered data. Secondary data analysis will be done by reviewing the journal, online article, books and government websites. Secondary data collection is crucial for every research study as it provides existing data regarding any topic.

Research instruments

In this study, the research instruments include the online article, books and government reports as the data will be gathered from the secondary resources. Secondary resource analysis is helpful to obtain the existing data and compare this data with the present data (Vaioleti, 2016). However, articles will be selected from various databases by using the exclusion and inclusion criteria. The current articles are selected and old articles are eliminated by this process.

Proposed Data analysis

Data analysis is another important part of the research methodology. In this current study, the data will be analyzed by using chart, graphs, and tables. On the other hand, statistical data will be given to analyze the current challenges of refugees in Dhaka. Descriptive statistics will be incorporated to analyze the data with proper facts. The research will provide critical context during the data analysis. On the other, the data should be analyzed based on the hypothesis, which generated in the study.  

Ethical consideration

Ethical consideration is mandatory in the research study. The researcher should consider the ethical requirements during this research. It is important to follow the Data Protection Act to keep the confidentiality of the data that will be collected (Panneerselvam, 2014). On the other hand, the researcher cannot manipulate the data, which will be taken from different journals. Therefore, proper citation should be given to support the information. Authentic and valid data need to use in this current research.

Limitations and strength of the project

This project will be beneficial to reveal the current status of the refugees in Dhaka. Therefore, the negative impact of social isolation on the physical and mental condition of refugees will be evaluated in this study. However, this research study will be served as the secondary resources for further research on this topic. Besides these strengths, this study has some limitations. One of the major limitations is the time constraint. Due to lack of proper time the researcher may fail to carry out an extensive research. On the other hand, budget is another barrier. Many journals are paid as a result; the researcher will not be able to access these journals. Therefore, lack of valid and reliable data also resists the researcher to gain authentic information.

Time Table

Activities of the Research

1st to 3rd week

3rd to 6th week

6th to 8th week

8th to 10th week

10th to 12th week

Development of research aim and objectives

Review of the literature

Conduction of secondary data collection

Analysis of gathered secondary data

Evaluation and representation of secondary data

Develop a conclusion of the entire study

Figure 3: Gantt Chart

(Source: Researcher)


Boyd, M. (2018). Gender, refugee status, and permanent settlement. In Immigrant Women (pp. 103-124). Routledge.

Farbey, J. (2018). The refugee condition: legal and therapeutic dimensions. In Therapeutic Care for Refugees (pp. 57-68). Routledge.

Flick, U. (2015). Introducing research methodology: A beginner’s guide to doing a research project. Sage.

Milton, A. H., Rahman, M., Hussain, S., Jindal, C., Choudhury, S., Akter, S., … & Efird, J. T. (2017). Trapped in statelessness: Rohingya refugees in Dhaka. International journal of environmental research and public health, 14(8), 942.

Morrow, L. C. (2017). Comparative Analysis of the Rohingya Stateless and Refugee Populations in Myanmar and Dhaka.

Panneerselvam, R. (2014). Research methodology. PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd..

Silverman, D. (Ed.). (2016). Qualitative research. Sage.

Taylor, S. J., Bogdan, R., & DeVault, M. (2015). Introduction to qualitative research methods: A guidebook and resource. John Wiley & Sons.

Vaioleti, T. M. (2016). Talanoa research methodology: A developing position on Pacific research. Waikato Journal of Education, 12(1).

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