The Impact Of Robotics On Technology Evolution

Definition and Scope of Robotics


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Describe about Transhumanism: Controlling robotic via implants to the human brain?

Robotics is a part of modern technology that brings out enormous possibilities for human race. In this particular project it will be discussed how robotics can become a part of human life and also with the virtue of robotics a lot of changes can be made in future. In the following assignment it will be understood how robotics can be used in human body as well as in the associate things related to mankind. The need of robotics in human life is also analyzed in this very project.

This particular article is designed to describe the future prospect of emerging robotics technology on different aspects of life. Initially the focus of the paper will be within the sectors that will certainly be affected by the latest technology of robotics. Exploring the social, technological, economical, environmental, political, legal and not to forget ethical concerns of robotics that will definitely have a part to play in the modern era (Domaine, 2006). It’s essential to mention that this article is specially based on the future prospective of robotics on the sector of technology (Bramer and Petridis, n.d.). The future of mankind will most definitely become dependent on science and technology. At present, technology is being implemented in most people’s everyday life. However, robotics is one of the most newly developing technologies that can show the world how the human can change their living and how the human can utilize the power of robotics to strengthen their might (Bajd, 2010). In a single phrase it can be stated that robotics will become one major part of the human if they are able to use this technology for their own interest. As science and technology is gradually progressing, it won’t be too far in to the future when new methods of robotics will be introduced to alter the lifestyle of mankind altogether. This future will be completely changed by new innovations that will certainly produce more and more improvements in living.

There are many ways to define how the robotics can be a vital accessory in present technology (Gatton and Kearney, 1989). Robotics is a branch of science that mainly deals with the design and programming of robots and the construction and manufacturing of it. Through the steeple analysis it will be easy to illustrate how robotics has helped to evolve the technology sector. Robotics has certainly played a hand in developing mobile technology to quite some extent from the beginning of the mobile technology (Baillieul, 1990). Mobile technology has progressed dramatically, altering its size, shape, and becoming more practical and fashionable that the mobile phone has become the everyday basic need of the human. Next this robotics has also helped to change internet sector as well. That leads to change the system of information technology. This particular technology also brings revolution in the sector of energy. It reduces the engagement of man power and helps to bring down the costs of energy. Added to this, the energy consumption is also reduced by uses of robotics technology. Therefore both the time and money are preserved. Due to uses of this technology the life cycle of the technological instruments has been improved to a large extent and the speed of the gadgets is also improved considerably. All importantly the rate of data transfer is highly grown  by using this technology. Most importantly the robotics technology has opened the gate for new innovation. New innovations certainly bring the scope of developments. This technology is used in industry and it has suddenly changed the thinking capabilities of every industry. (Robotics has helped to change both the internet sector as well as the energy consumption)Robotics has brought a revolution in the production of every industry. By the help of a table the application sectors can be shown (Beyer, 2002).

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Application sector

Role of robots

How robots will act

Defense and security

Data accumulator, controlling system by following command

Supply information to prepare a plan.


Gathering knowledge

Help the human to explore the universe

Rescue and relief operation

Gathering the positional status and plan out ways to act

Robots can help in search operation where it is almost impossible for human to reach.


Robots can work as a mentor

According to the programming robots can assist a class.


Robots can work as a mentor

According to the programming robots can guide a tour.

Effects of Robotics on Mobile Technology

It Robotics has left a huge mark on the world (Hart and Vlk, 1985). The government has also shown interest in promoting technology in different aspects for various industries, more so that they’ve invested in finding newer ways to implement technology. This way robotics becomes a part of every sector in technology. The future is shown through this way. The globe has found a new method that can help in every aspect of life. (A sort of description on robotics for future prospective)Scientists and researchers are certainly moving quite a way in a long process of robotics. The new visions are so terrific that one cannot believe how robotics can change the whole system of working strategies(That is an exclamatory mode of writing that suggests the robotics can certainly change the human living to a certain extent that is way beyond of our imagination). Some examples can elaborate the process in a better way. At present, scientists have invented such robots through robotics that can help human to face any kind of physical challenges. The robotic technology mainly based on the programming on a virtual design that can be controlled by human without loss of any energy(That suggests without the help of human effort of human energy loss.). Though it sounds easy, it’s a long and lengthy process that consists of programmers, programming, codes, devices, techniques, experiments and most of all perfect logic. To obtain a working robot a scientist has to adapt different methods of science (Yes, your point of thinking is absolutely perfect)(Hemal and Menon, 2011). For example, a paralyzed patient can control a robot arm only by the thinking power alone, this results in the patient being able to carry out movement with the aid of a robot arm. Another example can show how one can control the electric devices of his house only by the gestures. In these cases one or more micro chip is used to control the robots. Technology such as the driverless car is a great example of robotics. It works on GPS (Global Positioning System) only. The robot(The driverless car can also be termed as a robot) can find the direction through GPS and acts like exactly how it is programmed (Hamberg and Verriet, 2012). So, there is some demonstration about the working process of robots. Mainly, robotics will make human life more comfortable by saving them time and effort. It also brings accuracy where there is no chance of human errors. It is important to note for better and smooth results the programming has to be perfect and it should be tested completely. Not only is robotic useful for humans, but also it provides certain benefits for every species on earth. There are many aspects still to be discovered. Many pages of robotics are still to be invented but for now it is said that the chances and possibilities in robotics is endless (Kirkwood, 2007). This will bring a new era for science and technology that can be rest assured.

Impact on the Internet Sector and Energy Consumption

The part of science robotics is belonged to possibly have uncountable prospects. (that suggests robotics is belonged to such a part of science that has so much future prospects for mankind in near future).In a decade or two the human race will raise the bar of robotics to such a limit that we can merely speculate on how much the human race will adopt robotics. Many new modules of robotics are presented daily (Young, 1973). Many more are waiting to be presented. If the possibilities remain this way many more new inventions can come along in the future as well. To ensure the research work will go in a smooth way, many companies have taken an approach that no one can even have an idea of what they are working for.(Not exactly, actually companies workers have to be loyal for the company that outer world must not have any idea of the technology they are working with until the project is finished. This is also important that the project materials have to be kept secret for a certain time) In the near future, humans may encounter numerous type of future robotics. A robot or humanoid may carry out life saving surgery by operating on a patient’s heart within a time frame that a human couldn’t compete with. It could be possible to see a programmed robot carrying out its role as a psychiatrist and treating its patients (Zhang, Sugisaka and Wu, 2000). There will be robots that can solve out the mystery of the universe in such way that human can able to travel to different galaxy. It might also possible that a robot can make it possible to allow time travel. So there are many possibilities in the science of robotics. Though some of them seems illogical to quite some extent, through evolution the illogical becomes logical. In general most of the robotic theory is based on analysis. Most importantly the vision is very important. Scientists have tried many techniques to build a robot but most of them do not work out. Still the process will go on (Mori, n.d.). There is so much efficiency involved in robotics. Many projects are going on at its best. Future will definitely see a total robot operated industry. Robotics can be used to control the global warming by preserving energy and stopping the excess use of energy.(This is futurology, so you have to think beyond possibilities. For instance, Robotics can be used to reduce the usage of normal sources of energy that is mostly obtained from Fossil Fuels. Therefore less uses of fossil fuel can bring global warming to keep in check) The future of war may change, countries may have automatic defense system that can be controlled by human (Sun, Behal and Chung, n.d.). This would result in wars without loss of life. At present, automated monitory system can become the all robotic surveillance system. The robotic technology is also used to prepare humanoids. Besides, many technical firms have confirmed that by using robotics and genetic algorithm they will able to make snake like module robots which will crawl like snake. These are all futuristic projects that will just a demonstration for the future of robotics. All of these modules will enhance the future prospects of this branch of technology. Added to this many new prototypes will be introduced in near future which can be proved vital for further research on this subject. New prototypes can help the investigation prospect. It can also be a part of human health service equipments that determines the future of medical science. With the aid of new robots, human’s can invent more and more scientific designs which will be impossible to make without the help of them. These particular prospects are helping for development of robotics to a certain extent. Probably one cannot be able to think without robotics as it will become an integral part of human life. Clearly, robotics will dominate the future of science as well as the human race.

Application Sectors of Robotics

Though one cannot deny the prospects of robotics, but still there are some drawbacks of it to be discussed. First of all it’s a very complicated division of science and technology that is especially belonged to a particular group of people who has to be so intelligent to deal with the programs, the codes and the analysis part. Therefore it is very difficult to understand the common people about what work the scientists are assigned for (LoÃŒÂpez, 2005). The involvement of people in this case will be less for this. Furthermore, for the cause of experiments and research a large amount of money has to be invested. Therefore, for every ongoing research work of robotics the flow of capital is a very vital point irrespective of its future prospect. Some of the research can cause a huge monetary damage for a company (Roberts, 1999). There are few other drawbacks too. As robotics is used in industry to manufacture more and more products, the job sectors will surly receive a knock back. Many companies are working with robotic machines which can do the work of many workers, so the labor market has to see jobless claims rising. More importantly, through some researches it is found that the quality of product made by robotic machines is inferior to that of human made things.  Also in some of the heavy industry robots are consuming large amount of energy and proper maintenance of robots is needed to work it perfectly. This can also cost a certain amount of money. However to conclude the drawbacks, it should be discussed that by relying heavily on robotic technology to build an easier life for the humans, it may result in losing some of the spirit of hard work and eventually making most of the human race redundant. One must not forget robots can also be a deadly weapon in wars too. Therefore if the robotic technology can be used in destructing way it can probably end the humanity. Therefore, to work with the machines human has to be more ethical and honest to mankind, otherwise in a click of a button the sign of humanity will be vanished (Naitoh, 2008). It all rests on how human use the science of robotics. Mainly, robots are a prototype of human brain, so it becomes a duty of human that how the robot is programmed. In the near future it could be possible to assign robots with a brain to operate similar to human. However, with these types of experiments scientists have to be more careful. Humans are superior in this planet and they should always dominate robots. The key should be rested in human hand.


With every invention in this world two possibilities can be found. Firstly, it is used for mankind or secondly it will be used against mankind. Therefore, the human race should be somewhat wary in using the robotics technology. In spite of several drawbacks one can never underestimate the value attached with the robotics for human cause. By using robotics medical science can achieve the top of success so that to the technology sectors (Asimov and Frenkel, 1985). Humans at present are surrounded by robotic technology in some way or form. The future is very clear to mankind so as the possibilities related to robotics, if science and technology can be used for mankind.(As this is a futurology project you can add a few of these) Every country is trying to invent new sort of robotic prototypes which will help in the defense sector, industrial sector and so on. Robotic technology can certainly aid the disable. It can bring happiness and joy to the face of many in difficult situation where human could probably be a mere spectators.(Some of them may be robotics equipments and some of them mostly humanoids) That will certainly help for the cause of humanity (Patel, Honavar and Balakrishnan, 2001). So to the development of robotics it is very important that the government and investors will see the future and help to grow the technology to its utmost pick. The robotics technology is still in its early stages, a long way is still has to be covered. At this very decade the speed of improvement in the particular stream is quite noticeable. Fortunately humans have the power to control robots at its will. The day is not far when every human can see the ultimate power of robotics and certainly can use it to carry out their everyday life. Probably an eye blink would turn off the light and the door will open of a house automatically with sound detection only (Potter et al., 1983). Though these are very nominal examples of future but the world will definitely belong to the age of robotics.


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