The Impact Of Organizational Structure On Role Culture In Healthcare Centers

Organizational Structure in Healthcare Centers

Health care centres have changed in the modern day business environment. It has become essential for the organisations to make sure that they have an effective organisation structure (Betancourt, et al., 2016). An efficient organisational structure within the Health care centres helps them in solving the problems they are facing. Organisational structure could impact on the operational mechanism of Happy places as well as they have the influence on the role culture within the firm. The managers within these units have a greater role in the operations of the firm. They have very diverse responsibilities which help in fulfilling the needs of stakeholders. Managers of the health care centres have to think about to arrange all their resources so as to assure that there is smoothness in the work process and they have all the things available at the right time. This not only increases the organisational performance but also helps in saving the lives of the patients or addressing their issues. This paper highlights the organisational structure of Happy places as well as the role of this organisational structure on the role culture. It also describes about the role and responsibilities of managers at each centres.

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Organisational structure within an organisational unit is understood to be as the system that is utilised for describing its hierarchy in which the position of employee is defined. This includes their function and who they will report to inside the firm (MBN, 2018).

It is crucial for any organisation irrespective of the industry they are in to have a good and solid organisational structure (Ginter, 2018). There are many kinds of benefits of organising the divisions of the organisation into a particular structure. One of the best things it does is that it reduces the confusion among the employees regarding whom they will have to report. It makes the communication process more clear as well as eliminate the barriers due to indirect means of communication. In many cases at centres like Happy places it can be seen that any employee has to make quick decision based on the condition of patients. If there is any confusion in the lower level of staff regarding whom they need to report or ask for help, then it might be a problem. This helps employees in understanding the powers they have at their level (Chartier, 2014). It also gives them the idea about what role they have in the decision making.

Importance of Organizational Structure

At Happy places there are many types of employees working. The organisational structure that this organisation follows is divisional structure. Divisional organisational structure refers to as the structure that is followed by the organisations when they serve variety of services to different markets as per their specific demands (Kalish, 2018). Since Happy places is present at different locations and hence it can said that this firm is following divisional organisational structure. In this type of structure there are staffs at every level from top to down. Centre Managers are present at the top most level of the organisational structure. Under him lie deputy managers which act as an assistant for the centre managers. In the organisational structure team leader lies at the third level from the above. Below the team leader lies, one registered learning disability nurse who act as a mentor of the lower level of nurses. Under them lie three different support workers who help other employees in their operations. They act as a helper for other employees at different levels while completion of any task. They have their role in various departments as per the requirements at Happy places. They are all permanent workers and below them lies one student social worker which the Happy centre has recruited. There is a hierarchy in the way power has been distributed.

Managers at the top have the rights to take decisions related to the operations of the firm (Wager, Lee and Glaser, 2017). The lower level staffs needs to follow all these orders. This organisational structure helps the organisation in solving the problems they face in their day to day operations. They have to make sure that they have a progressive mechanism for making of all decisions. All the levels of the organisational structure are involved in the process of decision making. All the feedbacks are heard from each level. This helps them in satisfying the needs of the stakeholders which is necessary for bringing the efficiency in the firm.

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Organisational culture is the sum of rituals, values, Belief that serves act as an adhesive for integrating the members of the organisation. It governs how the people will behave within the organisation. It is a point of difference where one company differs themselves from others (Rick, 2015).

As it can be seen from the above section of the paper that Happy places follows the divisional organisational structure. This kind of structure helps in reducing the problem related to confusion as the role at each level is described in a better way. Every organisation has a particular culture. This culture reflects the way in which they do their operations. It also encompasses the behaviour and value which contributes to unique psychological and social environment of an organisation. It is a measure of collective belief, management style, market, products, value etc. It also involves organisation’s systems, norms, vision, symbols, values, assumptions, location, environment, habit and beliefs.

Organizational Structure in Happy Places

According to Handy theory there are various kinds of culture that is prevalent within an organisation (Birken, Lee and Weiner, 2012). These cultures play an important role in terms of organisational operational plan. Organisational structure plays one of the most significant roles in defining the culture within the organisation. Structure of the firm could significantly impact on the culture within the organisation. Handy suggested four type of organisational culture namely Role culture, power culture, task culture and person culture. In power culture the distribution of power is done in a way that the most important people sit at the centre of the organisation. In role culture an organisation describes the role of each individual within the organisation. In task culture the structure is made focusing the task that will be done by the individuals. More emphasis is towards getting job done. Along with this person culture is something in which importance is towards the individual. Usually the person who sits at the top of the chart becomes more important than organisation itself.

Role culture within the organisation is based on the rules. This culture helps in having higher control over the operations of the firm since everyone within the organisation knows about the roles and responsibilities they have (Janicijevic, 2012). Happy place structure defines the power that is shared by the people at different levels. It is also to be noted that power within the role culture is defined by individual’s position which is again defined by the organisational structure.

Role culture within the firm has been built on detailed organisational structure. Organisational structure helps in making sure that there is no point of conflict in between mates at different levels. Happy place divisional structure helps in maintaining the fluency in the work process which is boost the role culture within an organisation. Divisional structure could impact on the communication within the firm which plays a very crucial contribution in the role culture. In the smaller firms like Happy Places it is more crucial that people have their own set of defined powers. This helps employee in nurturing leadership qualities within them. Happy places have divisional structure where each and every person has a specified kind of role in the specified situation. People at the top are responsible for making strategic decisions while the employee at the lower levels are taking care of the daily strategic decisions. In the health care organisations like Happy places where the people come for medical assistance needs to get best services. This cannot be possible without the clearly defining of the organisational structure. There are many people that are coming for availing quality services.

Role Culture within Healthcare Centers

Manager is an individual that organises business or somebody who is responsible for controlling and directing the work as well as managing staffs for completion of any task (Openview, 2018). On the other hand health care managers are the executives whose function is to direct, plan and coordinate between all the health and medical services. They are the persons responsible for guiding the changes according to healthcare regulations, laws and technology (Bureau of labor statistics, 2018).

In every health organisation the role of managers becomes more significant (Grigoroudis, Orfanoudaki and Zopounidis, 2012). They play a very decisive role in the management of firms as they have to manage each and every operation within a firm. There is a very diverse role that is played by the managers of the Happy places. In the hierarchical structure like the happy places, managers remains at the top and enjoys a lot of power especially in terms of making strategic decisions which is necessary for the growth of the organisation. There are large numbers of role played by the care manager. These are as follows:

  • Resources planning: One of the most significant roles that are played by the manager is that they have to arrange the resources available with the firm. This is done by allocating resources to the right people at the right time. This is necessary for making sure that all the resources are available with the firm at the right time. In the resource planning they need avail resources from different places which are highly crucial in providing medical facilities. Managing the human resources within an organisation is also a job of manager. Managing of resources has to be in a defined manner so that customers at Happy Places get the best practices.
  • Safety: It is also the role of manager to make sure that they ensure that the safety of all the people that are coming to the Happy places whether they are staffs, patients, relative of patients etc. At this health related place there are many kinds of threats which can harm an individual. This includes infectious bacteria and viruses, improper disposal mechanism of the infectious things like injection etc. This might result in some other health persons to get caught by the disease. In order to make sure that people at these places do not get harm, manager’s needs to make rules and regulation that may reduce these problems.
  • Managing reports: It is the role of the manager to make sure that they provide timely reports to the service users and to the staffs. This also accounts to providing services to the users according to their needs and programs. This reporting helps the organisation in building their decisions for future as well as making sure that disasters does not happen within an organisation.
  • Assessing the needs: Manager has the role of understanding the needs of the stakeholders as well as service users so as to ensure that all the requirements of health and social care is understood. This can be understood only by implementing an effective communication mechanism within the organisation.
  • Risk assessment and management: It is the role of the manager to make sure that they understand what risks they are facing. This can be done by the help of proper assessment of the situation and environment they are in. Managers also have the role of managing this risk. It can be done by the help of risk assessment and management plan (Cunningham, et al., 2012).
  • Coordination: In any health related organisation it is essential that a manager must coordinate with all the employees so as to make sure that the smoothness in the work process gets maintained. A team work is the demand of every industry and same is the case with health sector organisation. It is the role of the manager to bring everyone together and understand their demand so as to work in a better way. This is also essential for achieving the mission and vision as well as the objectives for themselves. This becomes important in this regards that the organisational structure has many levels of staffs which can create communication gap and lack of trust. This is not good for the organisation that serves in the interest of people. In order to make sure that they have an effective coordination the most important thing that a leader must do is to ensure that they have an efficient communication policy.
  • Working with multi-disciplinary team: It is the crucial role of the manager to make sure that all the disciplines with the organisation are properly managed (Goodwin, 2013). This can be done by conducting meeting where all the things associated with the organisation are discussed. There are multiple disciplinary teams that are working inside the health care centre and hence managers have to work with all of them simultaneously. Managers need to make plans for this.
  • Drug administration: It is crucial that an organisation has all the drugs available with them at the time of need. Since drug helps in saving the lives of the people hence it is the role of the managers to make sure that all the drugs are of higher quality. This will also be effective in the case when a large number of people come to an organisation at any time. Drug administration also deals with the ways in which drugs are kept inside the company so that there is no scarcity of the drugs (Valentine, Nembhard and Edmondson, 2015). This also ensures that there is no wastage of drugs inside the firm.
  • Training and education: It is also the manager’s role to ensure that there is training and education being provided to the consumers. This also has the effect on the quality of the services that gets provided within the organisation. In the larger context it can be understood as a matter of fact that people who are joining the health care as an intern gets to learn things in a proper way. It also helps the organisation in reducing the amount of mistakes that arise in the medical practices and can be extremely dangerous for the care users. Providing inter-disciplinary training needs an effective program and in making of such program managers plays a very crucial role. This must be conducted on the regular basis so as to tackle any change of situation inside the medical industry.
  • Mentoring and supervision: Since the manager is the most senior then all of them hence it is his responsibility to supervise everyone else in their work. This supervision can be in the terms of watching their performance. Apart from this it is the role of the manager to mentor the employees working in there. This can be in the terms of giving them advices as well as helping them in their task. Mentoring and supervision also helps in boosting the confidence of the workers which is necessary for providing quality experience to the service users (Weller, Boyd and Cumin, 2014).

Apart from this managers have other responsibilities like they have the role to manage the monitor and evaluate care delivery as well as doing the performance review of the employees. They have the responsibility of safeguarding the interest of all the stakeholders present at the organisation (Gittell, Godfrey and Thistlethwaite, 2013). Along with this they also need to ensure that all the operations within the firm gets to happen in the legal framework. To monitor this they need to monitor all the events happening within the organisation. Managing conflict is another most important responsibility of the manager. This can help in bringing smoothness to the firm.


From the above report it can be concluded that every health organisation like Happy hours has a particular organisational structure. The structure within the workplace is designed according to the need they have so as to provide best of services to the health care users. Happy places have a distributed hierarchical structure at the work place. This gives managers control over the organisation. Structure of the organisation could impact on the role culture within the organisation. The organisational structure actually describes what kind of powers people will enjoy while sitting at any position as well as what kinds of roles they are assigned to do. This assignment clearly defines the roles and responsibilities of the managers within the health care service as well as their importance within the firm.


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