The Impact Of National Culture On Hospitality Workers’ Attitudes And Job Roles: A Comparison Of Indian And Vietnam Hospitality Workers
Literature Review
The hospitality industry has emerged as one of the major ones within the contemporary business and it is seen that various other industries like tourism, entertainment and others are dependent on this industry for the services that they offer to the customers (Sharma, Wu & Su, 2016). Kim, Lee and Jang (2017) are of the viewpoint that the unprecedented prominence that the industry has gained within the framework of the contemporary business world and that too within a very short time can be ascribed to the annual revenue which is being generated by the concerned industry. As a matter of fact, the concerned industry for the year 2015 generated more than 550 billion dollars revenue in addition to the 150-160 billion dollars in the business market of the United States of America itself (Jung et al., 2018). As opined by Kang, Lee and Yoo (2016), the hospitality industry more than any other industry of the world is influenced by the element of culture and as a matter of fact that entire business process of the concerned industry is heavily dependent on the element of culture. For example, it is seen that the element of culture affects not only the quality of the services which are being offered to the customers but at the same time affects the performance of the job roles of the various workers related to the hospitality industry as well (Khan, 2018).
The aim of the report is to analyze the impact or the effect which the entities of national culture, namely, power distance and masculinity had on the attitude, job roles and also the nature of the services which are being offered by the workers related to the hospitality industry. The report shows that the entities of masculinity and power intends wields a significant amount of influence on the quality of services which are being offered by the workers through an analysis of the same in the particular context of Vietnam and India.
Nath, Devlin and Reid (2018) are of the viewpoint that the national culture of a particular nation not wields an influence on the style or the process of business which is being followed within the framework of that nation. In addition to this, the national culture of a nation also determines to a great extent the kind of services which would be offered by the business enterprises of the concerned nation and also the means or the manner which will be used to deliver the same (Ergün & Kitapci, 2018). As opined by Guchait and Back (2016), two of the most important entities of national culture which has gained a substantial amount of significance within the framework of the contemporary business world are power distance and masculinity. Power distance can be defined as the extent or the level to which the people who belong to the lower ranks of the society or of an organization “accept and expect that power is distributed unequally” (, 2018). It is pertinent to note that in the contemporary society but at the same time in the various organizations it is seen that there is an unequal distribution of power and this affects the performance of the employees in a substantial manner (Kneževi? et al., 2015). For example, in the organizations, wherein the juniors are being able to approach the senior members of the organization have a much higher chances of attaining success than the ones wherein the employees are not being able to approach the senior members (Sunny, Patrick & Rob, 2018).
Analysis of National Culture of India and Vietnam on Hofstede’s Cultural Model
As opined by Lee, Chung and Jung (2015), masculinity can be defined as the extent to which the individuals of a society or an organization for that matter are not only influenced but at the same time motivated by the notions of “competition, success, achievement” and others. Ayeh, Au and Law (2016) have stated that the organizations wherein the employees are motivated to achieve success and also compete with their colleagues in term of their performance have a greater chance of gaining success. The entities of power distance and masculinity gain special prominence when the particular context of the hospitality industry is taken into consideration. I have selected these two elements since the prospects of the organizations related to the hospitality industry depend on the attitude of the employees and also on quality of the services that they offer the customers more than any other industry and thus it can be said that the notion of power distance and masculinity play a major role in the same.
An analysis of the nations of India and Vietnam on Hofstede’s cultural model is likely to reveal insightful details. For example, it is seen that the nation of India scores 77 on the index of power index which means that the people of the nation follow the notion of power distance in a sacrosanct manner within the various organizations and also society for that matter (Hofstede Insights, 2018). On the other hand, the score of Vietnam, on the same index is 70 which mean that the people of Vietnam also follow the notion of power distance within their society and organization in a stringent manner but as ardently as the Indians (Hofstede Insights, 2018). The national culture of India has a score of 56 on the masculinity index which means that the people are motivated by the notions of “achievement, succeed, competition” (Appendix 1). On the other hand, the score of Vietnam on the same index is 40 which means that the Vietnamese are not that much influenced by the notions of “achievement, succeed, competition” (Appendix 2).
Gao, B., Li, X., Liu, S., & Fang, D. (2018). How power distance affects online hotel ratings: the positive moderating roles of hotel chain and reviewers’ travel experience. Tourism Management, 65, 176-186.
The authors in this article offer insight details regarding the manner in which the notion of power distance affects the quality or the nature of the services offered by the hospitality industry. The authors Gao et al. (2018) discuss this aspect of the services offered by the hospitality workers and also the attitude of the employees in the particular context of the perspective of the customers and thus they discuss about the hotel ratings which are being offered by the customers. It is pertinent to note that these ratings provided by the customers not only are an indicative of the quality of the services offered by the workers but at the same time positive ratings go a long way in determining the future prospects of the concerned organization (Daniels & Greguras, 2014). However, Gao et al. (2018), at the same time stress the fact that the nature of these services and also the attitude of the employees are influenced to a great extent on the approachability of the senior officials of the organization and the ease with which they are willing are help out the junior members of the organization for the commencement of their job roles. In addition to this, the authors also state that socializing with the employees, taking into effective consideration their feedback, giving employees the opportunity to make spot decisions is likely to improve their attitude in a substantial manner. More importantly, the employees should be encouraged to express their views in case of disagreements.
Yayla-Küllü, H. M., Tansitpong, P., Gnanlet, A., McDermott, C. M., & Durgee, J. F. (2015). Employees’ national culture and service quality: an integrative review. Service Science, 7(1), 11-28.
Yayla-Küllü et al. (2015) are of the opinion that the entity of culture plays a major role on the manner in which the workers related to the hospitality industry perform their job roles and also the attitude of the employees. The authors specifically stress on the manner in which the entity of masculinity index of a particular nation influences the work of the employees. For example, Yayla-Küllü et al. (2015) argue the fact that if the masculinity score of a particular nation is high then it is more likely that the people of the nation would be more motivated to gain professional success and thereby offer better quality of services to the customers and vice versa. In addition to this, the authors at the same time highlight the manner in which the high masculinity index of a particular nation can be used in an effective manner to improve the quality of the services which are being offered to the customers. It is seen that high masculinity rate with a particular hospitality organization rather than positively affecting the organization can often destroy the organizational culture of the nation and thus care needs to be taken so as to reap benefits from it (Akkawanitcha et al., 2015). This has important implications for the customers as well since if the employees are motivated to gain professional success then they are more likely to use innovative measures to offer better quality services to the customers which will in turn help not only the customers but also the concerned employees as well. In addition to this, providing equal opportunities to both men and women is also likely to improve the attitude of the employees towards the work that they perform in a substantial manner.
An analysis of the two articles given above clearly indicates that the entities of masculinity as well as power distance plays a major role on the kind of services which is being offered by the employees to the customers within the hospitality industry and also the attitude of the employees. Experts are of the viewpoint that these two entities of the national culture can be utilized in an effective manner by the various organizations related to the hospitality industry to positive affect the performance of the employees and thereby gain a higher level of growth and also profitability.
The questionnaire and the questions were primarily designed with the inherent desire to find in the most effective manner the correlation between the entities of power distance, masculinity and the quality of the services offered by the employees within the hospitality industry to the employees and the attitude of the employees. It is with this purpose that responses were collected from 282 respondents about their opinion of the impact of the entities of power distance and masculinity on the kind of services that they are being offered by the employees related to the hospitality industry in the nations of India and Vietnam. More importantly, there were around 100 respondents for Vietnam in comparison to 182 respondents for India. Furthermore, care was taken to obtain the opinion of the people who had taken the help of the services offered by the hospitality industry in the nations of India and Vietnam. This was done to obtain a thorough as well as a first knowledge about the correlation of the three entities rather than getting the opinion of the people who had not taken the help of the services offered by the hospitality industry in the nations of Vietnam and India.
The primary data collected for the purpose of the analysis clearly indicates that there is a correlation between the entities of masculinity, power distance and service quality of the services which are being delivered by the hospitality industry workers in the nations of Vietnam and India. There were five questions in the questionnaire which were related to the impact of power distance on the service quality of the services delivered by the employees of the concerned industry.
Q 1: Employees should take on the spot decision without consulting the manager first in case of emergencies/complaints
Figure 1: Response on whether or not the employees should take spot decisions
- This question was asked to understand the impact of power distance on the service quality of the services was by the employees in the hospitality industry. It is pertinent to note that for the nation of India almost 28.02% of the respondents agreed with the fact that the employees should take spot decisions. On the other hand, 20.88% people strongly agreed with it, whereas 26.37% of the people disagreed with the fact. In the context of Vietnam, it was seen that 41% of the people agreed with the fact and 5% strongly agreed with it whereas 31% of the people disagreed with the fact.
- The higher desire of the employees in the hospitality industry of the nation of India can be attributed to the higher power distance score of the nation (77) on Hofstede’s cultural model in comparison to India (Appendix 1 and 2). Tang and Tsaur (2016) are of the opinion that giving the power to the employees to make on spot decisions in the absence of the line managers would not only motivate the employees but would also enhance their confidence level as well. This is likely to affect the attitude of the employees and in turn their approach towards the work that they are doing in a substantial manner. This clearly indicates the fact that the people of the nation of India follow the power distance aspect of their national culture in a sacrosanct manner in comparison to the Vietnamese people.
- Gao et al. (2018) have also stated that a lower power distance within the organizations would not only help the employees to perform in a much better manner but it would also have a positive effect on their behavior as well. This is likely to enhance the chances of the organizations to gain success.
Q2: Managers should consult the employees for their feedback in case of organizational change
Figure 2: Response on whether or not managers should consult employees for feedback
- This question was asked to understand the kind of choice that the employees related to the hospitality industry during the process of organizational change. For this question, 11% Vietnamese respondents agreed to the fact that the managers should consult the employees during such a process and 2% strongly agreed with it, whereas 36% disagreed with the same. On the other hand, 31.87% people agreed to the same fact whereas 27.47% people strongly agreed with it and 22.53% people disagreed in the context of the India.
- According to Kim, Im and Hwang (2015), the managers would be able to gain in a substantial manner by consulting the employees and taking into effective consideration their feedbacks during the time of organizational change. This is likely to reduce the resistance that they face from the employees and would also affect the attitude of these employees in a positive manner. The results indicates the fact that within the context of the Indian nation although the people are very conscious about the aspect of power distance yet they believe the fact that taking into effective consideration the perspective of the employees would help them to improve the quality of the services offered by them. This is also related to the higher score which the nation of India has (77) on Hofstede’s cultural model in comparison to Vietnam (70).
- Gao et al. (2018) has also said that taking into consideration the opinions of the employees regarding the changes which are being made in the organization would not only motivate them to perform better but would also encourage them to contribute in a meaningful manner towards the cause of the organization.
Q3: Managers should socialize with their subordinates working under them
Figure 3: Response on should the managers socialize with the subordinates
- The question was asked to understand the extent to which the managers and the higher authority members socialize with the employees and also the nature of relation that the employees share with managers in the hospitality industry. Interestingly, for this question 39% of Vietnamese agreed with this fact and 46% strongly agreed with it whereas 6% disagreed with the same. Furthermore, for the same question, 33.52% agreed and 23.63% people strongly agreed with it whereas 17.03% disagreed with the same in the context of India.
- As per Lyu et al. (2016), the organizations in which the line managers and the other higher management authorities socialize with the employees have a far better work culture than the ones wherein the managers remain distant. The effect of this is manifested not only in the work productivity of the employees but also in the attitude of the employees towards the work that they perform. The results clearly proves that the people from both the nations believe in the fact that the managers of the organizations related to the hospitality industry can improve the performance level of the employees by bonding or socializing with them in an ethical manner. Furthermore, this is in synchronicity with the high power distance scores of the two nations on Hofstede’s cultural model.
- In addition to this, in the literature review as well it was seen that Gao et al. (2018) held the viewpoint that socializing with the employees would not help them to perform better but would also change their attitude towards the work that they do.
Q 4: Subordinates are reluctant to share their views in case of disagreement with line managers
Figure 4: Response on whether the subordinates are reluctant to share their views with the line managers in case of disagreement
- This question was asked with the objective to understand whether the employees in the hospitality are reluctant to share their viewpoints with the managers in case of disagreement or not. It is pertinent to note that for this question 26.37% agreed and 18.13% strongly agreed with the fact whereas 28.02% disagreed with the same in the context of the Indian nation. On the other hand, 33% of the people agreed and 8% strongly agreed with the fact whereas 36% people disagreed with the same in the context of the nation of Vietnam.
- Zhang, Guo and Newman (2017) have stated that if the employees are reluctant to share their opinions with the line managers in cases of disputes then this can not only adversely affect the attitude of employees but their performance as well. Moreover, the results also indicate that the employees within the hospitality industry believe that they are more reluctant to share their viewpoints with the line managers in case of disagreements in comparison to India. This clearly is a deviation from the result of the analysis of the two nations on Hofstede’s cultural model since Vietnam has a lower score on the power distance index in comparison to India. This can be explained on the basis of the fact that the people are more motivated to gain success in comparison to the Vietnamese and thus they are not reluctant to place their opinion before the managers.
- Gao et al. (2018) are also of the same viewpoint when he says that the employees by placing their viewpoints before the managers can not only improve their performance but attitude towards the work that they do as well.
Q5: It is important for both men and women to have equal training opportunities for advancement to higher level jobs
Figure 5: Response on whether it is important for men and women to have equal training
- This question was asked to understand the degree to which the employees in the hospitality industry of the two nations believe that equal training is important for both men and women to succeed. For this question, 40% of the people of Vietnam agreed and 38% strongly agreed with the fact whereas only 13% disagreed with the same. On the other hand, 14.84% of the people of India agreed and 48.90% strongly agreed with the same whereas 4.40% of people disagreed with it.
- According to Mooney, Ryan and Harris (2017), effective training is an important tool through which the organizations can not only improve the current performance of the employees but also their attitudes as well. In addition to this, it also offers the necessary kind of tools to the employees to gain higher designations and professional success. The results also indicate the fact that the people of Vietnam are concerned with aspects of achievements and success and they are willing to take the right kind of measures for the attainment of the same. However, at the same time, it needs to be said that this a deviation from the results derived from the analysis of the two nations on Hofstede’s cultural model wherein it is seen that India (26) has a masculinity score in comparison to Vietnam (40). This can be explained on the basis of the fact that the people of India are more motivated to gain individual success and also the society of India is a male dominated one wherein women are offered equal opportunities. In comparison to India, the society of Vietnam is a liberal one and people believe in equality.
- Yayla-Küllüet al. (2015) concurs with this view by saying that providing equal growth opportunities to the employees would improve their attitude towards the work that they perform.
Q 6: I am okay with senior level staff being a man or women
Figure 6: Response on whether the gender of the managers matter for the employees
- This question was asked to understand whether the gender of the managers mattered to the employees related to the hospitality industry in the nations of India and Vietnam or not. For India, the percentage of the people who agreed with the view was 30.22% and 29.12$ strongly agreed with it whereas 18.68% of the people disagreed with this. In the context of Vietnam, 31% of people agreed and 4% strongly agreed with this notion whereas 29% disagreed with the same.
- As opined by Kim, Knutson and Choi (2016), the organizations in which the employees are more motivated to gain success the gender of the line managers or the higher official is not much of a concern for them. More importantly, the sole focus of the employees on the entity of success is reflected in their performance and also attitude as well. The results also indicate that the people of India are more motivated to gain success than the people of Vietnam despite the organizational structure which is followed. This result is in synchronicity with the results of the two nations derived from Hofstede’s cultural model wherein it is seen that India scores high on the masculinity index in comparison to Vietnam.
- Yayla-Küllüet al. (2015) are of the viewpoint that the employees who are more motivated to gain professional success are likely to behavior in an adequate professional manner with the clients and also the higher authorities than the ones who are not.
Q 7: Working with people who cooperate well with one another is more important for women than men
Figure 7: Response on whether cooperative colleagues are more important for women
- This question was asked to understand whether the employees related to the hospitality believed that cooperative colleagues were more important for the women than men or not. It is pertinent to note that for this 20.51% of the respondents for India agreed and 25.64% strongly agreed with this view whereas 23.08% of respondents disagreed with this fact. Furthermore, in the context of Vietnam, 34% of the respondents agreed and 15% strongly agreed with the view and 29% of the people disagreed with the same.
- Dhar (2015) has stated that the performance and also the attitude of the employees towards their job are correlated with the culture of the workplace. For example, if the organization has a cooperative culture then it affects the performance of the employees and their attitude in a positive manner and vice versa. The results clearly indicate that the people of India consider women to be equal in comparison to men and also the fact that they have necessary skill sets to gain success. This is in synchronicity with the results of analyses of the two nations on Hofstede’s cultural model. In this regard,
- Yayla-Küllüet al. (2015) have also stated that the practice of equality within the workplace is likely to improve the attitude of the employees in a significant manner.
The above analysis clearly indicates that the organizations as well as the employees related to the hospitality industry can improve the quality of the services offered by them to the customers and also the attitude of the employees by taking into effective consideration the entities of power distance and masculinity. The major limitations of the research can be said to be the fact that the research was focused within the narrow spectrum of only two nations, the responses of the respondents can be biased and others.
To conclude, the attributes of national culture like power distance and masculinity to a great extent determine not only the attitude of the employees but at the same time the quality of the services that would be delivered by them to the customers. This becomes especially important within the particular framework of the hospitality industry wherein the attitude of the employees and the quality of services offered by them to the customers determine to a large extent the prospects of the concerned organization. Thus, the nations like India and Vietnam which score low on the indexes of masculinity and power distance needs to take these two factors into effective consideration to attain a higher growth rate within the hospitality industry. The research under discussion here has been conducted in a minuscule manner however in future it can be conducted on a much larger scale to effective understand the correlation between the entities of power distance, masculinity, the attitude of the employees and the quality of the services offered by the hospitality industry to the customers.
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