The Impact Of Film Tourism Sustainability On Environment And Community Perspective – Analysis

Interpretive Paradigm and Qualitative Methodology


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What is the impact of the film tourism sustainability on the environment from a community perspective? 

Over the past several years, Film tourism has been increasing its popularity in the society. One of the major beneficial aspects of the film tourism industry is that the filmmaking provides economic benefits to the local community and society. Several promotional activities of the film tourism industry have been facilitating the tourism business in an effective manner. Although the tourism industry has been growing in an effective manner, film tourism industry contributes in promoting different tourist places to the community people. Tourism revenue is on the major outcomes of the film tourism industry, as it is responsible for strengthening the country’s economic structure in an appropriate manner (Connell, 2012). On the other hand, the filmmaking provides economic benefits to the local community by generating money through filming taxes and fees. Film tourism industry obtains such profitable outcomes by employing local crewmembers including camera operator and make-up artists. With the involvement of the local community, the film tourism industry can sustain their business in the global platform. Moreover, the film tourism industry facilitates in exploring new and attractive tourists spots to the people (Kim, 2012). Consequently, it enhances the tourism value for that particular place. Hence, it can be assessed that the local community can facilitate the film tourism industry to uphold its sustainability in an effective manner. Film tourism industry has been providing the environment sustainability with the community perspective. On the other hand, the local community facilitates the film tourism industry in enhancing the effectiveness of the business in the global platform.

The aim of the research is to analysis the impact of the film tourism sustainability on the environment from a community perspective. With the involvement of the research analysis, the film industry will be able to understand the huge impacts of the community on the tourism sustainability. The outcome of the research will facilitate the future projects to be investigated in an efficient manner. Moreover, the researcher analyses the research topic in a detailed approach for obtaining a beneficial outcome.

The researcher will select the interpretive paradigm and qualitative methodology for investigating the research study in a detailed manner. Interpretive views have a different form of origins in different disciplines. The interpretivism paradigm has facilitated as a critique of positivism in the social science (Robson & McCartan, 2016). The growing popularity of the interpretive paradigm has facilitated the researcher to select the same approach in order to obtain profitable outcome from the research study. In this scenario, the researcher has selected interpretivism design, as it involves the researcher to interpret elements of the study.  The interpretive approach is based on two viewpoint including relativist ontology and transactional or subjectivist epistemology. Relativist ontology suggests reality, which is based on the understanding and meaning on the experimental and social levels (Mackey & Gass, 2015). On the other hand, the transactional epistemology is based on the belief that the people and knowledge are inseparable. It indicates the apparent line between the research subjects and researcher. Hence, it can be assessed that the interpretivism approach is socially constructed. The researcher has utilized the particular form of approach in order to obtain the unique, specific and deviant outcome from the research. 

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Research Methodology

The methodology includes several research activities including research types, research process, research structure, approach, research design, reliability and validity and ethical consideration. The researcher has identified the exploratory research design in order to enhance the reliability and viability of the research topic. On the other hand, the researcher has chosen the interpretive research approach in order to get the reliable outcome of the research. The researcher has involved the qualitative research approach for investigating the research topic in a detailed manner (Taylor, Bogdan & DeVault, 2015). Moreover, the key professionals from the film tourism industry have helped the researcher analyzing the research study in a systematic manner. The researcher has involved the qualitative research approach in order to achieve the aims and objective of the particular research topic. In this scenario, the researcher has involved the primary data collection method for gathering reliable data on the research topic of the impacts of film tourism on the environment sustainability from a community perspective. Qualitative primary data collection process has facilitated the researcher ensuring the greater level of depth of understanding of the research topic (Panneerselvam, 2014). In the data collection process, the researcher includes the interview process for obtaining detailed analysis on the research topic. Moreover, the research analysis has facilitated the researcher in identifying the key developing issues on the research topic. In this context, the researcher includes the qualitative approach, as the key professionals provide a detailed discussion on the research topic, and they investigate the topic bases on their personal experiences.

Research methods include data analysis and data collection, survey method, research limitation and the different research process. In this context, the researcher has selected the primary data collection based on the qualitative research approach. With the involvement of the qualitative research method, the researcher has obtained adequate information on the research topic (Flick, 2015). Primary data collection has facilitated the researcher in accumulating the reliable data and information on the film tourism industry and its impacts on the environment sustainability. The researcher has involved the semi-structure interview for the key professionals of the film tourism industry. With the involvement of the semi-structured interview process, the researcher has evaluated the factors influencing film tourism industry for obtaining environmental sustainability in an effective manner.

Data collection has two distinct parts including primary data collection and secondary data collection. The researcher has avoided the secondary data collection in order to accumulate reliable information on the research topic in an effective manner (Billig & Waterman, 2014). With the involvement of the secondary data, the researcher accumulates data and information on the research topic from secondary sources including books, newspapers, magazines, journals, online portals, etc.

In this particular case, the researcher has selected the semi-structured interview for investigating the research topic in an effective manner. With the involvement of the qualitative research approach, the researcher has successfully investigated the impacts of the film tourism industry on the environment sustainability from community perspective (Green, Camilli & Elmore, 2012).

On the other hand, the primary data collection can be divided into two groups including qualitative and quantitative data analysis. Quantitative research methods involve some the respondents in order to accumulate information on the research topic based on the current market statistic. Qualitative research methods do not involve the respondents and mathematical calculation (Miller et al., 2012). It is associated with the words, feelings, sounds, emotions, colors and other non-quantifiable elements. In this context, the 6 key professionals of the film tourism industry have provided adequate knowledge on the impacts of the film tourism sustainability from community perspectives. Qualitative studies focus on the greater level of depth and understanding of the research topic. Qualitative data collection method includes the interviews, open-ended questionnaires, focus groups, observations and case studies. 

Data Collection

Sampling is one of the major factors for the research investigation. With the involvement of the proper sampling method, the researcher will be able to save the costs of the research in an effective manner. It makes the research of any size manageable (Reynolds et al., 2014). Moreover, it provides adequate opportunities in processing the information in more effective manner. It also accelerates the speed of the primary data collection in the research.

Probability and non-probability sampling methods are two distinct forms of sampling method. In this scenario, Probability sampling suggests the random selection process, whereas the non-probability sampling process does not depend on the random selection (Chaawla & Sondhi, 2012). The researcher has selected 6 key professionals from the film tourism industry to investigate the research study in an effective manner. In this scenario, the researcher has selected the key professionals depending on the probability sampling technique. The researcher has selected the random sampling in order to reduce the bias from the research investigation. Hence, the sample size is 6 key professionals of the film tourism industry. The researcher has not involved the larger sample dimension in order to save the cost of the research in an effective manner. Probability sampling method can be categorized into three sections involving simple random sampling, systematic random sampling and, stratified random sampling. The researcher has selected the simple random selection in order to diminish the biases from the research.

Qualitative and quantitative are two forms of the data analysis plan. The researcher has selected the qualitative research method in order to investigate the impact of film tourism sustainability from a community perspective. Qualitative research includes the interviews, focus groups, etc. data analysis involves the identified common patterns within the research responses in an effective manner (Billig  & Waterman, 2014). With the involvement of the qualitative research analysis, the researcher can achieve research objectives and aims in an appropriate manner.  In the absence of the primary data collection, the data analysis method can include common patterns and controversies within the secondary data related to the research area. The researcher avoids the quantitative data analysis, as the particular research needs to be investigated in a detailed approach. On the other hand, the quantitative research approach often failed to accumulate the reliable data on the particular research topic (Taylor, Bogdan & DeVault, 2015). In this context, 6 key professionals have provided adequate knowledge on the research topic of impacts of film tourism industry on the environment sustainability from a community perspective.

In this scenario, the researcher has selected the qualitative research approach to investigate the research issue in a detailed approach. Through the engagement of involving the qualitative research approach, the researcher can evaluate the impact of the film tourism industry on the environment sustainability from the community perspective. 


Billig, S. H., & Waterman, A. S. (Eds.). (2014). Studying service-learning: Innovations in education research methodology. Routledge.

Chaawla, D., & Sondhi, N. (2012). Research methodology concepts and cases. International Journal of Physical and Social Sciences, 2(6), 403-405

Connell, J. (2012). Film tourism–Evolution, progress and prospects. Tourism Management, 33(5), 1007-1029.

Flick, U. (2015). Introducing research methodology: A beginner’s guide to doing a research project. Sage

Green, J. L., Camilli, G., & Elmore, P. B. (2012). Handbook of complementary methods in education research. Routledge.

Kim, S. (2012). Audience involvement and film tourism experiences: Emotional places, emotional experiences. Tourism Management, 33(2), 387-396.

Mackey, A., & Gass, S. M. (2015). Second language research: Methodology and design. Routledge.

Miller, T., Birch, M., Mauthner, M., & Jessop, J. (Eds.). (2012). Ethics in qualitative research. Sage. 

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