The Impact Of Fake Profiles On Social Media And Its Effect On Social Life: A Critical Analysis


In this paper the authors manoharan and Kartic explains the real difference in-between the real and fake profiles that are found in the social media network and how these have affected the life of people. The authors have explained these factors with one of the major example in this manner. The authors brings to notice a comic scenario when a married couple for the sake of reigniting their passion, agrees to meet each other ‘accidentally’ as if for the first time at a masquerade ball. The results of this went terribly wrong and this affected the life of the people. The fact that the ideology in social media deals with the processing of the better communication process of the entire interface specificity and this is the sole reason that the data management is performed with the help of the understanding of the methodology that is used for maintaining the connectivity among the users of the platform of social media and this leads to the fact that the communication is maintained in an efficient way and this is a major reason for implementing the social media (Boyd 2014). According to the researchers, the fake profiles have gained some of the considerable notoriteroty in the modern generation (Manoharan and Karthick Ram 2017). The fake profiles are used for some committing some of the horrific crimes mainly committed towards the women active in the social media. These profiles tend to defame the women, threaten them and pass bad comments. Despite several advantages that are present in the processing of the social media, the major advantage that is present is that identity crisis of people has been affecting the entire process and this leads to major projection  of weakening of the trust that is embedded on the platform of the social media and this also leads to the fact that people tend to hide their own identity in order to impress others and the problem arises in this section as the genuine people might get deceived by the fake identities that are present in the social media (Castillo et al. 2014).  In the paper it is explained that according to media theorist Geert Lovink explains the ideology of creating subjects in social media. The social media portals are unable to differentiate in between the fake and original profiles and hence are creating some of the major problems. Further the author provides some of other examples how the social media fake profiles have affected the life of the normal people.

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In this paper the authors Lovink, Geert explains some of the other major problems that are faced by the people in the social media. At first the author explains the case of the Edward Snowden, the case which shook the ideology of information security and sharing. This is one of the major threat to the security of information and hamper the social aspect of a person. Further in the paper the author explains a slogan by Charles Leadbeater “You are what you share”.  According to the author this means a person as an autonomous entity shares information that can be related to the personal experiences in normal life. Author further describes people as the slaves of machines who are addicted to social media. One of the major point that is highlighted in the paper is how normal people surfs in the social media. The life of people is stuck in viewing updates of social cycle (Blau 2017). People visits the recent stories at first and then fine tunes other posts. In brief it can be said that the life of people is stuck in fake reactions to the updates that are given by others. These reactions varies from choosing between love, ha-ha, wow, sad, and angry although none of these are actually true in real life (Lovink and Geert, 2016).  Further the researchers explains the social networking as a disclosure that is needed to be understand beyond the concepts of the texts, interfaces and technical knowledge. The social life of people are very much secretive to some people. This modern stage of the social media platforms can be explained as the era of hegemonic. The services are usually terms to the subject of ideology. Further the authors explained some of the other major ideologies that are related to the life in a social network.

In this book the author researches about the meaning of the Age in social media life. The book clearly explains about the complex ideas related to the life in social media and how the media theory helps in the process of understanding the social life of a person.  The author further explains about the strengths about the Italian post Marxists which are defined by the author as Virno, Virilio, Pasquinelli and Bifo, although others such as Hardt, Negri and DyerWitheford are also explained as well (Langlois and Ganaele 2014). Further documenting the process of the process how the social life relate to the celebrity life and culture Academic internet studies circles have shifted their attention from utopian promises, impulses, and critiques to “mapping” the network’s impact(Perrin 2015).. This is one of the other major point that is well explained in the paper

These paper well explained the concepts of the social media life. The social media life can be well explained using the understanding from these papers. The paper made me understand how the social media is one of the most used thing in the internet that have affected the modern world today. The social media helps people to connect to each other and helps in the process of socializing. This papers helped in in the process of understanding how fake profiles can be dangerous in terms of the social life. The fake profiles increases the crime rates that are done on the active women. Further the paper helped me understand how the social media which is meant to do good for the people is actually causing some of the major problems in the life of the people. Further this paper helped me understand somee of the major backlog that is found in the social median and how these are effecting the life of the people This factors that not only exploiting the life of the people in the online world but is also wasting the time of people.  The second article helped me in understanding the process of social media life. The article helped me understand that how social media is a place where people posts comments and fake emotions. People in social media views and sees posts that are for, the social network. Further they filter that posts and further sees the same posts and reacts on the same. The life cycle of these posts are visible to people around a specific circle and these are often shown to the people are very much active on the social media. Further the book by Langlois further explained further the social life in terms of the celebrity. Criticizing the social media governance is one of the other major aspect. The papers also made me understand how with the incrsing technology, people are spending more time in internet, how these are effecting the life of the people. One of the major thing that I have learned from the paper is that social media is not a life of a person but is a part of it and hence is needed to be dealt with utmost care. These articles well explains how the process of social media is exploiting the life of the people. Believing in all these facts cannot be true hence needs to be justified and properly understood. This is a major point that helped me change my regular activities of the using the social media understand the true concept of the social median aspects.

The research can further can be researcher on how the social media helps in the process of enhancing the social life of the people. This is one of the major project which can be further researched on how the quality of the project matters (Ferguson et al. 2014). Also important research can be done how the social life can hamper the work related issues. Spending too much time using the social media can also effect the health conditions (Langlois and Ganaele 2014). Researches on how the reduction of the fake profiles can be a major point in the research purpose. The fact that the ideology in social media deals with the processing of the better communication process of the entire interface The fake profiles are used for some committing some of the horrific crimes mainly committed towards the women active in the social media. These profiles tend to defame the women, threaten them and pass bad comments. The fake profile is one of the most major area where focus must be made in order to enhance a life in social media. How the process of reduction of time in using the social media can also be one of the major point in the life of social culture.

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Blau, P., 2017. Exchange and power in social life. Routledge.

Boyd, D., 2014. It’s complicated: The social lives of networked teens. Yale University Press.

Castillo, C., El-Haddad, M., Pfeffer, J. and Stempeck, M., 2014, February. Characterizing the life cycle of online news stories using social media reactions. In Proceedings of the 17th ACM conference on Computer supported cooperative work & social computing (pp. 211-223). ACM.

Ferguson, C.J., Muñoz, M.E., Garza, A. and Galindo, M., 2014. Concurrent and prospective analyses of peer, television and social media influences on body dissatisfaction, eating disorder symptoms and life satisfaction in adolescent girls. Journal of youth and adolescence, 43(1), pp.1-14.

Langlois, Ganaele, 2014, ‘Chapter 1: Governing Meaning’, Meaning in the Age of Social Media, New York: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 23-49 

Lovink, Geert, 2016, ‘On the Social Media Ideology’, e-flux 75,

Manoharan, Karthick Ram, 2017, ‘On Social Media, There Is No Difference between the Real and the Fake’, The Wire,

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