The Impact Of Extrinsic Motivation On Employee Performance And Other Influencing Factors

What is Employee Motivation?

Motivation is an essential element, which ensures smooth functioning of every individual. In employee concern, the types of motivation, which values their performance, are the intrinsic motivation which, generates enough satisfaction along with the improvements in their presentations while extrinsic motivation that empowers them to earn enough money. Accordingly, the combination of both leads a positive effect over the working conditions of the employees (Jian, Ying, Yahui, and Zhenxing, 2016). While intrinsic motivation is within the individuals in a form of intangibles, which simply strive towards a goal for personal satisfaction, whereas extrinsic motivation drives from external monetary rewards and praise, which are required for an achievement gained in a particular goal. Subsequently, a motivation within employee generates and maintains stability, helps organisation for incrementing their reputation and leads to improve productivity and future trends (Kimberly, 2017). This discussion is focusing on highlighting the amalgamation of these aforementioned concepts of employee performance and Motivation.

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Before going into the detailed analysis of stated topic, it becomes important to attain clarity on what exactly employee performance and motivation stands for. Employee performance can highly be effective through extrinsic motivation because it highlights the reward driven behaviour, which entails a positive relation between work motivation and job performances (Buckley, 2018). In an organisation concern, it is mandatory to motivate employees, if they are motivated during their working hours their performance, attitude and interest will improve. The main goal of an organisation is to generate profit and this can only happen when, workforce will be motivated to achieve specific organisational goals (Burrage, 2016).

Job performance measures the profit turnover earned by organisation; it also reflects the performance of the employees as it has the direct relationship with it. If performance of employee is low in an organisation then the turnover will also be low and if the performance increases it will ultimately double the profits of an organisation. Therefore, to make employee more motivated they are rewarded monetarily and on the other hand the employee who do not perform well are communicated privately and further encourages them to perform efficiently (Rich, Lepine, and Crawford, 2010).

Biggest challenge all over the world is doing business, one can start with their business but over time, positive results are mandatory. The highly challenging competitive global market affects the productivity in long run and motivates employees, which helps in delivering a huge value to organisation. Along with this, firming and maintaining the revenue growth of the organisation. Hence, Managers have to apply creative ideas to consistently keeping their employee motivated as much as possible (Llopis, 2012).

Problem background states that extrinsic motivation has positive impact on employee performance including increments in retention rates, customer satisfaction, profitability, productivity and overall successful organisation performance (Bell, 2017). Motivated employee will always be willing to take assignments that will generate high quality of work, which will be creative enough, persistent and productive. Similarly, motivation is that energy which flows from managers to employees towards performing certain action. This ensures that extrinsic motivation strengthen the willingness of the employee towards their work and increments the organisations effectiveness and competence. Insiders of organisation want an assurance that the direction of their employees behaviour and performance should go, hand in hand within organisation (Robescu and Lancu, 2017).

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The Importance of Motivation in Employee Performance

 In current competitive business environment, organisation faces many challenges, getting the right employee and retaining them is the most important one. Thus, Motivation is a single factor out of many, which wholly affects the performance of the employee and makes it easier for the organisation to retain them. In addition, if an employee is having a high performance due to high extrinsic motivation, it will leads to generation of more and more profits for the organisation and thus, improvises the reputation of the organisation. However, more of extrinsic motivation can majorly affects the intrinsic behaviour, as they will not receive the expected rewards and thus, it will lead to discouragement and dissatisfaction among the employees and eventually it will hamper growth and goodwill of the organisation (Law, 2016).

 In relation to the above paragraphs, extrinsic motivation helps the employees in satisfying their basic needs and with time, the level of needs keeps on increasing. Therefore, it has examined that the extrinsic motivation helps in fulfilling the basic needs of employees whereas inclusion of intrinsic motivation helps to fulfil the other needs of employees (Rath, 2015) this is further, explained through two-factor theory by Herzberg.

(Source: Teeboom, 2018)

This theory highlights the two factors, which are motivation and job satisfaction. Herzberg by critically analysing that people is experiencing their good time with the bad time in their jobs. In addition, based on this he developed a theory, which depends on two factors. Factors for satisfaction are the motivators and satisfiers whereas; factors for dissatisfaction are the hygiene factor and dissatisfiers. Performance, recognition, job status, responsibility and opportunities all fall under motivators and satisfiers. Hygiene factor is all about salary, internal relationships with colleagues and affects the relationship between the supervisor and employees.

During analysing  Herzberg theory says that is not conclusive because the professional and the well skilled workers likes more responsibility and challenging jobs whereas the unskilled and the lower class people they are more relied on pays and the other factors. Other factor is job enrichment in which company gives more focuses on giving responsibility to their employees and ignores job satisfaction. However, managers should restructure their jobs in order to increase job satisfaction (Teeboom, 2018).

According to me, company at initials should focuses on hygiene factor of motivation in order to improve the employee performance and as the employees job get secured they should start focusing on motivational factor. It is every important at the starting stage of employees to have motivational hygiene factors.  

 From the above paragraphs, it is determined that, in monetary term employee performances will definitely airstrike the stars because when they are motivated extrinsically it highlights the reward driven behaviour, which entails a positive relationship between work motivation and job performances. Accordingly extrinsic motivation is not enough to gain other benefits of the organisation, intrinsic motivation within employees is must because they have more purposeful and meaningful job drives. Therefore, extrinsic motivation has a great impact over the employee’s performance, which not only benefits them individually in monetary terms, but also they help the organisation to earn more and more profits. Consequently, extrinsic motivation within employee generates and maintains stability, helps organisation for incrementing their reputation and leads to improve productivity and future trends (Ingram, 2009).

Extrinsic Motivation and Its Impact on Employee Performance

 People think that earning money is the only motivational tool, which an organisation uses to upgrade the employee as well as organisation performance but other than this, there are many other factors, which influences the employee’s motivation. Along with this, they ensure that the work done by them is on time and better quality of work (Srivastava, 2016). She states that only earning money cannot be the tool of motivation, at some particular time employee do need recognition, job status, responsibility and better performances. Hence, after analysing, even I think at particular point, for an employee, job status and recognition matters the most in comparative to the salary and internal relationship with supervisors. Status and recognition acts as a good motivator for improving the employee performances within an organisation. By giving a prominent view, money at initial stage is require by every individual but contradictory to it certain satisfactory motivation aspects cannot be ignored likewise,  

 Good relationship with the co-workers directs them to work in unity, have respect for each other, and add values to the organisation. It directs employee to feel more relaxed and entails a proper authority and responsibility towards work.  Other factor is about leader key role, in which leader who performs leadership maintains a conducive environment. Basic motive of the leader is to support, respect, and honour, maintains culture within the organisation and with its work force; too this motivates the leaders to work with more responsibility (Tracy, 2013).

The other contradictory point of view talks about significant power of success, which is career advancement, if an employee is more dedicated  towards his/ her work for an organisation over years he/she should be definitely be rewarded for job performances. In addition, organisation should give them a chance to upgrade corporate ladder so they can push themselves towards their achievements along with the accomplishment of organisation goals. This provides the opportunities to the employees to explore globally and enhance their personal growth. Main heads or the supervisors should ensure by taking notes in consideration the efforts of employees and generate opportunities of growth for them (Thomas, 2009).

 According to me, Job security is also generally needed by people in their life which gives them a sense of stability, this can be achieved when people with their proper efforts towards their work generates appreciation and an image of stability. Workplace incentives also generate or influence the employee motivation and add to the tranquillity of the organisation. A culture, which affects the knowledge sharing, proper communication, respect, helping hands, leads to the flexibility to engross mistakes and make more elasticity in working within an organisation and motivates employees to remain associated with the organisation (Turner and Cheng, 2017).

 Other factor, which affects motivation, is learning and development opportunities. This helps in guiding and educating employees. Thus, progress for positive relationship between employees and the organisation is must. This entire thing requires desire of learning, craving for acquiring new skills, which helps in continuing personal development, stimulate higher performance and improve engagement with company. They also opt for different development opportunities which company offers  at every level, right from learning and adopting positive results from internal and external programmes and mentorship to which  not only benefits to individual at large but also the company (Michael, 2011).

Intrinsic Motivation and Its Relationship with Employee Performance

Business runs on responsibilities, efficient structure and processes, which are diversified within employee, which in turns the business conditions upside down and encourages the higher performance not only for themselves but for company too. Wholly and entirely if an individual sees, employees spent almost one–third of their day at work, for this the company is highly responsible for the personal challenges and tough time which an employee faces. Consequently, company should support its employee members through different motivation techniques, understand them and their problem and take relevant steps to solve their issues (Stallion, 2017). 

Certain companies have their own regulations and codes of conduct, which are predestined to support employees in their difficult times like when grief strikes which falls under “work-life stability” umbrella. All such acts made by the company build trust and generates loyalty within employees. With such assistance, employees return stronger and more committed towards work. Other than monetary benefits, company do appreciates non- monetary aspects by targeting the need of self-actualization, this highlights the meaning behind the work performed by the individual, creation of ethics, morals and CSR strategy encourages and guide the employees in search of the meaning towards their work. They have shown the role, which they play is so mandatory for the organisation and their overall working are considered and are linked with the organisation’s vision, mission and values, which completely and positively contributes to the society (Stallion, 2017). 

This proofs that a balancing work and personal life that motivates more to employees towards their work. However, it varies from person to person, some employee need monetary satisfaction to get motivated and some need more career advancements opportunities to get motivated so every individual have their different motivation techniques to get linked with the organisation and to achieve success in both the personal and the organisational aspects. Some researchers have highlighted that if the current success of an employee is at star, company should promote them for promotion that automatically motivates them to work even harder for themselves for star airstrike (Thomas, 2009).

 Certain guidelines, managers and one on one-communication sessions with their employees also helps in maintaining motivation. Spending quality time with the employees act as huge enabler for understanding their current motivator’s traits and helps in clarifying the techniques to be opted to ensure more dedicated employee in future. An overall achievement made for the organisation, along with this company should also know about the individual’s strength and weaknesses and thus the company’s culture should formulate so completely that they should act as good motivation and winning team too (Tracy, 2013).

Overall motivation of employees has entirely based on the success of the organisation. A current accomplishment of business generates trust in the mind of the employees, where will the business go in near future surely motivates employees. On personal grounds, individuals do think of the organisation’s name and fame, which motivates them to work even harder for the company so that it can enhance its personal growth and leads to the increment in recognition of the organisation (Rath, 2015).

From the discussion of the above paragraphs, it is determined that extrinsic factors partially motivate the employees. In order to improve, the overall efficiency of the employees the company needs both intrinsic (inside motivation comes from promotion, rewards) as well as extrinsic motivation (outside motivation comes from monetary benefits, fame, praise), which ultimately leads to the success of the organisation.


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