The Impact Of Ecommerce On Business: A Scholarly Review
Behavior of online customers and its impact on e-commerce
Sabou, S., Avram-Pop, B., & Zima, L. A. (2017). The Impact of the Problems Faced by Online Customers on Ecommerce. Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai Oeconomica, 62(2), 77-88. Available at DOI: 10.1515/subboec-2017-0010
Sabou, Avram-Pop and Zima (2017) in the article entitled “The Impact of the Problems Faced by Online Customers on Ecommerce” discusses the various behaviors as are demonstrated by the clients who have been using the ecommerce activities that have been presented within the article. The article discusses the advantages of e-commercial activities in the business. The concerned article is considered to be scholarly and reliable due to the sources wherefrom the article has been derived. The article further state that the various advantages of the e-commerce websites tend to outweigh the disadvantages of the uses of the ecommerce in the various businesses within the given territorial boundaries wherein the company has been operating. The article majorly suggests that the clients who have been using the e-commercial activities tend to remain loyal to the companies despite the issues that they might face.
Mohammed, Z. A., & Tejay, G. P. (2017). Examining privacy concerns and ecommerce adoption in developing countries: The impact of culture in shaping individuals’ perceptions toward technology. Computers & Security, 67, 254-265. Available at DOI: 10.1016/j.cose.2017.03.001
Mohammed and Tejay (2017) in their article entitled “Examining privacy concerns and ecommerce adoption in developing countries: The impact of culture in shaping individuals’ perceptions toward technology” attempts to shed light on the various advantages of the implementation of the e-commercial activities within the business organizations. The concerned article is considered to be scholarly and reliable due to the sources wherefrom the article has been derived. The findings of the research reveal that the implementation of the e-commercial activities within the organization tend to deal with the issues of the maintenance of privacy of the clients who have been using the e-commercial websites of the concerned organizations. The article discusses the advantages of e-commercial activities in the business. The article discusses the advantages of e-commercial activities in the business.
Deng, Z., & Wang, Z. (2016). Early-mover advantages at cross-border business-to-business e-commerce portals. Journal of Business Research, 69(12), 6002-6011. Available at DOI: 10.1016/j.jbusres.2016.05.015
Deng and Wang (2016) in the article entitled “Early-mover advantages at cross-border business-to-business e-commerce portals” throws light on the importance of the implementation of the e-commercial platforms that are implemented by the various organizations in order to deal with the retention of the loyal clients of the organization. The article discusses the advantages of e-commercial activities in the business. The article discusses the issues that are presented in the e-commercial activities that have been undertaken by the companies that implement the B2C communications. The concerned article is considered to be scholarly and reliable due to the sources wherefrom the article has been derived.
The impact of culture on privacy concerns and e-commerce adoption in developing countries
Patwardhan, R., & Gawai, N. (2017). Trustworthiness of the users and products based on user reviews on ecommerce sites. International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science, 8(7). Available at DOI: 10.26483/ijarcs.v8i7.4243
Patwardhan and Gawai (2017) in the article entitled “Trustworthiness of the users and products based on user reviews on ecommerce sites” discusses the importance of the reviews as provided by the users of the e-commerce websites that are presented within the organizations. The concerned article is considered to be scholarly and reliable due to the sources wherefrom the article has been derived. The article discusses the fact that the e-commerce options provide the clients with the advantage of choosing over a wide variety of products within a very small period of timeframe. The article further states that the user reviews that are available on the e-commerce sites tend to help the concerned clients to develop an understanding of the trustworthiness of the concerned e-commerce site.
Payaro, A., & Papa, A. R. (2016, June). Products suitable for ecommerce. A proposed model for click and bricks companies. In 4thInternational Conference on Contemporary Marketing Issues ICCMI June 22-24, 2016 Heraklion, Greece (p. 115). Available at DOI: 10.17265/2328-2185/2017.03.005
Payaro and Papa, (2016) in the a7rticle entitled “Products suitable for ecommerce. A proposed model for click and bricks companies” attempts a discussion on the use of the internet in the sale of the products that are manufactured by the multitude of the organizations that are active within the given international markets. The article discusses the advantages of use of the internet in the development of the e-commercial activities in the business. The article argues that the implementation of the e-commerce in the client dealings of the organization tend to help in the increment of the client base of the organization in discussion. The sources wherefrom the article has been derived concerned render the article to be considered as scholarly and reliable.
Patel, D., Goyal, S., & Agarwal, R. (2018). E-Commerce Business Model. In Improving E-Commerce Web Applications Through Business Intelligence Techniques(pp. 110-129). IGI Global. Available at:
Patel, Goyal and Agarwal (2018) in the book chapter entitled “E-Commerce Business Model” attempts a definition of the concept of the ecommerce that is implemented by the companies operating in the international markets. The chapter discusses the importance of the implementation of the e-commerce activities within the organization. The book chapter further discusses the various amounts of advantages and the disadvantages of the introduction of the e-commerce in the operations of the business organization that have been operating in the several international markets all over the world.
Early-mover advantages and cross-border B2B e-commerce portals
Shi, Y. (2016). Analysis on the B2C e-commerce pattern in China. Journal of Service Science & Management, 9(5), 443-452. Available at DOI: 10.4236/jssm.2016.95048
Shi (2016) in the article entitled “Analysis on the B2C e-commerce pattern in China” attempts to shed light on the issues that are related to the use of the e-commerce in the business organizations that are operational within the Chinese territories. The article discusses the major disadvantages of the e-commerce activities that are incorporated by the business organizations. The article discusses the disadvantages of e-commercial activities in the business. The author of the article opines the fact that the implementation of e-commercial activities tends/ to levy soaring expenditures on the part of the company. The introduction of the e-commercial stores tends to provide the lower prices to the clientele who visit the online stores in comparison to those who have been using the offline stores. The sources wherefrom the article has been derived recognize the concerned article as scholarly and reliable.
Yapar, B. K., Bayrakdar, S., & Yapar, M. (2015). The role of taxation problems on the development of e-commerce. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 195, 642-648. Available at DOI: 10.1016/j.sbspro.2015.06.145
Yapar, Bayrakdar and Yapar (2015) in the article entitled “The role of taxation problems on the development of e-commerce” attempts a discussion on the taxation issues that is encountered by the organizations that have been implementing the e-commerce as one of the major factors that is useful in rendering the business to be accessible to all clients of the organization. The article discusses the disadvantages of e-commercial activities in the business. The concerned article is considered to be scholarly and reliable due to the sources wherefrom the article has been derived. The article highlights the issues that are faced by the organization in terms of the taxation which might result due to the technological issues within the organization.
Choshin, M., & Ghaffari, A. (2017). An investigation of the impact of effective factors on the success of e-commerce in small-and medium-sized companies. Computers in Human Behavior, 66, 67-74. Available at DOI: 10.1016/j.chb.2016.09.026
Choshin and Ghaffari (2017) in the article entitled “An investigation of the impact of effective factors on the success of e-commerce in small-and medium-sized companies” sheds light on the issues that are related to the retention of the clients of the organization due to the implementation of the e-commercial activities that have been implemented by the organization in discussion. The article discusses the disadvantages of e-commercial activities in the business. The concerned article is considered to be scholarly and reliable due to the sources wherefrom the article has been derived. The article majorly focusses on the issues that are related to the relationship that exists between the company and the clientele of company. The article highlights the issues that are faced by the organization in terms of the client satisfaction within the e-commercial activities.
Trustworthiness of users and products based on user reviews
Rahayu, R., & Day, J. (2015). Determinant factors of e-commerce adoption by SMEs in developing country: evidence from Indonesia. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 195, 142-150. Available at DOI: 10.1016/j.sbspro.2015.06.423
Rahayu and Day (2015) in the article entitled “Determinant factors of e-commerce adoption by SMEs in developing country: evidence from Indonesia” discusses the factors that are influential for the development of the e-commerce within the various SMEs that have been operational in the markets within the territorial boundaries of the developing countries. The concerned article is considered to be scholarly and reliable due to the sources wherefrom the article has been derived. The article majorly focusses on the disadvantages that are incurred by the companies in the implementation of e-commercial activities in the business arenas.
Choshin, M., & Ghaffari, A. (2017). An investigation of the impact of effective factors on the success of e-commerce in small-and medium-sized companies. Computers in Human Behavior, 66, 67-74. Available at DOI: 10.1016/j.chb.2016.09.026
Deng, Z., & Wang, Z. (2016). Early-mover advantages at cross-border business-to-business e-commerce portals. Journal of Business Research, 69(12), 6002-6011. Available at DOI: 10.1016/j.jbusres.2016.05.015
Mohammed, Z. A., & Tejay, G. P. (2017). Examining privacy concerns and ecommerce adoption in developing countries: The impact of culture in shaping individuals’ perceptions toward technology. Computers & Security, 67, 254-265. Available at DOI: 10.1016/j.cose.2017.03.001
Patel, D., Goyal, S., & Agarwal, R. (2018). E-Commerce Business Model. In Improving E-Commerce Web Applications Through Business Intelligence Techniques (pp. 110-129). IGI Global. Available at:
Patwardhan, R., & Gawai, N. (2017). Trustworthiness of the users and products based on user reviews on ecommerce sites. International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science, 8(7). Available at DOI: 10.26483/ijarcs.v8i7.4243
Payaro, A., & Papa, A. R. (2016, June). Products suitable for ecommerce. A proposed model for click and bricks companies. In 4th International Conference on Contemporary Marketing Issues ICCMI June 22-24, 2016 Heraklion, Greece (p. 115). Available at DOI: 10.17265/2328-2185/2017.03.005
Rahayu, R., & Day, J. (2015). Determinant factors of e-commerce adoption by SMEs in developing country: evidence from Indonesia. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 195, 142-150. Available at DOI: 10.1016/j.sbspro.2015.06.423
Sabou, S., Avram-Pop, B., & Zima, L. A. (2017). The Impact of the Problems Faced by Online Customers on Ecommerce. Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai Oeconomica, 62(2), 77-88. Available at DOI: 10.1515/subboec-2017-0010
Shi, Y. (2016). Analysis on the b2c e-commerce pattern in china. Journal of Service Science & Management, 9(5), 443-452. Available at DOI: 10.4236/jssm.2016.95048
Yapar, B. K., Bayrakdar, S., & Yapar, M. (2015). The role of taxation problems on the development of e-commerce. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 195, 642-648. Available at DOI: 10.1016/j.sbspro.2015.06.145