The Impact Of Ebola Disease On Global Health And The Sustainable Development Goals

The Nature of Ebola Disease

Discuss about the Ebola Virus Disease and MDG and SDG.

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The reports aims to cast the light on the on a health issue of global importance. In order to proceed with the discussion, Ebola disease has been chosen. The outbreak of the disease created a massive havoc all over the globe as the disease was of infectious nature. Ebola virus disease was out broken first African countries causing death of many people in the African regions (Beeching, Fenech and Houlihan, 2014). The disease turned into an epidemic as the in the initial stage, the disease could not be identified. Therefore shedding the light exclusively on the diseases and its effect on the health sector across the world in relation with the Sustainable Development Goals and the Millennium Development Goals the study discusses the key indicating factors in order to identify the disease as well as significant achievements in regard to control the disease from further spreading drawing the connections with Millennium Development Goals and the Sustainable development Goals.

Formerly known as the Ebola Hemorrhagic fever, Ebola Virus Disease often turns out as a fatal illness causing death. In this regard, it must be mentioned that the disease is infectious thus easily spreads (WHO Ebola Response Team, 2014). In the year of 2014, the major outbreak of the disease rocked the entire world as it has spread a major health scare among people all over the globe. Till date there is no possible treatment for the diseases therefore the international health organizations like WHO advises of taking safety measures in order to restrict it the disease from further spreading among other countries (Beechin, Fenech and Houlihan, 2014). The most affected region was the West Africa as it was the origin of the disease. The nature of the disease is suspicious hence causes a major threat on the health care sector. The disease mainly emerges from the forest areas, as per the observation of the medical teams that have been to those African regions, where the outbreak of the disease began (Baize et al. 2014).

In relation with the discussion of the paper, it must be noted that since the disease is contagious and spreads rapidly, the risk of transforming it into an epidemic is high. Therefore over the recent past years due its repeated outbreaks in the African countries made the disease as one of the major health issue of global importance (Bausch and Schwar 2014). Another major reason behind its transformation into a health scare is the absence of the specific treatment for the disease. The changing nature of the virus and its five different species create difficulties for the researchers to invent the appropriate medicine in order ease the impact of the disease. In this respect, it the virus is easily spread through body fluids and medical instruments like needles, scissors and so on (World Health Organization 2014). It is considered that during dry weathers, the diseases breaks out most as compared to other seasons. As per the records, the first outbreak of the Ebola virus was in the month of December. The medical teams’ statement suggests that there might be such cases in during the dry season where the people of forest countries comes in the contact with the Ebola infected bats more frequently.

Factors to Identify the Ebola Disease

The uncontrollable nature of the disease imposes a great threat on the on the Sustainable Development Goals taken by the United Nations. A massive response have been seen from the international communities and from the United Nations as they have convened a gathering in order to discuss the social as well as economic impacts of the disease especially on the countries that have been affected by the disease (Heymann et al.2015). The discussion also includes the other regions as well as overall world as to evaluate the impact of the disease. The purpose of conducting the meeting also was to identify or figure out possible solutions to reduce or eliminate the negative impacts of the disease. As of now, the Ebola is being considered as one of the biggest health issue affecting not only the origin country but the entire world. With the record of 17000 cases, the outbreak of the disease turned into the nature of epidemic.

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In line with the Sustainable Development Goals and Millennium Development Goals, Ebola outbreak turns to be one of the major threats exploiting the third goal of Sustainable Development Goals which is said to be achieved by 2020 (Sachs 2012). While the aim of the goal is to secure the good health as well as the well being of the people across the world, Ebola disease is acutely creating obstacles in reaching the goal as it puts global health in crisis. The nature of the disease being uncontrollable created a massive havoc since it out broke to the present time. In respect to discuss the impact of the sustainable development, it must be mentioned that the disease is mostly seen among the poor people of the African country, who do not get the essential amenities of proper treatment which reveals possible obstacle in the path of reaching the Sustainable Development Goals (Kickbusch and Gleicher 2012). The medicine and required treatment for the disease is not yet discovered which causes repeated outbreaks of the disease in different parts of Africa. While the goal of Sustainable Development Goals is to assure that the death due to the disease is lowered, the Ebola epidemics causing damage in the global health increased the rate of death mainly in African countries as well as in the entire globe. Along with the third goal which is concerned is securing the global health, obstacles are being created in the path of other goals as the effect of Ebola epidemic is vast on primarily on Africa (Buse and Hawkes 2015).

Impact of Ebola Disease on Sustainable Development Goals and Millennium Development Goals

After analyzing the impacts of the deadly disease on the Sustainable Development Goals and the Millennium development goals, it is of suggestive opinion that in order to meet the goal mentioned in the Sustainable development goals and the Millennium Development Goals, the deadly disease Ebola must be identified as earliest as possible (Bah et al. 2015). Therefore there are key indicative factors set by international health organizations so that the disease can be identified soon and the unwanted death can be prevented.

It is still unknown that where the virus of Ebola disease does comes from. There are five species of the viruses, out of them only one species spread the infection among humans. However, as per the observation, it is perceived that the virus comes from the animal and bats are the most likely animal that spread the virus (Chowell and Nishiura 2014). The humans get affected by the virus when they come in contact with the bats that are carrying the virus or other animals into which the bats spread the viruses. However the virus is transmitted to human body through body fluids from the individuals who died of the disease or who have been diagnosed with the disease. Therefore sexual contact is considered to be one of the major ways of through which the virus is transmitted from one person to another person (Goeijenbier et al.2014). Though the proper treatment could not be determined, certain indicators have been set in order to identify the disease as earliest as possible. The most common symptoms of the diseases include high fever with severe headache during the initial stage. As the time processed the person diagnosed with the disease are found with physical weakness as well as severe muscle pain. In some acute cases, fatigue is also observed in a sudden as well as rapid speed (Fasina et al. 2014).

The advance stage of the disease often witnesses bleeding and sometimes bruising as well as abdominal pain leading to diarrhea and vomiting. Within an average time period of 8 to 10 days after being infected with the virus, the symptoms of the disease may appear (Goeijenbier et al.2014). There are certain clinical laboratory tests which can detect whether the person is carrying the virus or not. Some of the most useful clinical laboratory tests include antigen test, serologic tests and molecular tests in order to detect the specific antibodies that are originated against the virus in human bodies, to detect the RNA sequences and the proteins that are viral. In most of the cases it has been seen that most of the people neglect the symptoms considering as them as mere symptoms of viral fever (Goeijenbier et al.2014). In this regard, it must be mentioned that the symptoms of the Ebola disease is no distinctive from the other diseases but finally results into multi organ failure and death of the patients. In regard to the location of the disease, it has been observed that forest areas and its surrounding areas are seen with most of the infected patients. Along with that the dry season has been observed to be triggering the disease among the people of forest regions.

Symptoms and Prevention Measures

In order to control and prevent the deadly disease, world health Organization has taken several measures keeping the Sustainable Development Goals and the Millennium Goals in mind so that the by 2020, the well being of the global health can be achieved. As per the directives of World health Organization certain measures were prescribed in order to control such an epidemic from further spreading (Faye et al. 2015). The one of the most important suggestive measure includes safe and secure maintenance of sexual relation as the disease spreads through the sexual contact more. Along with that, the WHO directive also states that the as the bodily fluid acts as the medium of transmitting the virus, the surgical instruments need to be destroyed immediately after it’s is used for the Ebola virus affected patients (Fasina et al. 2014).

It must be noted that the as an initial measure several governments put an embargo on the African immigrants in order to prevent the deadly epidemic from spreading into other counties. Individual measures in terms of hand hygiene will the best way of preventive measures against the Ebola virus disease (Faye et al. 2015). Apart from these measures, several awareness programs are being conducted in order to assure that no single patients are left untreated. People are in the African countries are repeatedly being awakened to avoid being in contact with the body fluids and blood of the virus affected patients. It must be noted that there is still no particular vaccine against the disease, however VSV-ZEBOV is an experimental vaccine was considered to be effective as per the trial conducted by World Health Organization (Fasina et al. 2014). The embargo that was put on during the initial stage has been releases however every immigrants from the African countries, are thoroughly scrutinized in order to secure that the disease is not spread further in other countries.


The conclusion can be drawn with the present statistics which states that the despite of several controlling measures, the outbreak of the diseases is still occurring causing massive death occurrences. Therefore the purpose of the report is to exclusively throw the light on the health issue which is of global importance. In order to proceed with the discussion, Ebola disease has been chosen. The outbreak of the disease created a massive havoc all over the globe as the disease was of infectious nature. Ebola virus disease was out broken first African countries causing death of many people in the African regions. The disease turned into an epidemic as the in the initial stage, the disease could not be identified. Therefore shedding the light exclusively on the diseases and its effect on the health sector across the world in relation with the Sustainable Development Goals and the Millennium Development Goals the study discusses the key indicating factors in order to identify the disease as well as significant achievements in regard to control the disease from further spreading drawing the connections with Millennium Development Goals and the Sustainable development Goals.


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