The Impact Of Digital Technology On Coca-Cola Industry

Objectives of Coca-Cola’s digital technology transformation

The Coca-Cola organization depends on digital technology to perform different tasks. The dramatic change of management system in the Coca-Cola industry is to incorporate the new technology innovation ideas (Barrett et al., 2015). The central objective of adopting the new technology is to maximize profit from the sale of its products. The transformation of the business activities in the Coca-Cola organization is initiated through the following objectives. First, the organization aims at designing an effective administrative system based on the new technologies. The firm is focused on developing a cloud computing information technology to make operations within business workforce effective. With these computer system concepts, it will be easy for the workforce to share information effectively (Chaffey, 2015). The cloud computing technology will help the workforce of the Coca-Cola firm to utilize available resources to generate substantial profit in a fiscal year. Additionally, the cloud computing system will help the firm to have better ways of filing and recording information for future references.

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Second, the organization aims to design proper communication channels which will create a good connection with the global business system (Charles, Schmidheiny and Watts, 2017). The organization is focusing on integrating its services and operations with different social media platforms primarily in the advertising strategies. The projected mobile technology will help the organization to have a good relationship with potential global business thus increasing the coverage. Additionally, mobile technology will help the firm’s workforce to have effective ways of sharing business ideas. Thirdly, the Coca-Cola firm aims at designing a distribution and storage system for their products. The new technology will integrate distribution methods b replacing traditional channel with the more digital approaches (Cook, 2017). In this objective, the management of Coca-Cola aims at integrating existing stores to have modern features like fridges to preserve drinks. Lastly, the organization is determined to apply new technology to increase production of soft drinks. This objective will be initiated by incorporating new ideas from digital technology.

The implementation plan of the digital technology is done based on the following strategies of Coca-Cola organization management system. First, the organization has a plan of driving the revenue collected and the growth of profit with new skills of new technology (Drahos, and Braithwaite, 2017). The production growth strategies are well aligned with the different types of business structures in the global markets. As such, the firm keeps on increasing volume of product and offering them with affordable prices in the market to increase the number of sales. The foundation of this success depends on the new technology of using aluminum and glass bottles in packages (Hair et al., 2015). Second, the firm is planning to invest in various brands and business model. Social media platforms help in launching new brands in the international markets of soft drinks. Better marketing strategies help the business organization to expand in the beverage portfolio. The new technology enhances marketing campaign for Coca-Cola products thus increase marginal profit in a financial year.

Thirdly, the firm is planning to simplify its services with the new technology to design a good supply chain, especially for retailers. This will help achieve the objective of creating a proper distribution channel for Coca-Cola products in the international markets (Iansiti, and Lakhani, 2017). The new technology provides sweeping innovations that create a brand which is universally accepted by all consumers. This implementation strategy helps the business to get the best marketplace positions to sell its products. Equally important, the new technology ideas will help the organization to focus on the core business model. The cloud computing technology initiates good practices where different, refreshing beverage brands are enhanced (Ku, 2017). The new technology helps the workforce system to test their capabilities in producing quality products of Coca-Cola. As such, the organization can generate more income in the long-term plan.

Implementation plan of digital technology in Coca-Cola

A research study was conducted to analyze the performance of the Coca-Cola firm with the new implementation of digital technology. The research study shows that there has been more expansion in the past few years due to the influence of new technology (Loebbecke, and Picot, 2015). Many ideas in the organization management are connected with the innovation of new technology. For example, the research study provides a Coca-Cola handbook which is developed based on the implementation of cloud computing in the industry. The application has helped the industry to connect with many potential customers through a social networking system. The research reports indicate that packages of green bottle in 2009, have supported the industry to have better ways of packing its products (Matt, Hess and Benlian, 2015). As such, the industry was able to increase potential profit by 50% in 2009. This is because of new technology that helps the workforce system to improve their inputs.

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The research study provides that a social networking system is the critical area of marketing Coca-Cola products. The research study conducted in 2011 provides that Coca-Cola industry was able to attract 34 million fans worldwide (Porter and Heppelmann, 2015). The digital technology provides the right social networking platforms like Twitter and Facebook. Reports from research study indicate that online advertorial campaigns and new games of advertising Coca-Cola products have helped in expansion strategies. Additionally, the cloud computing technology in the administrative management system helps the organization to have current and fresh brand in the market system. The research study provides that production growth is as a result of freestyle dispensers which allow the industry to have more than 100 drinks (Westerman, Bonne, and McAfee, 2014). The freestyle technology was developed based on the computer-like interface according to market research which was conducted in the year 2011. The impact of new technology on the Coca-Cola organization is evident based on research study reports.

The research study provides that the use of new technology has positively influence performance management of the Coca-Cola industry. The organization of the Coca-Cola firm has the gain market advantage with the implementation of new technological ideas (Loebbecke, and Picot, 2015). For example, in 2011, the industry was able to present top rebrands of its products thus accumulating more profit in a financial year. The ability of cloud computing technology helps many potential customers to stay connected on different social media platforms. The green bottles ideas help the organization to produce quality products in 2009 with less petroleum. The modern distribution models are incredibly effective since the Coca-Cola organization was able to accumulate $ 2.5 million in 2009. Additionally, online platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube have helped the firm to create social networking channels (Cook, 2017). These platforms have helped the industry to become more popular in the global business especially with many fans coverage.  

The research study provides different freestyle dispensers models used in the development of the market system. The implementation of the freestyle dispensers increased the coverage of brand products in the Coca-Cola firm (Westerman, Bonne, and McAfee, 2014). The business strategy was effective due to the different ideas generated from computers technology. The freestyle dispensers help the Coca-Cola firm to fit into the global business since it provided a greater variety of drinks in the market. As such, the new technology helped in expanding the business to international market structures.

Performance of Coca-Cola with new digital technology implementation

Additionally, the research study provides different advertising strategies, especially in the online platforms. These approaches involve some ads which provide important information to potential customers (Cook, 2017). According to the research study, the expansion of the Coca-Cola business is facilitated by Coke ads which are viewed in different social media platforms. Therefore, the success of the Coca-Cola firm is necessitated by application of new technology.

The implementation plan of the digital marketing procedures should be based on different trends of industrial revolutions. This analysis can provide a good solution in the applying digital technology to maximize profit and production in the Coca-Cola organization. A good solution in the implementation plan should apply the following business solutions based on new technology. First, the Coca-Cola organization should create effective mobile solutions using different computer algorithms actions (Loebbecke, and Picot, 2015). These strategies can help in connecting potential customers by using mobile devices in the local business. Second, it is important for the administrative management of the Coca-Cola to design a good cloud computing system to necessitate small and large business in operations of marketing. Cloud technology can help in facilitating communication in the workforce.

Additionally, the system design better ways of recording information for effective management in the business system. Thirdly, the business should have extreme customer segmentation to help potential consumers of soft drink have the access of latest brands (Westerman, and Bonnet, 2015). This can help the organization to transform potential needs of clients to opportunities thus increasing productivity. These solutions enhance the effective operations of the workforce with reduced costs of products.

The implementation plan of digital technology should help the organization to transform potential threats of business system to opportunities. The Coca-Cola organization should be able to transform internet capability into use using implications of the new technology. This can be done by minimizing risk associated with the new brand in the market system (Loebbecke, and Picot, 2015). The implementation plan should deploy services in the information technology that match local needs of potential customers. The change in the business practices requires innovative skills to design quality products that will fit in the market system. As such, Coca-Cola industry should demonstrate the ability to align its performances with the current technological system. Importantly, the application of different communications strategies should easily convince its customers of a new brand of soft drinks (Westerman, and Bonnet, 2015). Equally important, there is a need for Coca-Cola industry to develop a good relationship with the new organization in the market structures. This will help the firm to develop a good control inventory system in the implementation of new technology.

The implementation of the project has helped in the profit and production growth of Coca-Cola organization. The application of new information technology ideas has motivated the workforce system to develop various innovations in brands (Schwab, 2017). The performance of the workforce system is very useful since there are better ways of sharing information in the administrative system. Equally, cloud computing technology provides betters ways of filling and storing information. The cloud technology has enabled many employees to analyze business operation thus optimizing profit accurately (Loebbecke, and Picot, 2015). The idea of cloud computing has increased the utilization of business resources, time, and agility to increase production in the workforce system. The automation business process enables effective control of production, advertising, distribution and selling process of Coca-Cola products.

It is true that working remotely with digital technology have enabled employees in the Coca-Cola firm to connect with different customers. The process of working remotely initiates strategic marketing development based on human resource management (Westerman, and Bonnet, 2015). The success of the Coca-Cola industry is equally commenced by designed mobile technology services which are fast, effective and convenient. The connectivity of the mobile technology has helped Coca-Cola firm to increase customers satisfaction by 74%. Importantly, social media platforms have equally increased customer satisfaction through a networking system (Schwab, 2017). Digital technologies have helped in protecting information of Coca-Cola industry thus making business transactions transparent. Human Resource management activities are easily monitored through the new technology system. As such, Coca-Cola organization is successful in planning a series of automated operations.   


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