The Impact Of Blogging On Real Estate Industry

Introduction to Blogging in Real Estate Industry

Discuss about the Impact of Blogging in Real Estate Industry.

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Blog is considered a discussion website. This website is published on World Wide Web (WWW). This consists of information in informal style. The posts are arranged in chronological order, which means the recent posts appear first. Until 2009, blogs were made individually and covered a single topic. In 2010, multi-author blogs were introduced. A group of authors who worked together wrote these blogs. These posts were sometimes professionally edited. The existence of real estate was making its way into the society quite smoothly. After the increased popularity of social media and blogging in various professional fields, real estate industry accepted it and applied it into their work. Now the World Wide Web has completely upgraded the real estate industry. They ways of promoting properties for renting and selling have changed. This report discusses the impact of blogging on the real estate industry.

Most of the real estate impairers realized the benefits using web in their profession. The presence in web is necessary for the industry to be successful. Nowadays people looking for home check it online firs, especially the young generation. In order to appeal to a huge number of audiences they need to be online. Blogging is one of the key sources to be online. Creating a real estate blog provides a huge number of advantages to the company. The presence of a blog allows an agent to share experiences, help understand local market, drive the business to the agency and many more. Some advantages of having a blog in real estate industry are as follows

People hire experts before renting r buying a real estate. They do not want to hire someone who is uninformed or someone who has limited knowledge regarding the topics. Having a real estate blog helps in showing off their expertise as agents. With every targeted and helpful blog, post the agents shows audience that they really know about the topic they have posted. This is very important for particular reasons. At first, several topics can be explained to the readers (Mohr, 2016). This helps the audience to know about the work of the agent and how is it relevant to their needs. Second, they can gain trust of the audience. Agents nowadays give away free information through their blogs. Previously this information was available after people hired an agent. This free provided information increases the trust of people towards the agencies. People prefer hiring those agencies that they find knowledgeable and trustworthy.

Benefits of Having a Real Estate Blog

Before buying or renting real estate’s people, check them on internet. By creating a blog, which people would like to g through, agents increase their online visibility. This would drive their business. Content provided by blogs is one of the major factors, which helps various, search engines to rate the websites. Searchers hunt for information and search engines aim in satisfying the searchers. If the site contains genuine, good and valuable information in it, the site will appear higher in the search engines. The higher a site goes it generates more business.

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Once a blogs starts gaining visibility, other bloggers would start building interaction with them. This increase in collaboration is very helpful to the site. Relations among real estate agencies on social media are reinforced on this collaboration. One of the best tactics of being noticed is by sharing others’ content. Sharing others’ content increases the chance of being shared by a huge number of people on social media.

Having unique content in the blog is the most important part for the industry to achieve success. In order to make the blog a source of business it is supposed to have an effective plan to make it visible. For increasing visibility, some mostly active social media sites can be used such as face book, twitter, instagram, linked in and some more. The content provided by the real estate site can be shared in these sites to reach to the maximum number of audience. Social media and blogging are dependent to each other to some extent. Mastering the social media can help in the business. Once the site is exposed to the social media sites number of ways can be found out to make it more productive.

Covering information to others improves the personal understanding of the agents. An agent might think that he has enough information regarding topic but when he starts explaining it and teaching it to people, it increases his own knowledge regarding the topic. It also helps in discovering agent’s strengths and weaknesses (Jaggard, 2017). The reason behind the agents teaching people is that they become better in what they do. The process of building community pages and blogs also involves learning. This makes an agent stronger and better. This also improves the way of tacking the obstacles faced by the agents. This is beneficial for the agents as well as their clients.

Besides explaining the topics related to real estate is an agent can also develop pages of local communities. Local community pages contain all the information regarding a particular community that an aged can extract. Community pages help the agents in establishing themselves and become a local expert a well. The major factor that a person is looking for before buying a real estate is the place or the community. Buyers look for house in order to live there for decades or even more. Favourable environment is preferred by the buyers. Buyers choose an agent who has knowledge regarding a community inside as well as outside. While selling a house sellers would prefer an agent who knows the community very well.

Importance of Blogging in Real Estate Industry

Topics chosen for the blog are very relevant to the real estates. This focuses people on the particular topics about which they want to know. Hiring a better writer for the blogs also helps the site to produce understandable content. Content written in common language is much understood and preferred by people.

The steps to create a blog are very easy. No extra training is required for this. A template can be chosen from several websites like Word Press, Blogger and Tumbler. Adding posts in the site is similar to sending an email.

Blogging enhances communication skills of agents. Professional bloggers are supposed to write regularly, this helps them to analyze and proofread the content that they have provided. Feedback from the customers also increases their communication skills.

Gaining visibility of blogs is one of the best ways to get more subscribers, ultimate revenue and leads. This boost in subscribers cannot be achieved by maintaining a static website. The website needs to be active. Producing blogs that are helpful, valuable and entertaining is a very effective way to grow a website’s online rankings, authority and traffic.

A blog provides people to visit that particular website. A blog gives opportunity to the agents to add dimension and depth to their knowledge. A blog can be updated very often. This makes people to follow them and come back for their updates.

Blogging is cheap compared to any other advertising mediums. A particular blog costs around 10$ and it stays forever. There is no way that the blog would be vanished unless any technical issue arises.

Blogs has a system where people can comment in the posts made by agencies. This may lead to friendly relation between the people having similar thoughts from all over the world. This may lead to new combined projects with them. The combined projects would be beneficial for the agency and it will increase subscribers and clients.  

No educational qualification is not required for blogging. A real estate agent who does not have much educational qualification just good writing skills and knowledge regarding the work is capable of blogging. An agency can also hire a blogger who is not much qualified but knows what the agency does.

Blogging improves presentation skills of a blogger. A blog has to be written in a professional way and using formal language. The more a person blogs the more that person gets professional in work.

Skills Improved through Blogging

The blog pages contain slideshows, photos and some more genera of data. Adding photos help the clients to retrieve the data easily because human mind tend to learn easily by visualization. Therefore, improvement in blogging also helps in improving other skills like photography, creativity and videography.

A brain requires mental stimulation in order to stay active. Blogging keeps the mind busy. Blogging requires reading, searching, researching, writing, editing, publishing and posting. Thus, blogging improves memory.

There is no time boundation in order to maintain a blog. A person does not need to write a blog during office hours. The agent or writer can do so even after the office hours, whenever they want. Real estate agents can work at office during the office hours and then create the blogs after planning them properly.

Blogs are the medium through which an agency can stay in continuous contact with the clients. If the clients have any queries regarding the content of the blogs they can easily reach to the blog writers and clear their doubts. More time is dedicated to the customers via blogs and more time can be spent in looking for new customers. For instance a blog is created regarding a house that has to be sold, its pictures and description is provided in the blog. Clients may demand for more pictures or detailed description regarding the house by commenting on the blog. This can help the agency to reach out to their customers easily and provide the desired information to them.

Blogging is not only a medium for advertisement and attracting customers but also a medium to increase the revenue of the agency. Sometimes an agent can earn up to two to three times their salary through blogs. More popularity leads to more earning.

Besides having positive impact, blogging also has some negative impacts on the real estate industry.

In order to maintain a good quality of blog it needs to be maintained. Starting a blog is as easy as sending a mail to someone, but maintaining is the most difficult part. Many real estate agencies have their personal blogs but their unavailability is the main reason for losing their audience. Regular updates are the most essential part in keeping the blog active and attracting more audience. Usually agencies and agents are too busy in looking for estates that they do not focus in blogging (Axel, 2016). This is a disadvantage for the agencies. Unavailability may make an agency to lose its clients or audience.

Negative Impacts of Blogging on Real Estate Industry

Sometimes honesty does not prove to be the best policy. Too much exposure regarding daily work might lead to trouble. Some information related to an agent’s work might be read by an opposition agency and they might misuse it in order to destroy the image of the agent as well as the agency. Suppose a blog has been created regarding a house that is on sale, the blog contains pictures of the house. The pictures show that the house is not in a good environment. It is mentioned in description that the place does have good transportation facilities. This would discourage customers.

A blog must not be made haphazardly because it reflects a business. A blog should be maintained professionally, it should be used as a medium of improving the business and not for sharing personal information or confidential information of the agency.

Quality of a blog should be maintained. The task of writing a bog should be handed over to someone who is strong in English and does not make any grammatical errors. Grammatical errors and unclear blogs may yield in losing audience. Pictures used in the blogs should be of good quality. Blur pictures or pictures with unclear content can make people not like the blogs.

Technical issues for which agency or the agents are not responsible might harm the agency. Technical issues are one of the most time consuming problems. Such as sometimes due to technical issues some posts might be deleted. The agency and agent remain uninformed about the problem unless they check the history of their updates.

People who start making money from blogging, does not care about the professionalism of the blogs. They just care about earning money. This is a disadvantage for the agencies. People finding irrelevant information from the blogs would get offended and might stop visiting their site again.        

Blogging is often very time-consuming. Time management has to be properly planned. Except that, the blogs cannot be maintained. If an agency does not have a specific blogger, it is difficult for them to maintain the blogging.

A no blog is better than an unmanaged blog or a dead blog. A blog should be posted every month or even more frequent than that. In the industry of real estate’s, blogs need to be making very frequently (Lehotská, 2016). If it is difficult to maintain the blogs, the site should be linked with some common social sites like face book or LinkedIn. Infrequency in the blogging platform makes the agency unnoticeable. People stop looking for blogs of that particular agency.

Bloggers are not well paid, this leads them to join other organizations in order to earn more and lead a better life. This affects their concentration in blogging. They do not get enough time to gain knowledge regarding the agency in order to write vlogs.

The content provided in the blogs should be genuine. Nothing should be exaggerated. The location, the cost, the environment should be mentioned clearly and in an appropriate way. The blogger can also attach video with his content. He may visit the place where estate is in sale and make a video f the place around the house. This would help the buyers to get a clear idea of where the house located and how it looks.

Every organization has a discipline that should be maintained. Whether the organization is big or small. E very professional should maintain the discipline. The bloggers do not have a definite schedule. The can work at night or during the day. This breaks the discipline of the blogger. A blogger should have a discipline that should be maintained when he is working online. This non-maintenance of discipline occurs due to the freedom that the bloggers are provided and the plenty of time for them to work.

Blogging is a part of social media. A blogger is answerable for the queries that people have regarding the blogs posted by him. In order to answer people’s queries reading is very essential, it a day to day work. Basic skills such as Soft skills, good writing and SEO are necessary for being a best blogger.

A blogger is responsible for making updates on the site. New blogs are written by the blogger as well as the page is maintained by the b logger himself. If the blogger is ill this effects the agency as well as the blog page. New updates are not done and new blogs are also not written.

“Hello everyone”, I love blogging and I hope you love it too.

My name is [name of the student] and my id is [student id]. In this video, we would discuss the impacts of blogging in the real estate industry.

So lets get started

As we know blogging has been very advantageous for many organizations in order to gain popularity and increase their business. Blogging is one of the biggest platforms for advertisement. Along with advertisement, blogging can be used for earning money too. Many real estate agencies has introduced blogging in their business, this increases their popularity as well as their revenue. Previously people used t hire experts for suggestions on the property that they should buy or rent. This had cost us enough money as well as time. Nowadays people surf net in order to find available estates. This consumes less time as well as money.

Technologies are definitely a boon for people but to some extent it is also a curse. In the same way, blogging has its advantages as well as disadvantages in the field of real estate.  All of them are mentioned in my report.

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Axel, J. (2016). Blogging Business: How to start a blog that is a business.

Jaggard, L. A. (2017). Blogging for Fame and Profit: A comprehensive guide to blogging success.

Lehotská, L. (2016). Blogging as a Business.

Mohr, I. (2016). Determinants of blog success. The Journal of Applied Business and Economics, 18(1), 25.

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