The Identification Of The Effectiveness Of Bloggers In Influencing Online Buying Behaviors
The research will be undertaking steps to understand the impact of bloggers on the buying behavior of consumers. The growth of the e-commerce businesses and retail trades has enhanced the competition in the retail market. The evolution of the e- commerce industry increasingly depends on the consumer’s decision making relating to purchase of specific commodities. Hsiao, Lu and Lan (2013) stated that the online bloggers play an important role in assisting the customers undertaking a decision while making an online purchase. The study will be aiming at improving the efficacy of the bloggers in creating blogs that will help in enhancing the decision- making skills of the consumers while making a purchase through online platforms.
The objective of undertaking the study is:
- To identify the factors of effectiveness of the online blogging activities on the purchase decision making of the consumers
- To evaluate the manner in which the blogs and articles creates a negative or positive influence on the buying behavior of the consumers
- To recommend ways in which the online blogging activities might be improved
The issues that are faced by the customers while buying commodities online are dependent on the lack of suitable information on the commodities. On the other hand, the misleading online advertisements and fabrication of the commodities that are delivered to the consumers has affected their interests diversely. In this situation, the bloggers have guided the consumers in strengthening their decision making capabilities in order to enhance the online buying experience of the same. The growth of the e-commerce industry has helped in the growth of the online sales, which requires the customers to choose from among a variety of commodities as per the needs. However, the customers face definite issues while choosing from among a variety of commodities. This research will be focusing on the identification of the effect of the blogging activities and the manner in which the blogs influence the buyer’s decision making while making an online purchase. The identification of the assistance that is required by the customers will be helping the bloggers in developing the blogs in order to facilitate the decision making of the relevant consumers. Understanding how bloggers influence the decision making process of consumers will contribute to our understanding of social commerce, building on existing theory; it will also be of use to practitioners as bloggers, retailers and other actors in the consumer/media environment.
Involvement theory and the blogging approach
The identification of involvement theory in blogging has helped the bloggers, understand, the different information that might be included in the posts and articles in order to make the consumers aware of the different utilities and qualities of products (Schultz, Schwepker and Good 2012). Blogging activities of the bloggers will help consumers in understanding the value that will be proposed through a particular commodity. It will be helping the customers in making a right decision while making a buy of the product. The utilization of the theory will be helping the bloggers in understanding the concerns of the customers while making an online buy of the products.
The involvement theory focuses on identifying the two main forces that influence the buyer’s decision making prospects. One of the factors in the theory being time and energy that is invested by the consumers. On the other hand, the emotion and feelings of the consumers works as an effective factor as it influences te impulsive buying behavior in the consumers. The enumeration of the involvement theory will be helping the bloggers in understanding the type of information that is to be included in their blogs. On the other hand, the theory also helps the bloggers in understanding the presentation that might be best suited for assisting the customers while undertaking a decision. The involvement theory helps the bloggers in understanding the content value, technological value and the social value of the blogs that are created by the same. The development of the content will be based on the identification of the concerns that are raised by the consumers while making their buy of the products or services through an e- commerce site.
Key Theoretical Concepts of the Study
Rational buying behavior of the customers will be enhanced through the utilization of suitable blogging activities (Mantrala and Albers 2012). Therefore, the research will be making use of involvement theory and the consumer behavior theory, in order to identify the manner in which proper blogging activity influence the online buying behavior of the customers. The theories will also help in enumerating different recommended actions that might be considered by the bloggers in order to enhance the blogging activities for assisting the customers in making suitable decisions while undertaking a buy through online sources (Orzan et al. 2015). The identification of the buying behavior of the consumers and thereby planning the contents of the blogs will be helping the blogger in inducing rationality in the decision making process of the customers.
Dhar and Jha (2014) stated that the involvement theory helps in identifying the different queries that arise in the mind of the consumers while making a buy of a commodity. The involvement theory will be helping the bloggers in understanding the relevant areas and concerns of the customers while creating the blogs. It will be helping the bloggers in guiding the customers more efficiently during an online buying session. On the other hand, Sashi (2012) stated that identification of the buying behavior of the customers is specifically based on the behavioral theory emphasizing on needs. The enumeration of different blogs related to the interests of the consumers will be helping the bloggers in influencing the buying behavior of the same more viably. The4 identification of consumer buying behavior through the enumeration of different paradigms will be facilitating the bloggers in developing contents with the aim of influencing the buying behavior of the consumers.
The research is important as it will be helping to identify the concerns of the customers and thereby develop different blogging activities in order to support the buyer’s decision among while purchasing a product online. There are different situations where the misinterpretation of the reviews might affect buyer’s decision making while making an online purchase (Goodrich and De Mooij 2014). The research will be helping the bloggers in understanding the concerns that are faced by the customers and the manner in which the blogging might be developed in order to resolve the queries for initiating suitable decision making the customers.
The research questions that will be developed during the research are:
- How effective is online blogging activities in influencing buyer’s decision making?
- What is the extent to which online blogging influence the buying behavior of the consumers?
- What are the recommended activities through which online blogging activities might be improved?
Research Philosophy
The research will be made through the utilization of Positivism philosophy, which will be helping the researcher in analyzing the different aspects of blogging activities and its influence on buyer’s decision making through scientifically proven techniques.
The researcher will be undertaking a deductive approach which will be focusing on focuses on scrutinising the available models and theories relating to the effectiveness of blogging activities and the manner in which it influence the buyer’s decision making while making an online purchase.
The research will be designed in a manner which will be helping the researcher in guiding the study towards understanding the issues relating to consumer’s online purchasing behaviour. In this connection the researcher will be utilizing Exploratory research design, which will be helping in assisting the study with an inference based on the identification of the issues and the recommended actions that might be undertaken by the bloggers in order to influence the buying behaviour of the customers.
Research Problem and Research Questions
The research will be undertaken through an explorative study of the different samples, which will be collected through quantitative primary data collection methodology. 150 customer reviews will be collected through quantitative survey, which will be helping the researcher in understanding the different issues that are faced by the same while undertaking decision on buying a product online. On the other hand, the researcher will be undertaken through thorough text analysis of the available literature on blogging activities and customer concerns while making an online purchase. The large sample size will be helping to reduce different customer biases and thereby undertake an unbiased study. The different biases that might be faced by the researcher while assessing the feedbacks of the customers are generally based on the loyalty of the customers towards buying from a particular e- commerce platform. The development of the research will be based on the unbiased evolution and assessment of the customer feedbacks. Therefore, the large sample size that is being chosen by the researcher will be helping the same in avoiding the biases and thereby conduct a research study aiming at finding an unbiased solution of improving the blogging activities.
The questionnaire will be helping the researcher in understanding the perception, ideas and views of the customers towards the effectiveness of the blogging activities. It will also help the researcher in understanding the diverse range of pinions that are held by the customers towards the blogging activity and the manner in which it assist the same in making a buy in a scenario where e- commerce has grown widely. The questionnaire will be based on the identification of the preferences of the customers relating to their buying behavior in e- commerce platforms and the type of assistance that is expected by the same from the bloggers. On the other hand, the identification of the expectations of the customers from the bloggers, during the survey, will be helping the researcher in framing a set of appropriate recommended actions that might be considered by the bloggers for improving their activities.
The survey will also help the researcher in understanding the role that is played by the bloggers in making the customers aware of the quality and the utility that might be derived from the products. The utilization of primary research while undertaking the survey will be helping to enhance the research study and support the hypothesis that is created by the researcher. The interdependence of the theories will be helping the researcher in maintaining the efficacy of the research, which will be aiming at assessing the efficiency of the blogging activities and the manner in which it affects the online buying behavior of the customers. The enumeration of the theories and the definition of the research problem will be helping the researcher in guiding the study towards the unbiased outcome of the same. The reviews from the customers will be helping the researcher in identifying the probable ways in which the different blogging activities has influenced the buying behavior of the same. The unbiased data findings during the survey will be helping the researcher in maintaining the efficacy of the research study as per the objective of the same.
The survey will be undertaken through the utilization of network mapping by Survey Monkey software, which will be assisting the researcher in creating the different questionnaires for the study. In order to utilize the software, the researcher is required to have clarity of the reason for undertaking the research. Moreover, the researcher must undertake relevant steps to identify the demographics in order to position the questionnaire for culminating into desired results of the study. As per the case, the researcher will be utilizing the survey monkey software for creating questions in order to position the same to the customers. On the other hand, the researcher will also make use of Google Forms in order to undertake the survey through the creation of customer feedback forms. The customer feedback forms will be helping the researcher in understanding the different notions that are presented by the customers towards the effectiveness of the blogging activities.
The key elements that will be highlighted through the research are based on the identification of the efficacy of the blogging activities and the manner in which they influence the buying behavior of the customers while making an online purchase. The assessment of the customer reviews will be collected and evaluated through correlation, regression and the utilization of different inferential statistical methods. It will be helping the researcher in culminating into a desired outcome of the study through reviewing the customer feedbacks. The open -ended questions that will be created by the researcher during the survey will be helping the researcher in understanding the viewpoint of the customers more elaborately. The elaboration of the different concerns of the customers will be helping the researcher in understanding the different concerns of the customers relating to the blogging activities.
Additionally, the researcher will also be utilizing the SPSS platform in order to analyze the data that is collected through the surveys by nonparametric inferential statistics. The utilization of nonparametric inferential statistics as per the case will be helping the researcher in guiding the study to its preferred conclusion. The utilization of the SPSS software will be helping the researcher in guiding the research with the objective of identifying the different notions of the customers. The analysis of the research will be supported through the assessment of the customer feedbacks by utilizing the inferential statistics for concluding the findings. The sample size that will be considered by the researcher during the research will be based on the priorities of running an unbiased research.
The findings of the study will be based on the different reviews that are collected through the surveys. On the other hand, the literature that will be reviewed by the researcher during the study will be helping the same in supporting the outcomes of the samples. The samples will be analyzed through correlation and regression of the different reviews. The empirical review of the current literature on the efficiency of bloggers in influencing buying behavior of the customers will be helping the researcher in undertaking an efficient study. The findings will be helping the researcher in reaching to the conclusion of the study that will primarily focus on bringing forth changes in the blogging practices in order to enhance the efficiency of the same. It will be helping the customers in understanding the viability of the products while undertaking a decision (Moran, Muzellec and Nolan 2014).
Task |
Month 1 |
Month 2- 5 |
Month 6 – 10 |
Month 11- 16 |
Month 17- 24 |
Month 25- 28 |
Month 29- 31 |
Month 32- 34 |
Month 35- 36 |
Selection of topic and search for justification |
Y |
Constructing literature |
Y |
Selecting appropriate methods |
Y |
Data collection |
Y |
Y |
Data analysis and representation |
Y |
Reviewing the outcomes |
Y |
Conclusions and recommendations |
Y |
Y |
Submitting draft of the project |
Y |
Y |
Printing and final submission |
Y |
Table 1: Schedule of the entire research
(Source: As created by author)
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