The Functions Of Religion In Society And Its Relation To Social Conflict

The Function of Religion in Society

Discuss about the Social Science for Beliefs and Organizational Forms.

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Currently, religion has its own importance for the people of society. Religion is related to the beliefs and faiths of the people. Along with this, religion plays a significant role in order to fulfill the basic requirements of the life of people. Religion is something that performs numerous basic functions within human societies.  Moreover, sociology of religion refers as the study of the practices, beliefs, and organizational forms of religion that uses different tools as well as methods of the discipline of sociology. In addition, religion presents an explanation for the events and actions that look like difficult to comprehend by the people of society. On the other hand, religion is also related to the social conflict. It may create conflicts among the people or group of society. This research essay is helpful to discuss the functions of religion in society. Moreover, sociological theories will also be used to discuss the functions of religion in society in an effective and an appropriate way. Apart from this, this research essay also describes that how religion is related to social conflict.

According to sociological theories, there are a lot of functions that are related to the religion in society. For case, as per the Durkheim’s theory of religion, the major faction of religion is that the religion protects and solidifies society. It is because of religion provides support to the social unity of a group (Durkheim, 2012). Along with this, Durkheim believes that religion provides social cohesion in order to maintain social unity all the way through shared rituals as well as beliefs. Religion also offers social control to impose religious-based morals as well as norms in order to maintain traditionalism and control in society, and it also proposes meaning & purpose to give answer of any existential queries of the people.

On the other hand, according to the Durkheim’s theory of religion, it functions as the creator of a moral community for the people of the society. For case, in order to create a moral society or community, religion provides a system of beliefs; so people may have their personal beliefs as well as rituals in the society. Along with this, Durkheim states that people of a moral community share a common life; and the moral community provides general aspects of social life to the people (Johnstone, 2015). What is more, according to the Durkheim, religion legitimizes to the society. It is because of the religion presents sacred sanctions for the social values as well as significances of the society.

The Relationship between Religion and Social Conflict

In the same manner, according to the Durkheim’s theory of religion, religion does not only involve belief, but also considers rituals as well as ceremonies as the part of the belief of the people.  The main reason behind it is that, Durkheim believes that rituals are essential to join the members of a religious group together. Along with this, sacred rituals as well as ceremonies are mainly important in order to mark occasions such as: marriages, births, deaths, times of crisis, and so forth. Furthermore, Durkheim’s theory of religion illustrates that how functionalists look at sociological phenomena. Durkheim said that people see religion as the contributor of the health and prolongation of society (Dameri, Garelli & Resta, 2015). As a consequence, religion functions to tie members of the society.  Religion also prompts them to assert their common values as well as beliefs on a regular basis.

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In addition to this, according to the Max Weber’s theory of religion, religion functions to elucidate, justify or downsize the exercise of power. Max Weber expresses that religion plays a major role to reinforce the interests of people in power.  According to Weber, religion plays a significant role in order to legitimate the existing social structure of the society. Along with this, the values of religion strengthen other social institutions as well as the social order as a whole and as an outcome it carries on social disparity in society (Andersen & Taylor, 2007). Apart from this, Max Weber stated that religion works as an agent of social change. As religion provides support to the status quo of the people, same as it encourages great changes in the society. Religion permits people to transcend social forces; so they can act in their own ways instead of follow the prescribed social orders.

On the other hand, religion works as the emotional support for the people of society. It is a sense of relieve and comfort to the individuals for the duration of personal with social crises for example death of loved ones, serious injury, and so on. Along with this, religion is especially true at what time something happens ‘senseless’ or ‘superfluous’. Religion provides emotional support & solace, and reconciliation & moral strength at some point in trials & defeats, personal losses, and unfair treatments. Moreover, religion provides effective ways by which people can face the emergencies as well as vicissitudes of life with potency and strength (Allan, 2010).  In addition to this, religion offers support to broken peoples by providing them hope that they can get rescue and eternal pleasure in the spirit world.  

Difficulties in Resolving Social Conflict Related to Religion

Apart from this, according to B. Turner’s theory of religion, religion functions to control the sexuality of the body in order to defend the regular transmission of belongings by the family. B. Turner stated that, in feudalism and capitalism, sacred control of sexuality is a significant medium for the creation of genuine progeny. Furthermore, the sociologist Bryan Wilson said that, religion functions as a means of de-politicization. The main reason behind it is that, religion keeps group away from perceiving their lives as well as societal conditions in political terms (Marx & Engels, 2012). In addition to this,   the sociologist Thomas Luckman believes that the major function of religion is to provide personal meaning and identity to the life of people.

In addition to this, some socialists believe that, religion provides recreation & mental peace, promotes welfare, social virtues & solidarity, and also strengthens self-confidence of people. In this way, it can be said that, there are a lot of functions that religion carries out in society. These functions provide support to the people; so they may follow their rituals, faiths, and values in an effective and an appropriate manner (Dameri, Garelli & Resta, 2015). Nowadays, religion is also becoming modern and people are also changing their rituals, faiths, and values in view of that.  But, the socialists believe that the traditional religion must be continuous. The main reason behind it is that the traditional religion will be helpful to protect social cohesion as well as order in an effective and a proper manner.

On the other hand, it should also be noted down that, religion is related to social conflict. In other words, it also can be said that, religion plays a major role to create social conflict in society. The social conflict happens at what time a specific religion is acknowledged by a general public but also discarded by specific gatherings of the same society. At the end of the day, it also can be said that, a social conflict happens because of the assessment contrasts of the general population. These distinctions are the consequences of long-held convictions and word sees that are acknowledged by the general population of a specific culture (Laszlo & Wilbur, 2014). In addition to this, a social conflict of religion can’t be determined by the truths in view of these social conflicts are conviction based and not certainty based. Along with this, a social conflict is expanding inside the general public on the customary premise. For case, the religious contrasts in convictions, beliefs, and estimations of two unmistakable gatherings assume a huge part to make social conflicts in the society.

In addition to this, social conflict that happens because of the religion also makes interpersonal and intergroup struggle at various levels of society. For instance, the distinctions on marriage traditions make social clashes between the youthful eras and the senior citizens. Both youthful and older folks don’t acknowledge same marriage traditions. The older folks need to take after conventional marriage traditions. Be that as it may, youthful eras need to take after present day marriage traditions (Cropper, Jackson & Keys, 2012). In this way, the opinion and religious contrasts make social conflict between the two noteworthy gatherings of the society.

On the other hand, the social conflict that happens because of the religion is unsafe for the general public. Be that as it may, individuals are not prepared to acknowledge this reality. It is a direct result of individuals is hesitant to arrange or trade off the religions and convictions that they are gaining from their youth. The qualities and convictions have gotten to be real piece of sane of the general population. Apart from this, individuals for the most part accentuation on their own, good, and religious qualities furthermore unwilling to trade off their convictions or beliefs just for the society (Callahan & Jennings, 2012). Also, religion holds convictions of the general population and these convictions depend on social conventions, family and religious lessons and individual encounters of individuals. As a result, religion is playing a major role to create social conflict in society.

Apart from this, the other truth is that the social conflict is extremely hard to handle. The society faces a great deal of issues to manage social conflict that depends on the religion. The main reason for it is that religions, faiths, and convictions of individuals are identified with the sentiments and feelings of the general population. In this circumstance, if the society endeavors to determine a social conflict then it will hurt feelings & emotions of the general population of that society. In addition, it is also clear that, no one will be prepared to bargain their qualities and convictions just for the others. The endeavors of the society may make significant contrasts among the general population (Brewer, 2013). Consequently, social conflict has turned into a difficult issue to the general public. One gathering continues as per its religion, values and standards while the other gathering holds its acts as per its religion, values and standards. This circumstance has been directed to conflict within society.

On the other hand, the sociologist, Karl Marx also stated that religion is the opium of the community. Religion teaches to people only to follow their beliefs and rituals. It does not matter that these beliefs and rituals are good or bad for the welfare of the people. Religion takes the people away from the society in which they survive. Religion plays a major role to change the beliefs, morals, rituals, ceremonies, and values of people. All the people believe that their religion is the best in comparison to others (Marx & Engels, 2012). In this way, it is clear that, religion is connected to social conflict. Religion plays a major role to make social conflicts among the different groups of the society.


On the premise of the above discussion, it can be assumed that, religion performs a lot of functions for the welfare of the society. On the other hand, it is also observed that, there are numerous sociologists as well as sociological theories those describe the major functions of religion in society. For case, Durkheim, Max Weber, B. Turner, Thomas Luckman, Bryan Wilson, etc. are the most important sociologists those developed sociological theories to represent the function of religion in society in an effective and a more comprehensive manner. Apart from this, it is also scrutinized that, religion also plays a critical role in order to create social conflict among the people of a society. The main reason behind it is that people of different religions have different beliefs, rituals, and faiths. They do not follow same beliefs, rituals, and so on. The different faiths and beliefs of the people of diverse religions play a major role to generate social conflict in society. In this way, it is suggested that, the government of a nation take appropriate actions to solve these social conflicts for the wellness of the society. 


Allan, K. (2010). Explorations in Classical Sociological Theory: Seeing the Social World. Pine Australia: Forge Press.

Andersen, M.L. & Taylor, H.F. (2007). Sociology: Understanding a Diverse Society, Updated. USA: Cengage Learning.

Brewer, J.D. (2013).The Public Value of the Social Sciences: An Interpretive Essay. USA: A&C Black.

Callahan, S., & Jennings, B. (2012). Ethics, The Social Sciences, and Policy Analysis. USA: Springer Science & Business Media.

Cropper, S.A., Jackson, M., & Keys,P. (2012). Operational Research and the Social Sciences. USA: Springer Science & Business Media.

Dameri, R.P., Garelli, R., & Resta, M. (2015). ECIE2015-10th European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship: ECIE 2015. Australia: Academic Conferences and publishing limited.

Durkheim, E. (2012). The Elementary Forms of the Religious Life. Australia: Courier Corporation.

Johnstone, R.L. (2015). Religion in Society: A Sociology of Religion. NY: Routledge.

Laszlo, E., & Wilbur, J.B. (2014). Value Theory in Philosophy and Social Science (RLE Social Theory). NY: Routledge.

Marx, K., & Engels, F. (2012). On Religion. Australia: Courier Corporation.

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