The Evolution Of Strategic HRM And Its Impact On Business Issues And HR Issues
Business and HR Issues at Take Solutions
The human resource management refers to the processes that involve the recruitment and the hiring of the employees of the organization. The human resource management also involves the matters that pertain to the various activities that involve the compensatory allowances to the employees. The human resource management within an organization also aim to consider the benefits that need to be provided to the concerned employees of the organization in order to perform to the best of their abilities (Boxall 2018). The human resource department also needs to concentrate on the matters that pertain to the training and the development of the efficiencies of the concerned members of the workforce of the organization. The strategic human resource management within an organization however relates to the performance of all the activities of the human resource department as aligned to the goals and the objectives that have been set by the concerned organization (Shen and Benson 2016).
The following essay attempts to shed light on the various issues that are faced by the c company in the matters that pertain to the various issues that are being faced by the concerned company. The essay aims to discuss the issues that are faced by the company in terms of the business activities that have been undertaken by the company. The essay also highlights some of the issues that have been faced by the company in the matters that pertain to the management of the human resources of the company. The essay further proceeds to depict an understanding of the relationship that exists among the several business issues and those that pertain to the management of the people who have been serving at various operative locations of the concerned organization in discussion, Take Solutions Ltd.
The organization in discussion, Take Solutions, is known for delivering various services that are intensive to the domain of Life Sciences and the domains of the Supply Chan Management. The company is known for holding the position of one of the international leaders in the fields of Life Sciences and the Supply Chan Management ( 2018). The concerned organization is known to leverage the technology driven by the innovative ways, the expertise in the domain. The company is also known for the implementation of the best practices within the concerned industry and displays a greater employee strength (Louie 2018). The company is known to offer the concerned clientele with the various transformative services and aims to direct the activities towards the supply chain. The company has been listed in the Bombay Stock Exchange and the National Stock Exchange in India. The revenues of the organization have been observed to touch the mark of INR 15872 million in the financial year of 2018, equivalent to 246 million USD ( 2018). The company aims to become a 500-million-dollar company by the end of the financial year of 2020-21 as per the details of the interviews that was conducted on the human resource manager of the organization.
Relationship between Business and HR Issues
The interview of the human resource manager of the organization in discussion revealed that the major business issues that are faced by the company lies in the matters that pertain to the retention of the several critical resources that are used by the company in the daily operations of the company. The company has also been facing issues in the matters that are related to the growth in the matters that are related to the high competition in the given market. The company, according to the interviewed human resource manager, faces issues in the matters that are related to the movement of the resources towards the Tier One companies or the companies that might have been attempting the resources of the Take Solutions.
The business context of the organization in discussion is found to be related to the human resource context of the organization. The business context might affect the people management issues within the concerned organization due to the fact that the people of the organization would be affected due to the lesser availability of the resources. The business context might affect the overall operations within the organization (Gaynor, Ho and Town 2015). The performance of the employees of the organization tends to be affected due to the presence of the business issues that are present within the organization. This might also lead to the high turnover of the employees within the organization. The employees might lose motivation with the absence of the various reward and recognition programs within the organization. The human resource department of an organization might have a telling effect on the business context of the organization (Corrigan 2015). This is due to the fact that the human resources department is responsible for the matters that pertain to the implementation of the several work practices that lead to the high performance among the employees of the organization in discussion. The department is also responsible for the implementation and the management of the changes that take place within an organization in an effective manner.
The strategic human resource management refers to the higher levels of the management of the human resources within an organization. The strategic human resource management is often related to the ways in which the operational human resources within the organization might be utilized within the organization (Boxall 2018). The strategic human resource management of an organization further deals with the ways in which the concerned approaches within the organization might be implemented in order to put forth the overall improvement of the performance of the organization (Beer 2015). The operational human resource management is also known as the transactional human resource management. This is necessary in order to deal with the matters that pertain to the necessary and the essential human resource activities that are implemented within the organization on a daily basis. These activities might be vital for the smooth functioning of the given business organization (Brewster et al. 2016). The operational human resource management might include the overseeing of the various activities that are related to the recruitment and the selection of the potential employees, the training and the development of the existing staff. It is also related to the calculation of the payroll of the employees and the administration of the human resource activities within the organization (Paauwe and Boon 2018).
Strategic HRM and Human Resource Management
The business issues that are faced by the company generally deal with the implementations of the matters that are related to the movement of the resources towards the Tier One companies. This might affect the people management issues within the concerned organization due to the fact that the people of the organization would be affected due to the lesser availability of the resources. This might affect the overall operations within the organization (Sparrow, Farndale and Scullion 2013). The performance of the employees of the organization tends to be affected due to the presence of the business issues that are present within the organization. This might also lead to the high turnover of the employees within the organization. The employees might lose motivation with the absence of the various reward and recognition programs within the organization (Sinha and Thaly 2013). The concerned employees of the organization might need to be motivated by implementing the matters that are related to the appraisal of the employees thereby increasing the financial rewards of the concerned employees. This might help in the lowering down of the employee retention rates of the concerned organization.
The external issues that are faced by the organization refer to the matters that are related to the influence of the political, economic, social, technological, environmental and the legal factors on the concerned organization. The organization in this case, Take Solutions is known for the operations within the domain of Life Sciences and the domains of the Supply Chan Management. The company is known for holding the position of one of the international leaders in the fields of Life Sciences and the Supply Chan Management. The concerned organization is known to leverage the technology driven by the innovative ways, the expertise in the domain. Thus, the influence of the various factors within the business context might not be influencing the concerned business organization. However, the human resources department within the organization might be affected by the matters that pertain to the lesser availability of the resources (Panahi, Watson and Partridge 2013). This might affect the overall operations within the organization. The performance of the employees of the organization tends to be affected due to the presence of the business issues that are present within the organization. This might also lead to the high turnover of the employees within the organization.
In lieu of the above discussion, it might be pointed out that there exists a deep connection between the business context of the organization and the context of the human resources within the concerned organization. The performance of the employees of the organization tends to be affected due to the presence of the business issues that are present within the organization. This might also lead to the high turnover of the employees within the organization. The employees might lose motivation with the absence of the various reward and recognition programs within the organization. Thus, it might safely be opined that the influence of the various factors within the business context might not be influencing the concerned business organization. However, the human resources department within the organization might be affected by the matters that pertain to the lesser availability of the resources.
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