The Employee’s Effectiveness And Efficiencies: Issues, Solutions, And Strategies
Organizational Issues
Write an essay on The employee’s effectiveness and efficiencies .
The employee’s effectiveness and efficiencies improves the productivity of the organization. The issues that employees face throughout the world are large. The issues need to remove to that employees would able to give is maximum support in growth and development for Talent Plus the present company. The issues range from diversity to communication problem. The issues can be handled through importing proper training and development for the employees. The training would help them to take decision and motivate them for their work. Theories can implement so that they overcome from the issues and the problems.
The employees become efficient and unable to improve their production after certain points. The research has conducted with hose employees of Talent Plus who are not motivated. Face-to- face was conducted to ensure the problem between the employees. The conversation pointed out the problems mentioned under Organizational issues. Effective measures has adopted thorough a training and development plan. The plan needs to cover some topics which are discuses throughout.
Talent Plus consists of different individuals who have different perspective of their own. The organization is a medium sized organization. The belief and the viewpoint with each individual employee are different. Moreover, Talent Plus has different vision that cannot be same with the individual’s growth perspective. However, there are some common issues, which the organization faces in its daily operation. The issues create conflict among employees. Moreover, it creates an individual to loss the motivation from their part. The problems can arise because of different in values and interests. The organization’s poor communication can become a problem for the employee. The most major and common problems that the employees face in the organizations are discussed (Mowday et al. 2013).
- Wage and hour issues- Employers of Talent Plus have variety wage related errors in the organization. The federal standard of wage mandates a higher minimum wage. The most common error comes when salaried employees are diminished from the overtime and the minimum wage requirement. Another issue in relation with the wage error comes when the employees have to begin or end the duties beyond their shifting hours.
- Hiring, retention and firing- employees get disturbed for frequent hiring and firing policies. Courts and the administrative agencies have to deal with ample number of cases for the harassment from the employee end. The hiring and firing policies of Talent Plus enables to create a negative effect among their mind. It creates to lose their self confidence and motivation (Muller 2013).
- Safely requirements- Talent Plus is a medium sized company. It has limited funds which restricts it to adopt from the new technologies of safety requirements. It creates people to insecure about their safety measures. However the organizations have already adopted safety measures and risk assessment in the company but, it makes them feel insecure inside it.
- Job performance- Talent Plus is growing in a fast pace. It gives options for thee employees to growth with them. However it creates a sense of dissatisfaction at the time of appraisal. Moreover it creates tension for the improvement of the performance which they need to undergo on daily basis.
Ineffective leadership- Ineffective leaders in the organizations initiate to reduce the motivation for the employees. It creates a communication gap between the employees. Moreover under their supervision they cannot utilize fully their skills (Krasikova et al. 2013).
The problems and issues that the employees face in their daily life workplace are huge in number. However the address of such issues needs to initiate an effective an efficient plan. The organizations needs to understand the problems and acts upon it. The problems of the workplace issues create to decrease the effectiveness in terms of providing the service. The organization need to indulge policies against it. The organization need to adopt policies ti enable their competency skills (Cummings and Worley 2014).
Motivation in the organization would imply to understand their goals and they can target it. Motivation is involved with the activation and the direction of the energy. Activation involves the needs and the desires of thee employees (Miner 2015). While, directional refers the way where the energy is channel in. the motivation process can be depicted from the following diagram.
The figure 1 shows that motivation lies through the relationship between the needs, goals and drives. The employees need to understand the concept of motivation through initiating Maslow’s Need hierarchy theory. The theory explains that the individual’s level of expectation can be fulfilled through the hierarchy of needs. The theory explains that the five-stage model can be divided into three parts basic, needs and growth needs. Talent Plus need to adopt the model to motivate their employees. The five needs are the psychological needs, safety needs, social needs, self-esteem needs and self actualization needs. The organization need to cater all the needs so that they get motivated (Pinder 2014).
Talent Plus can also adopt the expectancy theory. It explains that people gets motivated through the belief of the effort that will lead to the acceptable performance, performance through they will be rewarded and the value of the reward which needs to be highly positive.
The follow of such would help the organization to make their employees successful in their performance. Besides, it helps the employees to initiate a successful performance through the desired rewards.
Figure 4 shows that the expectancy model directly deals with the satisfaction of the employees. The employees will be satisfied as they will be motivated through the action and the goal attainment.
The understanding of the importance for the qualities of the leaders would help to solve Talent Plus the issues in the organization. Effective leaders enable to create a better ambience for the organization. The leadership program or training does not involve only the mangers but all the employees. The leadership approach would help the employees for better understating of their role and better understanding of their position (Storey 2016). It helps to The trait theory explains that the qualities associated with the leadership exist in abundance and continue to produce. It enables to identify the key characteristics of the successful leaders. The theory explains that certain traits are common to leaders they are intelligence, self-confidence, determination, integrity and sociability (Colbert et al. 2012). The training on the leadership should initiate the traits and make them understand the importance of it into employee’s character.
The Behavioral Theories of Leadership enables to study the behavior of the leaders. It enables to differentiate the leaders from the non-leaders. The most two popular study is discussed.
- Iowa leadership studies- it studies on the determination for that effects the leaders on the group. It shows that differ leaders have different style of leadership qualities to produce for differ groups.
- Ohio state leadership studies- It indentifies the common leadership behaviors of the leaders. There are two groups of behaviors, which are strongly correlated with each other. They are defined as considerations or the People Oriented Behavior Leaders and initiating Structure or the task oriented Leaders. The task-oriented leader focuses on the behavior of the organization structure and the operating procedure. They are self-motivated. However, he people oriented leaders focus on the behaviors that ensure the inner needs of the people are satisfied. They motivate the staff through emplacing on the human relation (Dinh et al. 2014).
The development of such model would help them to understand the importance of the leadership quality in their daily life. It also initiates o make the leadership quality among them. Through Ohio stage leadership studies they will enable to understand the type of leaders they are. It will help them to motivate and improve in their performance (Storey 2016).
Job design is the arrangement, which reduce job dissatisfaction among employees. Talent Plus needs to adopt the job design procedure. It will help them to increase the productivity of the organization through the non-monetary rewards to the employees. It will initiate the employees to increase the sense of personal achievement in meeting the challenge and the responsibility in their work. Job design initiates the job enlargement. Job enrichment, job rotation and job implication as a technique in the job design (Wood et al. 2012).
The basis of the job design can be classified through the three most important strain of thought.
- Classical thought- the Max Weber and Henri Fayol explained it. The mangers indentify the purpose of the organization. Jobs are created to work groups, departments and divisions. Each group is assigned under a supervisor who is responsible for the result.
- Behavioral theory- it ensures the authority to match the position and tries to attain higher efficiency through the specialization of labor. The employees need o be free to discuss problems with the supervisors. It further helps in taking the decisions and communicate with the employees when solve the problems (Holman et al. 2014).
- Situational theory- it influences the external environment and allocates the responsibilities of the task within the organization.
Workplace diversity refers diversified propel in the organizations. Diversity does mean the adoption of race, gender, ethnic group, personality, organizational background etc. the employees need to understand the importance of diversity in the workplace. The diversity of people sometimes enables to create a negative impact among them (Mamman et al. 2012). The arrangement and the development need to develop in the way that the employees understand the importance of the diversity in the workplace. The employees need to understand the meaning of it thorough the different approach.
- Increase in the productivity- the training need to involve the importance of the diversity in the workplace. The employees need understand that when the people from diverse background come they share their different ideas, which help to growth organization. The employee can even share the ideas with them
- Knowledge about new culture- Diversity in workplace of Talent Plus enables to gather knowledge about new knowledge and have more idea about new place. It will help to know innovations in terms of knowledge gathering.
- Capture more market- It enables to capture more market. The employee with diversified sate will share the knowledge about the market. It will enable the organization to understand and grow more in capturing the market.
- New process- diversity of Talent Plus enables to meet people with diversified background and initiates to create new process as it enables to initiate different ideas of different background. It would help for increasing the efficiency for the employee. The employee would learn new innovative ideas. It also helps them to adapt new situations (Jonsen 2013).
- Language skills- diversity enables employees to learn about new language. It helps them to learn the different types of language. The employees of Talent Plus need to understand in the training that if the organization need to process any foreign language for adopting and technology for product from foreign counter. They did not need to call some form foreign. It will not ensure efficiency but also helps to reduce cost (Nahavandi et al. 2013).
The training for the employees of Talent Plus to overcome the issues and the problems in the organization can be solved through proper development of communication. The communication gap between the mangers and the employees some creates a barrier for the organization (Broadbent 2013). The training would not only again include the employees but also the mangers of the respective teams of the organization. The proper communication process is the process through which the sender encodes the message to the receiver and the receiver decodes it. While, in the feedback process the receiver encode the message and receiver decodes it. The process of the communication needs to be clear for both the massage and the feedback process.
The communication process can either be verbal and can be non-verbal. The organization uses both the types to send the message. However in both ways there are barrier, which sometime block the communication.
- Process barrier- the communication process can be better utilized through the effective and good communication however sometimes because of the situations, it becomes impossible. First among it is the sender barrier. For example, a new joined employee failed to give his innovative ideas in front of supervisors for fear of criticism. Another barrier is the encoding barrier. Example is that a Spanish-speaking employee in Talent Plus cannot get English-speaking administrator to understand the working condition. The receiver barrier is another important barrier. For example, the finance manger asks the team member to repeat the statement as he was not attentive during the conversation.
- Semantic Barrier- Technology plays an important part in the semantic barrier of communication. Every organization is technically advanced. Talent Plus expansion is the result of it. Now, if an employee does not understand any technical term then they cannot understand the message (Nahavandi et al. 2013).
- Psychological Barrier- the three important concepts associated with the psychological barrier is the experience, filtering and the psychological distance. Experience includes employee’s background, values, biasness, needs and the expectation. If the sender’s field of experience overlaps with the receiver then communication becomes difficult. Filtering is the turning towards emotionally what we see rather than the actual one. The psychological distance is the distance, which creates because of attitude of superiority.
- Sender’s responsibility- the sender needs to understands the development and maintenance of the interpersonal skills and communicates effectively to the receiver. The message needs to be clear. It should include professionalism rather than consisting of any personal statement or overview.
- Receiver’s responsibility- the receiver needs to be patient while decoding the message. The encoding message at the time of feedback needs to clear and fast. The sender needs to understand the overview of the receiver. They need to ask questions if it become difficult for him to decode the message (Robbins and Judge 2012).
Job Design
Effective training and procedure is the best method to overcome the employees form the barriers. The concepts clearly define that it would help the employees of Talent Plus to take decisions and proper measure for it. The motivation theories would help them the employees to grow and expand in their career. It will help them to understand the goals. Besides, the concept of leadership would help them in the decision aiming process and initiates confidence among them. Diversity is one the main problem in organization. The employees need to understand the importance and the value of the same. Effective communication can able to remove the gap between the mangers and the team members.
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