The Effect Of Social Media On Consumer Behaviour In Australian Beauty Industry
Research Title
Social media is imperative for the success of the business that could directly influence the behavior of consumers (Hee, and Yen, 2018). Hence, the Australian beauty industry could use social media marketing method and influence a huge number of consumers. The social media could be imperative for increasing demand of consumers with respect to goods and services as it would be imperative for making a different image in the marketplace (Suresh, Chitra, and Maran, 2016). This research report discusses many components related to consumer behavior and social media marketing theory. Moreover, it discusses many social media marketing strategies to change the behavior of consumers with respect to the Australian beauty industry.
The research title of this research is relied on evaluating the effect of social media on consumer behavior in the Australian beauty industry.
There are certain objectives that are discussed below:
- RO1: To discover the meaning and concept of social media and consumer behavior.
- RO2: To explore evaluate the effect of social media on consumer behavior in the Australian beauty industry.
- RO3: To suggested the social media marketing strategy to change the behavior of consumers with respect to the Australian beauty industry.
This report is imperative for gaining understanding towards meaning and concept of consumers behavior and social media that could be imperative for improving the situation of business and leads to get a higher outcome. It also supports to evaluate the effect of social media on consumer behavior in the Australian beauty industry. In last, it also supports to comprehend the social media marketing strategy to change the behavior of consumers with respect to the Australian beauty industry.
RO1: To discover the meaning and concept of social media and consumer behavior.
Lancaster and Massingham, (2017) stated that social networks could enable the consumer for sharing beliefs, opinion, and, personal data among a huge number of consumers. Moreover, social media could facilitate company for positively interact with their consumers and also assist them to share their targeted data about products and services. In addition, it is evaluated that social media enables new methods for obtaining the new product by people interaction. Moreover, social media could facilitate to build a direct relationship with their consumers that could influence the overall financial result of the company.
On the other hand, Mohamed, Medina, and Romo, (2018) stated that the beauty industry uses social media to manage with their consumers to get a reliable result in the least time and cost. Moreover, it is evaluated that there is certain research that was conducted in favor of consumer behavior and social media. In the recent business era, social media is mostly practiced by existing as well as new users to get a higher outcome. It is ways by which an organization could be capable to make competitive benefits in limited time and cost. The social media could offer a way by which consumers and firm will be capable to interact with each other. It is evaluated that data structure could facilitate to make a decision in the context of the current issue.
Objectives of the Research
Hafiz and Ali, (2018) argued that consumer buying behavior could represent decisions, desires, and attitude that could build the consumers in the market before making buying decision towards any goods and services. There are different elements that could affect the decision of consumer’s behavior. Moreover, it is evaluated that there are many elements that could be considered in consumer buying behavior like sociology, psychology, anthropology, and culture. Moreover, there are certain processes that are considered in the consumers buying decision procedure like problem detection, information discovery, data evaluation, and post buying services.
On other hands, Chung, Song, and Lee, (2017) evaluated that social media marketing is the component that is practiced for selling goods and services. This tool is practiced for promoting goods and services in the least time and cost. In addition, it is also examined social media marketing could influence the behavior of consumer in limited time. Apart from this, it is evaluated that social media marketing offers a way by which Australian beauty industry could use the social media marketing method for attracting consumers and influence them to purchase goods and services of the firm. It is also effective for endorsing goods to their potential consumers. It offers effective methods for the organization for promoting their products and services by the internet and social media. Consequently, it could be imperative for attaining aim and objectives.
Apart from this, Karami, Olfati, and Dubinsky, (2017) illustrated that there are different methods of social media marketing that could be effective for the accomplishment of desired goal. An individual could evaluate the different sources of social media to attract a huge number of consumers and make a reliable conclusion. Moreover, Consumer buying behavior could be
influenced by social media as it facilitates to directly communicate with consumers and comprehend their opinion and experience towards any products and services. It could be effective for making a decision in the context of the current matter. Hence, the organization could predict the dissatisfactory and satisfactory for the consumer statement. It could also evaluate the certain components of social media marketing that might influence the buying behavior of consumers.
McIntyre, Melewar, and Dennis (2016) stated that there are many theories of social media marketing that could be practiced by the firm to make a favorable decision. The social cognitive theory demonstrated that consumer buying behavior is mutual and dynamic communication with the individual attribution. It is evaluated that social environmental component that identifies factors that might influence the consumer buying behavior.
Project Scope
In oppose to this, Gupta, (2018) explained that consumer buying behavior theory could also enable the firm to make a purchasing decision. Customers believed that social media marketing will enable to get many benefits like a great deal, social validation, promotion, and incremental saving. Moreover, it can be evaluated that that digital marketing is practiced for inspiring the buying behavior of the procedure. It can also be evaluated that social media marketing is web-based services that could modify behaviors of consumers. It could be imperative for sharing a huge amount of information.
On the other side, Pham and Gammoh, (2015) evaluated that social media marketing could be imperative to decide a suitable method for customer association behavior ability. In addition, it is evaluated that consumer could use different communication method to convey with other. Another method is the way by which consumer will share their view and opinions towards goods and branding. Customers could directly connect with other buyers who have to use the same products and service. Moreover, it is examined that brand loyalty could also influence by the negative and positive comments of other consumers with respect to the same goods and services on the internet. It is evaluated that this kind of activity could directly impact on the demand of goods and services.
Parsons, Maclaran, and Chatzidakis, (2017) argued that social media marketing method could offer an opportunity to connect the consumer and expand their feelings towards goods and service. It could also be vital to retaining their existing and new consumers for long-term. Another approach of social media marketing could define trust among consumers that could be another major task for the firm. There are many market player who presents their goods and services among a huge number of consumers with a unique image that could mandate to the consumer to purchase particular goods and services.
El Jurdi and Smith (2018) recommend that there are creation theories of consumer buying behavior that might make the link between social media marketing buying behavior of consumers. These theories are known as a contemporary model and traditional model. The traditional approach considers certain factors named sociological, learning, and economic model. Apart from this, the contemporary approach could rely on the Howard-Sheth Model. An organization could use the economic model and determine methods and thoughts by which organization will be capable to comprehend different methods that assist to make higher competitive benefits in the least time and cost. Apart from this, it is evaluated that that, earning model could assist the firm to comprehend the factors that might influence the consumers buying behaviors named satisfaction level and their experience.
Literature Review
RO2: To explore evaluate the effect of social media on consumer behavior in the Australian beauty industry.
As per the view of Lim Cheah and Wong (2017), social media creates a favorable impact on the consumer buying behavior of the beauty industry in Australia. It creates a virtual home for companies on social media websites. As a result, it facilitates higher category of wider changes to the corporation to increase the transparency of customers with respect to the brand. Social media websites permit both customers and business to do direct interaction. Under this way, freedom demonstrates that an individual can now voice their opinion about the products and company in a semi-public setting where a high amount of individuals can read and see it.
In support of this, Wright (2017) stated that in case, a customer provides a positive response on social media then a company can get the benefits. Moreover, Beauty Company can remove the negative comments from the pages, yet it should be restricted control. Since the commenter can post the negative reviews in another place as well as generates a page dedication towards negative opinion. The social network could be structured for creating an easy process to distribute the data so that, negative customers can easily share their ideas with others at the workplace.
On the other side, Macdonald Medina and Romo (2016) evaluated that social media is advantageous for developing loyalty between the consumers. It makes competent for Beauty Company to directly communicate with the consumers. Consequently, the brand salesperson can develop a personal liaison with consumers for developing loyalty between them. It is evaluated that while a consumer has complaint and representative is compassionate, knowledgeable and experts then it can support for the declining annoyance of consumers. Social media allows the beauty company to give its time to demonstrate their best responses and ensures the consistency in order to get the best responses of different consumers.
According to Zahid et al. (2018), word of mouth is essential elements for accomplishing the sales of a corporation. Advertising is essential for consumers to purchase the products and services as compared to developing trust on other customers to purchase their suggested products. Word of mouth advertising can cover the global areas in less time with sending influencing content to each consumer. In the Australian beauty industry, the company can communicate with the bulk of consumers at the click of a button through the social media. This is effective for distributing message about the beauty company. However, it has an adverse impact on the goodwill of company like unfavorable information can be easily distributed by negative consumers.
A Critical Review of Relevant Theories/Models
On the other side, Patel (2018) opined that social media provides disseminate a large number of information about the products and company. This information is not restricted to efforts of the company through their websites as competitors use different social media for persuading the buying decision of consumers. The wider range of products can transform the purchasing decision of consumers towards investigations. Before developing buying decision, a consumer can visit on social media channels and demonstrates what other people observe about the products and how the corporation deals with the customer services.
RO3: To suggested the social media marketing strategy to change the behavior of consumers with respect to the Australian beauty industry.
Kumar et al. (2016) suggested that a corporation can distribute authentic information and transparent data about the products and services to their consumers. This would lead to persuade the consumer buying decision. Beauty Company can enhance the awareness of brand between the consumers by delivering the demonstrating message through social media platforms. The message should be distinguished through competitors as it would be beneficial for creating the unique image in the mind of consumers and obtains maximum profitability.
In support of this, Scott and Vigar?Ellis (2014) evaluated that a corporation can focus on the aspects that message should have for less time and includes a high amount of an individual. This would be advantageous for persuading the consumer buying behavior. It can be recommended that a corporation should provide information regarding sales discounts as well as offers to persuade the buying decision of consumers.
On the other side Hynes and Wilson (2016), suggested that a company can emphasize developing the loyalty among consumers with respect the brand via several social media modes as this could be beneficial for enhancing the revenue of products in less cost with time. In such manner, the company can endorse their beauty products via Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram.
In this research, the researcher will use both qualitative and quantitative method to evaluate the effect of social media on consumer behavior in the Australian beauty industry. The main reason for selection of both methods is that as it will facilitate to the researcher to get the qualitative (non-numerical) as well as quantitative (numerical) data in the context of current matter. It will help to deeply evaluate the research matter and make a reliable conclusion (Chan and Yazdanifard, 2014). It can also be evaluated that the qualitative data will be collected by considering different sources named articles, books, journal, online and offline sources. It could be quite costly than the other method. Apart from this, it is also evaluated that the quantitative information will be collected by collecting numerical data by considering survey through questionnaire method on particular research participants of the beauty industry (Moslehpour, et al., 2017).
Through the above interpretation, it can be summarized that social media has a favorable and unfavorable impact on consumer purchasing behavior in the Australian beauty industry. It can be also concluded that there are certain factors that may affect the consumer buying decisions in the beauty industry like cultural, behavioral, psychological and social factors. It can be also summarized that social media can make a transformation in buying decision of customers. There is a certain strategy that could be implemented by the company for endorsing the buying decision of customers.
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