The Effect Of Motivational Techniques On Employee Productivity: A Critical Analysis
Thesis Statement of the Article
Discuss about the ‘The Effect of the Motivation Techniques Used by Managers to Increase the Productivity of their Workers and an Application’ written by Haci Guclu and Salih Guney.
The following report has concentrated on an article called ‘The Effect of the Motivation Techniques Used by Managers to Increase the Productivity of their Workers and an Application’ written by Haci Guclu and Salih Guney. It has enlightened various aspects of the article to provide a vivid concept about it. The article has primarily focused on the use of motivational technique in modern business organization to stimulate the performance of the employees. The article has argued various aspects of motivational practices in the modern organizational structure. The following article has articulated critical analysis on the article to provide vivid concept about it.
Thesis statement of the article is- managers use modern motivation techniques to enhance the productivity of the organization.
The writers of the article have conducted a research work among 229 participants to reach to the conclusion. Among the participants, 183 people were employees and 46 people were managers. This is one of the strength of this research study. The authors of the article have followed all the required path to construct the research work which helps the work to develop.
Another strength of the study is that the writers have analysed all the relevant research paper and study while conducting the research work. This has enriched their research work. It is considered as the initial stage to conduct any research work, which plays most crucial role in the success of the research work.
Motivation techniques are always not accepted by all the employees of the organization. An organization is made up of numerous employees. Single motivational method may not work for all the employees of an organization. This aspect has not been highlighted by the writers of the ‘The Effect of the Motivation Techniques Used by Managers to Increase the Productivity of their Workers and an Application’. This works as a weakness of this study. Moreover, a gap is remained due to this reason.
Another weakness of the study is its research method. The researchers have mainly concentrated on the weaving and dying fabric factories. Here lies the gap of the study. It is not necessary that the method that will be applicable for this sector can be applied on other sectors as well. The writers needed to collect sample from various sectors to draw conclusion. Due to this reason, this research work is being greatly criticised by other researchers.
Strength of the Article
I agree with the thesis statement of the study. I believe that motivational techniques works as a major strength for every business organization to motivate employees to work together to achieve the organizational common goal. I believe employees are the key element of every business organization on which the success of the organization is highly relied. In this competitive era, where the competitive nature of the market is increasing day by day, it has become mandatory for every organizational management to maintain healthy relation with their internal stakeholders. Motivational techniques include the reward and recognition system, performance appraisal system, leave policy for the employees and monetary support to the employees who required. By adopting such practices, a business leader can easily motivate employees and enhance their commitment level towards the organization. It will provide a sense of importance among the employees and they will feel as an integral part of the organizational structure and it stimulate their performance. Eventually it will help the organization to flourish day by day which will help the organizational management to battle against the rival companies. In order to survive in the competition, it is important for the business organizations now a days incorporate some motivational techniques within the organizational policy (Quratulain and Khan 2015).
It is often evident that many leading business organization adopt motivational techniques to retain their loyal and skilled employees for a long period of time. An exemplary example of such business organization is Google. Google has set an example for other organizations by taking a remarkable initiative. Google has promised all his employees that if any of their employees passes away while working with the organization, the family of the employee will receive 50% of the salary every year until the next twelve years. This has distinguished Google from its rival organization and this has enhanced its competitive advantage as well. It has motivated the employees to work as a team to achieve the organizational goal, which can be evident by the growth of Google (Yidong and Xinxin 2013).
Many researchers have argued about the requirement of motivational techniques within the organizational structure (Harunavamwe and Kanengoni 2013). Fredrick Herzberg has claimed in his research that there are two types of motivational technique that can support the growth of the employee performance, such as- satisfiers and dissatisfiers. Satisfiers method includes the job satisfaction like promotion, satisfactory remuneration, incentives and so on. On the other hand, dissatisfiers method includes hygiene, working environment and so on. I believe these two types of method is highly beneficial for the organizational leaders to maintain peaceful and healthy environment within the organization (Azar and Shafighi 2013). As employees are the key pillar of success for every organization, it is important for the organizational management to meet the satisfaction level of the employees to ensure a bright future of the organization. Two methods described by Herzberg can be used by the leaders to influence his or her teammates.
Weakness of the Article
There are various importance of motivational technique in the organizational growth that can be easily availing by the business leaders by using these techniques.
As opined by Ganta (2014), motivational techniques enhance the efficiency level among employees. It is not always enough to have educational qualification to perform any role. It is important for the employees to participate actively in the function and adopt all the techniques that are suitable to perform. Motivational techniques influence employees to adopt these practices (Mafini and Dlodlo 2014).
Motivational techniques enhance transparency level between the employees and employers. It helps employers to build a strong relationship with the employees (Valencia 2014).
Flexible rules of the organization increases the trust of the employees towards the organization. It is important for the employers to gain the trust of the employees to help them to perform (Hitka, M. and Balážová 2015).
Motivational techniques enhance the stability of the work force. Motivational techniques help the organizational management to retain loyal and experienced employees for a long time who can contribute to establish a bright future for the organization. By implementing some practices like award or the best team, award for the best team leader, an organization can easily influence his employees to work as a team and work together towards the common goal of the organization (Temminck, Mearns and Fruhen 2015).
As stated in the given article, the use of motivational techniques will support the growth of the employee performance and help the employee to achieve success in a particular task. This statement is supported by many other studies. As per these studies, great leaders always encourage their subordinates to learn new skills and techniques (Muda, Rafiki and Harahap 2014). Motivational techniques will enhance the desire for learning among the employees. They will be motivated to adopt modern techniques to support the growth of the organization. It will increase the creativity level among the employees. It will provide a great opportunity of the employees to nurture their skills and work on their creativity. Business leaders need to consider the fact that the more employees will be motivated, the more team will be empowered (Panagiotakopoulos 2014). Job satisfaction has become the major concern for the employers. They need to primarily focus on the job satisfaction level of the employees. Otherwise, it will be difficult for them to survive in this competitive era. At the same time, the organizational management must conduct a research before adopting any kind of motivational technique. In the given case study, it can be seen that the researchers have mainly focused on the fabric industry while conducting the research. It has been argued that all type of motivational techniques are not suitable for all the business organization (Uzonna 2013). Thus, it needs to be considered by the employers while designing the organizational structure.
Reflective Analysis
As per the previous discussion, it can be stated that motivational techniques lay crucial role in the success of every business organization in this modern era. Although, the techniques differ for each of the organization, some motivational techniques need to be included in the organizational rulebook to stimulate the growth of the organization. The nature of the business organizations has been transformed in the past few years. It has become more competitive in nature due to arrival of the large number of competitors. In order to survive in the competition, it has become essential for the employers to shape the behaviour of the employees and encourage them to contribute for the betterment of the organization. Motivational techniques work as a weapon for the employers to influence their subordinates. There are many techniques that can be adopted by the employers, such as- reward system, leave policy, promotional, job enlargement and so on. These practices will be beneficial for earning long-term organizational goal
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