The Effect Of Motivation Techniques On Workplace Productivity: A Serial Multiple Mediation Model

Factors Affecting Efficiency in Businesses

Discuss About The Through A Serial Multiple Mediation Model?

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The article “The Effect of the Motivation Techniques Used by Managers to Increase the Productivity of their Workers and an Application” examines the effects of the motivation techniques with significant effect towards increasing performance at the workplace.  The article outlines the business growth and development elements that steer motivation to individuals. The report describes job enrichment, business enlargement, work study, job simplification, value analysis method, zero-based budget management, brainstorming, force field analysis, and formal grouping process as the main activities that steer motivation.

On the other hand, the report details elements that reduce efficiency in businesses such as unhealthy and unsafe working environment, poor relations among managers, negative relations between employees, little motivation, and employee job inconsistency. Going forward, the article suggests some of the behaviors and activities which managers ought to initiate to increase motivation among employees (McDonald and Park 2016). Further, it documents the research method, sample size, and population that the study shall examine including the data collection means to the study.

Afterward, it places the research findings in both tabulated manner and data accompanying the research. In conclusion, the study justifies the subject matter and points out to the effectiveness of motivation towards productivity. Despite the fact that the author has made some errors and assumptions in the study, much of the information therein remains genuine and verifiable.  It is evident from the abstract that the article objectives are quite important and of use to the current organization and managers. The issue of motivation remains critical to team success, and the findings therein must be taken in with utmost seriousness (Khan and Gautam 2014). Companies experiencing the challenges listed in the article ought to carry an examination to discover the underlying factors towards their weak performance. The study findings are evident in the present workplace populations, especially in the manufacturing industry which needs a constant examination.

First, the article seems perfectly in line with the recommendations regarding the formatting and conduct of a study. The academic format in which it follows in dispensing the information looks appealing and authentic given the manner and flow of information. The introduction is suitable and up to point as it introduces the subject of the study thus giving a view of the content therein. Information in the article is clear as the author begins by defining and listing the key worlds thus encouraging a clear information understanding. The author has presented sufficient reasons for the low efficiency in the workplace which justify the core need for the study. Provision of information that supports the need for a study demonstrates a clear path in research work and more specifically an article.

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Behaviors and Activities to Increase Employee Motivation

To such a complicated and vital issue in the workplace, the report lists hypothesis to the study which is clearly listed and reflect at the end of the study. Clear listing of the theory is crucial towards establishing a sound study in research work. The reasons towards low self-motivation are satiable and factual given the existing knowledge and experience. Workplace environments with poor lighting, poor hygiene, and unsafe conditions are common issues that affect the suitability of a place (Schein 2017). Individuals tend to suffer, strain, and thus limit the potential of operating performance.

On the other hand, the poor relation expressed in the article counts given the frictions and lack of proper relationship which results in differences among people. All the reasons can be justified in the study results which indicate elements close to the ones mentioned. Sufficient information has been given by author regarding the benefits of motivation thus efficient in leading the study through observations made. The motivation techniques referred to by the author are verifiable according to the sources given.

On the other hand, the article uses several articles from peer-reviewed sources which authenticate the study. The use of references pointing to similar studies makes one’s work verifiable while giving room for development and further studies (Cooper 2015). At the same time, it gives a leeway for justifying the results of a study if at all it points to the facts being expressed in the text. The theories used such as the Lawler-Porter’s expectancy theory, Alderfer’s Erg theory and Edwin Locke’s goal setting theories have been used instrumentally in the study which assists in bringing sense to the study.

 According to Lewis (2015), the use of several principles which have been explained in the survey help, given the broad explanation that point to the study question. The article lists real reasons towards employee motivation. Most of the points expressed are true and can be used essentially for the study to justify the opinions and results revealed. The author has been careful in the use of all these elements.

The research method used in the study is sufficient and adequate in gathering the needed information for the study. The division into gender, age, experience, nature of work, and education status assists in providing different information about the study and increase the scope of the research. The study would have decided to use an overall approach, say focus on employees as a whole but chose to widen the gap thus drawing reliability of the data on the study. The use of SPSS software package in analysis remains trustworthy in coming up with verifiable figures for the study (Rea and Parker 2014).

Research Method and Findings

Moreover, the choice of a sample size of 229 was sufficient given the extensive nature of the organization where members were chosen randomly according to the four segments selected for the study. The data collection tools and the use of survey remain verifiable as each response written by the participants cannot be changed in that case (Jaworski and Kohli 2017). The use of essential data collection tools guarantees the information in a study and thus makes it authentic.

The findings reflect the literature review deliberations on motivation issues among employees. The article carefully crafts the numbers in summary indicating the results between the gender, age, education, terms of office, income, and the marital status in each case, thus increasing the scope while justifying the study (Fink 2013). All the results are clear and listed accordingly thus understandable to the readers.

 At the same time, the use of tabular information assists in demonstrating the numbers on the several factors mentioned. The conclusion and suggestion are up to the point as they each recap on the issues talked about in the article. Looking at the end, there is a close relationship between the information right from the start, to the study and the results of each category. Here, the author has remained practical and genuine to the thesis expressed earlier in the text (Neuman 2016).

The use of references at the end of the article is well listed and reflects the representation in the in-text citation. The use of references only becomes authentic if well placed and relevant to the information expressed therein (Cooper 2015). The author must be applauded for providing the information which is relevant and can be recommended for use in subsequent research activities. The author carefully discusses the recommendations for future studies while outlining the considerations and possible changes that can be made from the survey to fit in other sectors of the economy (Denscombe 2014).                

Despite the positive aspects mentioned, the authors went astray in some aspects in the research study. The conclusion of the study sounds okay which points towards motivation as a tool to enhanced productivity at workplace. To drive more people to the article, there is a need to clarify on the title and make it appealing as well as introducing suspense to the introduction part to increase interest in finding out the content. A motivated population tends to work harder and even unleash their talents towards the core goals of an organization. The results indicated the need of motivation towards better performance by employees.

Use of References and Peer-Reviewed Sources

However, some disagree exists with the author’s position in the research that motivation exists according to the education level as recorded under the observation. There is no support with factual information that individuals, even without education, but with appealing motivation, offers tend to work harder (Mishra and Swain 2016). Education is not a factor for motivation as per se, but the ability to make one proud of one’s job, at whatever level serves the purpose of upholding performance. For instance, an office cleaner, given the right environment and proper remuneration would need no education to create motivation. One can be highly educated but poorly remunerated, thus lacking motivation at the workplace. Thus, education, in perspective does not serve as a real motivation.

Moreover, the references used are in the right numbers, given the length and information in the article. However, the use of references dating back to the 90 does not seem updated. The authors should have restricted themselves to the use of sources not less than ten years. Information and research, as well as organizational behavior, keep shifting, thus pointing to the need for the use of current data in research (Sekaran and Bougie 2016). Focusing on the latest reference sources indicates a careful consideration to the current data and organization aspects in workplaces;


The concept in the research remains essential and applicable to the present organization culture. Most teams ponder with problems related to low performance. The research and its study on the particular textile factory offer valuable information essential for creating change in the fulfillment levels. The authors should have presented the guidelines for carrying out motivation plans to ensure proper implementation of the mentioned factors to success. In overall, the article is recommendable to the organizational world given the issues expressed.


Cooper, H., 2015. Research synthesis and meta-analysis: A step-by-step approach (Vol. 2). Sage publications.

Denscombe, M., 2014. The good research guide: for small-scale social research projects. McGraw-Hill Education (UK).

Fink, A., 2013. Conducting research literature reviews: From the Internet to paper. Sage Publications.

Jaworski, B.J. and Kohli, A.K., 2017. Conducting field-based, discovery-oriented research: Lessons from our market orientation research experience. AMS Review, pp.1-9.

Khan, M.S. and Gautam, S., 2014. A Study of Impact of Motivation on Productivity of Employee. The International Journal of Business & Management, 2(12), p.289.

Lewis, S., 2015. Qualitative inquiry and research design: Choosing among five approaches. Health promotion practice, 16(4), pp.473-475.

McDonald, B. and Park, J., 2016. Does Public Service Motivation Matter in Public Higher Education? Testing the Theories of Person–Organization Fit and Organizational Commitment Through a Serial Multiple Mediation Model. The American Review of Public Administration, p.0275074016652243.

Mishra, Y. and Swain, R.N., 2016. Motivation and its impact on performance-an article survey. ACADEMICIA: An International Multidisciplinary Research Journal, 6(10), pp.31-45.

Neuman, W.L., 2016. Understanding research. Pearson.

Rea, L.M. and Parker, R.A., 2014. Designing and conducting survey research: A comprehensive guide. John Wiley & Sons.

Sekaran, U. and Bougie, R., 2016. Research methods for business: A skill building approach. John Wiley & Sons.

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