The Debate About Psychotropic Medication: Useful Or Misleading?
BRD202 Drug Discovery
BRD202 Drug Discovery
Understanding Psychotropic Drugs
Psychotropic drugs can be defined loosely as the grouping of agents that have the potential of impacting on the human psychological functions (Tyler & Russo, 2015). The psychotropic drugs include hallucinogens, antidepressants and tranquilliser. Individually they are inclusive of all compounds that affect the functioning of the mind with the help of pharmacological action on the central system. In today’s society, psychotropic drugs seem to be ubiquitous and encompass not only psychiatric medication but also illegal narcotics. Also, it includes many over the counter remedies. Since these medications involve compounds that profoundly affect human behaviour, there is a big space of suspicions, misunderstanding and controversy revolving around the usage of these compounds (Moncrieff, Cohen & Porter, 2013).
Psychiatric drugs, often referring to the psychotropic medication play a vital role in the treatment as well as management of mental illness. The drugs specified for psychotropic categories are prescribed to treat various mental health issues. Issues that can cause the healthy function of a human body to destroy, damaged or even effect in the slighted way are cured by the psychotropic drugs. However, psychotropic drugs are effective and beneficial as a treatment for other complex conditions. They are accused to be used and taken for illegal recreational purposes. Also, they seem to cause more harm than benefit for many researchers (Saki et al. 2014). The psychotropic drugs can even be ceased without any harmful impact since it can drag the entire process to the end resulting to death. Many people belonging from college students to the old age are prescribed with psychotropic drugs and medication for different reasons. Although these drugs exist in order to help people overcome mental health issue, they are found largely being misused or misleading the patients. In the same aspect, the essay aims to discuss the debate in regard to the psychotropic medication being useful or only misleading. The essay argues for the discussion, psychotropic drugs can make valuable medicines.
The concept of psychotropic drugs: Psychotropic drugs are the medications for the human body that affects the human central nervous system. This specific medication changes the ways the human brain process information such as mood alteration, thoughts, emotions, perceptions and behaviour. It is usually a health care provider or a therapist that prescribes the psychotropic drugs to their patients. It is prescribed to treat any kind of diagnosed mental illness. Some of the common mental illness treated through psychotropic medication is a borderline personality disorder or bipolar disorder. Marijuana or cocaine also comes under the category of psychotropic drugs that re consumed illegally for the recreational purpose. The different types of psychotropic drugs include antidepressant, antipsychotics, anti-obsessive agents, mood stabiliser, antianxiety agents, stimulants and anti-panic agents. There are different ways these drugs work in order to address the causes and symptoms of various disorders (Dekel, Drossman & Sperber, 2013)
The Role of Psychotropic Drugs in Mental Health Treatment
There are various reasons psychotropic drugs are prescribed, and it has become hugely familiar to accept that today, one out of three mental health patient in psychotherapy takes psychotropic drugs. It is doubtful that people need to seek medication when required however it should be done only in consultation with a doctor or a health professional (Stephenson, Karanges & McGregor, 2013).
Use psychotropic drugs: During the late 1800s, sedative drugs appeared for the first time. They were followed by the amphetamines and barbiturates during the early years of the 1900s. However, drugs such as chlorpromazine hydrochloride (Thorazine) and lithium were the reason for the change when they were introduced in the 1950s. These drugs dramatically changed psychiatric medicine in society. The primary medicines that are included within this specific aspect are recognised in four main psychotropic drug categories: mood stabiliser, antipsychotics, antianxiety agents and antidepressants (Tsiouris et al. 2013). In 1954 chlorpromazine was released and since then it has been used for the treatment of schizophrenia. It was initially designated as a significant tranquilliser however it was found to be very useful in subduing the delusion and hallucination of psychotic patients. Then onwards, other antipsychotics such as clozapine and haloperidol were developed for the treatment of different forms of psychosis. Followed by the recognition of mood stabilisers and the benefits of lithium on the manic-depressive disorder. Barbiturates were one of the most prescribed before the 1960s in order to relieve anxiety however found highly sedating as well as addictive. In the United States, antidepressants are the most widely used psychotropic therapy (Bratina, 2017). There is a rise in people suffering from severe depression, anxiety, obsessive disorders and many more mental health issues. Therefore since decades, research has progressed considerably, and present theories attribute depression to psychological causes such as importance loss in early life, self-esteem, history of abuse and biological reasons such as a disruption in the sleep-wake cycle or imbalance of neurotransmitters along with social factors. Different medication target different factors that are causing the change in their psychological state (Baumeister, 2013).
Role of psychotropic drugs: Before the psychotropic drugs were not advent, in the late 1940s, the psychiatric disorders were treated by admitting to asylum, physical restraints and psychoanalysis (NguyeN-FiNN, 2017). The results were often elusive, and that is the reason advances in technology made some incredible inventions and connections. The relation between the field of psychiatry, genetics, neurology, neuroscience have now made evaluating the therapeutic effects of psychotropic drugs use and the predictions regarding the responses of such medication (Stingl, Brockmöller & Viviani, 2013).
The Issue of Misuse and Misleading Information
The issue: Most practising psychologists think that psychotropic medications are added advantages and they are useful additions to psychotherapy. In a recent study conducted in 2005, a pharmaceutical research company, Martin Akel & Associates was hired by the American Psychological Association to survey a random sample of monitor readers. It was performed in order to learn more regarding the practising psychologist’s perspective on and experience with the psychotropic medication. There were 2,500 participants drawn by the researchers on the basis of random sampling. They were selected practising psychologists who had been Monitor readers for the duration of one year. On sending a questionnaire to this pool Akel & Associates received 470 valid responses. According to them, they see approximately one in three patients taking psychotropic medications, and there will only be increased on the number of people consuming psychotropic (Isgett et al. 2017). There is an indication of the high usage of psychotropic drugs in the coming year. Also, the results of the research also drag the attention on the reasons that are making the rise in the use of psychotropic medication.
Drugs dependency and side effects: There is no doubt that psychotropic drugs can be one of the most effective ways of treating the symptoms of mental health disorder. However, there is certainly a question regarding the side effects when it comes to psychotropic drugs involving its addictive potential. Despite the concern, people need to consume the medicines when required. Psychiatric medicines are addictive however not all of them are addictive. There is a good possibility for feeling strangely unpleasant when psychotropic drugs are stopped suddenly (Vrecko, 2013). The utility of psychotropic drugs are only increasing, therefore, cautions must be taken while making use of them. Drug dependency is one of the potential risks of psychotropic drugs. The risk of depending on psychotropic drugs is well accepted regarding the benzodiazepines, also it seemed highly useful to study the potential risk for neuroleptics, antidepressants and thermoregulatory. Regardless of the type of drugs, the important factor is the psychological dependency. Dependence on drugs is considered drug abuse since it is a situation in which taking the drug becomes compulsive. The psychotropic drug takes the precedence over other needs and tends to impact the state of mind as well the physiological. A patient needs to be tolerant when the pharmacological effect decreases. The stages of drug dependency involve relief, increased use, preoccupation, dependency, withdrawal (Chou et al. 2015).
Psychotropic Drugs: Effective Treatment or Harmful Dependency?
The reason psychotropic drugs ever make useful medicines: According to recent researches performed, it is found that psychotropic drugs do more harms than good. There can be a stoppage in the making of these drugs without even causing any harm since they lack an entire zone of benefits. Presented by Peter Gotzche, in the British Medical journal debate, the views on the psychotropic drugs were strong in the opposite direction. The director of the Nordic Cochrane Centre in Denmark was present along with and was opposed by many experts in mental health. Experts in the same field feel the need for such debates around the use of psychotropic drugs. There has been overuse of antipsychotics among the aggressive patients with dementia to quite them. The benefit of the psychotropic drugs needs to be colossal in order to justify the use of such harmful drugs. However, there are only minimum benefits compared to the harm it causes. According to Him, the trials that have been carried out aided with the funding from drug companies have in some way been biased. The efficiency of the psychiatric drugs was biased since the patients involved were commonly been on other medication first. Stopping their drugs prior to the trial drug often lead those to experience a withdrawal phase. Therefore, it seems like they are extremely beneficial. Also, the death occurred while carrying out the clinical trials are under-reported. Only a few extra days are required for depression to help people overcome depression as much as the drugs do. In the trial of the modern antidepressants fluoxetine and venlafaxine, the placebo group were given dummy pills and that was genuinely beneficial for the mental health patients. A spontaneous remission over time was noted when there was the trial was conducted based on the placebo group. Also, the drugs used in the schizophrenia also provided disappointing results and for ADHD the results were only uncertain. There is a big lack in the benefits of psychotropic drugs. Considering the lack of benefits, all the antidepressants, dementia drugs and ADHD drugs can be ceased making use of only a few antipsychotics and benzodiazepines that are currently in use.
There is a possibility of leading healthier and more long-lived population. Since the psychotropic drugs are immensely harmful being used for the longer term, it should have its uses only in acute situations. There should be a firm plan in order to taper the use of such psychotropic drugs. For some patients, it is an important and most difficult phase while being treated from any mental health illness (Boseley, 2019).
The Impact of Clinical Trials on Psychotropic Medication Efficacy
Research pieces of evidence have shown that drugs do work and they are as effective and beneficial as the other medications of complex conditions. Moreover, they are majorly needed since psychiatric conditions are one of the most leading cause of disability worldwide. There are many psychiatric patients who suffer from some other form of physical conditions. The physical condition is the profound reason of death than suicide for these conditions. The research trials were performed on the general population as well after the end of research trials. Therefore various concerns have been raised regarding psychiatric drugs. However, the critics only seem to have the duty of proving the drug innocent from causing harm. Despite the fact that the concerns are genuine or not, over time the concerns have been observed as overinflated. Citing the examples of lithium which is considered to have less severe side effects than one may fear. And clozapine which is an atypical antipsychotic. The use of clozapine was seen as an agent of increasing the patient’s risk of death. However, in the recent studies, the data has provided information that is reassuring. Also, according to dementia experts, antipsychotics are often used for elderly patients who become difficult to handle. It would be appropriate to mention that after researches on this same aspect have confirmed dangers on long term use of antipsychotic drugs, the actions have been taken to reduce the use. There are some drugs such as Aricept, specifically needed for people with dementia that possess a significant effect on them and therefore much needed. The research that presented Gotzsche’s view on the ceasing the psychotropic drugs was not backed up by appropriate evidence. Therefore, it is hard to conclude that the psychotropic drugs can actually be stopped from being prepared without having much thought. Long term use of schizophrenia drugs has helped in reducing early deaths. However, in practice careful and regular reviews of treatments reviews of treatment are essential (Boseley, 2019).
Psychotropic drugs can possess side effect in a similar way it is helpful. While they are beneficial they carry the risk of several annoyance such as fatigue, dizziness or weight gain. There is a possibility of a more severe side effect as well. Therefore, it is necessary to consume the psychotropic drugs after consultation from psychologists. Many of the side effects are pretty much similar to across different classes of drugs as well. According to researches, some people seem to react and responds in a better way to antidepressant than some, and it is not yet understood clearly. It is important to know that not everyone will be able to benefit from the antidepressant medication in the same way. There can be needed to try different medication before understanding the suitable medication. Often medication may help however the symptoms will gain the possibility of coming back. It takes an approximate time frame to work and adequate amount of dose. Often people on leaving antidepressant to feel the need for it since the depression may return back. The doctor needs to help the patient slowly and safely decrease the dose. The time to adjust without the medication should be given to the body. Although people do not get addicted to such medications, an abrupt stopping may lead to withdrawing symptoms. The drugs specified for psychotropic categories are prescribed to treat various mental health issues. Issues that can cause the healthy function of a human body to destroy, damaged or even effect in the slighted way are cured by the psychotropic drugs. However, psychotropic drugs are effective and beneficial as a treatment for other complex conditions.
In the end of the essay, it can be concluded that psychotropic drugs can make good medicines. However due their high potential of being misused can make the side effects into dangerous situation. Although psychological therapy may be beneficial for many patients, there are certain situations that require prescribing of medicines. There are efforts given in order to reduce the side effects and the negative impacts. For now, the psychotropic medicines are essential in the society for many patients. There are various reasons psychotropic drugs are prescribed. Due to several factors people are increasing who seek psychological help. Many people belonging from college students to the old age are prescribed with psychotropic drugs and medication for different reasons and it is the experts who would genuinely recommend the best method for the treatment of the mental health issue. It is only careful and constant reviews of the treatment will help gain some better solution in the future. Therefore, yes, psychotropic drugs can make good and useful medicines in the future.
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