The Cyrenaic Philosophy: Ethics Of Sensation, Pleasure And Pain
PHIL 1000 Introduction to Philosophy
PHIL 1000 Introduction to Philosophy
Introduction and structure of the essay
Hedonism was largely unaccepted to Christian Philosophers as they argued that it was in contradiction to the emphasis of Christian values such as the Christian virtue of faith, hope, and charity. This was later disapproved by a philosopher who related the pleasure with God’s wish for happiness. The Cyrenaic Philosophers are famous for being the earliest philosophical hedonist but unfortunately, they did not last a century. Their theory of knowledge was known to be skeptical, and their ethic is often contrasted to Epicurus’s hedonism.
As Cyrenaics shine a light on the ethics of sensation, their discussion is focused on the pleasures in life and then categories them to understand their influence in personal life. They come up with remarkable findings on how the nature of pleasure can be defined as good or evil, relating to the presences or absence of pain. This paper will first have a summary of the important aspect of the Cyrenaic philosophy then follow up with how this philosophy is of help in individual life and society at large. The final part will be a critique of the work by Cyrenaics showing how pleasure can be of importance and destruction to an individual and society at large. Lastly closely contrast the Stoic philosophy to hedonism philosophy with the aim of raising objections.
Aristippus argues that the only thing we can know with certainty is the immediate experience of our sense. The cause of this sensation is a misery as we have no idea on the nature of the object causing these sensations, but the cause of it is related to the external surrounding (Lampe, 2014).
The nature in which these sensations are triggered is different to each individual making it difficult to come out with conclusive knowledge of how these sensations are caused. Aristippus become the founder of the Cyrenaic, who expound further on the ethics of sensation. The Cyrenaics come up with another definition of sensation and they termed it as a motion of the soul or the flesh that is divided into three categories; painful, gentle and pleasurable (Lampe, 2014). They further stated that pleasure was a good aspect of life in that the physical pleasure was more intense and desirable than mental pleasure.
Cyrenaics teachings were on the only intrinsic good is the pleasure with the absence of pain. This meant that the greatest good pleasure was happiness and pain was considered to be the greatest evil related to the sense of pleasure. Cyrenaic also studied the relationship between knowledge and pleasure, they found out that pleasure was self-evidently choice-worth and pain is self-evidently avoidance worthy (Lampe, 2014). Their findings were conclusive that we had an impression to the true cause of pleasure and pain.
Cyrenaic philosophy and its focus on pleasure
The Cyrenaic then gave an implication on how the development of virtuous character and the ability to choose good, are the requirement if one is to obtain pleasure and avoid pain. Cyrenaics philosophers engage in therapeutic practices that focus on the present but has ongoing application in the future, this therapy practices advocates being adaptable and enjoying what is here now rather than worrying about the future (Lampe, 2014).
This ensured that one is focused on the pleasure of happiness experienced presently and has no worries of the future as it can be a pleasure of pain (Lampe, 2014). Cyrenaics insisted that the momentary pleasures especially the physical ones are stronger than those of anticipation. Anniceris is reported to have to have claimed that eudaimonia is not final end since only pleasure themselves are ending in themselves.
Cyrenaics recommends pursuing immediate pleasure and avoiding immediate pain with no regards for the future consequences (Lampe, 2014). This ensures that one maximizes on pleasure and minimize the pain endured in life. The encouragement from the Cyrenaics to be hedonistic has a significant influence on an individual lifestyle. An individual is persuaded to maximumly optimize the life chance and to take the most out of it because there is only one chance to leave (Lampe, 2014). At some point, this pushes an individual to ensure that he has a happy life by considering to indulge in pleasurable activities.
This will add value to one’s own life and diminish all potential of pain, suffering, discomfort, and inconvenience in life ensuring an individual is living a better life. At the same time being hedonistic can have negative impacts in an individual life such that it undermines the health of an individual. In modern life pleasure such as alcoholism, smoking and sex, is the pleasure that easily affects an individual health. Instead, this will result in pain accompanied by diseases. Commitment to maximize the pleasure and reduce pain can easily affect an individual’s personal values and believes, one can engage in activities against his/her will just to have a satisfaction of pleasure.
Hedonism has a profound impact on the society affecting culture, moral values and even the way of thinking. It changes human development and even economic growth, it reduces the awareness of danger as self-indulgence change critical thinking (Lampe, 2014). For example, sexual gratification is one of the major pleasures enjoyed by millions of people in the world, even though it is considered human necessity at the right age, it is highly abused and has significantly destroyed our communities. Different sexual diseases are transmitted and immorality has taken root to our society as people have become unfaithful, rapist and pornstars, which has eroded moral value to society. Christians have highly rejected hedonism as it is thought to be against the moral values of their religion. Hedonism is highly criticized in today’s society by politician, preachers, and writers warning to avoid the lure of lustful living.
In contrast to hedonism, Stoic believed that the perception is the basis of knowledge, the philosophy asserted that virtue is happiness and judgment should be based on behavior rather than words. It is stated that the world can be unpredictable and we do not have control of the external events so we have to be steadfast, strong and in control of ourselves. The philosophy further states that any source of dissatisfaction lies in our impulsive dependency on our reflexive sense rather than the logic. For a hedonist, the sense of pleasure originates from nature and we do have its control but in comparison to a Stoic, these pleasures can be controlled by a person who is well determined by reacting differently to reflexive sense.
It is further stated that Stoicism is about enduring what happens no matter if it is pain or hardship and gaining full control over yourself to reach the inner peace. For a hedonistic, the teaching is highly different as it is stated that one has to maximize on the pleasure of happiness but it is no given how this can be achieved. In real life it is difficult for one to stay happy all the time due to a lot of unpredictable events, teaching on how to control these events seems logical. Stoicism is a very important aspect to our lives as it teaches as to endure and have control of life events, on the other hand, hedonism can be very dangerous to the society as it brings vice within individuals who find themselves in trouble in a bid to fulfill pleasures.
In conclusion, pleasures and desires can be controlled letting them control you can be devastating if it goes beyond changing your character. Unpredictable events can cause a sensation of pain or happiness as humans we can endure and get full control instead of focusing on how we can pleasure ourselves to gain happiness all the time. Hedonism is surely dangerous and it should be eliminated from society.
Lampe, K. (2014). The birth of hedonism: The Cyrenaic philosophers and pleasure as a way of life. Princeton University Press.