The Changing Role Of Human Resource Management In The Context Of Globalization, Technology Advancements, And Innovations

Overview of the Changing Role of HRM

Discuss about the Business and HRM for Price Waterhouse Cranfield Survey.

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“Human resources are like natural resources; they’re often buried deep. You have to go looking for them, they’re not just lying around on the surface. You have to create the circumstances where they show themselves.”

The above quoted lines of Ken Robinson give an overview of the changing role of the “human resource management” team in the present day context. The “Human Resource Management” has undergone much transformation in the present times on the score of various factors like the “advent of globalization, the recent developments in the fields of technology as well as innovations” and others (Brewster, Mayrhofer & Smale, 2016). The changing nature of the business world has made the role of the “human resource management” teams a very important one in the present day context (Brewster, Mayrhofer & Smale, 2016). Furthermore, the condition of the present day labor market has made the role of the HRM in the present day context one of significance (Brewster, Mayrhofer & Smale, 2016). This paper will discuss about the changing nature of the HRM in the present day context on the score of various factors like globalization, advancements in technology and innovations and others.

“Human Resource Management” can be defined as the “formal systems devised for the management of people within an organization. The responsibilities of a human resource manager fall into three major areas: staffing, employee compensation and benefits, and defining/designing work” (Bratton & Gold, 2017). In other words, the “human resource management” is the “management of human resources and is primarily concerned with the management of people within organizations, focusing on policies and on systems” (Bratton & Gold, 2017). Therefore, it can be said that the HRM plays a significant role in the “overall growth as well as the development of the various business organizations as well as the companies” (Brewster, Mayrhofer & Smale, 2016). The HRM is not only imbued with the role of recruiting fresh as well as experienced individuals for the business organizations and their effective selection of the candidates who will be very useful for the business but also for the process of induction (Jiang et al., 2012). It is significant to note that it is during the process of inducted which is generally conducted by the HRM teams of the various business organizations that the employees are provided the relevant information not only about the business organization which they have joined but also about the various job roles which they need to perform (Jiang et al., 2012). It is significant to note that it is at this particular stage that the “HRM team tries to align the individual goals as well as the objectives of the individual employees with the overall goals and the objectives of the concerned business organization or the company which is likely to not only improve not only the individual performance of the employees but also the overall performance of the organization as well” (Bratton & Gold, 2017). Furthermore, the HRM teams related to the various business organizations in the present times is also imbued with the role of providing effective training to the various new employees of the concerned business organization (Jiang et al., 2012). It is significant to note that effective training is very important for the new employees who have just joined the business organization as that would give them the required kind of skills which is necessary for the completion of the job (Brewster & Hegewisch, 2017). Moreover, the HRM is also imbued with the role to provide effective advanced level training to the existing in a bid to upgrade their skills so that they have the required kinds of upgraded skills which is necessary for the completion of their job roles (Brewster & Hegewisch, 2017). In addition to these, it is also seen that the level of stress faced by the various employees has increased exponentially due to the increased amount of work which they need to do and also the extra amount of labor that they need to put to get their job completed (Brewster & Hegewisch, 2017). Therefore, it is one of the most basic functions of the HRM team to not only improve the environment of the workplace but also reduce the level of stress felt by the various employees related to the business organization (Berman et al., 2012). Thus, it is often seen that the various HRM teams take the help of diverse kinds of recreational as well as fun activities in a bid to not only “enhance the level of engagement of the employees but also to reduce the level of stress faced by the various employees in the workplace on the score of the workload which they need to handle” (Berman et al., 2012). Furthermore, the job of motivating the various employees related to the business organization is also one of the major functions of the HRM teams of the various business organizations (Berman et al., 2012). Therefore, it would be apt to say that the HRM in the present times has become an indispensible part of the various business organizations.

Definition of Human Resource Management

Globalization is “the process by which businesses or other organizations develop international influence or start operating on an international scale” (Brewster, Chung & Sparrow, 2016). The concept of “globalization is a very traditional one and it is significant to note that the various ancient civilizations of the world used to take the help of this particular concept to conduct trade relations with the other nations of the world” (Brewster, Chung & Sparrow, 2016). However, the process of globalization in the real sense of the term began in the 1850s with the introduction of the steamboats and the development of the telegraph system (Rupert & Smith, 2016). It is significant to note that not only the way of transacting the business operations of the various business organizations but also the role of the HRM in the present times “post the advent of globalization” has undergone much transformation in the present times (Rupert & Smith, 2016). It is a reflection of this the HRM in the present day is not only imbued with the above mentioned responsibilities but also with other significant ones as well. Therefore, the HRM teams in the present day need not only to take into consideration the “challenge to labour demand and supply posed by globalization, and environment and demographic changes” but also the changing nature of the labor market as well  (Alfes et al., 2013). It is a reflection of this particular fact that the various HRM teams in the present times think about the various short term goals of the organizations instead of the long term ones as it used to do in the earlier times  (Alfes et al., 2013). There was a time when the HRM teams of the various business organizations needed to take into consideration the long term training processes so that the employees would stay with the concerned organizations for a longer period of time (Brewster, Chung & Sparrow, 2016). However, in the present day context the various HRM teams need to focus on the short term training process as it is generally seen that the various employees who join the business organizations do not stay with the organizations for a very long time (Rupert & Smith, 2016). It is a reflection of the fact that now the job opportunities available to the employees are more than the earlier times as the number of business organizations operational in the various parts of the world has increased exponentially and they constantly require extra number of employees to do the surplus amount of work which is necessary to produce the surplus amount of the products or the services which these business organizations provide to the customers (Rupert & Smith, 2016). This can be seen as a reflection of the fact that “post the advent of globalization most of the business organizations in the present times are operational on a global basis and thus they constantly need extra number of employees to “cater to the needs as well as the requirements of the customers in the most effective manner” (Brewster, Chung & Sparrow, 2016). Therefore, it can be said that the role of the HRM teams of the various business organizations in the present day context has become important than ever as they need to the cater demand of the various business organizations for the surplus number of labors to produce the surplus amount of products or the services offered by them to the customers (Alfes et al., 2013).

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Significance of HRM in Business Organizations

The HRM teams of the various business organizations also need to take into consideration the changing labor requirements as well as the labor laws which the various nations in which the business organization is operating (Brewster, Mayrhofer & Smale, 2016). It is a reflection of this that the various business organizations in the present day also need to “focus on internal replacement charts and succession planning” (Brewster, Chung & Sparrow, 2016). This becomes significant as with the increase in the number of options which are available to the various employees they have become more choosy about the companies or the business organizations with which they are related or working with ands also the kind of salary and other facilities which they are being provided with (Kaufman, 2016). It is a reflection of this that the various HRM teams of the business organizations also needs to chalk out the replacement strategies in case the various employees related to them  decides to leave their organization on the score that they are getting better growth as well as economic opportunities from the other business organizations (Brewster, Mayrhofer & Smale, 2016).

To conclude, the HRM teams related to the various business organizations in the present times have undergone a drastic transformation in the present times. This is generally seen as a reflection of the “advent of globalization and the recent developments in the fields of technology as well as innovations”. Therefore, it can be said that the role of the various HRM teams related to the business organizations have not only undergone a drastic transformation but have in a way become more important than ever on the score of the above mentioned factors. Thus, the various HRM teams not only need to recruit as well as provide effective training to the various employees but they also need to prepare the various scenarios in which the various employees related to them leaves on the score of the diverse opportunities which they get from the other business organizations. Therefore, it can be said that globalization and other factors have considerably affected the concept of “human resource management”.


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