The Changing Role Of Audience In New Media Art Forms
ARIN2630- Bachelor of Arts
ARIN2630- Bachelor of Arts
Viewer completes the art
According to Marcel Duchamp, an art is not completed without participation of viewer and hence the viewers are an integral part as far as the success of the art is considered. This theory of Duchamp that viewers complete the art is becoming a standard for the modern art and it being widely accepted as well (Graham 2016). Art in modern era is no longer considered a static form of creative wok, it is becoming more and more interactive in nature and the reason is to allow the participation of the viewer’s rather than just being the mere admire of the art.
However this change has not been achieved instantaneously and it took some time before it has matured to the level today it is. In the early days of the art, people just had to watch the performance of the artist and there were merely any opportunity for them to directly interact with them and share any ideas (Reijonen et al. 2015). Art is a form of imaginations and abstraction put in a creative and organized form which is then presented to others to enjoy. However the nature of creativity is dynamic in nature and there is no fixed method or process for that (Flanagan 2014). And there is always scope for improvement. Hence allowing viewers to participate and interact with it only enriches the art.
One of the major reason that it has been possible to present art in such an interactive format today is the inclusion of technology in the art (Bocken and Short 2016). The technology has completely changed the way art is received and perceived today. When talked about the contribution of technology for making art more intuitive, interactive, nothing is as effective as the internet. Internet has not only influenced the artist but the art itself. Without the internet it might not be possible to encourage and allow active participation and interaction of the viewers with the art and the ideas behind the art.
One of the successful example of this is the sketch comedy group LoadingReadyRun. They have showed that how easy and effective it is to consider the internet as the digital platform for the showcase of the art and interact with the audience. According to the Canadian sketch comedy group, the definition and requirements of art have changed lot over the years. Today viewers don’t like to be just the spectator of the art, they rather want to participate in it as well. This include communicating with the artist, reviewing the performance and also be critic as well. According to the group, this kind of interaction should be allowed as it helps to retain the interest of viewers in the art.
Technologies that enable artistic interaction
When viewers are involved with the art, they become more attentive and the interest about the art is increased as well. In case of the case comedy group LoadingReadyRun, they allowed viewers to chat directly with the makers of each of the episodes. Hence it was possible for the viewer to share what they thinks about the episode, what they really find interesting about the episode and what improvements they want to see in the creative work in terms of presentation, content and many other important aspects that makes the art complete (Laukkanen 2015). When viewers are involved in this kind of interactions, it is easier for the artist to judge and review his own work in a much more broader way as it incorporates thoughts of so many viewers and that too while performing the art (Porterfield 2015). This has a great advantage for the improvement of the art as it allows to review art in accordance with the viewers which is an important factor for any art of any form and medium. Hence this kind of interaction is necessary for the artist, the art and also for the viewers.
Art is not all about what is presented, it is also about how it is perceived and how engaging it is. If the art does not consider the viewers as an important and integral part of the art, then the art is not going to be as successful as creative work should be critically analysed, reviewed and discussed to make the art enriched and this is not possible without the participation of the viewers (Laukkanen 2015). Hence they must be considered in the art and allow them to participate in it effectively.
Viewer and followers of the group has even created a community which has developed so many content for the groups that has even been featured on the website of the group along with the regular show of the group (Saunders, Paul and Stark 2018). They had a very unique features of presenting their show. Each week when any new series has been posted on the website, it asked the viewer then to create original content based on that. It is free to experiment and modify the original content. However the decision to decide which content to feature on the website will be exclusive to the group. According to the group this has really improved the strength on their viewership and also has helped a lot to improve the quality of the original content of their group too.
Example: Sketch comedy group LoadingReadyRun
One of the primary criteria to consider the whether the art is completed or not is the content presented through it, no matter what it is. In this context, the art form that has been considered is the sketch comedy which classified as both a genre of theatre and of writing. The primary goal of these type of art, no matter how this is presented, is to create humour and joy. And who is better to judge this than the one for whom this is created (Raisch 2016). This assumptions itself makes the role of the viewer so important and hence without considering them in the art or the performance it is not possible to complete the art.
It is important to consider a very famous theory of Jenkins regarding the modern art that a successful art is not how well it is perceived in its own genre, but also how influential it is outside its genre. According to him, great art are those that inspires people to create something own their own while drawing reference from the work. This is what makes the art more complete. However he also specifies that, in order to do that the artist has to extend the boundary of art and allow for transfer of knowledge among the artist and viewers (Porterfield 2015). Hence the artist have to be open enough to allow the viewers to participate in it as well and allow for critical analysis of the work. This will broaden the knowledge transfer as well as improve the context of the art.
It is worth noticing that the viewers that the art draws might be artist as well. He or she might be looking for some ideas to create something on their own or they might be having more expertise than the artist of the art being presented (Porterfield 2015). As the viewer consists of a broad range of audience, allowing them in the art sometime gives the artist the chance to enhance the quality of art with suggestion from the artist who belongs to the viewer’s list.
When someone creates some artistic work inspired from the work of another artist, it is the success of the art itself. As already specified, the chrematistics of a complete art is its ability to inspire other art as well. Hence when a viewer is inspired by the original work and create something own their own, the job is done by the viewer. It is not possible for the artist to extend the context of art to various domain without the help of the viewers (Raisch 2016). Hence the viewer plays an important role in the art, especially when it comes to the completeness of the art.
Importance of viewer participation
Art is not the collection of ideas and thought which has no social and cultural relevance. In fact it is an artistic and creative form to present the things around the society (Warren 2017). It is inspired from people, behaviour, and culture. Artist looks for ways to present the ordinary things in a more profound and creative way so that it connects with the people. Just because the art form is genre of comedy, it does not mean that it only deals with topic that has no serious implication on the society. Comedy is an effective way for representing social issues with a touch of humour, but the focus is same, although the medium is different than other art form.
The completeness of any art is also measured in terms of the social impact of the art. However, including social issues in art and having an impact on the society is completely different things (Chan 2014). The artist is responsible for the former while the later not only depends on the artist but the viewers as well. Now an artist might put his best to inspire viewers but whether the viewer will accept it or not completely depends on the viewers. Although the quality of the art is subject to the artistic experience and creativity, it does not imply that the artist will be able to influence the view of the viewers (Laukkanen 2015). However if the viewers is inspired by the art and apply it in social change, then the benefit is created to the original work. In this way the viewers can expand the art in many ways possible and without the viewer it is not possible for the artist to accomplish that on own. Hence the fact is gain established that the role of the viewers should not be limited to the role of audience. The role should be extended as well.
It is not likely that all the audience will review the art, analyse it and possibly create something that enhance the art quality. But the scope of interaction with the art should be there which is essential for quality enhancement of the art. It should not be measured that how many people is going to be review the art and based on that decide whether there should be opportunity for interaction or not (Raisch 2016). If this is done this will only make the art limited in terms of scope and influence. In order to extend the scope and reach of the art, audience or the viewer should be given the same importance as the art itself. When an audience is inspired by the art work and create something that might be more enriched in quality (Dan 2015). The work that is inspired from the original work might have the ability to expand the audience base further and inspire even more people. Although it might seem that it is the success of the new art inspired from the original art, it is the success of the original art as well. Not only that it makes the art more complete and it is the viewer who actually makes the art complete.
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Reijonen, H., Hirvonen, S., Nagy, G., Laukkanen, T. and Gabrielsson, M., 2015. The guide for sucessfull integration of viewer and art implementation. A modern approach, 51, pp.35-46.
Saunders, Paul and Stark, Graham, “LoadingReadyRun”, 2003-2013. Accessed 31/10/2018.
Graham, B. ed., 2016. New collecting: exhibiting and audiences after new media art. Routledge.
Flanagan, M., 2014. Playful Aesthetics: Toward a Ludic Language. The Gameful World. Approaches, Issues, Applications. Cambridge/London, pp.249-270.
Flanagan, M., 2014. Playful Aesthetics: Toward a Ludic Language. The Gameful World. Approaches, Issues, Applications. Cambridge/London, pp.249-270.
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