The Behaviour Of Employees In An Organization
Identification of Organizational Issues and Recommendations
Write essay on “The Behaviour of Employees in an Organization”.
In the contemporary scenario, businesses are increasingly focusing their attention towards enhancing customer satisfaction and enhancing the level of profitability. Specifically mentioning, in order to accomplish such objectives, organizations have directed their attention towards fostering the development of employees such that they are capable of accomplishing their personal as well as professional goals. In this regard, it is worth mentioning that an assessment of the individuals based on their behaviour with regards to workplace setting is known as organizational behaviour (Schein, 2006). In other words, organizational behaviour can be regarded as the study of individuals as well as group dynamics in association with the organizational setting. Correspondingly, it must be noted an understanding of the organizational behaviour is vital towards organizational success since people belonging to different cultural backgrounds are attributed with possessing varied cultural values who work together in an effective manner (Robbins & Judge, 2003). Hence, by taking into consideration the case of PC Solutions, this study aims at highlighting the issues that are prevalent in the organization and make certain recommendations that can be crucial for overcoming such issues. Moreover, the study would emphasize on highlighting the various aspects of organizational culture, its strengths and weaknesses and would further elucidate the aspects of culture that require change. Illustrating examples from the case scenario, this essay would further highlight several organizational behaviour theories that can be effectively implemented in the organization. Finally, prior to arriving at a conclusion, the paper would demonstrate an understanding of the leadership roles that must be required to manage behaviour of employees and ensure that they are able to direct their motives towards accomplishment of organizational goals.
With regards to the case of PC Solutions, it can be apparently noted that despite an increase in the growth of the organization, there has been a significant decline in relation to level of employee as well as customer satisfaction. Herein, it must be noted that a number of reasons can be highlighted with respect to the issue faced by the company. One of the most important challenges that can be noted with respect to managing organizational behaviour is the managerial change (Mills,, 2006). It can be apparently noted from the case scenario that there are four department managers handling varied departmental responsibilities and working with a diverse workforce with varied organizational job roles. In this regard, it is worth mentioning that workforce diversity can be regarded as one of the problems that is faced by the organization towards managing its employees (Hersey & Blanchard, 1993).
As employees working in the organization belong to varied gender, ethnicity and race, they become heterogeneous in nature. Herein, it must be noted that it is the prime responsibility of the managers to ensure that the diversity existing amongst the employees is respected and proper training is being provided to them towards ensuring that they are able to respect the differences and focus towards higher productivity. Additionally, it must be noted that managing workplace diversity in an appropriate manner would play a key role in enhancing the performance of the employees and ensure that there is an improvement in the decision making processes along with enhancement in team performance (Marques,, 2016). Furthermore, organizational behaviour can be strengthened through managing workplace diversity that would further enable providing better customer services and overcome challenges associated with dysfunctional conflict, team dynamics and communication. An increase in the level of creativity and innovation can be considered as yet another significant benefit underlying management of workplace diversity (Griffin & Moorhead, 2011).
Another important issue facing the organization is the change in expectations of the employees. Herein, it must be noted that change is considered as an inevitable part of human lives, which has a substantial impact on the quality of lives of people. With a change in work force dynamics, it is noted that there is a significant change in the expectations of the employees. Hence, there is a need for the managers to offer financial as well as non-financial benefits to the employees towards enhancing growth and productivity by motivating employees to perform their job roles effectively (Kinicki, 2004). Some of the motivating factors that can be taken into consideration are the factors such as job security, bonuses, attractive salaries and employee empowerment that play an imperative role in strengthening organizational culture. This would further require making use of democratic form of leadership skills by the managers that would ensure the incorporation of all the employees in the decision-making process of the organization (Brief & Weiss, 2002).
Ensuring an enhancement in the level of productivity and quality can be regarded as yet another significant issue that is faced by the managers in the competitive modern-day scenario. In this regard, there is a need to emphasize on the fact that managing quality and productivity of employees can be made possible with the help of implementing techniques such as Total Quality Management (TQM) that would play an important role in ensuring that customer satisfaction is attained as a result of improvement in organizational processes. Inclusion of the employees in the decision-making process can further play an important role in enhancing the level of organizational productivity and quality along with development of organizational culture. An important issue underlying organizational behaviour that can be noted from the case is the management of technology and innovations (Adler & Gundersen, 2007). Herein, it must be noted that lack of integrity amongst the departments can have a negative impact on managing technological changes and implementation of innovative ideas. It has been noted that employees associated with the organization resist change owing to the fact that they are unable to operate such new techniques. Hence, in order to improve the organizational behaviour, it is the prime responsibility of the manager to focus on providing the required pertaining to the employees apart from maintaining a minimum level of flexibility in the workplace. On a similar note, stimulating employee creativity, boosting their morale and making them tolerant towards change can be successful in structuring organizational behaviour (Pinder, 2014).
In addition to the aforementioned issues, another significant issue that can be highlighted in relation to the stated case can be attributed with the ethic behaviour amongst the employees. Conducting the business in an ethical manner and respecting the diverse needs of the people towards engaging in social responsibility plays a key role towards strengthening organizational behaviour. The issue underlying allocation of responsibilities can be considered as yet another problem that is faced by the organization. As can be noted from the case scenario, the manager of customer service department has appointed the team leaders for handling diverse job roles; however, she has allocated priorities and manages the provision pertaining to support services for all customers. This creates a negative impact on the employees who face challenge of lack of recognition and motivation, which further creates hindrance in the process of structuring organizational behaviour. Providing the employees with job adequate responsibility and accountability can play an important role towards ensuring that the organization is able to create positive organizational behaviour. Stress can be considered as another important issue that can be highlighted in relation to the case which suggests that the employees face challenges associated with increased amount of stress and workload, which significantly reduces their level of satisfaction. Correspondingly, high level of misunderstanding and intolerance against other cultures is considered as yet another important issue facing the organization. Herein, it must be noted that there is a need to change the existing organizational culture by focusing on providing motivation and lower dysfunctional stress levels existing amongst the employees towards ensuring that they a able to create a balance in their personal and professional lives. Specifically mentioning, organizing exercise programs and training sessions regarding organizational behaviour can further play an important role in strengthening organizational culture (Bowditch,, 2007).
Employee issue can be considered as one of the most significant challenges that are faced by the organization. Managing employees in considered as holding utmost significance and requires considerable amount of attention on part of the management. As can be noted from the case, employees associated with the company face challenge underlying lack of satisfaction, which can be attributed with personality conflicts and supervisory issues. This further result in development of communication gaps amongst the employees and the management, thereby weakening the organization culture. In addition, team problems can be considered another significant issue that the organization faces with respect to managing employees working in teams. For instance, the case reflects the situation of customer services department, wherein, employees are working in group. In order to ensure highest level of satisfaction, the intention of the employees must be directed towards working upon a set of specific goals. Personal disconnect and lack of proper coordination amongst the members can result in development of discrepancies amongst the employees and management, thereby affecting the overall effectiveness of organization. In this regard, it is worth mentioning that the team leaders must direct their attention towards the accomplishment of organizational goals through focusing on obtaining feedback from the employees and maintaining cohesiveness. Additionally, the team leader or department manager must focus on analyzing the problem and take appropriate measures that are directed towards avoidance of performance breakdowns. Organization related problem is considered yet another significant issue that is faced by the organization that has a direct influence on the organizational development and employee participation in the workplace.
There are a number of strengths as well as weaknesses faced by the organizations with regards to the organizational culture. Herein, there is a need to emphasize on the fact that organization culture is regarded as an important phenomenon since it is associated with sharing the beliefs and assumptions concerned with strengthening organizational behaviour. Specifically mentioning, shared values and assumptions have a considerable impact on the organization and specifies the manner in which organization performs their organizational responsibilities. Considering the case example, it can be apparently noted that the organization faces the challenge of poor organizational culture. Hence, there is a need to identify the various strengths as well as weaknesses underlying the organizational culture towards highlighting the aspects of culture that require change (George,, 1996). Factors such as thickness of culture that are measurable with the help of underlying shared assumptions can play an important role in the development of organizational culture. Moreover, extent of sharing along with clarity of ordering can be regarded as some of the other factors associated with highlighting the strength of organizational culture (Barney, 1986). Organizational culture can be facilitated with the help of sharing common beliefs and enable sharing of ideas towards ensuring that business operates in a successful manner. In addition, organizational culture as depicted in the case can play an important role in supporting the implementation of new initiatives as well as accomplish the organizational goals (Miner, 2015).
Development of a workplace environment associated with fostering the growth and development of employees, apart from development of loyalty and creativity can play an imperative role in ensuring that the business is capable of developing organizational culture. Promoting a culture that is capable of implementing innovation can have a considerable impact on the development of organizational performance, apart from ensuring that the employees are directed towards performing organizational responsibilities effectively. Lack of effective organizational culture can result in development of negative consequences since employees might focus on accomplishment of their personal goals rather than prioritizing organizational goals (Luthans, 2002). Cultural transformation with the help of appropriate knowledge sharing and through gaining an understanding of the strengths and weaknesses underlying the organization can play an important role in ensuring that a proper organizational culture is established. A positive organizational culture can play an important role in retaining as well as attracting committed employees, apart from development of positive relationship with the customers. However, organizational culture is required to be analyzed as well as nurtured in order to ensure that the employees are able to reflect upon fostering organizational behaviour. Proper decision-making along with performing leadership roles in an effective manner can play an important role towards ensuring that the business is capable of facilitating the changes that are required to establish a positive workplace culture (Martin, 2005).
Implementing changes in the organization would require emphasizing upon leadership that is considered one of the most important techniques associated with growth and development of the organization. In this regard, it is worth mentioning that implementation of changes in an organization is considered as a complex process since it requires focusing on a variety of steps. Specifically mentioning, one of the most significant steps associated with fostering organizational culture can be attributed with an assessment of the overall organizational culture and performance. Notably, evaluation of the organizational priorities such as customer satisfaction, growth and profitability can play a lead role in ensuring implementation of the changes. Clarifying the vision, values and expected behaviour of the employees can further play an important role in facilitating change in the organization, which can result in development of a positive organizational culture. Moreover, providing the employees with knowledge pertaining to SMART goals by making use of extensive feedback along with prioritization of the objectives can play an important role in ensuring the development of strategic goals (Schein, 2010). On a further note, elucidating and highlighting the key measures that can be taken to support organizational priorities can be considered as playing an important role in implementation of recommended changes. Establishment of a management system that specifically deals with the prioritizing organizational goals and objectives can be considered as yet another significant factor underlying organizational development. Notably, an increased level of emphasis needs to be placed on communicating the habits about performance improvements and development of two-way communication can play a lead role in fostering establishment of positive organizational culture. Clarification of plans, addressing the questions, lowering drama as well as exposing rumours can be considered as yet another significant factors underlying development of organizational culture. Finally, motivating the employees as well as recognizing their talent can further play a considerable role in ensuring that the business operates in a successful manner (French, 2011).
In order to ensure the establishment of a proper organizational culture and behaviour towards enhancing the level of satisfaction amongst the employees and customers, the manager needs to prioritize focusing upon adopting a number of leadership roles that can facilitate such changes. These roles might involve persuading the employees to adapt to these changes through motivating and encouraging them. Creating a strategic vision such as establishment of a successful organizational behaviour can further act as an important tool for facilitating the changes (Denning, 2011). Storytelling and acting as a role model can further be considered as some of the other leadership qualities that can enable inspiring the employees to focus on implementation of the job roles (Chance, 2009). Defining employees’ roles and responsibilities and holding them accountable for the job roles apart from establishing flexible communication channels can further play an important role in ensuring that the business operates in a successful manner (Schein, 2010).
The behaviour and attitudes of employees in an organization has a considerable impact on the organizational performance and its ability to accomplish long term success. In this regard, the essay enabled identifying some of the common problems underlying poor organizational behaviour such as change in employee expectations and workplace diversity. Correspondingly, the study highlighted a number of outcomes such as proper training and providing employees with financial and non-financial benefits that can have a successful impact on business development and establishment of positive organizational culture. Finally, the study highlighted persuasion, vision, storytelling and role modelling as some of the leadership roles that can be used to facilitate change.
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