Telecommuting, Networked And Separated Workplaces In Business Management

The Rise of Technology in Business Management

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Since 1995 the field of business and business management has changed tremendously with the growth and sophistication of technology. For the managers, information technology has come at a time when the world is turning to technology for almost everything. For the business to be successful, it requires proper management (Ramey, 2012). Good management involves planning, evaluating and executing certain business functions in a manner that portrays authority and accountability. Therefore, in modern business, technology is used in carrying out most managerial duties. Some of the business strategies that have been mainly embraced include telecommuting and networked and separated workplaces.

Telecommuting is a modern way of working that allows the employees to work from home. This is one business sector that has mostly benefited from the improvement of technology. In this form of business, employees do not travel from home to their places of work but instead get the work done from home and probably submit it to their place of work in the form of e-messages or emails. In the modern world, facilities such as WI-FI, video conferencing, group work platforms, computers, laptops, smartphones and other devices allow one to work from any point outside the workplace as long as they are connected to the workplace mainly through the internet (Ellison, 2004). Some companies like Avaaz and JetBlue have embraced this strategy, but others like Yahoo have banned it.

Business managers are slowly embracing telecommuting in their business. However, the following vital dimensions need to be considered before moving forward with this strategy. One has to consider the work location in relation to the type of work that needs to be done. The second is the usage of ICT facilities. The manager needs to make sure that the employee is well equipped and facilitated to ensure that they get the job done. Without these facilities, it is virtually impossible for an employee to telework.

The third is the time distribution. One of the most significant challenges faced by many organizations that have embraced telecommuting is time allocation and distribution which refers to the time replaced in the conventional workplace system. Working from home and the workplace are entirely different regarding work-time distribution. Many businesses fail to employ the strategy because they would like to monitor the employees closely when it comes to time usage. For that reason, some businesses have business strategies that allow their employees to maintain their traditional central work-offices but can work from home 1 to 3 days a week (Hill et al., 1998).

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Telecommuting: A Modern Way of Working

The final dynamic is an employment relationship between the employee and his or her employer. This is very important because it helps in the monitoring of employees. To improve the relationship, employers have encouraged the use of contracts that help direct the employee on what is expected of him/her (Garret & Danziger, 2007). A good relationship at the workplace ensures that the employees have very minimal supervision. This is the same when it comes to telecommuting. Therefore, business managers need to ensure that they keep the following aspects constant; good professional relationship, communications and expectations. In doing so, the managers can build multiple teams that are geographically diverse as well as maintaining good relationships that help overcome the distance.

Telecommuting can pay off for both the employees and their employers (Purtill, 2017). One of the main advantages that surround telecommuting is the fact that a business can employ the best talent regardless of the geographical restrictions. According to research, employees that work from home or their places of choice are happier, more loyal and dedicated to their organizations, and consequently, much more productive (Werber, 2015). This is because many employees would feel better if they got the job done from the comfort of their own homes. This flexibility benefits the employers (Reynold, 2013)

In 2016, close to 43% of all workers in the United States were reported to have worked remotely at least for some time. The percentage of people doing a minimum of 80% of their jobs outside the central office in the same year was at 31% as compared to 24% in the year 2012. Managers have also embraced telecommuting in carrying out their functions. It was estimated that in the year 2013 close to 48% of all global business managers worked at least half s week remotely. Many of these managers agreed that managing employees remotely was achievable and workable.

For telecommuting to be successful, every entrepreneur or manager needs to ensure that the following strategies are employed. The first is setting clear expectations. For this strategy to work there needs to be trust and transparency between the employers and the employee. There needs to be a discussion on what is expected from both sides regarding working hours, communications and deliverables which should be included at the beginning of the work arrangement. The two parties need to come up with a schedule that will favour the two. They also need to come up with a program that accounts for frequent communication. Defining such things is essential at the start because they both have a clear understanding of what is expected from each side as well as measuring performance. A good manager should always set and communicate clear expectations (Lipman, 2016).

Vital Dimensions to Consider in Telecommuting

The second strategy involves communicating with as many senses as possible. The only way this is done is by scheduling regular check-ins because some of these employees might be too far to schedule physical meetings. With the help of technology, this is possible. Technology helps both the employer and the employee communicate effectively and keep an active relationship. During the recruitment process for employees viable for teleworking, the employer need to look out for employees who are organized, self-discipline and able to function under minimum supervision. Many experts advocate for the communication using data points. This ensures that the correct information is conveyed even using email alone. Where video conferencing is applicable, the management should consider it in order to view the other’s body language and tine. Basic phone calls could also help to ensure stronger relationships. This also ensures that both the employer and the employee benefit from telecommuting (Vaspian, 2016)

The third strategy is setting up effective ICT systems (Hanna, 2009). Working remotely requires a lot of technological resource including backups when those in place fail. It is vital for any manager to consider the best tools for the team to use. It is equally important to ensure that all parties involved have the support they need when it comes to using these systems. Some of these systems are meant to facilitate instant communication such as Hipchat and Slack; video conferencing such as HighFive; project management such as Asana, and sharing documents such as Google Docs and Dropbox. All these systems should be interconnected such that in the event one of the systems breaks down, the other takes over to ensure continued communication.

The fourth strategy involves getting perspective from both sides. Both parties should show commitment and dedication. This may include visiting the organization and meeting those in charge or visiting the remote office. The strategy is aimed at building a lasting relationship between the team members in remote locations. Finally, the manager needs to emphasize the importance of staying connected to the work environment even when working from home. The manager can organize having consistent semi-annual or quarterly off sites where they get to spend some time together. The managers should also remember that these individuals are their employees as well. The media richness theory indicates that face-to-face interactions help in improving the processing of rich information and offering clarity to ambiguous issues. It also offers a platform for immediate feedback (Dennis & Kinney, 1998).

Employment Relationship and Telecommuting

If embraced, the organization is likely to benefit from very productive employees. In a study that was conducted on 242 Chinese employees by professors from Beijing University and Stanford University, it was found out that those employees that were randomly chosen to work from home increased their productivity by 13.5%as compared to the control group. This was as a result of saving commuting hours and raising working hours by 9%.and from 3.5 improvements in terms of working environment. At the same time, there was a decline in the in the promotion levels because of decline in performance. This was a clear indication that telecommuting could be potentially cost one’s career (Boom et al, 2014).

The following strategy works like that of telecommuting by employing Information Technology to connect various workplaces. In the past, the strategy has offered alternative workplace solutions for many organizations. Many organizations open up multiple workplaces under it as a way of growing the business and finding a new market. It also opens up the business to new people which means diversity in terms of employees (Stein, 2015). It is also a strategy used by entrepreneurs to attract clients from different regions. In other cases, separated workplaces may occur when different businesses located in different areas work towards achieving a common goal. For there to be coordination and proper management of all staff in the separated workplaces, there is a need for networking and inter-connection. The connection is used in the flow of information, sharing files in a manner that is easy, instant, and effective (Smith, 2018).

In the past, communication between distant workplaces was limited to a telephone call, sending packages, or sending letters. However, technology has greatly improved. Unlike before when consulting agencies would recommend the installation of expensive infrastructure which was also time-consuming, new technology has helped change that. In the recent past, technology has introduced virtual private networks, the cloud as well as remote desktops which allow for instant and easy sharing of filed and information in a manner that is cheap and convenient. Having separated workplaces is expensive as it is and therefore, managers aim at ensuring that they save as much as they can by providing that the IT networks are safe, smart and cost-effective (SBN Staff, 2015).

Managers ensure that this is possible by choosing the right mode of communication. To ensure that all the employees are connected at the same time, it is important for all the workplaces to have access to the same network resources. In most cases, the centralized office or location would probably contain the main infrastructures that are required for the creation of the network. Such infrastructures include servers and databases. The separate workplaces, on the other hand, do not need such infrastructure and can be remotely connected using various types of connections. In the past, the use of relationships such as LANs and WANs has been used to connect remote workplaces. However, overhead installation of the same is expensive.

Benefits of Telecommuting

With the improvements made in the IT sector, there has been an introduction of the Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) that are used because of the security. VPNs offer secure connections between workplaces and individuals. They are faster than WAN and cheaper as well. This technology has been associated with the introduction of remote desktops that help the managers control where the data is located. Good connections also ensure that the business gains trust in the eyes of its clients and customers.

The managers should also consider cloud computing. This is a new technology that involves the use of cloud-based services to perform several functions. The cloud offers a 24/7 monitoring from any point, email archiving tools, desktop management technology, tools that allow for remote data backup, and workplace management tools. The cloud could also be used to share files. However, in the past, cloud services have come into question because of its data security services, its reliability, and performance. It is primarily advocated for new organizations and companies.

The management needs to ensure that it has an on-site person in case of any technical hiccups that may occur. The primary technical consultant is in charge of providing advisory services in case of technical challenges. The number of IT people is dependent on the number of workplaces and the distance that separates the workplace. To ensure consistency, it is important to consider hiring a single person for several workplaces within the same region. Even when everything appears in place technology-wise, it is essential to have an on-site presence of an expert for the purposes of technical support.

Remote support is an essential part of ensuring successful networking between separated workplaces. According to the Murphy’s Law, anything that can go wrong will go wrong (Chew et al, 1991). In the tech industry, it is important to have backup plans to avoid a scenario where the organization loses a lot of data and money. A remote support desk helps provide solutions for issues that might arise when the on-site personnel is not around especially in cases where a single primary person rotates through several workplaces or stations.

Finally, like in the case of telecommuting, the manager needs to ensure that he/she is consistent and standard regarding essential decisions throughout the various workplaces. In other words, the managers need to make sure that all the workplaces are reading from the same script. The managers need to ensure that they have standardized regarding technology and configuration as well as the support used. This ensures that the services or products provided in every workplace are consistent. Standardization also ensures that there is predictability for the customers throughout all the workplaces. Like telecommuting, the managers should ensure that that visit the separated workplaces to ensure that all standards are met. The face-to-face meetings also help deal with critical issues facing the organization.

Strategies for Successful Telecommuting

In the past working outside the central office, premises seemed like a dream especially when it came to working from home. Currently, telecommuting and separated workplaces are slowly gaining momentum, and they appear to be offering solutions to the future of successful business.  More and more companies are adopting these two systems are have already started benefiting from the same; especially those that are currently embracing telecommuting.

One of the most significant improvements that have been recorded includes improvements in productivity. According to research, employers in the United States rose by 1.8 trillion dollars a year regarding productivity. This is owed to the removal of distractions that occur in the workplace, excessive commuting, as well as a health issue that arise in the workplace. The same study indicated that many workers who were previously finding it hard to hit their maximum productivity could now do so as a result of telecommuting (Loubier, 2017).

With little office distractions, employees are more efficient. Before the business embraced the idea of having separated workplaces, workers used to commute over long distances to get to the central workplace. However, the opening of new workplaces closer to them has helped save the time taken to commute.

The strategies offer an environment that is better in terms of health. In the United Kingdom, individuals take 60 to 80 minutes to get to work and back. Telecommuting provides the solution towards companies going green and reducing the carbon footprint. According to a report by the Royal Society for Public Health in the United Kingdom, it was found out that approximately 55% of workers feel stressed because of commuting (, 2016). Therefore, it also helps improve the mental health of the workers. A survey taken in the year 2014 indicated those close to 80% of telecommuting workers as well as those that work remotely have higher morale.


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