Technological Concepts And Threats In The Modern World
Week 1
The basic concept of multitier architecture is to divide the system into multiple client layer or database layer. This system defines the advanced object modeling. In this architecture, people can build different types of applications and surveys for improving the efficiency in the decision making process. The main difference between the multi tire architecture and the traditional approach towards the development of the software is that in traditional approach the development follows the direct approach (Moh et al. 2015). On the other hand in multitier architecture the implementation of the process is more object oriented. Clarity regarding the object model at the beginning of the process gives the client a clear view between the system and the related components. The main advantage of the multi tire modeling is that is reduces the flaws in the development process of the software. This type of architecture can be implemented using the Unified Modeling language controlled by the Object Management Group.
In the era of advanced technology the demand of the consumers are changing is a significant way. Moreover, the business organizations are adopting advanced technology for different organizational purpose. E-mail marketing is the result of adopting the advanced technology. Today, the consumers are the parameters to understand the market conditions. In this case, reaching to the large consumer base is needed for the organizations (Wheeler and Chintagunta, 2016). E-mail marketing is way where the organizations can reach out to the consumers with details of their products through the newsletters and customized email. This will help them to reach to the larger number of people in a small time span. Apart from that the new products can be introduces to the existing consumers and the new customer base can be created. Apart from that the email marketing will allow the customization where specific list and introduction of the products will be sent to the specified consumers. This will increase the effectiveness of the marketing and will enhance the selling and publicity of the products.
The advancement of the technology has changed the doing of the business for the organization. One of the implementation of the technology in the field of the business is the e-commerce. E-commerce can be defined as the part of e-business. However, there is some difference between the e-commerce and e-business. The main difference between the e-commerce and the e-business is that the e-business defines the expansion of the business or doing business through internet. On the other hand e-commerce is selling goods and products through online (Lu,Fan and Zhou 2016). E-commerce can be defined as the subset of the e-business. The main advantage of e-commerce is that, this enables the different products around the world to be reached to the consumers. Apart from that online buying of things reduces the overhead cost for both the organization and the consumers. The presence of e-commerce in the market is changing the doing of the business. Apart from that this practice is also enhancing the competition in the market and is suitable for the dynamic nature of the demand of the consumers. Many of the organizations are adopting the online business so that their products can be reached to the large number of consumers and selling of the products can be increased.
Multi-tier architecture
Moh, M., Gajjala, A., Gangireddy, S.C.R. and Moh, T.S., 2015, December. On multi-tier sentiment analysis using supervised machine learning. In Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology (WI-IAT), 2015 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on (Vol. 1, pp. 341-344). IEEE.
Wheeler, N.S.S.S.C. and Chintagunta, P., 2016. Personalization in Email Marketing: The Role of Self-Relevant Non-Informative Advertising Content.
Lu, B., Fan, W. and Zhou, M., 2016. Social presence, trust, and social commerce purchase intention: An empirical research. Computers in Human Behavior, 56, pp.225-237.
The technology has advanced and helped in the many sectors of the business and the life style of people. However, there are certain threats in using the advanced technology. One of the main field of concerning about the security is the cyber security. It has been seen that the computers and the internet are using in every aspects of life. Data breaching and the threats regarding the cyber security has been increased with the use of the advanced technology (Kharraz et al. 2015). Ransomware is one kind of threats for the cyber security. The main objective of the ransomware is to take the control over the user’s system , breach or lock the data. It has been seen that the hackers who are using the ransomware want money for freeing the data. In recent time one of the most famous ransomware attack is WannaCry. It crypts the data of the user’s system and demand the money in order to free the data.
Cloud computing is an advanced technology used for the online storage of the information. It is a useful technology which can reduce the overhead cost of the company and enhance the scalability and the availability of the data. However, maintaining the security in the cloud is an important thing as the lack of the security of the cloud architecture can lead to the data breach of the sensitive information. The security of the cloud storage is mainly maintained by the cloud providing vendor (Almorsy, Grundy and Müller 2016). In this case, in order to secure the data in the cloud the primary step is to choose the right cloud vendor. Apart from that maintaining g the right negotiation process between the organization and the cloud provider can enhance the security of the cloud. Certain steps and tools can be adopted in order to enhance the security of the cloud storage.
Cybercrime is a major threat for the cyber security. Data breaches and the stealing of the sensitive and confidential information can be done through the cybercrime. Cybercrime can be happened in different forms (Leukfeldt and Yar 2016). The main form of the cybercrime is injecting malicious codes known as virus into the system. Apart from that usage of the ransomware, denial of service attack are the different form of cybercrime. Cybercrime can become a threat for the national security. The privacy of the individual can be hampered due to the cybercrime. There are certain security protocols for preventing the cybercrime. Some of these includes the usage of the secured network and the firewall. The usage of the firewall prevents the unnecessary traffics to enter into the secured network. The use of password helps to prevent the unauthorized access. Apart from that in order to prevent the cybercrime the security awareness among the people is important. Apart from that the usage of the anti-virus in the computer can detect the malicious files and folders in the system. The employees in the organizations are made to be aware about the hampering of the security from opening the unknown links and emails.
E-mail Marketing
Kharraz, A., Robertson, W., Balzarotti, D., Bilge, L. and Kirda, E., 2015, July. Cutting the gordian knot: A look under the hood of ransomware attacks. In International Conference on Detection of Intrusions and Malware, and Vulnerability Assessment (pp. 3-24). Springer, Cham.
Almorsy, M., Grundy, J. and Müller, I., 2016. An analysis of the cloud computing security problem. arXiv preprint arXiv:1609.01107.
Leukfeldt, E.R. and Yar, M., 2016. Applying routine activity theory to cybercrime: A theoretical and empirical analysis. Deviant Behavior, 37(3), pp.263-280.
Crowd funding is the concept where the capital for the business can be raised through the usage of the internet. In this case, the funding for the business is collected in small amount from a large number of people through internet. It is a form of alternative finance. There are two types of crowd funding- reward crowdfunding and equity crowd funding. In reward based crowdfunding the distance between then creator and the investor is long (Kuppuswamy and Bayus 2018). This type of crowd funding is used for the development of the software or promotion of the picture. In equity based crowd funding the funding is done by the group of people to support the effort of other people or the creators of the organization. There are several other types of crowd funding which can be mentioned such as peer to peer crowd funding and litigation. It can be said in the crowd funding process the value and the influence of the individuals can enhance the whole process along with the outcome.
Freemium is a pricing strategy where the products, goods and services are let to be used by the users in free of cost. However, using the additional features of those products will be charged. Freemium is the merging of the free and premium. This techniques are used by the software development companies since 1990s. This is also helpful to determine the licensing schema. However, there are certain restrictions in usage of the free services of the software and products such as additional or the full accessibility of the content (Hamari, Hanner and Koivisto 2017). This strategy is also helpful for the analysis of the market situation and taking feedback from the consumers for the improvisation of the products or services. It has been seen that the gaming and the anti-virus software are much prone to use this pricing strategy. However, there are certain criticism regarding the usage of the freemium strategy. It has been seen that the anti-virus software is losing the market due to the freemium of the antivirus software.
It is the model for the generation of the revenue. This framework identifies the source and the value of revenue. The clarity in the revenue model helps the new business organization to focus on the target audiences along with the managing of the cost and the resources. It also helps to raise the capital for the business. There are different types of revenue models (Sundén, Frishammar and Parida 2018). The selection of the revenue model is dependent on the type of the business and the funding or capital needed for the business along with the target consumers. Some of the revenue models are manufacturing model, construction model, production model, rental model. The key aspect of the revenue model is revenue stream. It defines the source from where the particular amount of money is coming to the business. Sometimes revenue models are classified as the business models. However, there is slight difference between these two frameworks. The revenue model is concerned with the flow of the resources in the business. On the other hand the business model is concerned with the framework needed for the entire business. Revenue models can be considered as the attribute or important component for the business model. This framework helps to deliver the service or the products with the high margins and the funding for the business.
Presence of e-commerce
Kuppuswamy, V. and Bayus, B.L., 2018. Crowdfunding creative ideas: The dynamics of project backers. In The Economics of Crowdfunding (pp. 151-182). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
Hamari, J., Hanner, N. and Koivisto, J., 2017. Service quality explains why people use freemium services but not if they go premium: An empirical study in free-to-play games. International Journal of Information Management, 37(1), pp.1449-1459.
Sundén, L., Frishammar, J. and Parida, V., 2018. How to design revenue models for smart connected products. In 25th International EurOMA Conference, Budapest, 24-26 June 2018.
Affiliate marketing is a marketing strategy which is performance based. In this type of marketing the the reward is given to the affiliates based on the visiting of the consumers to that affiliates due p their own marketing skill. The structure of affiliate marketing consists of four factors- merchant, network, publisher and the customer (Edelman and Brandi 2015). There are some difference between the internet marketing and affiliate marketing because internet marketing uses regular advertising for the promotion of the products or services. The marketing or the promotion of the products in the affiliate marketing depends on less orthodox methods such as review of the products. Sometimes referral marketing is also defined by the affiliate marketing. However, there is a difference between the referral marketing and affiliate marketing. In referral marketing the trust influences the promotion. In affiliate marketing the selling and promotion of the product depends on the marketing skill of the individuals.
Social media plays an important role in the promotion of the luxury brands. It can be said that the social media has positive influence regarding enhancement of the sale of the branded and luxury goods. The introduction of the luxury brands are done in a proper way through the social media. The luxury goods and their introduction can be reached to the large number of people through the social media. Apart from that this trend is increasing the competition between the different luxury brands (Godey et al. 2016). The pricing of the products of these brands are getting reasonable for this reason. This causes the selling of the luxury goods in a larger range, apart form that the consumers are getting good quality products and the organizations are getting feedbacks from the social media. This enhances the quality of the products of the business organizations.
Predictive analysis uses data from the past records and the analysis is done through various statistical methods and data mining process in order to predict the future growth of the business and marketing of the respective organization. In predictive analysis different predictive score is assigned to the different components of the business of the organization in order to determine its influence in the organizational process. Apart from the marketing predictive analysis is used in the travel, telecommunication, engineering industries (Taylor 2015). In the marketing predictive analysis can be used for knowing the consumer behavior, giving the priority to the different leads, bringing right services to the market and setting focus on the target consumers. Different models of predictive analysis are used in these different models of predictive marketing. The analysis is mainly based on the internal structure of the organization, data from the social media and behavior scoring of the data regarding the consumers. It helps the organizations to build more personalized marketing campaign for the specific buyers. Apart form that the analysis on the consumer behavior defines the possibility of the success for the newly launched products. The target sale can be done through business to business and business to consumer marketing.
Week 2
Edelman, B. and Brandi, W., 2015. Risk, information, and incentives in online affiliate marketing. Journal of Marketing Research, 52(1), pp.1-12.
Godey, B., Manthiou, A., Pederzoli, D., Rokka, J., Aiello, G., Donvito, R. and Singh, R., 2016. Social media marketing efforts of luxury brands: Influence on brand equity and consumer behavior. Journal of business research, 69(12), pp.5833-5841.
Taylor, J., 2015. Framing Requirements for Predictive Analytic Projects with Decision Modeling.
Mobile marketing is the marketing that can be done through the mobile phones. The main advantage of mobile marketing is that it ensures that the introduction of the products is reaching to the specific consumers. The main goal of mobile marketing is to indulge the consumers about the details of the products and create contact with them using mobile as the connecting medium (Shankaret et al. 2016). Some of the social media and the famous companies are using the mobile marketing to launch their products. The vast usage of the social media is also indulged in the process. The main objective of the mobile marketing is to indulge the consumers in the development process of the products and create the new customer based through reaching to the large number of consumers.
Social marketing is concerned about the usage of the social media for the marketing purpose. The advertisement of the products can be given to the social media platform. Most of the people are using differently kinds of social media nowadays. In this context the advertisement regarding any products in the social media platform will draw the attention of the large number of people. This will increase the knowing and publicity of the products (Andreasen 2018). Apart from that the feedback can be taken from the consumers from the social media regarding the effectiveness of the product. Certain improvisation and modification can be made based on these feedbacks. It can be said that the usage of the social media marketing can help the organization to enhance their network and the publicity of their products.
Local marketing is done to promote the products within a locality. The main feature of this marketing is that is focuses on the local customer base. The demand of the consumers are specific and the marketing is done on the base of the demand of the local people. Sometimes local marketing can promote the signature local products or services to the outsiders (Bauman, McFadden and Jablonski 2018). The main advantage of the local marketing is that the whole process id cost effective. The big companies like Google, Facebook are also promoting local marketing to provide customized services to the consumers. Apart from that local marketing can be useful to predict the market condition and the acceptability of the services of the organizations to the consumers. Though the local marketing the innovation of the different products can be developed through the collective of the team members.
Shankar, V., Kleijnen, M., Ramanathan, S., Rizley, R., Holland, S. and Morrissey, S., 2016. Mobile shopper marketing: Key issues, current insights, and future research avenues. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 34, pp.37-48.
Andreasen, A.R., 2018. Challenges for the science and practice of social marketing. In Social Marketing (pp. 3-19). Psychology Press.
Bauman, A., McFadden, D.T. and Jablonski, B.B., 2018. The financial performance implications of differential marketing strategies: exploring farms that pursue local markets as a core competitive advantage. Agricultural and Resource Economics Review, pp.1-28.
The security of the e-business is an important thing for the maintenance of the business. The security includes the secured transaction of the money after buying of the products. Apart from that the prevention of the data breaching and different kinds of cyber-attacks are also important. The firewall is needed to be used in the system so that the unnecessary traffic can be entered into system (Peltier 2016). On the other hand proper encryption techniques are needed to be used so that it can prevent the unauthorized access to the data base of the e-commerce website. The security in the e-commerce is a multi-layered structure and it has to be maintained in proper way.
There are different aspects of successful e-commerce websites. The popularity of the e-commerce websites depends upon the user interface of the websites. Apart from that the connectivity of the different modules of the websites are needed to be done in a right way (Strz?bicki 2015) .The additional added functionality in the websites can be considered important as it helps the users in advanced searching. The life cycle of the website is needed to be efficient and the website should provide efficient search results. The requirements, business objectives and the functionality is needed to be considered during the development of the website. Apart from that the security of the website is needed to be maintained in a proper way so that the transaction of the money through the website and the information regarding the users can be secured.
There are different kinds of e-business models applicable for the e-commerce and the e-business process. It has been defined sometimes that the e-commerce and the e-business are similar process. However, there is a difference between the e-commerce and the e-business process. E-business allows all the business models to be developed through the usage of internet and the websites. However, in case of e-commerce system generally business to consumer model is followed (Schaltegger, Hansen and Lüdeke-Freund 2016). In e-business system business to business, business to consumers and consumers to consumers’ model can be followed. Sometimes government to business models can be followed in case of e-business. In business to business model the business organizations approach to other business organizations for selling their products. In business to consumer model the business organizations approaches to the consumers to buy their products. In government to business model the business organizations can contact to different government schemas through the interface of government websites. The implementation of the business models depends on the requirements of the business objectives of the organization and the type of system that is needed to be implemented.
Peltier, T.R., 2016. Information Security Policies, Procedures, and Standards: guidelines for effective information security management. Auerbach Publications.
Strz?bicki, D., 2015. The development of electronic commerce in agribusiness–The polish example. Procedia economics and finance, 23, pp.1314-1320.
Schaltegger, S., Hansen, E.G. and Lüdeke-Freund, F., 2016. Business models for sustainability: Origins, present research, and future avenues.