Technical Solution For Proposed System By Skillage I.T. Company

Description of Proposed System


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Describe about the detailed description on the technical solution for the proposed system of Skillage I.T. Company?

The paper presents a detailed description on the technical solution for the proposed system of Skillage I.T. Company. The design includes architecture design for the new system, which will be employed for the development of the system. Depending on the scope and requirements of the system, multi-tier architecture has been chosen. In addition to this, the paper also gives brief description on the technologies being used at every layer of the architecture.

  • The objective also engulfs the programming of the proposed solution and creating the interactions. It also includes the creation of a basic set of web pages that the company will be immediately required to carry out their business with.
  • The incorporation of a third party commercial bank and an online payment processor is also included in the scope of the project. But, the scope does not incorporate the opening of the proposed solution of merchant bank for the client.
  • The extent of the project also includes the testing by users and at delivery time, the proposed solution must be supported on all the major browsers, which include Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome and Internet Explorer. The proposed solution should also be accessible across all major platforms like desktop computer, mobile phones and tablets.
  • The scope of the project, however, does not cover the aspects of digital marketing, the submission on various search engines and the creation of assets across all social networking platforms.

The requirement of the business is to create and develop a proposed solution, which will permit the company to list out all their services on the proposed solution, appeal to new. Explicitly, the proposed solution should include the following:

  • Accessibility – A four tiered accessibility has been created for the proposed solution and for the management of its backend that are as follows:
  • Super User – The super user will have permission to access and change all the front-end and back end systems. He/she will be able to make changes in the configuration setting of the proposed solution. He/she can also make modifications and access the heart of the proposed solution and will have the permission to take the proposed solution offline.
  • Moderator – The user who has access to both the front end and back end of the proposed solution but can make limited changes to the back end like the making and deleting of contents, updating the services on the system. Basically, he/she will the content manager of the proposed solution. In addition to this access, he/she will have the special permission to grant access to registered users of disallow them fully from making any sort of posts or comments.
  • Registered User –The user who only has access to the front end of the proposed solution is a registered user. A registered user can also be defined to be the user who is visitor/customers to the proposed solution and has registered himself/herself to the proposed solution using the registration form which is available at the site. He/she will have access to his/her profile where he/she can update his/her various account details such Name, username, contact information, e-mail address, etc.
  • User – The user only has access to the front end of the system. However, his/her permission, of access is much lesser than that of a registered user. But, he/she will be allowed to observe the various pages of the proposed solution that are available on the front-end.
  • 24 x 7 availability – This feature will be implemented by deploying multiple servers.

The J2EE web based architecture of an application is the main base for the Duke Bookstore application. The JSF pages and the managed beans are both available in the J2EE servers. The JSF pages are there inside a container on the web and the managed beans are there inside the EJB containers. The present application has a very modest tier of information, which stores date in the backing bean. The beans, in turn, load up the initial data that are required for the bookstore. This resolution employs classes for the preparation of the database entries but these are not measurable and adaptable to the new requirements.

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Some of the major components of the application are as follows-

  • Technology of Java Server Faces (including Contexts and Dependency Injection)
  • Beans for the enterprise
  • API entity with Java persistence

The following resources are also used by the application-

  • UI Component (Map Component and Area Component) – This is used to render the images of the books on the main page of the application
  • Converters – This is used to convert the credit card information that has been provided
  • Bean for data initialization and a bean which manages the data initialization bean
  • Listeners – A listeners binds all the action on a JSF page. Their job is to listen to the events that are happening on the webpage and then take appropriate actions in correspondence to them
  • Renderers
  • Managed Beans
  • Bundle of resource for localized messages.

A multi-tiered and a non-distributed architecture will be used by the application. The separation of the application tiers and the technologies chosen for each tier are illustrated in the figure given. The sample application deployment procedure is also shown in the diagram. The business logic, the integration and the presentation tiers are physically located in the same web containers due the architecture being a collocated one. Each responsibility of each tier can be isolated by distinct interfaces.  The application is made simple and scalable by the collocated architecture.

Figure 1: 4-tier architecture

  • The Presentation Tier/JSF and MVC – The JSF fits perfectly with the MVC based architecture of the presentation tier. JSF gives a clean and easy separation between the presentation and the behavior. The JSF actually influences the known components of the User Interface and the concepts of the web tier without being limited to a specific scripting technology or markup language. Model layers make up the JSF backing beans. The actions, which are an extension of the controller layer, are contained within these beans. They are also responsible for allotting the user request to the business logic tier.
  • Business Logic Tier/The Spring Framework – The Business objects and the business services are contained in the business logic tier. A business object contains both the data and a logic that is associated to that specific data. There are 3 business objects that have been recognized in the sample application – User, Product and Category. A higher level of business logic is provided by the interaction between business services and business objects. A formal business interface that contains the service interface that is to be used directly by the client should always be defined. The Spring Framework will help the POJO to implement the business logic tier. This framework is also constructed upon the Theory of Inversion of Control or IOC. The spring feature which has been used in the sample application is the following –
  • Hibernate Integration – Spring does not force us to implement a strong JDBC Abstraction feature. It can easily combine with the O/R mapping frameworks, especially the Hibernate function. It also presents an efficient and safe handling of all Hibernate sessions. It handles the configuration of the Hibernate session and the JDBC data sources of the application context. This is done while the application is made easier for testing.
  • Integration Tier/The Hibernate – The open source O/R mapping framework which can forgo the need to implement a JDBC API is known as the Hibernate. This function/tier supports all the main SQL database management system. The Hibernate Query Language is intended to be discreet object oriented extension to the SQL. The bridges the gap between objects and the relational worlds. The job of updating and retrieval of data, management of transactions, programmatic queries, queries for declaration pooling of database connection and the management of entity relationship is done by the Hibernate.

Compared to the other O/R mapping frameworks, Hibernate is much less invasive. The generation of SQL occurs at system startup and the runtime bytecode generation is used. The development of persistent objects that follow the common JAVA idioms like association, inheritance, polymorphism, JAVA collection framework and composition is allowed by Hibernate. The explicit need of implementing a hibernate-specific interface is not required by the business objects in the sample application and they are based on a POJO. In addition to this, the solution will use Oracle database because of its strong support for stored procedures.

The development of solution will use following tools:

  • Testing tool – NUnit
  • IDE – NetBeans
  • Application server – Apache web server


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