Team Composition And Its Impact On Organizational Success

Successful Task Execution

Discuss about the Importance of Team Effectiveness.

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The success of the organisation depends on team compositon structure. Team should be structured in such a way that each skill is gathered which is required for successful goal accomplishment. The team of four students undertake a project of construction of a building of a shopping mall. Team composition depends on the size of the company`s operation. Organisation perform well when people work as effectively when in a  team. A team should have greater sum of the individual efforts. The purpose of forming team is to increase the skills of the employees by enabling them to practise planning, decision-making, and problem solving to cater the customers well. Organisations perform better when people work efficiently as a team, it is sum of greater individual efforts. Team work better than individualism, although it is often said that individual become lean when working in a team. But they get an opportunity to work with senior manger and experienced people. When many  solution come from various analytical mind to solve a particular problem, there are many advantages to team members such as they develop brainstorming, and various personality traits.

(Source: Valdellon, 2016 )

Successful Task execution- Before executing any task, the organisation manages the team task through delegating responsibility to every member of a team. It involves making plans, organising & reporting every aspect of the construction. Task is allocated to person according to their status, qualification, & capacity. Mangers and leaders suffer from growing complex external environment. Therefore, leaders try to attract and find relevant talent to whom leaders can delegate their responsibilities and tasks (Shuffler, Diazgranados, Maynard, & Salas, 2018).   

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Trust in each other- Communication and trust is the key to make team. Communication is essential part of team environment (Leoisaac, 2018). It is expected that each fellow member is aware of its responsibility to conduct a task in a successful manner. Lack of communication wastes time, efforts, & resources. Open communication plays an important role in building trust among team members. Trust among each other can create an environment, which increases morale, productivity and indirectly adds quality in members work (Levi, 2015).

Talent collective skills- Various successful organisations build team and exploit the teamwork. In effective team, each member is aware of its roles, which add value to task. Each member does not have same potential. If one member is efficient in managing task, other may have the quality of analysing task. Combining all the skills of members create skilled team where task is delegated according to the efficiency of the member. Through identifying creative talent skills, manager strives to find root cause of business problem. Ultimately, leader gets proficient professionals who find most effective solution to a problem (Eisenstat, Chang, Porneala, Geagan, Wilkins, Chase, & Finn, 2017).

Trust in Each Other

To achieve a common goal- every company works for a mission in which company creates more customer-faced commercial approach fosters business activities with lesser cost and raise customer satisfaction level. Every task marks accomplishing of a part of common goal of the organisation. Dividing into small targets from a total goal then delegated it to teams to achieve the overall goals of the organisation. The process continues until it has an organisational interest (Helfat, & Martin, 2015).

Teams operate effectively- Members develop high level of commitment to achieve a common goal in a team. Working in a team can improve planning activities. An effective team identifies the importance of accomplishing goal timely. Proper operation by team enables the organisation to achieve the goals. Manager align development endeavours to clear and concise the roles and responsibilities and necessary skill set to team members. Professional development training helps to develop necessary skills relevant to each position (Ingram, 2018).

No organisation can remain isolated, every organisation needs manpower to operate its business. It does not seem possible that employees and members can work individually. However, all the functional activities of the organisation are integrated to nurture and accomplish organisational goals. Working in a team increases collaboration, allows open communication and stimulates brainstorming (Woodcock, 2017). Two or more than two people will always solve the problems better as comparison to an individual because every person has its own mindset through which creativity evolves and enables to apply more than one analytical mind for solving a problem.

Whereas, individuals focus on personal self-interest and rely on only a single individual`s point of view. Programmers become exponentially faster when individuals do coding. Designers and artists do their best piece of art all alone without collaborating with any other. Sometimes it feels amazing when you some unique idea and want to execute it all alone for fulfilling desires. Individualism does not lead debate or clashes because of different ideas. Every idea, which an individual owe, can apply to its decision making without having any obligation of discussing with its team members. No blame game enters in individual decision-making and an individual is responsible for bearing the risk and return in all the cases.

One important feature that differs the individual and team performance is a concept based of social hit and “Ringelmann effect.” This effect defines that it is a human tendency to put less endeavour when they are a part of team. Team effectiveness has growing importance in organisational environment. The effectiveness of a team largely determines the characteristics of its members. The nature of team personality may imply for one team and may not imply to another.

Talent Collective Skills

Teams build successfully requires effective leadership focusing on trust, open communication, self-management, and participation in decision-making (McQuerrey, 2018). Group decision-making would suggest advantages of interaction and brainstorming. Two major functions of members towards team are task-oriented behaviour and maintenance oriented behaviour. Members display self-oriented behaviour, so it is important to direct and guide the member behaviour towards achieving goals. Working in a team efficiently not only benefits organisation but also enhances personality of an individual. It is not necessary that effectiveness of brainstorming is strong, sometimes it doubts. Therefore, to develop individual behaviour, team organises training sessions to improve social interaction and self-insight.

A Team consists of four members have to deal with the changing environment of business. A team is a building block of performance for the organisation. A team have four members profiled as a member of different functional departments of the organisation. Now due to dynamic environment, members have to recognise the change and adapt them to influence the effectiveness of a team. A leader should always keep preparing its members to adapt changes with a favourable response.

Teams should be flexible and adapting to the given situation. Change is unavoidable situation of modern business (Hautier, Tilman, Isbell, Seabloom, Borer, & Reich, 2015). The external environment is made up of political, technological, socio-cultural, and legal variables. The external environment is not controllable. The team has to manage its operations accordingly. Teams make various strategies to be successful. As these strategies operate in changing environment because they are not static. The team should strategically response to changes. The team members should remain updated with media reports to adapt changes. Leaders should collect appropriate information to develop strategic plan (Lin, Su, & Higgins, 2016).

Many external factors are difficult to find, so teams identify economic condition of the country that effect personal disposable income of the people. The changing external environment is concerned about entering and exiting of the competitors, but it has changed to dynamic marketing strategies, price policies, and product lines. Technological change has been changing rapidly and is a major factor in the dynamic environment that pressurises the company to adopt the technology quickly, either it will be at the risk of losing market share. Technology not affects design of the product but also changes the trend of delivering the product (Consumer feedback, 2018).

Climate change is a serious threat because the company sometimes insures this change. The insurance company charges a fix premium monthly from a company. However, the economic loss occurred due to sudden damage of assets in the organisation could adversely affect the organisation. The dynamic legal policies are another factor affecting external environment. Taxation policy is a regular change through legislation (Zinovieva, Kuznetsova, Dorfman, Limarev, & Limareva, 2016).


From the above report, it has been noticed that how team effectiveness is important for organisation for accomplishing goals. For the successful execution of the task, the team leader delegates the task (divided goal) to each team member who has efficient understanding of the task given to them. Team approach is more beneficial than individual work. Team inculcates trust in each other, motivates members to accomplish each other. A pinch of negativity in a member cannot have greater effect because the team will motivate the member. Team can apply a mixture of skills derived from different personality and go beyond these skills to achieve objectives. External dynamic environment forces the team to adapt the changes occurring in the environment. Although the team keep focusing on media news regularly but climate changes, still remain uncertain.


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