Teaching Strategies For Improving Verbal And Non-Verbal Literacy Skills: A Case Study Of Ethan

Background Information

1.It can be said that Ethan is a boy who is of a very cooperative nature and knows the importance of taking the class assessments. He understands the importance of appearing for all the class assessments. Ethan is however weak in the verbal and the non verbal skills. He shows a good knowledge in the visual capabilities. In other words, Ethan was good in observing pictures or any other thing that appealed to his eyes or other visual senses. So, Ethan already knows how to identify the picture from the given set and find out their common characteristics. Ethan was friendly and careful with his words while he spoke with others. He knows how to perform the tasks quickly that are related to the visual or the picture representation. However at the same time, he has lot of problems in the verbal or the nonverbal literacy skills.

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2.Ethan has to be taught the verbal and the non verbal literacy skills. The teachers must take the advantage of his cooperative and friendly nature. He can be engrossed in some group discussion or some outdoor sessions. This will help Ethan to open up and speak with his peers. In order to help Ethan to develop his reading skills, the words and the meaning must be taught by teaching an extract from any text. This will help him to remember the words and the meanings of the same. The outdoor real life activities are also one of the good sources to teach him the reading and writing skills.

Ethan must be taught how to take dictations and write long paragraphs. This has been noted by the teachers of Ethan that he has the ability of writing some simple words. However as soon S He is able to understand some words that rhyme and are simple for him to understand. However he has some difficulty in writing the words that is not familiar with him. He also has some problem in writing long sentences. He has also asked to repeat the long sentences a he have problems in memorizing the long sentences. So, I will try to take up easy paragraphs from lessons that will help me in developing the memorization skills within Ethan. 

3.To help Ethan learn the verbal and non verbal literacy skills within a comfortable environment

To be able to make Ethan come out of his difficulties and anxiety in solving the mathematical problems

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Teaching Strategies for Improving Verbal and Non-Verbal Literacy Skills

To help Ethan gain a good level of confidence by teaching him the easy and suitable lessons of his age

S-I will like to teach Ethan the specific goal of taking dictation and retaining the long words in mind. This is a specific goal.

M- It is also measurable because as a teacher I can keep a track of the number of days in which Ethan will be able to learn this skill. Ethan will be able to learn this skill within a month.

A-This goal is attainable as Ethan will be able to learn this skill with the proper help of his teachers and his family members.

R- This strategy is rare because Ethan has the habit of studying books above his own class level.

T- This goal will be attained within the specific amount if time that is a time span of 30 days.

 4.Insert here, using the proforma below, records of 8 X 30 minute sessionsthat fully describe the intended content.

Include fully referenced resources (if used).

Question: Do your session notes pass the Outsider Test?

Session notes should have enough detail so that another teacher could readily take over the session and know exactly what you planned to do.

Session number:


Session objective:

What do you want the student to know and be able to do by the end of this session?

To teach Ethan the simple words and word meanings through excerpts of easy and understandable texts of 1st grade standard.

I will make a thorough note the strengths and the weaknesses present within Ethan. Apart from his one has to pay good importance on the already developed qualities present within Ethan.

As he likes swimming, he must be taught lessons based on water sports or swimming that will help him in understanding and memorizing several words and their meanings. He is much more attracted towards those tasks that are abstract in nature and do not require any verbal expressions. So, the teachers must be working on this particular aspect. He has to be involved in the tasks that need not only verbal expressions but verbal responses as well. In other words he has to be asked to take short oral tests. He has to be involved in short skeet or dramas and other such in -class activities that needs dialogue exchanging and prompting.

Planned content of session

Explain the goals or the explicit learning intention to Ethan so that the entire process becomes easy for both the student and the teacher.

Choosing the lessons carefully that will be taught to Ethan. The lessons must not be of a very high standard.

Ethan also has to be taught how to construct several words and pronounce them in the right manner. He has to be given time in order to understand the words correctly and to make sure that he is not missing any letter in between the words. His sense of vowels and consonants has to be taught clearly to Ethan. This can be done by asking him to write and re wrote the spelling of words like part, need and others. He has to be taught how to attentively listen to the words and then spell tem accordingly.

Session number:


Session objective:

What do you want the student to know and be able to do by the end of this session?

I will like to work over his reading skill. As he has some reading skills, this will be easier for me in order to work over his reading class. He had difficulty in spelling words like juggler.

Planned content of session

I will make sure that he is able to learn the reading skill from the books that are easier for him to study. I have to help him in making the proper selection of books.

Session number:


Session objective:

What do you want the student to know and be able to do by the end of this session?

I will have to work over the pronunciation styles of Ethan. He has some problems in uttering the right sound of the words.

Planned content of session

The teacher has to take up several reading sessions and help Ethan to develop a good reading skill. His accuracy age score is poor which means that he has difficulties in reading the words with proper pronunciation. So, the teacher has to include books that have a wide range of words. Ethan has to go through proper phonological tests. This would help him to understand the meaning and the pronunciation of several words.

Session number:


Session objective:

What do you want the student to know and be able to do by the end of this session?

I will try to work over the written skill of Ethan. He has some idea of expressing his thoughts in written firm but he has some problems in managing all the parts of the written task together.

Planned content of session

This will help Ethan in understanding the method of writing long words and sentences. He will be able to take long dictations.

Session number:


Session objective:

What do you want the student to know and be able to do by the end of this session?

I will try to take some classes in order to work over the arithmetic skills of Ethan. I have seen that he is good in the finger counting skill. So, apart from this, I will try to teach him the usage of calculators.

Planned content of session

Ethan will learn a good arithmetic and mathematics solving skill by learning the usage of calculators.

Session number:


Session objective:

What do you want the student to know and be able to do by the end of this session?

I will try to help Ethan develop the matrix solving skill.

Planned content of session

This will be done by helping him to solve the simple matrix challenges. This will be done by showing him simple matrix patterns and missing figures.

Session number:


Session objective:

What do you want the student to know and be able to do by the end of this session?

I will try to teach Ethan the methods of understanding the rhythmic lines. He has some difficulty in understanding the rhythmic lines.

Planned content of session

It will be easier for him to learn this skill through the usage of simple rhythmic lines, like poems, songs and other such simple poetry pieces.

Session number:


Session objective:

What do you want the student to know and be able to do by the end of this session?

Help him to do the schoolwork by himself.

Planned content of session

This can be done by making use of the self help tools. I will also keep a constant contact with the parents so that they can take special care of Ethan.

Ethan is a 1st standard student, who has been diagnosed with several difficulties while taking the in class activities. However at the same time, this can be said that there are also some well developed qualities present with Ethan, It has been seen that he is a cooperative Child. He knows how to cooperate with his friends. As per the opinion of (Zygouris, Avramidis, Karapetsas & Stamoulis, 2018), children who exhibit a good, friendly and cooperative nature can work peacefully within the school environment. However it has been argued by (Brown, Harris, Jacobson & Trotti,201 4), that the children might apparently seem happy but there can be several problems being face by the student. The student might not be able to narrate all the issue or any kinds of problems that is being faced by him or her. So, it has been suggested by (Lang,Tolbert, Schoppe-Sullivan & Bonomi, 2016), that it is the prime duty of the teachers and also the parents to make sure that they are keeping a sharp eye upon the behaviour of the student.

As per the opinion of (Hedgcock & Ferris, 2018), parent involvement is one of the most important aspect that is needed for the well being of the student. I personally agree with this view because the parent teacher connection can actually be very helpful to help Ethan deal with his problem. It has been seen from the given case that Ethan is facing several problems in the verbal and the non verbal literacy skills. In other words he has a problem in speaking and writing. So, apart from school, Ethan spends his time in home with his parents. So, it is his parents who can share some very useful information about the behaviour that Ethan.

Session Notes

It has been told by his parents that Ethan seems to be anxious and depressed sometimes. He has the habit of biting his thumbs, bragging and sometimes he whines so much that the bed gets wet. So, it is evident that Ethan has some or the other behavioural problems. As per the opinion of (Blevins, 2017), children suffering from depression and tensions can show behaviours like this. It also has to be noted that there are children who might fear going to school or even making any eye contact with people around them. However Ethan’s case is different. His issues do not really show him to be mentally disabled or autistic in nature. However it has been seen that some of his problems do show that he might be suffering from the problem of dyslexia.  As a result of this, it is really very important to deal with Ethan in a very patient manner. As per the opinion of (Foldnes,2016), patients with dyslexia have certain problems in reading and writing.

Same has been seen in case of Ethan. He has problems in writing the words with proper spelling and with pronunciation orders. So, he has to be taught the different ways of spelling and pronouncing the words. As per the opinion of (Blevins, 2017) in order to teach the students of Dyslexia, the teachers must be specially trained in this field. They have to make sure that they are using all the possible clues and hints or helping the students to deal with this issue rather than only using he pictures or the clues of the visual representation.

 It can be argued by some teachers that than is most suitable in identifying the words through the pictures. So, using other clues to teach him might be really tough for Ethan. It has been argued by (Chen, Chen, & Chen, 2015).), that the child has to be helped to come out of all his or her discomforts and attain the education of the higher levels. The objective of the teacher must not be to make the student comfortable within his or her area of comfort. Instead the motto of the teacher must be to help the student come out from his so called comfort zone and be able to accept the further challenges. So, the teachers who are brought to teach students like Ethan must be having some or the other trainings that help them to deal with such students.

Importance of Parent Involvement

It has been stated by (Cunningham, 2017), that students often have problems in phonics that is in uttering the right sound of the words. Apart from this, the teachers have to make sure that they are making Ethan feel very comfortable. The teachers have to choose some lessons that are easily understandable by Ethan.  As per the opinion of (Ainsworth, Evmenova, Behrmann & Jerome, 2016), the teachers will have to narrate the lesson objectives or the goals before starting the lesson so that the process can be very comfortable for Ethan and the teachers as well.

Ethan often has a tendency of missing the letters in midst of the words, like he used to wrote pat in place of writing part. So, the teachers have to bring some specialists or some experts who will be helping Ethan in understanding the correct ways of writing the words and spelling them. The teachers must also stay in constant connection with the parents of Ethan so that the overall improvement of Ethan can take place properly. I think that this method will be very helpful for Ethan because the focus will be given on exactly those areas where it is actually needed. Ethan will be able to learn within a student friendly environment where there will be experts and specialists to guide him thoroughly.

5.Ethan will learn how to develop a good memorization skill. As he has some problem in retaining the longer question, it is essential for the teachers to develop the skill of a good memory within Ethan. It is seen that he also has some difficulty in writing long sentences. So, it is for this reason that he will be learning how to memorize the dictations and form sentences properly.

The next explicit intervention would be to arrange several parent teachers meeting on a daily basis so that the teachers can discuss everything with Ethan’s parents. On a similar note Ethan’s parents can also forward their concerns to the teachers. If needed the teachers might also suggest some doctor consultations that would help in improving the condition of Ethan. The doctor may also be useful in giving some helpful tips of teaching Ethan. I will also suggest that the school teachers take the help from phoneticians, literacy training teachers and others. This will help Ethan to learn all the spelling and the words with proper meaning as well. 


Ainsworth, M. K., Evmenova, A. S., Behrmann, M., & Jerome, M. (2016). Teaching phonics to groups of middle school students with autism, intellectual disabilities and complex communication needs. Research in developmental disabilities, 56, 165-176. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ridd.2016.06.001

Altun, S. (2017). The effect of cooperative learning on students’ achievement and views on the science and technology course. International Electronic Journal of Elementary Education, 7(3), 451-468.

Blevins, W. (2017). Teaching phonics & word study in the intermediate grades. Scholastic Professional Books.

Brown, A. L., Harris, M., Jacobson, A., & Trotti, J. (2014). Parent teacher education connection: Preparing preservice teachers for family engagement. The Teacher Educator, 49(2), 133-151. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/08878730.2014.887169

Chen, L., Chen, T. L., & Chen, N. S. (2015). Students’ perspectives of using cooperative learning in a flipped statistics classroom. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 31(6).

Cunningham, P. M. (2017). Phonics they use: Words for reading and writing (Making Words Series). Boston, MA: Pearson.

Foldnes, N. (2016). The flipped classroom and cooperative learning: Evidence from a randomised experiment. Active Learning in Higher Education, 17(1), 39-49. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/1469787415616726

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Hedgcock, J. S., & Ferris, D. R. (2018). Teaching readers of English: Students, texts, and contexts. Routledge.

Lang, S. N., Tolbert, A. R., Schoppe-Sullivan, S. J., & Bonomi, A. E. (2016). A cocaring framework for infants and toddlers: Applying a model of coparenting to parent–teacher relationships. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 34, 40-52. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecresq.2015.08.004

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Zygouris, N. C., Avramidis, E., Karapetsas, A. V., & Stamoulis, G. I. (2018). Differences in dyslexic students before and after a remediation program: a clinical neuropsychological and event related potential study. Applied Neuropsychology: Child, 7(3), 235-244. https://doi.org/10.1080/21622965.2017.129771

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