Teaching Strategies For Child Learning Experience

Rationale/reason for the learning experience

Rationale/reason that you have chosen to present this experience

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Briefly describe what you have observed/seen that justifies the planned experience. Use children’s interests, needs and strengths to identify reasons as to why the experience has been planned. Include the date of your observation, so that you are providing a link for planning. Where possible, link to the EYLF learning outcomes to validate your reasons.

Based on the observation on 28th October, Emma has started recognizing alphabets along with worlds each of them stand for. This activity of her can be linked with ELYF outcome 4 which is “Children ddevelop dispositions for learning such as curiosity, cooperation, confidence, creativity, commitment, enthusiasm, persistence, imagination and reflexivity.”

A clear statement of what you hope the children will learn or develop: be specific

To obtain the knowledge of alphabets so that she can slowly start learning the spelling of words.

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List of materials with diagram or photo of the set up: (What do you need for the experience? Items and names of resources you may be using)

1 alphabet learning letters puzzle board

Developmental Priorities or EYLF learning outcomes (minimum of two).  Link the outcomes directly to the focus child or children.

4.1 Children develop dispositions for learning such as curiosity, cooperation, confidence, creativity, commitment, enthusiasm, persistence, imagination and reflexivity

4.2 Children develop a range of skills and processes such as problem solving, inquiry, experimentation, hypothesizing, researching and investigating

A link to one EYLF Principle which relates to the underpinning philosophy of the experience plan:

EYLF Principle: Ongoing learning and reflective practice: The educators must look for ways to develop and better education on an ongoing basis. They become co-learners with the children.

A link to which EYLF Practice your plan most relates to:

EYLF Practice: Planning and implementing learning through play: play provides opportunities for children to learn as they discover, create, improvise and imagine.  Educators use strategies to support this play intentionally and also celebrate achievements and simply enjoy being.

What are your intended teaching strategies to support the child/children in this learning experience?

How will you involve the children in the experience? How will you assist the children to achieve the developmental priorities or learning outcomes? Describe the procedure you will use to support development and learning. How will you introduce the activity to the children? How will you tell them the activity is there? Key words you can use in this plan are: ROLE MODEL, DEMONSTRATE, ENGAGE.

Experience outline and outcome

1.I will provide Emma with the equipments required.

2.I will provide her with support when she will be unable to recognize which letter should be put in which puzzle.

Rationale/reason that you have chosen to present this experience

Briefly describe what you have observed/seen that justifies the planned experience. Use children’s interests, needs and strengths to identify reasons as to why the experience has been planned. Include the date of your observation, so that you are providing a link for planning. Where possible, link to the EYLF learning outcomes to validate your reasons.

This learning experience has been design to enhance the gross motor skill of Emma. In this activity Emma will paint with the help of bubble wrap stomp painting. The activity ha linkage with the learning outcome 3.

Experience outline and outcome

A clear statement of what you hope the children will learn or develop: be specific

This activity will develop Emma’s gross motor and fine motor skills.

List of materials with diagram or photo of the set up: (What do you need for the experience? Items and names of resources you may be using)

1.One bubble wrap sheet


3.1 long white sheet of paper

4.Scorch tape

(Describe what you will say with the children throughout the experience)

I will ask her to draw whatever pattern she feels like with her feets

Developmental Priorities or EYLF learning outcomes (minimum of two).  Link the outcomes directly to the focus child or children.

1.3.1 Children become strong in their social and emotional wellbeing

2.3.2 Children take increasing responsibility for their own health and physical wellbeing

A link to one EYLF Principle which relates to the underpinning philosophy of the experience plan:

EYLF Principle: high expectations and equity

A link to which EYLF Practice your plan most relates to:

EYLF Practice: Planning and implementing learning through play

What are your intended teaching strategies to support the child/children in this learning experience?

How will you involve the children in the experience? How will you assist the children to achieve the developmental priorities or learning outcomes? Describe the procedure you will use to support development and learning. How will you introduce the activity to the children? How will you tell them the activity is there? Key words you can use in this plan are: ROLE MODEL, DEMONSTRATE, ENGAGE.

1.I will make bubble wrap socks out of the bubble wrap sheets for her.

List of materials required for the experience

2.I will provide her with support while she will be stomping

Gardening with Emma                                   

Rationale/reason that you have chosen to present this experience

Briefly describe what you have observed/seen that justifies the planned experience. Use children’s interests, needs and strengths to identify reasons as to why the experience has been planned. Include the date of your observation, so that you are providing a link for planning. Where possible, link to the EYLF learning outcomes to validate your reasons.

Through this task Emma will be taught about different types of flowers and fruits while roaming in the garden. Along with that she will be given seeds of his favourite fruit to saw it. The learning outcome to which this activity is related is Children are connected with and contribute to their world

Experience outline and outcome

A clear statement of what you hope the children will learn or develop: be specific

Emma will understand the importance of trees , fruit and flowers and will feel more connected with the world.

List of materials with diagram or photo of the set up: (What do you need for the experience? Items and names of resources you may be using)

1.Seeds  of Emma’s favourite fruit

2.A garden with fruits and flowers

3.A watering bottle

(Describe what you will say with the children throughout the experience)

1.I will provide her with interesting information about the flowers and fruits in the garden

2.I will tell her the importance of plants

Developmental Priorities or EYLF learning outcomes (minimum of two).  Link the outcomes directly to the focus child or children.

2.1 Children develop a sense of belonging to groups and communities and an understanding of the reciprocal rights and responsibilities necessary for active community participation

2.2 Children respond to diversity with respect

A link to one EYLF Principle which relates to the underpinning philosophy of the

experience plan:

EYLF Principle: high expectations and equity

A link to which EYLF Practice your plan most relates to:

EYLF Practice: It will help Emma to relate with the outer world and understand the importance of contribution towards the same

What are your intended teaching strategies to support the child/children in this learning experience?

How will you involve the children in the experience? How will you assist the children to achieve the developmental priorities or learning outcomes? Describe the procedure you will use to support development and learning. How will you introduce the activity to the children? How will you tell them the activity is there? Key words you can use in this plan are: ROLE MODEL, DEMONSTRATE, ENGAGE.

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