Teaching Approaches For Retail Customer Service And Business Software Applications
I did the assignment by myself now just I need your expert to make all the required changes in the assignment as the instructor provided me all the comments in each paragraph. I need the assignment to be only 1600 words no more or less than this and mine is 1989 words as the instructor has checked and suggested to delete to some of the sentences as the expert can see it in the comments.
I teach retail customer service and business software applications to Higher Diploma students, also preparing to continue their bachelor studies. They have limited English proficiency and need more academic preparation before entering the bachelor’s program (V2). I also assist with Fundamentals of Innovation and Entrepreneurship course in the Bachelor’s programme.
I incorporate a variety of methodologies including experiential learning, active learning, concept mapping, case studies and discussions in order to address the diverse needs of the students and to meet the learning objectives effectively. In my experience, the most effective methods are those in which there is active learning in class; when students share their ideas, argue, oppose and come up with conclusions. It is essential for the teachers to plan the lesson before taching tit to class. Planning a days activities helsp in time management and also leads to effective teaching. It is also essential to identify the learning the objectives before conveying the lesson to the class. A teacher should prepare the lesson well before teaching it to the students so that ot is able to splve the questions that the students raise.
One of the learning techniques I use involves concept mapping in which students construct diagrams to map the interrelationships between concepts. Concept mapping is a form of active learning, which Nist & Holschuh (2000) describe as a method wherein individuals participate in learning activities that enhance evaluation, synthesis or assessment of course content. Concept mapping includes things like diagram and flow chart, which would help the learner in showing the interrelationship between the concepts; and this include the ideas, words and at the same time images. A concept mapping uses words like lines, logic, colours and images to express the views and characteristics. The topics are connected with all the branches forming a nodal structure.
Stage 1: Students construct a diagram about supply chain and how new technologies could enhance the effectiveness of supply chain method. (V1)
Concept Mapping and Active Learning
Stage 2: The students will be parted into groups of five and construct a supply chain diagram on a company selected by them separately on a flowchart app on their smart phones.
Stage 3: Students save the document on a pdf and present it in a class. The project that the student presents is then monitored by the teacher.
Stage 4: Show it to all students in the class on a multimedia projector and I shall be monitoring the students while drawing the supply chain diagram.
Stage 5: Students asked questions as well as gave the feedback as to how the supply chain could be done more effectively.
The activity seems to be effective because the students are engaged, work independently with minimal support, and seem to be confident explaining the supply chain diagram to their peers. Some groups showed their creativity by drawing whole the process of supply chain diagram. (K1)
Another approach I use is case studies a learning technique in which a specific situation poses a problem that must be analysed or evaluated by a group of students through discussion (Gagnon, 2010).
I use case studies to encourage students to participate in critical analysis, presentation of opposing viewpoints, and group decision-making. One case study I used involved choosing an appropriate business strategy, more profit versus more sustainability. The scaffolding of this assignment was to assist these students into discussion which will help them in their negotiations as well as persuasion skills (K2). (Farquhar, 2012).
In this case study activity, students were asked to critically evaluate a customer service case to identify mistakes in a customer service interaction between a representative and a customer, and suggest improvements.
Stage 2: The five students in a group were asked to solve the customer service case study.
Stage 3: students submit their analysis to the teacher for feedback to guide further analysis.
Stage 4: Students then discuss the feedback and compared their answers other groups to arrive at a consensus solution to the case study.
The case study approach seemed effective because students became very engaged in arguing opposing viewpoints whether keeping a regular customer was a better strategy than getting a new customer. This activity allowed them to express individual opinions, but also required them to listen and respond respectfully to different viewpoints. (V1)
I would include games, role-plays, brainstorming as well as small group tutorials and the case study approach to promote deeper learning engagement. It is the responsibility of the teacher to make the lesson learning more interesting. For this I will adopt various techniques such as present the lessons in more colourful and presentable way. The lessons will be taught through proper training and presentation using poster presentation or power point presentation.
The teaching approach and methods I use are chosen to improve reasoning as well as retail customer skills so that students leave this course with the necessary knowledge, skills, mind-set and observational skills to help them comprehend the concept, they were trying to learn. The teaching will be conveyed through games and other factors that will make the lesson more interesting. The main aim is to expand the teaching experience.
I encourage my students to participate actively in class activities to help them learn as well as cultivate skills. Students may be asked to pair off to produce responses to a questions either in any ways that suit them best as either by turn or as a pair. (K1) This kind of class participation and interactive process may easily be incorporated with other methods as well as techniques for instance, those which fall under the areas of questions and answers or else critical thinking motivators. (K2) (V1)
Case Study
In this activity, students were asked to offer different ideas as well as asked questions about retail customer service and give an overall view of their understanding of retail customer service. Student were required to ask their individuals questions, which the rest of the class tried to answer and then another student would take his place and then next and one after that and that is how the discussion took place.
My design for the subject (K1) is appropriate because it was designed by taking into consideration the intellectual level of all the students as they can provide ideas that could be brainstormed to enhance the thought processes. I offered my support by taking students ideas independent of their validity or relevance and applied them in situations where they were relevant to make sure they were relevant to encourage to be open about the ideas they are giving.
This activity was effective because at the end of the activity the students were at a point, where, a lot of questions that students had in their head were solved and they were having new insights to answer the questions themselves. The students were engaged as demonstrated by their willingness to be at the forefront of the discussion as well as asking question and getting their concepts cleared. This approach is undertaken to ensure to encourage interaction among students as well as to encourage participation through a task. To help students express their ideas and feelings to others not to mention to facilitate interpersonal and group communication.
Another activity I use is business scenarios to expose students to the decision making process. In these scenarios, students are given different roles such as Sales, HR, Manager, accountant, CEO. Teaching experience helps the students broaden the horizon and thinking perspective. It helps the students apply the knowledge in the corporate world. The teaching experience helps the students know how at different roles and responsibilities the students can make decisions in the corporate fied. The teaching approach was appropriate because it was the only teaching method in which the students were the most intrigued as well interested. (K1).
Teaching approach was at an initial level of business understanding and they were most in the focused during this exercise. (K2) The teaching method was effective because through this method they were able to realize at what different level what their authority and decision making is changed. Students were able to handle their roles and took the right decision to resolve the scenario.
As a new teacher, I joined Teaching Skills Enhancement Program (TSEP), an intensive professional development program for new faculty. This program has helped me in developing my teaching skills, especially in teaching, classroom management and planning.
Professional development in teaching is formal in service training to upgrade the content of knowledge and pedagogical skills of teachers is considered as very important for improving the teaching and learning skills of teachers.
The two most helpful concepts in TSEP were Structuring and Preparing Lessons and Learning by Doing. From the lessons session, I gained confidence and insights as well as tools and skills to improve the way I deliver my message to a room full of students.
In addition to that the communication skills I got in the relevant sessions, It added to the way, I could back and forth communicate with student to make sure I actually listen to them as well as through my body language give them cues to as they are being listened to.
In order to develop my business skills, I am currently studying for a master’s degree in human resource management with Liverpool University. One of the topics in human resource management is mentoring, which had assisted me in developing skills necessary to guide my students with relevant techniques. Another topic is skill management, which helps me in observing the skills and aptitude of different departments through which I can be able to allocate human resources more efficiently. (K1)
Farquhar, J. D. (2012). Case study research for business. London, England: SAGE.
Gagnon, Y.-C. (2010). The case study as research method: A practical handbook. QueÃŒÂbec [Que.: Presses de l’UniversiteÌ du QueÃŒÂbec.
Nist, S. L., & Holschuh, J. (2000). Active learning: Getting serious about college success. Boston: Allyn and Bacon.