Talent Management For Global Organizations: A Case Study
Case Study: Atlantis Global Corporation
Due to the change management plan, the Atlantis Global Corporation has implemented some new type of leadership styles and organizational culture within their organization. The change management is used in this organization because the Atlantis Global Corporation was facing problem in the human capital management. By using this change management, they were able to support and prepare the individuals, organizations and teams to bring some change in the organization.
For implementing the change management plan, the Atlantis Global Corporation has implemented some new leadership styles. Previously the Atlantis Global Corporation was having the leadership style of the autocratic which was implemented by the Jaw Dawson who is the CFO, CEO and the chairman of the organization. John does not take any ideas or any type of suggestions from the employees which was the main reason behind the employee dissatisfaction within the organization (Clarke, 2013). Due to the change management, Shawn Williams has taken charge of the global human capital management at the AGC. Shawn has implemented some new leadership styles which are democratic in nature. Shawn has implemented the feedback system from the employees of the organization. He has also implemented the leadership style of positive communication. This type of leadership style is very much beneficial for all parties involved in this.
Due to the effectiveness of the change management, the organizational culture of the Atlantis Global Corporation has been changed. The main changes in the AGC are the belief, symbols, morals, traditions and the inner language (Alvesson & Sveningsson, 2015). For the implementation of the change management communication at the all branch level has been changed. In this new organizational culture, the CEO, managers, employees and the other workers are trained properly in respect of the human capital management. In this culture, every top-level position of the organization is filled with some person who is capable of utilize the human capital management style. This changes in the culture of the organization will help the organization in their present issue of the employee retention, productivity and communication.
It is very much important for every organization to identify its potential internal and external threats for the effectiveness of the business. Due to the business model of the organization, the main internal threats which can be faced by the AGC is related with the leadership styles, goals, policies and the mission statement of the organization (Onraet, Dhont & Van Hiel, 2014). Apart from this the other internal threats which can be faced by the Atlantis Global Corporation includes the structures, systems and the peoples.
New Leadership Styles and Organizational Culture
When considering the external threats, the main threats which can be faced by the organizations is the market competition, economy, social conditions and the most important factor which is the customers. Though these factors are totally external, still this factors can affect the organization heavily.
The Atlantis Global Corporation can easily identify both the internal and the external threats by using the environmental scanning and by the implementation of the SWOT analysis. The AGC will be able to detect the threats by the SWOT analysis because of this breakdown different type of aspects of the organization (Bull et al., 2016). By use of SWOT analysis the weaknesses, threats, opportunities and the strengths of the organization can be analysed easily. Also, based on the analysis this technique can categorise the factors based on the external and the internal factors. Thus from the analysis easily the internal and external threats factors can be analysed. This SWOT analysis can help the AGC in their strategic planning program.
With the SWOT analysis, environmental scanning is another factor for detecting the external and internal threats (Du Toit 2016). Environmental scanning helps to analyse the environmental factor properly. In the environmental scanning after detecting the threats, the threats are acknowledged, and the solution is determined for minimizing the threats.
As discussed in the above section, the AGC can use the SWOT analysis method and the environmental analysis method for protecting the organization from the external and internal threats. As the threats of the organization can be analysed using the SWOT analysis, this analysed data can be used to monitor the threats properly and can be prevented from getting a big issue for the organization (Suh, 2014). On the other hand, the environmental scanning allows the Atlantis Global Corporation to analyse, identify and provide solutions for the detected threats for the organization. This environmental scanning is the process which conducts a survey systematically and does the data interpretation to detect the external opportunities and the threats. From the external factors, this methods can also find relevant data from its market competitor which will help the AGC to gain a competitive advantage.
Alvesson, M., & Sveningsson, S. (2015). Changing organizational culture: Cultural change work in progress. Routledge.
Bull, J. W., Jobstvogt, N., Böhnke-Henrichs, A., Mascarenhas, A., Sitas, N., Baulcomb, C., … & Carter-Silk, E. (2016). Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats: A SWOT analysis of the ecosystem services framework. Ecosystem Services, 17, 99-111.
Clarke, S. (2013). Safety leadership: A meta?analytic review of transformational and transactional leadership styles as antecedents of safety behaviours. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 86(1), 22-49.
Du Toit, A. S. (2016). Using environmental scanning to collect strategic information: A South African survey. International Journal of Information Management, 36(1), 16-24.
Onraet, E., Dhont, K., & Van Hiel, A. (2014). The relationships between internal and external threats and right-wing attitudes: A three-wave longitudinal study. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 40(6), 712-725.
Suh, J. (2014). Theory and reality of integrated rice–duck farming in Asian developing countries: A systematic review and SWOT analysis. Agricultural Systems, 125, 74-81.