Systems Design For FindYourVenue
Use Case for FindYourVenue
System design is a simple method to establish a background for the development of a system or software. So, the report has attempted to present an idea over the development of the system for Scene Broker. The development of the system Findyourvenue is important for the organisation because it will help it attract more customer and will also satisfy the existing customers. So, it is very important that the system is well designed and so as part of the process, the deemed paper have offered different details. The details include a use case diagram along with description, a scholarly review over the need for mobile application along with the website and a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) of different activities that will be used for the development of the front-end of the mobile application. Recommendations for the development have also been provided.
The requirement for the development of the use case was collected from the case study which have presented the need of the system.
Figure 1: Use Case Diagram of FindYourVenue
(Source: Created by Author Using MS VISIO)
Use Case List
Use Case ID |
Use Case Name |
Primary Actors |
Description |
Includes |
Pre-Condition |
Post Condition |
Trigger |
UC-1 |
Register |
Individual Customer |
Actor add details to register in the system |
Personal details |
The actor accesses the system |
The actor receives a mail with login details |
The actor attempts to access the system |
UC-2 |
Register |
Business Customer |
Actor add details to register in the system |
Personal details, Payment |
The actor accesses the system |
The actor receives a mail with login details with payment receipt |
The actor attempts to access the system |
UC-3 |
Welcome Mail with login details |
System Admin |
Post registration of the individual customer the admin sends a welcome mail along with login details. |
Individual customer registers |
Individual Customer received the login details and can log in the system |
Individual customer registers |
UC-4 |
Welcome Mail with Login Details and Payment receipt |
System Admin |
Post registration of the business customer the admin sends a welcome mail along with login details and the payment receipt |
Business customer registers |
Business Customer received the login details and can log in the system |
Business customer registers |
UC-5 |
Login |
Individual Customer or Business Customer |
The customers enters the login details received in the registered email |
Search and Book venue |
Welcome mail with login details have been received. |
The customer can access the system |
Customer enters login details. |
UC-6 |
Search and Book Venue |
Individual Customer or Business Customer |
The customer books in a venue |
Booking Details, Payment |
The customer logs in the system |
Confirmation mail is sent with tax invoice |
Customer logs in the system. |
UC-7 |
Booking Confirmation & Tax Invoice |
System Admin |
On booking of a venue, a mail is drafted for the customer along with tax invoice |
Customer booked a venue |
Details stored in the database to be accessed later. |
Customer books a venue |
UC-8 |
System Admin |
On registration or booking of a venue the email is sent for welcome, login details and payment invoices. |
Welcome Mail with Login Details, Welcome Mail with Login Details and Payment receipt, Booking Confirmation & Tax Invoice |
New Details have been added to the system. |
Stored in the database to be accessed later. |
New Details is entered into the system |
UC-9 |
LogIn |
Business Contacts |
The business contacts logs in the system to update their availability and Price. |
Update Venue Availability Price |
The Actor is registered in the system. |
The actor can update price and availability. |
Actor accesses the system. |
Table 1 Use Case List
Websites have proved their dominance over the traditional modes off selling, information sharing, customer building and multiple other forms of traditional means. However, there are certain restrictions that they are still unable to overcome and that leaves a gap in the business. Hence, to mitigate this gaps the mobile applications were introduced that also added additionally feature to support ease for the customers. Hence, the adoption of mobile applications along with the website have increased overtime. The gaps that were fulfilled by the mobile applications includes:
- A global approach with a more secure platform is one of the core advantages offered by the mobile application. The websites can be compromised because they have no are accessible on internet and their database are connected through remote means (Yang et al. 2015). On the contrary, mobile applications store a limited amount of data on the mobile device which can be utilised by the user to have a secure access to the central device (Nabi et al. 2015). The additional security offered by the mobile application is because of the platform they are operational on. The platforms such as Android, IOS and other mobile OS offers their own level of security to the application which makes them more secure than the websites.
- The mobile applications are not just more secure in comparative to the websites but are more user friendly. The mobile applications offer an enhanced interface in comparison to the website because of the high quality graphics and animations offered by them in a low connectivity mode (Bustillo et al. 2017). A research by Adobe has revealed that the users of mobile applications have stated that the interface and usability are the most prominent reason for their preference of the mobile application over the website. The usability of the applications is also better than the website. The applications have a limited screen size and they have to offer all the options to the users and hence they are designed in such a structure that the primary options contain sub-filters and options of filtering out so that the most relevant options are offered to the users. The icons for the options of the product are also available readily making it comfortable for the users. Another major perk that the user of a mobile application gains is that of the ease in processes of the firm is offered by the application due to interaction with other applications of the mobile (Wunder et al. 2014). Interaction with other applications will benefit the application in collecting necessary media, texts and other crucial information from the mobile which the user had to manual enter into the website to proceed with a process of the organisation. It reduces the effort invested by the user making it more preferable for them and also assist the organisation to have a happy and satisfied customer.
- Another one of the major perk offered by the mobile applications is a strong relation with the customers. The customers of the organisation earns a better communicative means with through the mobile applications (Crook et al. 2017). A better customer support, pop-up notifications and others similar measures makes the interaction between the user and the firm more effective. This effectiveness garners customer’s loyalty and If they are satisfied with the application they will share it with their friends and families which will be a free promotion of the firm and will eventually broaden the customer base of the firm (Xu, Peak and Prybutok 2015). The sharing of the application can be boosted by offering rewards for sharing and also by offering promotional gifts for buying from the application. The promotional gifts offer by the application is also one of the notable benefits of the application because it advertises and promotes the offerings of the firm at a low cost and with less effort.
Hence, the discussion can be summarised to state that the website development for a firm has emerged as a crucial need and it should be done with proper focus. However, the website should be supported by a mobile application because they will fill the gaps that have been left by the website. The filling up of the gaps will stabilise the customers and eventually offer competitive advantage to the organisation.
The table below represents the work break down structure of the mobile app to be developed and the WBS diagram have been attached in the appendix section.
Task Name |
1 |
Findyourvenue System |
1.1 |
Phase 1: Project Initiation |
1.1.1 |
Segment Analysis | |
Identify Functional Requirements | |
Identify Non-Functional Requirements | |
Deciding on Requirements |
1.1.2 |
Proposal |
1.2 |
Phase 2: Planning |
1.2.1 |
Project Planning | |
Schedule | |
Budget |
1.2.2 |
Risk Analysis | |
Risk Identification & prioritization | |
Risk Mitigation Strategy |
1.2.3 |
Resource Management | |
Resource Identification | |
Scheduling Resource with Activity | |
Defining Roles and Responsibilities |
1.3 |
Phase 3: Execution |
1.3.1 |
Content development | |
Interface Design Planning | |
2D Designing | |
3D designing | |
Functionality Designing | |
Testing |
1.3.2 |
Testing | |
Performance Retesting | |
Reflection |
1.4 |
Phase 4: Merging |
1.4.1 |
Developing UI | |
Preview Designing |
1.4.2 |
Design Check | |
Functionality Testing | |
Modification |
Table 2: Work Breakdown Table
Paper can be concluded to state that to meet the business requirements of the Scene Brokers they should cite proper focus on the system designing in which the paper has assisted. Furthermore, they should also introduce a mobile application to support the customers who wish to have an ease of accessing the system. The benefits offered by the mobile application has been discussed and will be beneficial for the Scene Brokers if adopted. Hence, the paper would emphasize to offer the following recommendation.
- The firm should introduce a mobile application to support the website.
- Before developing the system proper modelling of the system should be done. UML diagrams can be helpful in this context.
- The firm should focus on the requirement collection to have a system that is supportive of the organisational environment.
Bustillo, J., Rivera, C., Guzmán, J.G. and Acosta, L.R., 2017. Benefits of using a mobile application in learning a foreign language. Sistemas & Telemática, 15(40), pp.55-68.
Crook, A., Kenny, J., Johnson, H. and Davidson, B., 2017. Perspectives of a mobile application for people with communication disabilities in the community. Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology, 12(2), pp.184-196.
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