Systems Analysis And Design: Essay And Memo
Adaptive Software Development
A Brisbane Pty LTD company named School Supplies aim is to supply huge quantity to numerous business clients’ stationary products. School supplies’ most busy time is when stationary packs as well as returning to school packs needs to be provided to different parents and schools. Gerry Lane, ex- principal and businessman bought school supplies in 2012. Process of developing adaptive software result in accommodating changes. Minimum planning as well as proper learning results in an adaptive environment with any variety of product (Chauhan, Rana and Sharma 2017). Development of Adaptive software is considered with respect to complex system evolutionary. Three processes are present in adaptive life cycle development – speculate, then collaborate and lean. The success of the development of the information system depends on the adoption of the right model and the size of the information system is considered for the selection of the model.
To manage developing of system process, best considered approach is scrum approach. Just like doing empirical research is required to apply different kinds of industrial protocol application. To develop a software the requirement for a specific development of software is not defined. Functioning of team members is the focal point of scrum approach and how flexible team members are with respect to rapid change in environment (Dora and Dubey 2015). Development of different technical as well as environmental aspects is Scrum methodology’s main goal, thus making whole process of development susceptible to changes. To improve the engineering method scenario of today, scrum technique is helpful. Scrum has introduced a Scrum Master, which is a management role. The selection of the scrum model helps in management of the changes that can cause a barrier for the development of the project (Matharu et al. 2015). This model is used when the requirement of the project is not clear and there is a large number of uncertainty about the project.
Long lifecycles development has been possible due to programs encountered in extreme programming. XP lifecycle consists of five different phases – Explore, Plan, Release and Maintenance (Tabassum et al. 2017). A huge quantity of roles as well as responsibilities are present in XP depending on purpose and task. There is provision of successful software development by XP, in small as well as medium teams with changing requirements. Rapid feedback, customer integration and testing are few of the releases which are considered during short iteration (Hameed 2016). This process is put into used when the project team number varies from three -twenty. The model helps in improvement of the communication between the team members and discuss the issues for solving them rapidly and complete the project within the short time duration.
Scrum Approach
When development is driven due to feature it is known as FDD, which is considered an agile strategy in system development. FDD consists of five steps that includes methods as well as techniques (Chowdhury et al. 2018). There is requirement to have an understanding in areas such as roles and timelines, important for the project. For efficient running of industry FDD approach is required. It puts special emphasis on quality that is required to map project progress
Memo To: The Owner Gerry Lane From: << Student_Name >>, Date: 13-09-18 Sub: Providing different methods that would help in designing Human Computer Interface for the development of the Online Ordering system. |
Gerry Lane, ex principal of school and businessman bought School Service, in 2012. The quality range of good services and educational supplies improved with passing of time for Gerry. With the annual technique of returning to school, it is a huge business earner for school supplies. It is an order above 4500 schools, which is ordered, delivered and then received by different school children. Process initiation happens when parent place an order for BTS packs, either through phone or else online platform. Recently, school contracts gets more wins than the others due to reputation. It has ability, so delivery of proper items take place during current time. To understand technique of interaction of computer with humans in this ordering system usage of huge quantity of methods needs to be done. Major methods puts emphasis on specific points- user, then technical system, and then design. Usage of activity theory in human interaction with system takes place. Analytical tools provided in given format emphasize on activity theory. While designing the ordering online system it should be kept in mind that it has to be user centric. User centric design is modern platform, one that is use to design any computer system by users. To understand the needs as well as limitations of the user, different areas like design and user should be worked together. A huge system is created which checks the above elements. While designing the user interface, consideration of seven principles of interface design of user needs to be done. Simplicity, structure and consistency are some of the aspects that are required. A building technology that works for people known as Value Sensitive Design (VSD) is well known. The technology used by it affects people both directly as well as indirectly. VSD uses iterative design in which three kinds of investigation is required conceptual, technical and empirical. Conceptual investigation puts special emphasis to understand the needs of different technology and stakeholders. When stakeholder uses different technology it becomes very conflicting. The computer human interaction has to be designed so that it creates easy communication point. Information flow between computer as well as human is like an interaction loop. This interaction loop consists of audio based, video based, and lastly machine environment. Research needs to be undertaken in computer human interaction that is based visually. Moreover for the development of the interface a research is done on the areas of attraction and the look and feel that should be maintained for the development of the design. The resource available for the development of the information system is analysed for the development of the framework and start the development process. A proper project plan is also important for recording the activity that should be performed for the elimination of the errors in the system and increase the efficiency of the information system. |
Event |
Event Type |
Trigger |
Source |
Activity/Use Case |
System Response/Output |
Destination |
Place Order |
External |
Sales |
Parent |
Place Order |
The system will process an order request. The books to be delivered is collected from the customer. |
Parent |
Create an Account |
External |
New user entry |
Customer |
Account |
The potential customer of the business will get a new account through which functions can be accessed |
Parent |
Access Account |
Parent |
Grant system access |
Customer |
Account |
The user can login to the system using the login credentials provided during the registration |
Parents |
Get Invoice |
Parent |
Sales |
Accountant |
Invoice |
The system will generate invoice for each order placed |
Parent |
Make Payment |
Parent |
Sales |
Parent |
Make Pay |
The customer will make payment for each order placed |
Parent |
Name |
Account |
ID |
UC_01 |
Description |
The customers will access the system using their account |
Actors |
Parent |
Organizational Benefits |
More customer interaction and better data monitoring |
Frequency of use |
Every new customers will use the account operations to register and login |
Triggers |
A new customer |
Preconditions |
The customer must not have any other account |
Postconditions |
The user will have authenticated login credentials to login and access system |
Main Course |
1. The user open the registration form 2. The user fills the form and submit it 3. The system will verify the data 4. The system check the user id and password 5. After successful verification the system store data into the system 6. The user can login to the application using the user id and password |
Exceptions |
EX1: The user wants to delete account 1. The user contact with the admin using the mail id or contact form in application EX2: The users wants to change the user id 1. The user will verify the account details |
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