System Engineering For Global Warming: An Analysis Of Eco-Friendly Building Design

System Test, Evaluation and Validation

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In today’s generation, the most serious problem that the world is facing is due to shortage of energy resources and global warming.  In order to reduce the problems, eco-friendly buildings are developed. Eco-friendly buildings are defined as sustainable buildings, which uses processes that are environmentally responsible as well as resource efficient (Sundar 2015). The main aim is to minimize all the negative impacts that are related with human health as well as the environment. Eco- Friendly buildings uses numerous techniques and skills in order to reduce as well as eliminate the different impacts of buildings (Mahdavinejad et al. 2013).  It often utilizes various types of renewable resources such as sunlight, plants tress and many more.

The content of the report helps in analyzing the System test, validation and evaluation, Optimization in plan and processes for maintaining and Human factors in designing concepts. The report also helps in unearthen certain facts about the content case analysis.

The main purpose of testing is to meet all the needs as well as requirements of the software specifications which are both functional as well as non-functional. The conceptual design of the system or building helps in evaluating the logical design of the system as per the system (Shin and Kim 2016). The conceptual design of the eco-friendly building is also defined as feasibility. The main purpose of the system is to determine the system that the engineers are proceeding in order to get better result for developing it. The project must have a proper security threat. The first and most important step that is considered for establishing the system constraint is the iterative nature of the system design.  For establishing the design of the system it is very much necessary to ensure that the design is realistic. The external environment of the project or the eco-friendly building is one of the concerns of the people. The design of the system must meet all the requirements of the people or the customers (Mahdavinejad et al. 2013). If some of the features of the system or building is not accepted by the people or its customers then limitations will arise in the project. The limitations of the project will get improved by using the proper system design. Acceptance testing is done in order to ensure that the testing capability of the system.

 The design must meet all the requirements that are mentioned by the security agency. It is very much important to have a clear statement in order to create a proper design for the eco-friendly building. A variety of teams are created by the CIDCO project. Each time it helps in pursuing its own message protocol and business hierarchy for the smooth stream of instruction  from the top level to down level (Kim and Koh 2013). The researchers analyzed the eco-friendly building with its design that is structural in nature. It helps in implementing some of the aspects that helps in minimizing all the issues that are related with the environment and resources. Proper design of the building helps in high level of satisfaction to the owner of the building (Wang et al. 2016). Conceptual designing of the building is considered as a platform for creation of a system. The system is useful in order to determine both the excellence and the materials that are required for the construction of the eco-friendly building.

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Optimization in Design and Operations for Reliability and Maintainability

The task of optimization in this project bridges the gap between the phase and concept of designing. During the process of detailed designing and optimization, the limitations are generated but the design helps in creating the general structure for building the CIDCO project. The site construction offers various methods for designing the building (Leonidou  et al. 2013). Sometimes, the designing teams have to construct some unique designs in order to make the project unique. Optimization tool are used in order to exchange the information that are related with the designing and the resources that are used in the construction of eco-friendly building. During this phase, a higher level of maintenance is required in order to use different equipments that are helpful in providing natural resources. The main objectives that are related with the preliminary design is to make a design in such a way that it will be helpful in maintaining all the requirements of the people without having negative impact o the environment (Lin et al. 2013). The main goal is map out different complex electronics that are specific for the construction of eco-friendly building. The designers need to maintain the perspective of the system as well as the electronic operations with the help of solar energy.

The maintenance of the system is performed in order to verify the requirements of the building. The needs of natural resources, plants and trees are required in order to complete the designing process of the building (Kim et al. 2013).  The activities in the preliminary stage for both the assurance personnel and engineer are that they must ensure the decision of design at the sub-system level. Due to the increasing population and the problem of global warming is enhancing at a faster rate, the project of eco-friendly building was established in order to reduce the use of resources. The eco-friendly building uses solar panel, windmill, and green balcony in order to minimize the uses of non-renewable energy (Choi 2014). CIDCO proposed connectivity in order to develop the system that is based on various different factors. The researchers have analyzed both the exterior as well as the interior design of the building. The eco-friendly building includes green balcony, water recycling system, windmill and solar panel system. All the equipments use natural resources in order to minimize the use of non- renewable resources. Thus, it helps in providing a positive impact on the environment.

Human Factors in Designing Concepts

The researcher helps in evaluating various factors that helps in identifying different structure of the system. The researchers have also analyzed various factors that helps in determining the needs and requirements for the construction of the building and the level of satisfaction its owner will gain from the infrastructure (Jang et al. 2015). The eco-friendly building helps in using the water resources very properly by using the recycling method. The green balcony in the building helps in reducing the temperature of the environment of the building. This is helpful in cooling the environment of the building. The plants in the building help in providing huge amount of oxygen in the air. For determining the presentation of the building different strategies are implemented in the research (Gallo et al. 2012). The researcher have examined that the architectural teams are preserving the design that will help in providing effective outcomes from the eco-friendly building.

 The development of the eco-friendly building is done with the help of the development cycle. It is one of the process that helps in designing as well as maintaining the system or the building properly.  After designing the building, there is exploration on the system. The detailed research is carried out based on some proposed objectives (Sekar, 2016). The building is designed properly for fulfilling the needs and requirements of the owner. The goal of the proposed system is to maintain the design perspective by using the natural resources in the development of the eco-friendly building (Lin et al. 2013). The system helps in developing the life cycle for maintaining the performance as well as quality requirements. Therefore, life cycle is very much necessary in order to maintain the life cycle of the building properly and efficiently.

The teams are managing the architecture of the eco- friendly buildings. Many teams are present for providing help in the designing process of the buildings. Some teams are recruited for investigating the impact of the project for designing the interior part of the building (Choi et al. 2013). After testing the usefulness and security range of the building it is very much necessary to evaluate the design process of the building. It helps in collecting information about the project, its function, usefulness and the architecture of the building. The architecture of the building helps to perform the process of testing. The project validation that is used means that the materials or the products that are used in order to design the building minimize the issues that are related with the environment (Medina-Sánchez  et al. 2015).Its requirement will help in providing an adequate design of building as well as its architecture.

Content Case Analysis

Human being plays a key role in designing the eco-friendly building. The approach of human factors helps in contributing as well as increasing the effectiveness of the building by enhancing the procedure of reliability and maintainability. They test the building in such a way such that it is useful for the people (Won et al. 2013). The designers are involved in the procedure of designing for identifying the material as well as the system in order to reduce the requirement of maintenance. The human factors are useful for testing the building or the project such that it will be helpful for the human beings and the environment. This research contains all the kinds of testing in order to determine the quality as well as utilization of the material in building. They must select better quality of material for the construction of eco-friendly building. 

Based on the case analysis, it is analyzed that eco-friendly buildings are very much important for both the people as well as for the environment in today’s generation. It helps in minimizing all the environmental issues that are related with global warning and inefficient use of resources (Chun et al. 2012).The advanced technology helps in construction of the eco-friendly or sustainable building for providing benefit to both the people and the surrounding environment. The researcher investigated that the process of designing the building provides high level of consistency to the system (Sekar, 2016). The preliminary as well as the conceptual design of the building helps in meeting the requirements of the people without effecting the environment.

The buildings must be designed properly and all the equipment’s as well as natural resources should be provided for smooth operation of the sustainable building. Therefore, proper maintenance is very much required for proper operation of the building. The detailed analysis about the building is carried out based on the planned system in order to meet the requirements of the people (Jang et al. 2015).  The objective of the development plan is designed in order to expand the eco-friendly building for satisfying the owner of the building and for mitigating environmental issues. The eco-friendly system also helps in saving the energy resources for the future generation as the project of the building construction fully dependent on the natural resources.


After constructing the eco-friendly building properly, its structure as well as architectural detailed gets released. The system design must meet all the requirements in order to satisfy the owner of owner of the building by its unique feature without having negative impact on the environment. If some of the systems are not accepted then it will arise some limitations within the project.  A proper system is designed for minimizing the issues such as global warming and excessive use of resources. The construction of the building is totally based on the use of natural resources. The use of natural resources adds some unique features in the building and thus it does not affect the environment. The researcher have analyzed that some of the factors helps in determining the system that would help in meeting the requirements of the owner of the building. For achieving success the eco- friendly project have certain recommendation. The project team needs to follow some of the recommendation. In order to implement the construction of the project properly, it is very much important to have proper distribution as well as allocation of the project.


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