System Analysis And Design For Cloud Based Solution
Features of the my health record system
Discuss about the System Analysis and Design for Cloud Based Solution.
In all the different approaches of System Development Life Cycle requirements specifications for a certain system must be set first. The requirement specification sets the pace for the implementation of a new system. If the requirement specification stage is well defined then the systematic flow of steps till the implementation is smoothened.
These are mainly the qualities of a system that should be depicted by the health record system; the metrics that make a system qualify to be referred to as a whole. The cloud based solution system should have these properties/features/qualities for it to be considered to be implemented as my health record system for Headspace health organization.
Classification of system qualities. This is according to interface requirement qualities, performance requirement qualities, life cycle requirement qualities, business requirement qualities and government policies requirement qualities.
Interface requirement qualities. This is the ability of the cloud based solution to implement the interactive feature of the new my health record system which tends to interact with the users who are the medicine practitioners and the youths with the mental problems. The youths register themselves in the cloud based solution system and provide their details. The medicine practitioners for instance a psychiatrist accesses the details of the youth and gives advise through reports which the youth is bound to receive,
Performance Requirement qualities. The cloud based system should be able to work as per the performance constraint specification for the my health record system. These constraints are:
Time and space. The time specifies the number of operations or processes that can be processed per second with my health record system whereas the space defines the amount of space required for the storage of data and information on the patient youths.
Security. The cloud based solution system should work so as to implement the security specifications of my health record system. This specifies the people authorized to access and view certain information and in this case the patients and the medical practitioners are the only ones authenticated to.
Reliability of the system. Is the cloud based solution system efficient and effective for the specified task needed by headspace? It should be able to create patient records and store them.
Compatibility. Is the cloud based solution able to incorporate new user needs and new technologies in the health sector?
Operating requirement qualities. This involves the physical constraints of my health record system. For instance the capability of the cloud based solution system to respond to maintenance, troubleshooting and implementation.
Classification of system qualities
System development life cycle requirement qualities which is further subdivided into two:
Design rating. Adaptability of the cloud based solution system in the near future is considered.
Development limits. The factors that limit development of a system such as the deadline of a system, resources availability, cost of development and time limit are put into consideration.
Business requirement qualities. This is the monetary value that a system will add to the current system or the cost that will be incurred when implementing the cloud based solution system.
Government policies requirement qualities. A good cloud based solution system should abide by the specified law of a government or a nation.
Features of a system are categorized into two: Non-functional feature and the Functional features. The non-functional features check the functionality of a system whereas the functional qualities are the actual functions of a system Chung & do Prado (2009).
Non-functional features of my health record system based on FURPS include:
Functionality of my health record system. Is the cloud based solution system capable of performing the tasks that Headspace requires from a system? Does the cloud based solution system have the capabilities, the purpose and the security measures to be used effectively and efficiently by Headspace?
Usability of my health record system. The cloud based solution system should be user friendly. It should be able to interact with different users of Headspace. It should be able to consume information from the patients and store them. It should be able to retrieve information from a database and convey a report.
Reliability of my health record system. The cloud based solution system should be depended on in terms of security of data, accuracy of data, retrieval of data and should be open to troubleshooting, repair and maintenance in case a system failure occurs.
Performance of my health record system. The cloud based solution system should ensure a smooth flow of activities of patient registration, consultation and production of reports for Headspace.
Supportability feature of my health record system. The cloud based solution system has to encompass compatibility, testability, portability and troubleshooting for it to be considered whole.
Comparison between Non-functional features and functional features of the cloud based solution system.
Non-functional features of my health record system |
Functional features of my health record system |
Ensures the cloud based solution system performs the intended operations for Headspace but does not specify how this is achieved with respect to the new my health record system that is to be implemented. |
Ensures the cloud based solution follows the guidelines and the procedures of performing the Headspace, my health record system, intended operations for instance the system should capture patient information provided and store it for future analysis. |
Usability specifies that the cloud based solution system should be user friendly but does not elaborate on how it should do so with respect to the implementation of my health record system. |
Usability here is well specified as to how the system will interact with its users through the interface modules put in place. For instance when a patient is registering with Headspace through the health record system the system should prompt the user to enter details and finally inform if he/she is registered. |
Information accuracy and security is said to be include but the mechanism in which they should be implemented is not spelt out. |
Types of the security measures in data security with respect to the cloud based solution system is distinctly spelt out like the use of cryptography to secure information sent in the my health record system. |
Performance is a general issue and is not expressed as per the implementation of my health record system. |
The number of processes/transactions per second that my health record system can manage to process |
Compatibility is a general feature for all systems according to non-functional feature. |
How a cloud based solution adapts to the future technologies and medicine inventions is well spelt out. This might be the responsibility of cloud service providers. |
Strengths and Weaknesses of a cloud based solution Cloud computing Marston, et al (2011).
Reduced cost of implementation of a system. Implementing a cloud based solution is cheaper compared to starting a system from scratch. Developing a system from scratch requires going through all the stages of the SDLC which is very tedious and expensive even though it may cover the whole scope of the needs.
Non-functional features of my health record system based on FURPS include
Adaptation to new technologies and environments in the future is assured by the cloud based solution service providers which is totally the opposite with in-house developed.
Cloud based solutions are reliable. Most cloud based solution providers offer troubleshooting repair and maintenance services to their clients through SLAs.
Management of resources is done by the cloud based service providers thus the worry for resource management is not a burden to the Headspace management team.
Prosperity of a business oriented organization. Cloud based solution system often support the business aspect of an organization by providing them with CRM and ERP system.
Security vulnerability. Due to the network aspect where one server hosts many clients, people may device ways to compromise the authentication systems and access private information on the patients of Headspace. Security of information and services is a threat to cloud based solution systems.
Slow execution or halted processes. Due to the hosting of many clients by the service providers sometimes all the processes of Headspace maybe slow or even stop to work properly. A halt of activities at Headspace would cause more harm than good.
Security enhancement strategies that can be implemented and work perfectly for cloud based systems.
Cryptography Katz & Lindell (2014). This is the best option using the confusion and diffusion aspects of encryption. This deters a hacker who has gained access to the system from getting the actual data and information.
Installation of the latest antiviruses. This is curb the resilience of the various types of malicious programs that tend to eat space on the storage devices and even interfering with the system flow of activities and code execution.
SDLC Approaches to implementing my health record system that is a cloud based solution system.
Two approaches are considered and compared using their pros and cons with reference to waterfall vs. agile, A comparative study on SDLC Bali & Murugaiyan (2012) to find the suitable on to go with. These two approaches are
Pros |
Cons |
Suitable for addressing requirements that keep on changing. Has less restrictions and documentation is easily employed. Enables concurrent implementation and delivery within an overall planned context. Resources required are very minimal. Gives flexibility to developers. |
Sustainability, maintainability and extensibility cannot be measured or are immeasurable. Depends more on the customer needs than the rigidness of the cycle therefore knowing the scope of the system is too difficult. Transfer of technology by a new team is difficult and tiresome due to lack of documentation. |
Pros |
Cons |
Simple and easy to understand and use. Rigidity of the approach makes it easy to manage it. Works well for smaller projects where requirements are well understood. Has clearly defined steps or levels. |
Error propagation as no working software is provided until late in the cycle. High amounts of risks and uncertainty. Adjusting to the scope during the system development life cycle can end the project. Does not encourage testing during the initial stages of the development life cycle. It is not compatible or cannot accommodate new changes or user needs, due to its rigidity. |
The adaptive approach is the better way of implement the cloud based solution system between the two systems. For one its advantages weigh down its disadvantages whereas the predictive approach the disadvantages weigh down the advantages.
Adaptive approach has a wider scope, according to Balaji & Murugaiyan (2012) and Okoli & Carillo (2012), and one of its disadvantage states that it is difficult to know its extent which in some way, is an advantage as it is able to accommodate all the user needs of the Headspace organization.
The approach offers compatibility of the cloud based solution system, the ability to cope up with, and incorporate, new technologies.
The strengths of the cloud based solution system weighs down its weaknesses indicating that the implementation of the cloud based solution system as my health record system comes more as an advantage to the Headspace health organization than as a setback. In this case the implementation of a cloud based solution system by the Headspace health organization would bear many benefits to the organization.
Balaji, S., & Murugaiyan, M. S. (2012). Waterfall vs. V-Model vs. Agile: A comparative study on SDLC. International Journal of Information Technology and Business Management, 2(1), 26-30.
Katz, J., & Lindell, Y. (2014). Introduction to modern cryptography. CRC press.
Marston, S., Li, Z., Bandyopadhyay, S., Zhang, J., & Ghalsasi, A. (2011). Cloud computing—the business perspective. Decision support systems, 51(1), 176-189.
Chung, L., & do Prado Leite, J. C. S. (2009). On non-functional requirements in software engineering. In Conceptual modeling: Foundations and applications (pp. 363-379). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
Okoli, C., & Carillo, K. (2012). The best of adaptive and predictive methodologies: Open source software development, a balance between agility and discipline. International Journal of Information Technology and Management, 11(1-2), 153-166.