Switched Based Real Time Networked Control: Introduction And Discussion

Justification of the project

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The project titled “Internal Chat Server Development in an Organization” had been formed for developing a chat application for the organization and it would be helpful for implementing the faster communication in the network of operations (Li & Lee, 2016). The development of the project would be formed for analysing the intranet chat box in the organization. The description of the project consists of justification of the project, project goals, and justification of project milestones. The following sections would explain these parts,

The project would be developed for integrating the improved services in the organization and develop the active use of communication within the network connection of the organization. According to Dionio (2015), the project would help for increasing the process of the implementing the effective communication and formation of the improved processing and integration of the communication. The employees of the organization would be able to convey the messages faster to the required person. The network connection for the chat would help in decreasing the probability of delay of operations and it would significantly involve the management of the effective communication. The communication of the organization is required for managing the operations, implementing the functions, analysing the accurate system integration, and form the cohesive deployment of the project operations. The analysis of the project would be based for the development of the integrated project analyst and it would involve the management of the system functions (Hilliard et al., 2014). The intranet communication would help in forming the effective and improved operations by communicating the requirements of the project and develop the effective flow of operations.

The goals of the project involve the development of the project for integrating the communication and forming the improved operations in the organization. The project would be developed for integrating the improved services in the organization and develop the active use of communication within the network connection of the organization. The project would help for increasing the process of the implementing the effective communication and formation of the improved processing and integration of the communication. The goals of the project are,

Development of the Effective Communication System: The effective communication system would be implied for forming the involvement of the processes. The communication system would be helpful for forming the development of the improved functional analysis. The project would help for increasing the process of the implementing the effective communication and formation of the improved processing and integration of the communication.

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Project Goals

Design and Implement an Intranet Chat System: The project aims for designing an intranet chat system for the organization. It would help in improving the communication within the organization and team members. The network connection for the chat would help in decreasing the probability of delay of operations and it would significantly involve the management of the effective communication.

Improve the Operations of the Organization: The improvement of the project operations are another important feature for integrating the development of the project in involving the support integration of the process. The project would be developed for integrating the improved services in the organization and develop the active use of communication within the network connection of the organization.

The project would be developed for involving the integration of the project and it would comprise of the formation of the effective communication process. Internal Chat Server Development in an Organization project had been formed for developing a chat application for the organization and it would be helpful for implementing the faster communication in the network of operations. The project milestones are given in the table below,




Application System Design

25 days

The designing of the application would be formed for developing a proper design in the development of the system integration of the operations. The analysis of the system design would be developed for interacting with the production and development. The analysis of the project would be formed for interacting with the development of the operations.

Development of User Interface

18 days

The development of the user interface would be formed for analysing the development of the interface for the users. The analysis of the user interface design would be developed for interacting with the production and development. The analysis of the project would be formed for interacting with the development of the operations.

Integrating design and interface

17 days

The integration of the design would be formed for developing the analysis of the approved processing. The analysis of the system design and its integration with the user interface would be developed for interacting with the production and development. The analysis of the project would be formed for interacting with the development of the operations.

Developing the application programming

14 days

The development of the application from the programming would be formed in involving the development of the operations. The application programming would be done for supplementary development of the operations. The analysis of the system design would be developed for interacting with the production and development. The analysis of the project would be formed for interacting with the development of the operations.

Table 1: Project Milestone with Justification

The scope of the project is formed for the development of the integration and formation of the operations and evolvement of the operations for the development. The analysis of the project would form the system analysis and it would form the development of the system analysis and process. The integration of the project would form the analysis of the improvement structure for analysis of the project of implementing the development of the program and development (Zhang et al., 2014). The final release of the application would be done after realizing the effective communication in the organization. The scope of the project for the full and final release of the application in the network server of the organization would include the alignment of the specific milestone of the project. The designing of the application would be formed for developing a proper design in the development of the system integration of the operations. The analysis of the system design would be developed for interacting with the production and development. The development of the user interface would be formed for analysing the development of the interface for the users. The analysis of the user interface design would be developed for interacting with the production and development. The integration of the design would be formed for developing the analysis of the approved processing. The analysis of the system design and its integration with the user interface would be developed for interacting with the production and development (Karabey & Akman, 2016). The development of the application from the programming would be formed in involving the development of the operations. The application programming would be done for supplementary development of the operations. The reconciliation of the venture would shape the investigation of the change structure for examination of the task of executing the improvement of the program and advancement. The last arrival of the application would be done subsequent to understanding the viable correspondence in the association. The extent of the task for the full and last arrival of the application in the system server of the association would incorporate the arrangement of the particular turning point of the undertaking. The outlining of the application would be framed for building up an appropriate plan in the advancement of the framework coordination of the operations. The examination of the framework configuration would be created for associating with the generation and improvement. The improvement of the UI would be framed for examining the advancement of the interface for the clients (Chernyi, 2015). The investigation of the UI configuration would be created for connecting with the generation and improvement.

Justification of project milestones

Internal Chat Server Development in an Organization project had been formed for developing a chat application for the organization and it would be helpful for implementing the faster communication in the network of operations.

Approval of the Project Scope Statement

The scopes of the alpha-release and the final-release of the application that is agreed by the project client are,

·         To develop an effective communication system in the organization for forming the faster communication and effective transfer of the messages and information

·         To design and implement an intranet chat system for increasing the efficiency of information and development of the functions of organization

·         To improve the operations of the organization by increasing the ability of data and information transfer and it would help in increasing the overall performance of the organization

Approved by:

Ray Charon

Ray Charon

Managing Director



To: <>

Subject: Approval of the project scopes for alpha-release and the final-release of the application

Hi John,

I would like to state that I am attaching the signed document of Approval of the Project Scope Statement for project of Development of Internal Chat Server Application for the organization. Hope that the project would be successful one and bring the benefits to the organization as pointed by you.


Ray Charon

Managing Director


The project development and release of the ICT infrastructure of the Internal Chat Server Application for the organization would be developed by using the effective designing and development procedure. The application designing would be developed by following the Agile software development methodology. The Agile methodology would involve the testing and reviewing of the application before releasing the application for client’s use (Bibinagar & Kim, 2013). The release of the application for chat server application by the use of the project tools for testing and development, configuration management, and work flow diagram for the application developed.

The configuration management of the Internal Chat Server Application would be done by using the Netbeans IDE and Java Programming (Dalesio, 2015). The two tier architecture would be helpful for the configuration of the application and it would involve the use of the client for 1st tier and server for 2nd tier. The two tier application would be helpful for integrating the structure of the operations and develop the effective control of the operations. The application would be developed by the use of the two tier architecture. The following diagram would show the two tier architecture for the chat application,

Figure 1: Two tier Architecture for the Chat Application

(Source: Abba et al., 2013, pp-162)

The project tools would be developed for forming the occasional update of the project scenario and carry on the development of the project operations. The Internal Chat Server Application would be developed by using the Netbeans IDE and Java Programming (Gade & Vaidya, 2016). The project tools would help in encasing the successful completion of the project operations. The required project tools for the development of the Internal Chat Server Application are dedicated computer server, network operating system, centralized data backup system, LAN network security, TCP/IP protocol  and Unified RUP.

Project scope of the full final-release

The Unified RUP would include the phases of inception, elaboration, construction, and transition which is helpful for the development of the improved environment of the application development of internal chat server application for the organization by using Intranet.

The testing of the system is done by following the client user testing and the functional testing under controlled environment. The connection of the client server can be done by using the trial and error method. A screenshot of the trial and error testing is given below for the sample,

Figure 2: Trial and Error Phase 1

(Source: Abba et al., 2013, pp-159)

Figure 3: Trial and Error Phase 2

(Source: Abba et al., 2013, pp-159)

The following diagrams are being made for depicting the work flow and the user interface diagram for the Internal Chat Server Application in the organization,

Figure 5: User Interface for the Internal Chat Server Application

(Source: Created by the author in Ms-Visio)


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