Sustainable Transportation Systems For CIRP Design In Australia

Some issues in Australia

Describe about the Sustainable Transportation Systems for CIRP Design ?

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Environmental issues refers to the issues those affect the environment of Australia. So many natural issues are there in Australia, which are affecting the nature or environment of Australia. Besides those issues, some issues are affecting people of Australia. These issues are discussed here bellow. In many areas in Australia, controlled regions and coastal environment have been widely changed, many swamp have been ruined. Due to the weather change in Australia the agents of the environment, i.e. the plants and the animals have been affected. There occurring decline in many species and the distribution is being changed (Bai, 2012). Some natural resources are declining rapidly. Some of them, natural resources are water, coal etc. Australians are taking so many attempts for being more eco-friendly and these several attempts are taking in recent years (Kim, 2012)

This particular article is going to provide a discussion on some environment issues emerging in Australia in recent years. This will also be discussed here in this essay the impacts on the several environmental agents, such as plants, creature, coastal lakes, natural resource etc.  

Some of the major environmental issues in Australia are as follows:


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Waste management

Climate change



Sustainable cities

Those issues and the relevant solutions are discussed here one by one.


Australia has a dry climate. Therefore, it is very predictable factor that Australia should take several plans to preserve or conserve water for the well living of its population and creatures and plants. To sustain the well running of environment, Australia has to come forward to take several decisions and give emphasis on that matter. Fortunately, it is seen that presently Australians are paying more and more attention in this particular matter. Australian Government has taken more steps to make the people of Australia be concerned about the conservation of water. This will help in reducing the wastage of water. The matter of water conservation is a big political issue also in Australia. Several cities are designing for their own water conservation program (Li, 2013)

Water is a vital issue in the environmental hazards. This thing is directly linked with the public health and the health of the complete environmental agents. In the recent years, the quantity of water is degrading due to excessive level of harvesting and irrigation in Australia. On the other hand, the quality of the water is affecting negatively the agriculture. The extreme level of se of several pesticides and fertilizers are affecting the water and thereby there is a rapid degradation in the quality of Water in Australia.


Australia has taken several steps to manage the wastages. Some recycling processes are taken over few years. Still so much toxic wastes are affecting the environment. The landfills and the water bodies are affected adversely. A small recycling process can help to remove the situation. People of Australia should keep in mind that a little extra toxic can damage a lot and cases several pollutions. The continuous increase in the urbanization is causing the problem more severe. Therefore, the Government should take several steps and keep it to be continued to educate the people and make tem conscious about the pollution. Man superior plans have been taken already.

Australia is a country, which is widely affected by the change in climate. Climate changes have a great impact on the environment of Australia. Therefore, it is very important for Australia to cope up with this problem. To cope up with this particular problem, Australia has to plan and adapt the best way to remove this problem. According to many experts in Australia, the main cause of the climate change in Australia is the emission of green house gas. This is very unfortunate that Australia is a country with highest emission of green house gas. Therefore, to cope up with the change in climate in Australia, it has to reduce the emission of green house gas and increase the use of any type of renewable energy.  So the Government of Australia has to install more and more solar panels. This very thing will reduce the emission of green house gas and will be very beneficial to the particular problem.

Australia is an important contributor of green house gas in the world. This is because Australia mostly uses coal as the source of energy. This is going on for a long time. At present, 75% of energy in Australia comes from coal. This major portion of energy emerging from coal is a large source of emission of green house gas. Australia is also the top most coal exporter in the world. This large sage and the exportation of coal are disturbing the sustainability of the environment consistently in Australia. This very thing is also affecting the atmosphere adversely around the world. This is also a warning to the water body of Australia as it is making the water acidic.

Therefore, to remove this problem, sage of renewable energy should be increased. Using the renewable energy will help in reducing the sage of coal as the source of energy. Solar energy is a main alternative of coal. Besides this, wind power is a useful material of the source of energy. Many researchers discover so many alternatives. These inventions are useful for offering much more options as the alternatives of coal. An another bonus of this particular thing is, it will offer more job opportunities to the people of Australia.

Waste management

There exists a significant biological diversity in Australia. Australian Government does many things to maintain the balance in the diversity.  One of the ways to maintain the balance in the biodiversity is to protect the rain forests in Australia. There is a huge part of rain forests in Australia. Therefore, the Government is doing their best to nurture and protect this.

A consistent urbanization is casing pollution increase in Australia. This very thing is causing more and more pollution in Australia. Environmental balance is disturbed by the consistent urbanization. For the sake of urbanization, in many portions in Australia, forests are being cleared. Therefore, the environment is misbalancing. A population growth is causing consistent urbanization in Australia. For the urbanization, wastages are increasing day by day. Water body of Australia is being polluted for the wastages. Usage of energy is also increasing rapidly. Emission of green house gas is increasing rapidly. Condition of biological environment as well as the whole environment is degrading rapidly. Government has to take several plans and interpret those plans in work to stop this problem. Restrictions and penalties for cutting of forests should be introduced.

Energy is really an important issue in Australia. A large part of energy is generating from coal. Coal is the main source of energy. The main reason of the large amount of emission of green house gas is usage of coal in Australia. Green house gas is the main thing, which affects the environment adversely (Gelfand and Duncan, 2012)

a), b) and c) are answered bellow in a tabular form.

Here the place chosen is an office. In this sample office, light, fans, air condition and laptop are used.

Name of mean

Usage frequency (hours/day)

energy sources

total cost ($/day)

Carbon emission

















Air Condition





d) Two regulatory organizations in Australia are Australian solar council and sun power foundation, which promote energy efficiency.

e) Two methods to decrease energy consumption are Electricity monitoring meter and energy optimization.

f) Cost –benefit analysis can be shown by the following table. After starting the two options this result may be gained,

Name of mean

Usage frequency (hours/day)

energy sources

total cost ($/day)

Carbon emission

















Air Condition





g) Between the two methods, the best one is energy optimization. Optimization of the usage of energy can effectively reduce the cost of energy ( Chakrabarti, 2013)

The above report summarizes about the alternative forms of renewal energy and how it can be used by different business organizations. The costs of producing the energy can be evaluated through the above table.


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Chakrabarti, A. (2013). CIRP design 2012. London: Springer.

Chowdari, B. (2013). Proceedings of the 13th Asian Conference on Solid State Ionics. Singapore: World Scientific.

Gelfand, L. and Duncan, C. (2012). Sustainable renovation. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.

Kim, M. (2012). Biology Education for Social and Sustainable Development. New York: SensePublishers [Imprint].

Kruger, P. (2006). Alternative energy resources. Hoboken, N.J.: John Wiley.

Li, K. (2013). Intelligent computing for sustainable energy and environment. Berlin: Springer.

Linger, H. (2013). Building sustainable information systems. New York: Springer.

Meyer, G. (2012). Advanced microsystems for automotive applications 2012. Berlin: Springer.

Ren, N. (2012). Renewable and sustainable energy II. Durnten-Zurich, Switzerland: TransTech Publications.

Tortora, M. (2012). Sustainable systems and energy management at the regional level. Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference.

Zatzman, G. (2012). Sustainable energy pricing. Hoboken, N.J.: John Wiley & Sons.

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