Sustainable Approaches And Issues With The Climate Changes And Global Warming
Sustainable approaches
Discuss the sustainable approaches and Issues with the Climate Changes and Global Warming?
The sustainable development is defined in many ways. In one aspect, the sustainable development can be defined as the procedures for maintaining the healthy environment (Morelli, 2011, p.3). On the other hand, Nuangchalerm and Kwuanthong (2010, p.6) implied, the environmental management is concerning the effective interaction procedures of Environment with a human. The study on environmental management is identifying the desirable approaches to the environment by considering the economic, physical, technological and social constraints. However, some of the issues are also concerning the environmental hazards. The impact of climate change and global warming on the human beings is preventing the sustainable development aspects. It is very much indicative that the interdisciplinary and the transdisciplinary surroundings protect the environment from the complexities as well. The present world faces several natural calamities, the climate changing, erosion, flood, desertification, and deforestations.
The study of sustainable development of the global environment requires the proper definition for understanding the approaches. In one aspect, Zhao et al. (2010, p.1555) mentioned that the globalization is the term used for building up the interrelation between the different countries. On the contrary, Suresh (2011, p.120) defined that the globalization is the other form of liberalization, which is entailing the restrictions set by the international government. However, it is to be noted that in this present world, the climate change issues have been much prominent in considering the relevance of the sustainable approaches. The living beings face several issues due to such global warming and the climate-changing scenario. Shen et al. (2013) indicated that the temperature of the earth is increasing, which is sometimes not feasible for the sustainable development. When any business companies are assuring the sustainability and the proper business environment, it is very much important to maintain the actual corporate social responsibility. The emission of the greenhouse gas is sometimes required for the industrial business, but the act of deforestation is not able to maintain the balance of the amount of CFC. Therefore, the environment has been suffering from the pollutions, which is harmful to every living being. On the other hand, the act of cutting down the trees is enhancing the amount of Carbon dioxide, which directly affects the environment. Even the waste of the natural resources that have been used in the industrial business is also ensuring the increased level of environmental hazards.
Issues with the Climate Changes and Global Warming
The challenges are much prominent in concerning the increased level of the global warming. The increased level of the carbon emission is spreading over the atmosphere, and the emission of the GHG’s is highlighting the issues with the economic activities. It is assured that people are very much concerned about the environment where they are living. However, in this present world, not only the local environment, the entire global scenario is in risks due to the global warming issues. Nuangchalerm and Kwuanthong (2010, p.7) mentioned that the little emissions of CFC is hampering the industrial business. As a result, the degradation of the ozone layer is quite prominent. The carbon dioxide extracted from several flaming materials can damage the climate more profoundly. As far as the human population is concerned, it is to be noted that both nature and the human beings are drastically affected with the increasing level of the carbon emission. Morelli (2011, p.9) defined that the natural resources are also affected due to the climate changing scenario.
In concerning the sustainable development, the judgment of the human attitude is very much important. The act of deforestations, over consumptions and wastages of the natural resource, and over a generation of waste can hamper the sustainability of the comfortable environment. It is very much indicative that in this present world, the rise of the different industries has become much prominent (Kolmannskog, 2013). Due to such implication, the human beings are adopting several amenities, which are giving rise to these deforestations and the waste of natural resources procedures. This is enhancing the larger scale of the biodiversity and soil slaughtering, which is hampering the ecosystem more profoundly.
The present issues are concerning the sustainable development of the human beings living in this environment. The act of deforestations is increasing the level of the carbon dioxide and decreasing the level of oxygen. As a result, the Global warming issues have become very much prominent. The further evaluations of such challenges have been discussed below:
According to Kaiposzta (2013, p.2), to understand the issues underpinning the sustainable development, it is very much important to know the basic science regarding the global warming and greenhouse gasses. It is very much indicative that the emission of the “greenhouse gas” is causing the global warming. The absorption of the ‘infra-red’ radiating on the surface of the earth can also cause global warming. The presence of the greenhouse gas is aligned with the current climate existed in the present environment. It is quite prominent that the sustainable approaches are very much significant. In this present world, the industrial business is assuring the technical amendments and the modified nature of the information technologies. Du (2011, p.1) implied that the industrial business required the emission of the CFC and therefore, nature sometimes gets affected with the increasing level of the carbon emission.
The act of deforestations is surely decreasing the level of the oxygen emission and enhancing the level of the carbon dioxide. In this modernized world, the human beings are adopting some trends in deforesting and building up the new infrastructures. On the other aspects, the waste of the natural resource is also hampering the ecosystem (Dernbach and Mintz, 2011, p.535). This questions the sustainable development in concerning the secure life of the human being and other living beings. Oxygen is required for the respiratory system of the human beings and other living beings. In case of the deforestations, the level of oxygen decreases, which is hampering the lives. On the other hand, the industrial revolution needs the uses of the natural resources. It has been seen; the wastages are gathered in a place, which is causing the environmental pollution. Therefore, it is mandatory for the industries in recycling the natural resources for avoiding the environmental pollutions. Brandon (2012, p.25) opined that the industrial business should recycle the natural resources, which can a relevant approach for saving the resources and reusing them. The usages of the recycled resources will be decreasing the pollution level, and the sustainability of the human beings will be concerned.
However, it is very much indicative that the climate changing is creating the effects on the human beings. In some of the cases, the technical development is considering the use of the natural resource. However, the wastages of the natural resources can even affect the industrial works. The approaches in this modernized world are much fascinated with the act of deforestations, which is harmful not only to human beings, even for the other living beings as well. On the other hand, it is even justified that the reusable resources can enhance the business profitability and the sustainability of the global environment. However, it is needed to be sure that the global warming can affect the business when the level of carbon dioxide is increased.
It is to be ensured that the social and the political issues are also concerning the evaluation of the nature of the global environment. The changes in climate are leading the political figures in the country in setting the different regulatory aspects, which is important for the sustainable approaches for the business entities. When the business companies are stabilizing the business, it is very much important for them to maintain the CSR rules and the welfare of the environment. In such cases, the environmental factor plays a very vital role. Boer (2010, p.3102) notified that the changing global climate is sometimes significantly affecting the business environment. The social, political, economical, and other aspects are much concerned. Even the increase level of the greenhouse gasses is sometimes affecting the industrial business as well as the human lives. The political scenario of a country can assure the business sustainability and the changes in climate can affect such scenario. The social-economic scenario is much influenced by the changing climate and global warming. Therefore, it is very much necessary for the business companies even to maintain such global scenario concerning the sustainable development of the environment.
The entire study is reflecting the environmental management and the effects of the natural calamities over the environment. The study is identifying the necessity of the maintenance of the environmental aspects. The acts of deforestations, resource wasting, etc. are affecting the environment more specifically. The emission of carbon dioxide and CFC is significantly creating the environmental pollution, which is not only harmful to the human beings and other living beings as well. Even the wastages of the resources for the industrial business are also creating hazards in the environment. The changing climate is affecting the social, political, economical development. Therefore, it is much necessary to structure the natural resources and to use them for the welfare of the environment. Even the development of several technicalities can ensure the protection of the environment from Global warming.
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