Sustainability Potential And Planning Implications Of Disruptive Smart Practices In Cities

Smart Cities

Peoples are changing their life styles and surroundings very quickly on daily bases. There is several development and evaluation in the basic need oh human being. Digital transformation is growing rapidly for updating and changing common things in the city in an effective and efficient manner. All things are changes in smart gadgets, such as smartphones. Digital devices are combined with the internet with the help of sensors makes changes in huge way. This is an evolution process, which provides drastic changes in living standards of people. For designing a smart city, all the information gathered at a place then it compile for getting valuable information for activities management at daily bases and planning for smart city (Angelidou, 2014).

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Internet of Things (referred as IoT) is used for converting an urban area into a smart city. There are so many areas for development and some actions are required for developing those areas into smart city (Batty, 2013). This report will explain about IoT, smart city, and cloud computing in next parts.

IoT is used for all the information management and it will help to manage many things, such as real time location, air pollution, traffic jams, unnecessary notice, and weather condition. There are different applications for handling the entire task with the optimal features now days. IoT is divided in three parts based on layer architecture, which are application layer, perception layer, and network layer. All these layers provide different functions with the help of applications. IoT used different things when it combine all the devices and sensor with the server and make it useful information for the system. These layers are having high processing capacity and low storage capability with high reliability and security (Centenaro, et al., 2016).

The perception layer is used internet for gathering information from the internet-based devices, such as sensors. There are different types of sensor for gathering information for calculation, which is helpful for decision making of system. Some devices are used for collecting information, which are cameras, Global-positioning System (Referred as GPS), sensors, and Radio Frequency Identification Devices (referred as RFID). A connection is available between the perception later and application layer using Internet technologies. A huge change is occurred in the field of data transfer technologies day by day. Following technologies are used for the long distance data transformation, such as 3G, 4G, 5G, LTE, and Wi-Fi connections (Cocchia, 2014).   

IoT is enabling many things for making a smart city. The effect of IOT on the smart city is a critical aspect, which are practiced from a long time as well. There are several literatures where the applications of the IOT are well explained with real example. Some of them provide very broad illustration of the topic with the useful frameworks. The frameworks with appropriate figures provide the implication process and the possible development as well (Gubbi, et al., 20113).

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Even though, IOT can provide many applications to easy the life and work effort. Some rural areas cannot be monitored and unable to develop with others for the environment and uncertain challenges. This paper will illustrate a broad about such cases with proper example. The development process of the IOT is very crucial in some rural places where the scope of the evolvements is very low due to the uncertain challenges. This paper will illustrate the possible amplification of the IOT in those areas. It will also illustrate why the development process is very crucial in those areas as well (Hollands, 2008).

Challenges and Opportunities for Smart City Development

The IoT (Internet of Things) may have many advantages in which it helps human to automate their work, but it also comes with many disadvantages. Therefore, it depends on the people on how to use this technology effectively. Every city is having different architecture. So there are different, challenges and need for develop into a smart city. Cities are requiring many changes to meet urban challenges, such as the environment, growing population, governance, and mobility prosperity ( Kim, 2016).


                                                                   Source: (, 2018)

There are some points for understating a smart city challenges:

Collaborate: it is so necessary to collect data from different sources and compile that data for refine information to control many things. Data is exchange and share between different sources for an open environment.

Store: there are so many things for saving them for future. It makes a smart city in a sustainable way, such as save energy, food, water, and raw materials.

Innovative: Innovations are so necessary for different purposes, such as business, financial. It will help to develop urban area in rapid growth.  

Integrity: integration of all the things is helpful for making an urban region in a smart city, such as education, health, safety, and security.

Participation: participation of people is necessary for developing smart is a key to develop smart city that every person give their participation and share their ideas.

Simplification: this is the basic thing for developing an urban area into a smart city. Simply, used web-based services and make cities better.

Transformation of an urban area into a smart city requires changes in so many areas, which are economy, governance, environment, and many more. As shown in figure, all these things are base of a smart city. Economy of a smart city have a good position and as well as people do it in a good way. Governance is managed from the help of online services, such as Wi-Fi, and digital technology. Mobility is a require thing for smart city, as travelling is necessary for every person, but in a proper way reduce cost and pollution. Environment of smart city is requiring living space and mobility in an appropriate way.  Smart city is a city, which adopts the development of its citizens by leveling out inequalities and encouraging them to acquire skills (Kitchin, 2014).

IoT is the technology, which is a network of physical devices, such as home appliances, vehicles, and different embedded systems with the help of softwares, sensors, and connectivity, which enable the entire device for collecting and exchanging data. There are so many devices, which are helpful for collect information. They are also remotely monitored and controlled.

IoT architecture is a combination of different things at a same place. As shown in figure all the things are completing IoT architecture. All the things are having three works, which are collect data, store data, process data. Things mean different objects, which are equipped with sensors. Sensors are used for data collection. Actuators are used for act on particular action on the bases of data processing, such as street lamps, fridges, and production machines.

IoT and Cloud Computing in Smart City Development

Gateways: it is a path for data transfer between devices and cloud. It is a way for data transfer as well as transmits control commands to the different devices. Things are change according to given command.

Streaming data processor: it is securing data from lost or corrupted information. There are so many things, which make data corrupted.


                                                                      Sources: (Grizhnevich, 2018)

Data Lake: it is used for string the data, which is collected from different devices. Cloud takes all meaningful data from it.

Data Warehouses: data warehouses are used for collecting data from different databases, flat files and devices. It integrates all the data and transforms it in a proper format after that it is useful for processing. Data warehouse is an information collector at big level in a proper format.

Data Analytics: it is an analytic process for getting proper actions for the devices, such as Start Street light in night. IoT system is taking help from the data analytics for decision making on the bases of data processing.

Machine Learning: machine learning is used for effect model for managing all the applications and devices in smart way. Machine learning is used in different parts of IoT architecture, such as data warehouse, data analytics, and control models.

Control applications: these are used for giving commands to actuators for making desired changes.

User applications: these are some applications for controlling devices for users, such as monitor and control different things from different place.   

Smart city is a required so many changes in proper way, and IoT is the best solution for it. There are some basic things for making a system more fast and useful.                


It is concluded from previous parts of this essay that, Smart cities are future of this world, and it will happen with the help of new technologies, such as IoT, Artificial intelligence, Machine learning, and internetworking devices. IoT is a platform for completing many tasks for future. It is a way to completing different things in an easy way with better results. It makes changes and makes life more smooth and fast for human being in urban regions.

A smart city requires few things for development of an urban area. It is a mix-up of few things, which are collaboration of ideas, saving, innovation, integration of services, participation of people, and simplification. Urban areas are having some areas for development for conversion into a smart city. Economy, governance, environment, mobility, population, and living environment of people are the areas of development of the city. IoT is a technology, which integrate all the features at a place and make urban area into smart city. It is base of a smart city, and it is helpful for the innovation of different things.  

Finally, it is concluded that IoT is used for converting urban areas into smart city with the help of web-based services, and basic hardware. It is a combination of different things for completing an aim in a good direction with the help of technologies. 


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