Sustainability Management Of Gilligans Cairns Backpacker Hotel & Resort

Three Pillars of Sustainability and Their Impact on Organizational Growth

Discuss about the Sustainable Business Of Gilligans Cairns Backpacker Hotel & Resort.

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According to Stylos & Vassiliadis (2015), in the current business trends this has become very important to develop sustainable business practices in the organization. The sustainable business practices get influenced by the market size and its place. This is also very important in order to maintain the corporate culture in the organization. On the other hand, this can be said that by maintaining the sustainable practices in the organization, rate of loyal customers get increased. Through these practices the healthy community can be served. A sustainable enterprise indicates an organization with good environmental quality (Kang, Chiang, Huangthanapan & Downing, 2015). Therefore, this can be said that by developing the sustainable practices in the workplace, the organizations get the chance to develop healthy atmosphere in the workplace, as well as it helps to provide the resourceful and nontoxic environment. This has been identified that due to the sustainable practices in an organization, growth rate of the organization gets influenced.

The term business sustainability indicates the process for managing the social, environmental and financial risks. In other words Opp(2017) stated that business sustainability is a process by which the organization will be able to opportunities and obligations. Hence, this can be clearly said that depending on the sustainability practices the rate of profitability and productivity of an organization get influenced. As environmental condition, social condition and financial condition of an organization control the sustainable practices, therefore, maintaining the balance between these elements are very important for organizational development (Horng, Liu, Chou, Tsai & Chung, 2017).

In this study, the company named ‘Gilligans Cairns backpacker hotel & resort’ has been highlighted in the context of sustainability of sustainability management. Through this study, the three important sustainability dimensions have been discussed. After elaborating the dimensions the study has pointed out the influential factors of these dimensions in the development of the company. As the study has repeatedly discussed about the socio-cultural, economic and environmental facts have impact on the sustainable practices in the organization, therefore, by describing the areas internal situation of the company has been focused (Chen, 2015). In order to measure both the external and external situation of an organization monitoring the process is very important for understanding if the strategies are being properly implemented or not. Among the three dimensions, the study has chosen one dimension in the case of this organization and has monitored is practices. After analysing the internal and external situations and impacts of sustainable practices on the organisation, the study has highlighted the challenges which are being faced by the company. At the end of the study it will provide effective suggestions in order to incorporate proper strategy for bringing sustainable development in the company named Gilligans Cairns backpacker hotel & resort.

The company named Gilligans Cairns backpacker hotel & resort is a famous Australian organization, which has established its strong brand identity in the hotel industry (Dev, Hamilton & Rust, 2017). The company is surrounded by boutique shops, café, clubs and rusty market. Due to its attractive location it has easily attracted the visitors. The company has established its business market depending on its luxury service and facilities. On the other hand luxury accommodation such as cheap Wifi, airport pickup, swimming pool and quality Kitchens are being provided. In order to grab the attention of the customers, the organization provides evening meal in only $5.00 (Kasim, Gursoy, Okumus & Wong, 2014). For entertaining the visitors, the organization has introduced sport events, pubs and clubs in it. On the other hand, this can be said that Gilligans Cairns backpacker hotel & resort is a perfect destination for the visitors who love to spend their holiday in the lap of nature. Skydive is famous attraction in the location. It has been identified that the due to the attractive price strategies the organization has grabbed large number of customer. On the other hand, it has been identified that by appointing the efficient employees, the Gilligans Cairns backpacker hotel & resort has maintain its quality of service (Bruns-Smith, Choy, Chong Ph D & Verma Ph D, 2015). For maintaining healthy relationship with the customers, it has developed its personal website, from where the visitors can directly ask their quarries to the executives. It has also developed customer review box, depending on the experiences where visitors give their reviews. In order to gain the competitive advantage in the competitive market, the GilligansCairns backpacker hotel & resort always tries to maintain its employee strength up to the market. For motivating the employees towards their work, it has introduced clubs for employee entertainment (Verma & Chandra, 2017). It has been identified that the Gilligans Cairns backpacker hotel & resort mainly targets the young visitors who prefers party environment.

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Sustainability is very important in the case of achieving the demands and needs without compromising with the future (Clark et al., 2016). Therefore, this can be said that development of corporate sustainability in an organization can bring profitability for the long run. There are three pillars of sustainability development, such as economic, social and environmental. In the case of economic pillar sustainability depends on the loss and profit of the organization. This also impacts on the rules, regulation and risk management components of the company. On the other hand, the social pillar is important for maintaining the relationship with employees, stakeholders and customers. By using the practice in the organization, employee engagement and retention strategies are being developed (Chong & Ricaurte, 2015). In the case of environmental pillar, the organization gets the initiative to reduce the carbon emission for developing healthy environment. Waste management system of the organization also gets influenced due to this sustainability practices.

In this study, the organizational operations of Gilligans Cairns backpacker hotel & resort have been highlighted, which have been influenced by the sustainability pillars. If the social dimension can be followed, this will be identified that in order to maintain proper relationship with the visitors the organization provides attractive accommodation and facilities. The organization strongly believes that employees are the backbone of the company. Therefore, satisfying the employees and motivating them towards their work, the organization provides different entertainment facilities for its employees (Carley& Christie, 2017). On the other hand, it also included different motivational rewards the internal structure, for increasing employee engagement. This is for the reason that Gilligan’s Cairns backpacker hotel & resort have considerable environmental, economic along with social sustainability impacts. The social sustainability of the hotel is focussed in three dimensions that consider that increasingly more people are starting to ask for the healthy and domestic foods from the restaurant. Moreover, social sustainability is attained by the hotel through addressing consumer needs that considers restaurants must claim themselves to be sustainable and green without any standards or certification. Another social sustainability dimension that is maintained by Gilligan’s Cairns backpacker hotel & resort is measuring al its sustainability indicators (Jang, Zheng & Bosselman, 2017). Such social sustainability maintenance indicators have an economic impact on the restaurant and these indicators include increased number of restaurant locations, frequency of visits, effect on US economy, capability of community building that is associated with cumulative environment energy impacts. Economic sustainability is maintained by the hotel through managing water and food consumption along with by products that facilitates in analysing the situation of the hotel. Sustainability strategies were developed as a response by the hotel that indicated viable economic growth in the long run (Singal, 2014). In dealing with maintaining environmental sustainability, Gilligan’s Cairns backpacker hotel & resort attempts to decrease its environmental footprint. This is done through means of sustainable usage of natural resources along with reviving its related natural habitats. There are numerous initiatives that are vital dimensions of the hotel’s overall commitment to the environmental management. Through maintaining its environmental sustainability strategy, the hotel is observed to use conscious steps in attaining waste minimization along with preservation of the ecosystem (Jurigová, Tu?ková, & Kuncová, 2016).

Social sustainability area is selected for analysing the sustainability initiatives taken by Gilligan’s Cairns backpacker hotel & resort along with evaluating the ways in which it can attaining its sustainable position (Aragon-Correa, Martin-Tapia & de la Torre-Ruiz, 2015). Addressing its social sustainability, the hotel is focussed on certifying along with modifying the environmental performance of its resorts by means of partnerships with the internationally renowned hospitality and tourism industry centric certification agency. Moreover, environmental and social performance of the hotels is benchmarked against its peers along with certified peer evaluation as an aspect of environmental sustainability process of certification (Ponnapureddy, Priskin, Ohnmacht, Vinzenz & Wirth, 2017). The hotel attained excellence award for its reduction in water usage, recycling of grey water along with managing its energy output through room temperature within the suites and carbon footprint. Social sustainability efforts are continuously being taken by Gilligan’s Cairns backpacker hotel & resort through collaborating with wildlife protection office, central veterinary research laboratory along with local authority health awareness campaigns. In order to make sure sustainable practices in the cities within which this hotel has its business operations, Gilligan’s Cairns backpacker hotel & resort implements the following environmental sustainability programs:

  • Energy and water waste reduction strategies
  • Programs related with conservation of water
  • Effective electricity and heating systems
  • Staff education and training within sustainability and environmental practices
  • Recycling programs such as plastics, glass along with paper
  • The hotel also provides preference given to the environmentally responsible vendors
  • Programs of green friendly waste disposal, housekeeping practices along with laundry options

Operations of Gilligan’s Cairns backpacker hotel & resort is focussed on preventing its pollution from the untreated sewage , depletion of the fresh water supplies along with dealing with contamination of marine and waterways environment (Tanford & Malek, 2015). Social sustainability protection strategies have been deployed by the hotel in preventing the loss of habitats along with decreasing pressures on the flora and fauna. Based on its current Social sustainability position, Gilligan’s Cairns backpacker hotel & resort is recommended to strengthen its public awareness of biodiversity concerns for its guests, employees, local inhabitants along with supporting to biodiversity corridors and protected areas including development of private reserves (Chang, Huh & Lee, 2016).

Gilligan’s Cairns backpacker hotel & resort recognises its responsibility towards environment and is committed towards attaining sustainable future through conservation of natural resources in its resorts. The hotel and resorts Company also focuses on reducing its carbon footprint by means of an increasing range of initiatives those are green friendly. Gilligan’s Cairns backpacker hotel & resort also makes sure that sustainability is maintained through developing a green team within the hotel with the objective of continuous development along with carrying out scheduled reporting and re-evaluation (Chang, Huh & Lee, 2016). Regardless of its hotel and resort sizes, Gilligan’s Cairns backpacker hotel & resort trains its employees in energy conservation. It has also installed onsite renewable energy system and shifted to a certified renewable electricity provider. In its hotel and resort rooms, it maintains rainwater harvesting strategy in order to decrease water use and the stored water can be used in irrigation and fire suppression systems (Ponnapureddy, Priskin, Ohnmacht, Vinzenz & Wirth, 2017).

Pressure State Response (PSR) Model is employed in monitoring the sustainability of Gilligan’s Cairns backpacker hotel & resort. Through analysis of this model it has been observed that the pressure aspect is faced by the Company in dealing with its land related concerns that includes pressure of land use, degradation of land in its resorts along with water and soil conservation. Policy related with sustainable land management is needed to be adequately followed. State aspect for the hotels and resorts have state indicators indicating the conditions of land along with the resilience to withstand change because of sector pressures (Ponnapureddy, Priskin, Ohnmacht, Vinzenz & Wirth, 2017). Stability situation of Gilligan’s Cairns backpacker hotel & resort encompass indicators that expresses GRI Global Reporting Initiatives serves as effective sustainability monitoring systems for this hotel. United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development (UNCSD) also serves as an effective sustainability monitoring systems. Through analysing this monitoring system for Gilligan’s Cairns backpacker hotel & resort it has been gathered that the hotel maintains informed decisions regarding its sustainable development. This monitoring system makes sure that the hotels and resorts Company has identified in sustainable development indicators for maintaining environmental sustainability (Kasim, Gursoy, Okumus & Wong, 2014). The response mechanisms related with the hotel and resorts sustainability indicated that these are normally attained through direct actions by the farmers themselves in adopting enhanced land management systems or by means of contemporary activities. In addition, this aspect also considers implementation of conservation technologies that is influenced by general economic, conservation along with agricultural policy programs. Another major sustainability monitoring indication that can be checked for Gilligan’s Cairns backpacker hotel & resort is regarding its compliance with the environmental regulations. Response indicators in such area must be segmented into certain categories those are promoted by government and supported by agri-businesses (Kasim, Gursoy, Okumus & Wong, 2014).


Gilligan’s Cairns backpacker hotel & resort have considerable environmental, economic along with social sustainability impacts. The social sustainability of the hotel is focussed in three dimensions that consider that increasingly more people are starting to ask for the healthy and domestic foods from the restaurant. Moreover, social sustainability is attained by the hotel through addressing consumer needs that considers restaurants must claim themselves to be sustainable and green without any standards or certification. Another social sustainability dimension that is maintained by Gilligan’s Cairns backpacker hotel & resort is measuring al its sustainability indicators. Such social sustainability maintenance indicators have an economic impact on the restaurant and these indicators include increased number of restaurant locations, frequency of visits, effect on US economy, capability of community building that is associated with cumulative environment energy impacts.

GRI Global Reporting Initiatives for the hotels and resorts indicated that these standards are the monitoring indicators for sustainable reporting. This features an interrelated, modular and indicates the global best practice in sustainability along with reporting in a range of environmental, economic along with social impacts (Kasim, Gursoy, Okumus & Wong, 2014). Gilligan’s Cairns backpacker hotel & resort adopts the GRI standards that are in accordance with the core level of maintaining environmental sustainability. From monitoring the sustainability performance of the hotel and resorts company it has been gathered that it maintains all its hotels totally alliance certified and employee satisfaction is maintained strong at 87.9% (Ponnapureddy, Priskin, Ohnmacht, Vinzenz & Wirth, 2017). Responsible business program is developed on the sustainable development principles of sustainable development along with the triple-bottom line. As a part of such program and monitoring indicators the hotel strive to take social, economic, ethical along with environmental concerns into account for making decisions regarding their everyday work. Taking responsibility for the local community and environment it is deemed to be vital that for the company’s wider commitment to the sustainable development regarding its environment policies (Kasim, Gursoy, Okumus & Wong, 2014). G4 under this environmental sustainability initiative is observed to be implemented in Gilligan’s Cairns backpacker hotel & resort in an effective manner in reporting its sustainability performance and impacts. The company also details all its reporting principles that facilitate its effective reporting along with the criteria to address environmental sustainability initiatives based on such guidelines (Ponnapureddy, Priskin, Ohnmacht, Vinzenz & Wirth, 2017).


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