Sustainability Index For Green Building In The Construction Industry
Introduction to Sustainable Development of Green Building in the Construction Industry
Construction engineering has been a growing sector in the world. The changes in the traditional single dimensional approach for green building implementation. This research paper focuses on the sustainability index of the multi-dimensional data. A sustainable development approach has been focused on the report. A research plan for one year and 11 weeks has been described in the report.
The main of the research is finding a balance between the traditional method of construction and modern concept of constructing a building. The various environmental structure is offering comfortable lifestyle for individuals. However, the contemporary style of construction includes various challenges and issues. The goal of the paper is to identify the various methods of recycling of waste and materials. A green building concept includes various development in a sustainable approach towards maintaining a positive impact on the society (Sigler et al. 2017). Cost optimization and cost-benefit ratio are useful in this case for maintaining the budget of the project. The focus would be on the use of natural way and natural resources in order to maintain a renewable energy source. Steinberg (2016) commented that the on-field construction method has been focused in order to retain strategies for the intent of attacking structures. The research has focused on maintaining a pollution free construction of buildings in the society.
The objectives of the research are as follows:
- To elaborate recycling concept and its process in constructing buildings
- To initiate strategies for minimizing carbon footprint by replacing concrete with any other constructing materials
- To stabilize rain harvesting system for recycling and minimizing the use of water resources during construction
- To maximize the use of natural and renewable resources for construction
- To critically discuss maintaining budget of the project by using green building concept
Schellenberg et al. (2015) stated that the construction industry has been facing drastic changes in recent times. This has led to a serious topic for conducting a research on this topic. The construction industry has been causing drastic impact on the environment and ecosystem due to various reasons including pollution and resources degradation. The use of the traditional concept of building has been creating pollution in the environment. The dust and waste materials of the construction site have been creating pollution in the environment. As commented by Jonas, Murtagh and Bonadonna (2017), this has created several health problems for individuals in the society. A static way of constructing building has been missing in the traditional method of construction. The emission of carbon footprints haes been causing health problems to individuals. This has led to a major cause for discussing the topic. The production of carbon waste products from the construction site has been continuously polluting the air causing air pollution. These have caused various lungs and breathing problem to workers and individuals nearby the construction site.
Objectives of the Research
Murray (2017) stated that the transformational change from the traditional concept of construction to a modern concept of construction method is required the development of construction industry. Various issues related to the constructing buildings in the security has been highlighted in this research. Individuals are suffering from various problems including health problems and pollution.
This research has focused on minimizing the emission of carbon particles by recycling the waste materials. Ary et al. (2018) stated that the use of the natural resources has been initiated by this research. An initiative has been taken to promote green building concept in the construction industry. The use of green rooftop instead of concrete slab might help in minimizing the concrete and carbon waste in the construction site. This research has focused on promoting such types of initiative green method of construction that might help in replacing the use of concrete in construction by green natural resources.
Topic selection is an important part of the research. Selection of topic requires deep analysis of problems prevailing in the society. Therefore, the topic for the research has been done for one month of time duration. Le Blanc et al. (2015) mentioned that Whole approach of the research has been focused on the topic of the research. A depth knowledge and data are required for selecting a topic for the research. Various areas and fields of the problems have to be researched properly for maintaining a keen knowledge. Various applications of the green building sustainable development concept have to be focused that help in maintaining proper approach towards the research. As commented by Fellows and Liu (2015), data and information about the problems faced by the individuals are required for maintaining a keen interest in selecting the topic. The use of various strategies for collecting data and information for the research has been decided in this period. A proper analysis of the research topic has been done in order to maintain the transparency in the topic selection.
Data collection method has been an important part of the research. Data and information related to the research topic are necessary for conduction and calculating the outcomes of the research. In this case, data and information have been collected from secondary sources for the literature review. As mentioned by Govindan, Shankar and Kannan (2016), various online journals, books, articles and government databases are searched for collecting data related to the green building and its benefits in the construction industry. Data related to rainwater harvesting and subsidiary material for constructing the building are being searched for collecting relevant data and information. Therefore, it takes appropriate time for collecting data and information for conducting the research. Oesterreich and Teuteberg (2016) stated that the time taken for data collection process is three months. In these three months, data and information from various secondary sources have been collected and verified. The literature review part of the research has been totally depended on the data collection process the data and information from literature review has been transferred for analysis. Therefore, this has been a critical part of the research. Data has been also collected from primary sources by conducting the online survey.
Challenges and Issues in the Construction Industry
This type of data collection method help in collecting a huge number of data and information for the research. Different close-ended questions are included in the questionnaires. Zhou, Goh and Li (2015) commented that the literature review of the chapter has been prepared by using different data and information collected from the secondary sources. As commented by Daoud, Fayek and Fu (2016), recycling is an element in minimizing the waste material from the construction site; the waste materials are recycled in order to reuse it in the construction of buildings. This has helped in reducing pollution and degradation of natural resources. The carbon footprints emissions have been minimized by the use of metal casting industry. The research paper has discussed various concepts of the green building and rainwater harvesting system for sustainable development in the construction industry. As stated by Patel, Rathod, Sharma and ME (2016), higher aged sand helps in providing high tensile- compressive strength and high modulus of elasticity. Another major pollutant of an environment is the production of electricity. The burning of coal for the production of electricity has been a bad process. However, solar energy has been a better idea for production of electricity. The use of various concepts for sustainable development has helped in transforming the traditional concept of construction into the modern concept of the constructing methods. Online questionnaires and interview have been taken as instruments for the data collection process.
In this study, the use of secondary materials for constructing buildings including green rooftop, windows and doors. This help in maintaining the sustainability in the development of construction industry. Xiong, Skitmore and Xia (2015) mentioned that the rainwater harvesting in the construction site help in maintaining the scarcity of water. Data and facts regarding the green building concept have been collected from various online journal and reports. Therefore, the replacement of cemetery materials helps in maintaining the sustainable development of the construction. As suggested by Brindley (2017), the cost of 30 % of concrete can be replaced by insulating materials. The research methodology followed by the researcher has been properly mentioned in the report. The positivism philosophy has been selected for a research that has helped in measuring the internet of the theories and models mused in the research paper. The use of this philosophy has helped in providing various knowledge and data from the theories and models related to the construction industry. Installation of both systems helps in minimizing the water use in the construction site. Recycling process has been developed in a research that helps in maintaining the use of waste materials during construction of a building.
Data Collection Methods for the Research
Hong et al. (2017) stated that the deductive strategy has been used in this research for focusing on the aim and objectives of the research that has been decided initially. The use of different ideas and innovation in the construction of building have helped in managing the pollution in the environment. Development includes the use of rain harvesting and green building. The pollution rate of the state has been minimized with these developments in the construction. The research design has played an important role in providing specific design to the research. Alwan, Jones and Holgate (2017) mentioned that aim and objectives of the research has been properly focused on performing a proper descriptive research design. This research has used the descriptive design that has descriptively constructed the outline of the research. The methodology has been completed in three months. The whole process includes all the ethical consideration and limitations of the research.
Data and information related to the research topic have been both quantitatively and qualitatively analyzed. The analysis of the primary data shows that the use of traditional method has been increasing the waste materials in the construction site. It has also increased the pollution level in the environment. The interview session has helped in getting the views and observational data from the experts. Sapeciay, Wilkinson and Costello (2017) mentioned that the observational data has helped in getting appropriate data from professional experts in the construction industry. Various data and information have been collected from the experts that have helped in gaining knowledge about different types of domestic use of resources. The use of the solar panels has helped in producing electricity instead of burning coal. This has also reduced the emission of carbon footprints in the environment. Thus, minimizing pollution in the atmosphere. At last, the final report has been submitted and after the long process of analysis. The final draft of the research has been prepared at the end of one year from initiating of research. It took one year for completing the whole research and publishing it after completion.
The research plan for one year describes process of the research. This eleven weeks research plan has focused on one factor of the research including data collection method. Data and information have been an important element for conducting the research. As commented by Olanipekun, Xia and Nguyen (2017), Data collection method has been done for eleven weeks that includes both primary and secondary data collection method. In this study, primary data has been collected from conducting an online survey using questionnaires. Close-ended questions were attached with the online survey questionnaires. This has helped in collecting data and information relevant to the research topic. Survey questionnaires have been required to the aim and objectives of the research. This interaction has helped in creating awareness about the green building concept. As suggested by Sun et al. (2017), it becomes essential to think critically for a redevelopment of the traditional construction methods, in such situation where the pollution is hitting society so harshly. In other words, the use of various tools and techniques including sampling technique have been used in the data collection process that has helped in maintaining the probability of the data collection process.
Analysis of Data and Information
The use of the probability tool helps in creating a scenario for assembling various participants in a group. There have been several limitations included in the data collection process. The survey questionnaires were difficult to upload to the correct portal for getting correct data and information. Participants were not ready to answer all the close-ended questions included in the survey questionnaires. They have haphazardly filled the answers in the survey questionnaire form that provides no validity to the data and information. Limitations have been included in the secondary data collection. Most of the journals were before 2012 and not relevant to the research topic. Therefore, the maximum time has been taken in the data collection process including researching about different inline journals and books. Various journals were not accessed due to a paid version. Therefore, the number of journals have been decreased due to adding filters of selection in it. Several journals were of the different language that creates problems in collecting data and information for the research topic. This research has been ethically considered its values. Data Protection Act 1998 has been properly followed in this research. Data and information of the participants have not been shared with anyone.
The results and outcomes have not been published until the research is finished. Therefore, this research has helped in focusing on green building development and recycling process of the waste materials. This has helped in finding alternative materials for the constructing buildings instead of using cement. It is concluded that the use of the alternative material including green rooftops and windows have helped in removing the use of cement in the construction of buildings. Data and facts regarding the green building concept have been collected from various online journal and reports. The recycling of waste materials has helped in reducing pollution and degradation of natural resources in the environment. The involvement of government in this concern might help in creating awareness among individuals. The implementation of this research process has helped in enhancing performance and reliability of the construction industry. The rainwater harvesting in the construction site help in maintaining the scarcity of water. Therefore, the replacement of cemetery materials helps in maintaining the sustainable development of the construction.
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Impact of Traditional Construction Methods on Environment and Ecosystem
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