Sustainability Assessment Report For Timberwell Construction Using GRI Standards

Disclosure 201-2: Financial Implications and Other Risk and Opportunities Resulting from Climatic Change

The current paper elucidates the assessment of the economic, social and environmental performance of Timberwell Construction by measuring the impact of the operations. Evaluation of the performance of organization is done by examination of the global sustainability reporting standards that should align with the sustainability reporting of organization. The best practice at the global level is to create alignment between the disclosure of the environmental, social and economic performance and global reporting initiative (GRI) standard. Uses with the help of sustainability report are able to assess the contribution of organization towards sustainability development using the information presented in the report. In the following report, the standards of GRI have been implemented for evaluating the Timberwell Construction operations. Timberwell Construction is an organization that is engaged in building residents and have experienced high employee turnover in the recent years (Bakardjieva 2016). The given case study has been evaluated and analyzed to identify any existing loopholes and accordingly the measures have been recommended to improve the sustainability performance.

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Disclosure 201-2: Financial implications and other risk and opportunities resulting from climatic change:

The management of issues pertaining to disclosure of sustainability issues is done by the application of GRI standards in their sustainability report preparation. The reporting entities are required to inform about the risk and opportunities description and recognition of their associated impact regarding the disclosure concerning economic performance. Methodologies used for risk management along with cost associated and the implications of the financials should be disclosed. There should be increased regulatory risks and opportunities disclosure along with the cost and the financial implications. Several factors such as increase cost and competitiveness influences the regulatory risks and increased opportunities of energy based organizations (Tschopp and Nastanski 2014).

From the given case study that Timberwell construction is facing increasing warning effects due to increased risk of bushfires due to its close association with Stanwell district and change in climatic conditions. Rezoning of district specific areas has been done by Timberwell by altering the plan relating to local environment and all such information should be disclosed by organization in their sustainability report (Sierra 2017). In addition to this, it is required by organization to make a disclosure about the risk management method of bushfire safety.

Disclosure 205-3: Actions taken and confirmed incidents of corruptions:

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 Reporting entities as per this disclosure is required to inform about the dismissed corruption incidents and total number of such incidents that is disciplined. In addition to this, the outcome any public legal case and ongoing case by the employees against the corruption should be reported. Stakeholders should be informed about any cases of public prosecutions, incidents response and investigations (Kerr et al. 2018).

Disclosure 205-3: Actions Taken and Confirmed Incidents of Corruptions

Case study depicts that a public corruption scandal was witnessed by Timberwell involving five employees and two business partners for which the complaint was filed by the state corruption commission. For seeking the council approval of company’s development application, bribe was offered to the project officers. Sustainability report should incorporate the information such as contract termination with business partners and corruption incidents.

Disclosure 206-1: Legal actions for antitrust, anti competitive behavior and monopoly practices:

 Organization should make disclosure about completed and pending legal actions and violations of monopoly and antitrust legislations. There should also be reporting about any act that threatens the competitiveness and behaviors and act that is anti competitive along with any other activities that restricts the entry of new entrants (Horner and Wilmshurst 2016).

Several complaints have been received regarding then operations of Timberwell and allegations have been put regarding the misuse of market power, involvement in the exclusive dealings and getting involved in the anti competitive activities. Timberwell has asked the local supplier and contractors to withdraw their business by removing the competitive threat from the suppliers, local contractors and other business so they do not face competitive threat. Therefore, it is required by Timberwell to make reporting of their activities leading to deterring and prevention of new entrant in the market. In addition to this, there should be reporting of any legal proceeding on the organization.

Disclosure 301-2: Consumption of energy within the organization

The energy consumption should be informed to the stakeholders by the reporting entity as per the disclosure requirement. Reporting of the methodologies, standard and the assumptions made in computing the consumption of energy by organization should be done. Energy consumption by way of renewable and non renewable sources should be properly segregated. Any double counting on consumption of energy should be avoided by adopting appropriate measures (Parsa et al. 2018). In addition to this, conversion factors should be employed for disclosing data by using both the factors that is local conversion and generic factors. The total amount of energy consumption should be disclosed by the organization.

From the information in the case study, it is seen that Timberwell Construction has disclosed the table of total consumption of energy which should be reported in the sustainability report. In addition to this, the calculation tool used for computing the total consumption of energy should also be incorporated in such report (Lee 2018). This would help the stakeholders to evaluate that whether the organization is energy efficient or not based on the total amount of energy that is consumed.

Disclosure 206-1: Legal Actions for Antitrust, Anti-competitive Behavior and Monopoly Practices

Disclosure 304-2: Significant impacts of product, activities and services on biodiversity

Sustainability report of organization as per this disclosure should make reporting of how the biodiversity is impacted by their operations. Such assessment can be done by referring to the factors such as sites construction, habitat conversion, species reduction, pollution and ecological process alterations. The direct and indirect impact of the operations of activities on biodiversity can be mitigated by designing and implementation appropriate organizational strategy so that the process of making decision by management is effective.

The information given in the case study about Timberwell depicts that the activities of construction site contains some crucial flora and fauna attributes for which it has made them to review the management plan of vegetation. The sustainability report of the Timberwell Construction should contain such information report about the same so that a concrete view is provided about the environmental performance to stakeholders. Site construction has also led to the development of frog of the population that is rare wallum sedge. Therefore, efforts should be taken by the organization for the protection of such rare species. Information in the case study depicts that proper strategy has been developed by Timberwell and all such information should be reported in their published sustainability report.

Disclosure 307-1: Non compliance with environmental laws and regulations

This requires entities to pay considerable amount of fines for non compliance with the environmental regulations and rules. Such events should be adequate disclosed in the sustainability report along with any transactions that are non monetary. However, a note mentioning that the organization is abiding with the rules and regulations and complies with such environmental regulations would suffice for stakeholders. There should be adequate disclosure about the amount of fines imposed and total number of cases that is in the dispute resolution mechanisms (Sierra 2017). Nevertheless, in events of failure of complying with the regulations and rules of environment, organization should take into account judicial and administrative sanctions.

The operations of Timberwell would lead to inconsistency between residential development and survival of frogs and it has been found that there would be irreversible conversion of habitat. For development of site in Stanwell district, it is required by Timberwell to comply with the environmental regulations and therefore, the environmental agreement disclosure should be made.

Disclosure 401-1 Employee turnover and hiring of new employee

This particular disclosure requires to report about the employee turnover rate and any new recruitment made by company. In addition to this, disclosure should also be made about the rate of turnover of employees based on their gender, caste, region and race. In addition to this, the rate of joining and total number of employees in the organization based on factors of race, caste and region should be reported for reflecting the social performance of organization. Strategy development should optimally utilize the available talent and labor which would draw talented and qualified employees (Fernandez et al. 2014).

Disclosure 301-2: Consumption of Energy Within the Organization

From the information given in the case study, it can be seen that due to increase in attrition rate, there has been increasing rate of joining of employees. Timberwell has hired twelve new employees and the existing seven employees have left. Therefore, in the current scenario, employees should be retained by the implementation of monthly roster and increase in payment rate (Berinde and Andreescu 2015). All such information should be adequately disclosed in the sustainability report along with the dissatisfaction and uncertainty of employees.

Disclosure 406-1 Incidents of discrimination and taking corrective actions

 This disclosure requires that any activities taken by organization that create discrimination among employees should be reported. Some of the other factors that need to be taken into account involve incident status, total number of incidents leading to discrimination and actions that are taken by organization. Furthermore, disclosure of corrective actions and incidents are done by referring to the implementation of remediation plan and process of internal review management (Wagner and Seele 2017).

It is revealed from the information given in the case study that one of the employees of Timberwell was discriminated due to his age against which he filed a case of workplace harassment. It was alleged by him that he was discrimination because of his age since existing workers were in the age group of 30-50. Timberwell has implemented has imparted training to its employees and updated the anti discrimination policies. However, organization compensated his employee for such humiliation. Therefore, all such incidents to be reported in the sustainability report.

Disclosure 413-1 Operations with local community engagement, assessments of impacts and development programs

 This particular disclosure required the sustainability report to incorporate the measures taken by organization such as engaging with local communities, development of program and assessing their operational impacts. There should be disclosure of evaluation process for assessing the impact and the participation process. In addition to this, reporting should be done about any consultation with the committees, process of including vulnerable group and grievance process (Parsa et al. 2018).

It can be seen from the information presented in the case study that external review of management plan and rehabilitation programs has been conducted alongside the rehabilitation plan implementation. Stakeholders should be informed about such efforts and measures by way of presentation of such information in their published sustainability report (Gallego et al. 2014). Hence, it is required as per the guideline of the reporting standard to make an adequate disclosure of such incidents and measures in the sustainability report so that there is transparency of information provided to the stakeholders.

Disclosure 304-2: Significant Impacts of Product, Activities, and Services on Biodiversity


From the analysis of the information provided in the given case study about Timberwell Construction, it can be said that although the organization accounts for proper actions and measures when dealing with their sustainable performance, they should also account reporting of sustainability matters by complying with the global reporting guidelines of sustainability. The current report contains some loopholes that should be addressed by the adoption of the sustainability standards so that it depicts transparent information of social, economic and environmental performance of company. furthermore, there should be adequate segregation of the economic, social and environmental performance so that the sustainability reporting is enhanced and proper information is provide dto the stakeholders.

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