Sustainability And Environment Sustainable Energy: Technologies And Employability
Discuss about the Sustainability and Environment Sustainable Energy.
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the clean energy development and its employability. Nowadays, the major focus of the countries is to increase utilization of renewable resources in order to increase environmental sustainability (Kedar & Lopez, 2016). The large-scale manufacturing organizations need to reduce the use of energy in order to conduct sustainable business. Therefore, the employment in the sector of renewable energy has increased rapidly. As per 2009, the total estimated employment of renewable industry was 3 million. Since the industry is growing rapidly and the trend of renewable resource is increasing, the prospect of employment in this industry is also increasing (Ciriminna et al., 2016). The major requirements of the firms are manufacturing, maintenance and operations. The employees will be responsible for a set of objectives with different competency requirements. There are a set of renewable energy technologies including wind, solar, hydro, and geothermal and Bioenergy. These technologies have been introduced in order to reduce environmental instability and promote sustainable practice. The focus of increasing use of renewable resources is to reduce emission and mitigate issues due to energy scarcity (Morell, 2016). On the other hand, the increasing demand of renewable resources has increased the employee requirements with specific competencies.
In this study, different technologies for renewable resources have been evaluated. Moreover, the employability of renewable energy industry has also been evaluated in this study. There are certain capabilities that an individual should have in order to work with renewable energy firm (de Souza, Cerqueira & Silva, 2015). In this era of technology, it is highly important to have adequate knowledge about technologies in order to work with such energy manufacturing companies. The purpose of renewable energy development is to ensure low pollution, improvement in energy security and increasing access to energy sources (Luhur et al., 2016).
There are a range of renewable technologies such as wind, solar, hydro, and geothermal and Bioenergy. These technologies are efficient to produce renewable resources efficiently. Moreover, the use of such technologies has wide impact on the job creation of countries. The energy supply firms are responsible for high greenhouse gas emission (Petrillo et al., 2016). Therefore, it has become the most important factor to produce renewable energy, which would reduce carbon emission over the lifecycle of the firms. Government of UK has paid close attention to the future energy price and therefore, the government has increased investment in order to replace fossil fuel technologies (Ward, Gbadebo & Baruah, June). Following are the renewable technologies that renewable energy resources that would facilitate the society.
Wind: Wind-turbine can be used in order to convert wind resource into electricity. There are two types of wind electricity firms, which can be segregated by the position of the wind-turbine. There are some onshore wind farms and offshore wind farm in which offshore forms need high investment and employee skills. The wind-turbine is the most efficient renewable resource with a set of pros and cons (Luhur et al., 2016). This technology has wide impact on job creation, as it increases opportunity for the meteorologists, structural engineers, surveyors, lawyers, assembly workers, technicians and bankers. Implementation of wind energy helps to increase job opportunity 30% greater than coal plants and 66% greater than nuclear power plant in global market. The traditional sources of power like natural gas and coal emit large amount of greenhouse gas (Shapiro, Meneveau & Gayme, 2016). However, in this process, there is no threat of greenhouse gas emission. Therefore, it can be said that this technology is one of the most efficient clean energy development process through which the government can reduce emission and increase job opportunity of the country.
Solar energy: Solar technology helps to convert the sunlight into electricity. There are three types of spar technologies such as photovoltaic, solar thermal and concentrated solar power. These procedures are different in terms of manufacturing process. For example, in case of photovoltaic, it can be possible to convert the sunlight into electricity wind, solar, hydro, and geothermal and Bioenergy (Cameron & van der Zwaan, 2015). The solar thermal technologies can be used to heat up water and on the other hand, CSP helps to use concentrate the sun heat through mirror and heat water in order to produce electricity (Schulze & Schmidt, 2015). This renewable energy has created huge opportunity of employment. In order to establish solar energy firm, it is highly important to hire efficient employees with efficient technical skill. An individual should have the ability to cope up with new technologies in order to work in such industry (Twidell & Weir, 2015). Moreover, the maintenance employees should have adequate knowledge about solar installation. There are certain specific knowledge that may vary8 depending on the requirements of the project. Therefore, the major competency for this industry would be learning ability.
Hydropower: This technology helps to generate electricity from water resource. In this technology, the companies use turbines in order to produce electricity. The large-scale organizations built the turbine in to river dams (Jaber et al., 2015). On the other hand, small-scale organizations use river flow in order to drive the generator. In hydropower technology, the employees should have proper process knowledge along with technical efficiency. The major investment of these companies is allocated for the maintenance. The employees are responsible for monitoring performance of the equipments in order to ensure sustainable production of clean energy (Schulze & Schmidt, 2015).
The green employment refers to the job type in which people works for renewable resource generation. On the other hand, clean energy development refers to the energy production through renewable resources. Therefore, it can be said that green technologies for energy generation increase green job opportunity for a country (Rutovitz, Dominish & Downes, 2015). Therefore, the employees in this industry should have understanding regarding environmental policies imposed by the government. In case of clean energy industry, the job type is project based. Therefore, the requirements of the employers depend on the project flow. Therefore, the employees should be flexible in terms of geographical location (Mundaca & Richter, 2015). Moreover, the employees should have adequate technical skills. It would help an individual to learn new technologies within short time span. The major challenge of the human resource department of this industry is shortage of experienced workforce (Inglesi-Lotz, 2016). In this industry, it is highly important to have adequate process knowledge in order to ensure high performance. Therefore, the employees should understand the entire process in order to mitigate safety issues at the workplace. The reason behind hiring experienced workers is to ensure that the company will not face any hinders due to health and safety factor (Yenneti, Day & Golubchikov, 2016). There is no national certificate program for clean energy development and therefore, professional training is the sole process through which an individual may enter in this industry.
In this industry, the employees should have specific competencies such as team working ability, communication skill, and interpersonal skills. Moreover, the employees should have ability to work under pressure. The production depends on the market demand and on the other hand, demand of renewable resource is increasing rapidly. Therefore, human resource department of such organizations are recruiting experienced employees in order to increase production (Mundaca & Richter, 2015). When it comes to the project manager, an individual should have efficient leadership skill in order to ensure that the employees are achieving their individual objectives in an efficient manner. Moreover, the project manager should have clear vision and according to that, he should setup the objectives. Responsibility delegation is one of the major responsibilities of the project manager. There is different job position in different renewable energy generation firms (Schulze & Schmidt, 2015). For example, in solar manufacturing firms, the company would require installer technician, manufacturing workers and workers for maintenance. The skills and responsibilities for each position would be different. The companies are recruiting experienced people in order to ensure sufficient production. As the job type of the employees is project based, the employees should have the skill of time management. The employees should understand the importance of deadline in order to achieve objectives of the project (Rutovitz, Dominish & Downes, 2015). All the departments should maintain efficient communication in order to achieve the project in an efficient manner. Therefore, it can be said that in order to conduct sustainable business the renewable energy companies are paying close attention to the team working ability. Moreover, the increasing trend of renewable energy has created huge job opportunity in UK market (Ciriminna et al., 2016). The government has developed an efficient business environment for the renewable energy producers.
In such business environment, the companies need to hire efficient workforce in order to achieve sustainable business. However, there is no such education concerning renewable energy production. Therefore, the human resource management of renewable resource companies may face difficulties while recruitment (Yenneti, Day & Golubchikov, 2016). On the other hand, the employees should have adequate knowledge about the working process. In order to improve organizational performance, the companies are providing technical training to the employees. In this manner, it is possible for the companies to improve organizational performance. Apart from that, the use of renewable energy is increasing in rapid manner. It has positive impact on the employment of the country (Mundaca & Richter, 2015). The increasing establishment of renewable energy firm has increased the job opportunity.
The major competencies that the employees need in this industry are team working ability, efficient communication skill, time management skill and ability to relocate. The job type in this industry is project based. Therefore, the employees should be able to work as per the organizational requirements. The company needs to train the employees according to the technological changes. In order to improve the renewable energy production, the companies should improve the technology rapidly (Petrillo et al., 2016). Therefore, it is highly important to provide sufficient training in order to avoid high employee attrition. Overall, the employability skills that an individual should have, is high technical knowledge. The human resource department of renewable energy produces is hiring experienced employees in order to ensure sustainable production. Apart from that, the trend of green employment tends people to work in renewable energy industry.
The renewable energy industry needs to hire efficient employees in order to fulfill requirements of the society (Luhur et al., 2016). According to the government’s legislations, the manufacturing firms should utilize renewable energy in order to conduct sustainable business. Therefore, the demand of renewable energy is increasing rapidly. On the other hand, the renewable energy companies are facing difficulties while recruiting efficient employees. It is difficult for the companies to recruit efficient workforce in order to meet the increasing demand. There are different technologies for producing renewable energy (Jaber et al., 2015). Therefore, the employees should have good understanding about the technologies. In order to fulfill the increasing demand, it is highly important to improve the technological background. In this process, the companies need to implement change management strategy through which the companies would be able to adopt innovative technologies (Schulze & Schmidt, 2015). Therefore, the companies are recruiting employees with adequate knowledge in technologies.
While concluding, it can be said that the demand on renewable energy is increasing rapidly and therefore, the renewable energy companies are conducting mass recruitment from global market. The literature review shows that there is different technologies has been implemented in order to increase production of renewable resources. In order to fulfill the increasing requirements of the society, the companies have recruited employees based on certain parameters. In this industry, the core competencies are team working ability, communication skill and time management ability.
The increasing trend of renewable energy has wide impact on the employment opportunity. However, poor skills and abilities of the employees prevent the companies from increasing production of renewable energy. Therefore, the companies are providing technical training to the employees in order to conduct sustainable business. When it comes to the employability of renewable resources, the companies are hiring experienced employees in order to ensure sustainable production.
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